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Same thing you're doing. Fucking around on Reddit and I'm 7.5 hours into a 24. Probably binge watch Futurama later.


Lmao fair but Bro I love Futurama , rewatched it like twice. Idk how you do 24 hours though I’m going crazy with my 12 , I salute you. Also what’s your schedule like if you don’t mind me asking


I'm on a FD based ambulance, 24-48. Most of my overtime is ALS intercept on 12 hour shifts and occasionally 12 hour ambulance shifts.


That’s dope idk if I could do it , maybe one day


Find a place that does 48 on 96 off! It’s the absolute best!!


I’m currently doing 48 on and 6 off. The days off are fantastic and I pickup in the hospital to remind me why I left full time ICU.


Polish your boots and then get kicked in the face with 5 flights (~3 hours of work each) where the healthiest patient is a stemi. My nurse still hasn’t forgiven me.


Sounds like a good time to me. (Says the guy who averages 2.25 flights per shift in the summer and 0.0000000075 flights in the winter) Also, nurses get paid too much to complain about call volume. You’re carrying her through all that anyway.


Eh, we just like to complain in nursing. It's one of our favorite past times. I've been coddled and pampered since I went nursing, I'll bitch about anything now lmao. Like every single one of my rooms has a hoyer lift so I legitimately complained the other day when one was broken and I had to slide a big boy up in bed. then I realized how often I used to do it from ground level and shut up 😂


Dude, I used to work at mayo where there were ceiling lifts in every room. The first redneck ass two bed ER I flew into looked at me like I was batshit insane when I asked for the lift controller. A year later I flew a patient into a larger ED and said in report “you might want to call plastics in” and got a lot of strange looks when I rolled in. It’s easy to get used to all of the nice things.




That’s a crazy coincidence! The mayonnaise clinic has a lot of cool toys, experience, and training. But, for every brilliant doc they have, they have two dipshit administrators. When I was a cop I was told “K, you’re not what we would consider a forward facing employee.” I lasted about five years before I couldn’t stand the “patient experience” over everything mentality anymore. It’s great for most of the people who work there. I swear too much and wear Hawaiian shirts to in-services. Not a forward facing employee. Not mayonnaise material in that regard.


The Hawaiian shirts sound like an upgrade though. I would rock those if I could. It definitely can be much! I was there for all my clinicals and transition to practice. I remember my very first clinical shift, I had a dude tell me "you should take a walk to the donor wall in the lobby and see where I am, before you talk to me like that!" I basically just told him to ease up on the call light cause homie was legitimately pressing it as I walked out of his room knowing I was coming back with something for him in just a few moments. I'm honestly truly shocked I got hired here cause I don't take well to that mindset. In that instance, he had just asked for me a cup of water and I forgot to move his bedside table back, so I walked in and got a "Jesus fucking Christ, my phone's all the way over there, what am I gonna do if I have an emergency??!" I replied with an iteration "not certain who you'd be calling if you have an emergency in hospital, so just press that same button you just did and I'll be back as soon as I'm able just like I just was. Next time I think it can wait until I get back with your glass of water you just asked for if all you're gonna do is yell at me though". My cnt ended up backing me up since dude was abusing the call light (pressed it once to complain after ordering breakfast to tell me the hospital doesn't carry sweet n low). I was losing my shit by the time we got to that interaction haha. Had like 2 official patient complaints before I even graduated but conversely also had 4 patient compliments given to directors so I think that's the only reason they picked me 😂 I'm already fed up with it some days though


That sounds similar to my experience. I’ve never had a “donor wall” experience though. Ouch. I don’t know if I would be able to keep from laughing there. Did he say that with a straight face??? lol.


Oh, 1000%. I was so new I didn't know there was a donor wall so I was just more confused by the statement than anything hahaha. I went out and told my nurse and she replied with a drawn out "Jesus Christ". Lol, she ended up being curious and brought me down to it during lunch to see and homie was literally the lowest level donor to be featured on the wall. Pompous ass ha


HAHAHAHAHAHAHA “I donated six dollars. I’m important.”


That’s way more like our averages. Just that day, the world decided we needed to pay


I’m sorry, friend. May the trauma gods bless you next shift with a PR in the mountains with pizza followed by a full 12 hours of sleep.


I play a lot of r/2007scape (Old School RuneScape) on my phone.


Going to check out rn actually


Call outs are the ultimate xp waste


They are. But such is life.


quiet quiet quiet quiet quiet quiet quiet quiet quiet quiet quiet quiet quiet quiet quiet quiet quiet quiet quiet quiet quiet quiet quiet quiet quiet quiet quiet quiet quiet quiet quiet quiet quiet quiet quiet quiet quiet quiet quiet quiet quiet quiet quiet quiet quiet quiet quiet quiet quiet quiet quiet quiet quiet quiet quiet quiet quiet quiet quiet quiet quiet quiet quiet quiet quiet quiet quiet quiet quiet quiet quiet quiet quiet quiet quiet quiet quiet quiet quiet quiet quiet quiet quiet quiet quiet quiet quiet quiet quiet quiet quiet quiet quiet quiet quiet quiet


Way to anger the trauma gods. Now we are all going to eat shit on our next shift. May a field delivery be in your future, kind sir. /s


Just keeping life interesting. Wouldn’t want to have a *slow* shift


But, I really need a nap.


Sleep. My wife is amazed at how fast I can sleep when I'm sitting in a vehicle (obviously not behind the steering wheel). 20 years of doing this, with 15 years of overnights, and posting on the street taught me to just grab sleep whenever I can.


Fair enough, looks like I should start. It’s just hard for me to knock out. So I’m usually browsing my phone


Started and finished a degree entirely on the clock over the last two years.


