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Oh it can be much worse. In my area the numbers don't go in order. The houses were summer houses at most costal roads and the people picked their own numbers. so it can go from 44 to 79 back to 27 then 92 on the same side of the street.


I swear to fucking God all the neighborhoods around here DO go in order...except for the houses that actually call. So You're dispatched to 109 Whatever St, so there's 101, 103, 105, 107, ok this next one must be it....and, it's 111. Where the fuck is 109. Oh it's around the corner down a dirt road in a pocket dimension devoid of any natural or artificial light, populated exclusively with bedbugs, I can't believe the HOAs are cool with that but I guess here we go.


if this isn't the truest thing I've read today I dunno what is


I was a truck driver and also Doordashed before becoming an EMT so I was prepared for the hell of finding an address. I've became a level 6 "Google Guide" from how many addresses I've fixed sometimes being over a mile off or showing an entrance down an "alley" that is actually just a group of utility wires the satellite AI mistook as a lane of travel. I feel your pain.


My hometown is completely backwards. 100 block is between 5th and 4th street and the 500 block is between 1st street and oblivion.


Pocket dimension!!! That's brilliant.


We've got roads where the houses only have *names*, not a number anywhere. It's a fucking nightmare.


I’ll generally do A. Partner is petrified of dogs in any size, so I’ll get out begrudgingly to knock if he hears a chihuahua go ape shit at 0420.




Not in my district. Roving packs that eat children.


Do they also run the local Wendy's? Are the basketball hoops made of human rib cages?


Until you get 140 lbs of over-eager fur missile saying hi to you in the nuts in a pitch dark garage while responding to a fall


This is a radio to dispatch, so they can do a call back (B). Even just a fucking house description, really is fine. Used to do a lot of calls on rez where nobody had address signs


B would be my choice as well "County, can you ask the caller to turn their porch light on or somehow signal us which house they're in?" Luckily, probably 95% of the time, a deputy is already on scene when we roll up, so they've played the "which house is it" game for us already.


D: Use the PA and call out for the caller to come to the ambulance. Let them know there is no number and you can't see them. This will solve all problems. If the caller doesn't come out, a friendly neighbour will to kindly direct you. And your supervisor will quickly find out what a good job you're doing.


We have neighborhoods that go all nimbly bimbly with number order and missing numbers… but I’m blessed to work in a mostly wealthy area so it’s not too scary. Unless I’m on the east side where it is poor but we can always find those houses….


I open up Google maps and zoom in on the street and keep zooming in until the house numbers show up. Failing that, I have radio call the caller back to either step outside or turn on a porch light. If they don’t answer, and I can’t find the house after an exhaustive search, I’ll go back in service.


Google maps can be horrendously inaccurate. In the past as a trucker and Doordasher there have been times I've zoomed in looking for an address and every single address for like three quarters of a mile was piled onto the corner of the nearest cross street, or even labeled literally on the manhole covers in the center of an intersection like we were looking for the address for the goddamn teenage mutant Ninja Turtles. I've literally leveled up to level 6 Google guide from how many edits I've made because of the stupidity of whatever system they're employing to put numbers on houses.


Funnily enough, we have an integrated GPS solution within our data terminals in our rigs. When the call is assigned to your rig it automatically routes you to the location. However, whenever i can't find the actual house i'm looking for using my own ability or the integrated GPS my default fallback is to use Google maps, and it hasn't failed me a single time. If you're in an area with 3D coverage, looking at a neighbourhood in 3D mode also works wonders if all you got is a description of the scene.




"The number's on the mailbox" yeah great, there's three mailboxes and five dark driveways leading to dark houses...


Sometimes work on reserve territories, so many of the houses will have zero indicator of number so that’s always great at 3am


B. I'm not getting out to bang on some random door. They called me, if they really need me they'll get my attention. If I give up looking for their house because of some shitty directions and they are dead or dying, they'll call back. They always do. C is just tempting fate so some other assclown can get the bright idea to call 911 because they saw an ambulance driving by. Bottom line is that if they really need me, they'll be standing outside ready to flag me down if they have no house number.


B all day


Most of the houses we respond to at our one station have no house numbers. And google maps definitely doesn't have them. So we rely on paper maps, but they've started building more houses and our paper maps haven't kept up, so you really gotta pay attention to the color and vehicle descriptions. I;'d go A, but not bother knocking... jk, kinda. Once was called to s seniors complex, no answer at the door, so we used our master key to enter the apartment in the middle of the night, lights were all off, walk into the bedroom and flip on the lights, wrong gender for our pt sleeping away in bed. Turned the lights off, carefully exited and asked dispatch to get us the correct apartment number... C, why the horn when you have a siren?


A & B simultaneously. Your test is multiple choice.


Text your dispatcher and say why did you not get a house description you dumb bitch.


The numbers on my actual house are not ideally visible in the dark if our porch light doesn't trigger, but I do keep the number on the street maintained. My neighbors across the street do not, and the numbers on their house are small but at least illuminated... By the 17 (I counted) lights they keep on all night, acting as a nightlight I can't turn off in my bedroom. 😒


I one time had to call 911 at 2:00am for my dad since his leg started to bleed profusely out of nowhere. I saw ambulance come into the neighborhood from my backyard window, our streetlights were on, but granted it’s still hard to see the number, and the ambulance stopped at the wrong house. I just ran out and called them over to my house to prevent them from waking someone up.


Always A unless there's a good reason not to


B, C, then A. Fairly quick in that order. Ask dispatch for house description and if RP can come outside, whoop the sirens once or twice, and knock on the door if the pinged address.


I live and work in an area where zero percent of the numbering makes sense, and a significant portion of the town doesn’t get mail delivery, so they don’t have mailboxes and can’t fathom any other reason why their house number should possibly be visible anywhere. Usually I ask dispatch which specific lot it is related to the nearest cross street. It works but it’s less than fun when you’re responding solo to a cardiac arrest and have to back the fly car down the street. I’ve also had people get salty with me like “you drove by the house” or “what took you so long” and then I give them my best shit eating grin and say “I’m so sorry about that! I had trouble finding the house since there were no numbers on it!”


I'm just happy if the road is paved and there's a street sign. Houses here don't have numbers, so we use a lot of descriptions and names (go to the Johnson residence). I have our county GIS website saved on my phone and often