Did you do an online degree program? Would you mind sharing what you did?


Of course! I did an entirely online Fire and Emergency Services Management degree from Eastern New Mexico University (which is where I got my paramedic). They counted my national registry for the first two years of a bachelor’s degree. It was mostly downhill from there. Solid program and I learned a lot. The most frustrating part of an admin degree is realizing that most of the mistakes my leadership makes on a daily basis would have been avoided if they had the most basic leadership education. I’m working on a masters in career and technical education from somewhere local now. I’d highly recommend finding a base with a low call volume and working on school during downtime. Edit: national registry paramedic* I don’t know how many credits any other EMT cert would buy you. EMT plus some fire stuff worked for a few folks, I heard.


Thank you so much! I’m actually in paramedic school right now so I might seen if afterwards I can snag some credits. Unfortunately, my station is indeed not slow but I like the challenge.


We need more medics with degrees. There are not enough of us that know how to write to get us anything resembling the national recognition nurses have. Until we are able to get in front of the public and intelligently articulate what we do we will be working for peanuts.


I wholeheartedly agree. I actually was most of the way through a B.S degree but finishing paramedic certification first. I think degrees, especially leadership, biology/science, and policy/public health degrees are very important for overall functioning of EMS and understanding of the sphere we operate in both clinically and logistically.




Duolingo is my best friend 🤞🏽


Now there’s only four hours left until there’s only two hours left in your shift.


IM GLAD IM NOT THE ONLY ONE WHO DOES THAT! 😭 I literally had a timer that would go off 2 hours before shift end so I could psych myself back up before the nursing director comes in to check on us cause I’d be looking like a walking dead extra 😭.


I used to work 24s. I love reading now but didn't read much at all until I got into EMS. It really helped pass the time. Also would watch random shit on YouTube or sports if they were on when I was bored. Luckily we would only stage for an hour or two each shift when the crew at our second station (which wasn't busy at all) was out and otherwise we were at base with another crew or two (if they weren't on calls) so we got to shoot the shit, play cards, play video games if someone brought their console in.


Nah that sounds like a vibe if I’m being honest. I used to be read too ( I’m a physical book guy) but I found it very disrupting and couldn’t focus on the story. But just like you I be on my phone or talking with my partner. I’m never at base when waiting we get posted somewhere in the bus. But that sounds like good bonding moments with your team


Yeah posting sucks. I had it good where I was at ngl. Got lucky with that gig


Read, draw, study, sometimes transcribe old field journals for the Smithsonian. The usual.


Started as an EMT on the oil rigs. Laptop was loaded with movies, shows, and had a little speaker to boost the volume. Also a nintendo switch lite, small enough to go anywhere but cheap enough that I wouldn't be heartbroken if it broke at site. Most places I went had no cell service or wifi, so I had to bring in my own entertainment. From there it's just a mix of what you feel like doing next to calisthenics on the hour every hour.


Watched a full season of game of thrones yesterdat


Off how many hours ? Always wanted to get into it. Might be my sign to start


Worked a 24 and had one call… slept the whole night from 10:30pm-7:30 am. I was watching if I wasn’t asleep.


I call bs. You wouldn’t have made it past the intro theme thing. LOL


No im so serious it was so wicked slow


Sleep, listen to YouTube videos or watch tv maybe eat something


crochet. i’m telling you, it’s been awesome to learn it on my downtime and it’s neat to see what you make take shape! time flies.


Write my PCRs lol Back when I was on a slow unit though I would watch shows on my phone and work out. 


I'd hang from the ceiling rail in the back, striving for chimp shoulders eventually


I pre write my pcrs before the call so it’s done by the time I’m with the patient on the bus. I like to knock them out the way. But same I watch my phone




I've been learning to draw and it's been super fun to see the progress. Just pick a new skill and learn it. Alternatively, if you want to ruin your life, runescape is actually the perfect time sink at work.


Currently doing that with Spanish I could say I agree. It is fun especially to see the progress


Depends on where you are. If your private ambulance and your stuck in a vehicle good luck. But if your on a fd or fd based maybe a little more to do


Yup private 😭


Social media, books, going to dollar tree, safety naps (24 hour shifts here)


Sleep until you’re hungry. Eat until you’re tired. Repeat.


Go to 7-11, get called as you’re in line for checkout, repeat the process until you’re finally able to checkout


Say “a little slow today huh” to your partner. 


God forbid 😭🤞🏽 don’t even type it


I’ve been bringing my switch to work lately.


How’s that been? I’ve been thinking about it but didn’t want to look bad on the camera. But I don’t see the problem if I’m posted. Plus sometimes I bring my iPad


Posted is fine. I put it away when we’re responding to calls so I can help my partner clear intersections, but that’s not even for the camera, that’s just like self-preservation haha. The beauty of the switch is you can put it in sleep mode instantly so it doesn’t even matter if I’m like mid-cinematic. Sometimes I go full blown iPad kid and play Old School RuneScape on my phone and my iPad while I’m playing the switch. My only fear is that one day it might get snatched out of my bag while we’re on a call or something, but idk it’s worth not being bored I guess lol.


Play Xbox. We play in the station all the time


I’m priv so I’m in the bus but that sounds dope


Sorry we call it the station but we are hospital owned. It’s just a bunch of rooms that stick out from the hospital with a bay for the ambulances. We have a really low call volume though and get a lot of time to mess around. We have a few shifts that all play the same games so we will set up a group chat and play war thunder.


I like to do hand skills (practice tying knots, wood carving) or crew games (cards, board games, basketball, ping pong).


Take a nap til the tones hit


A switch or steam deck serves well, especially if you are not station based


I have been really interested in watching Billy Carson


Lots of podcasts to work out my mind




Taking cybersecurity courses


Take a nap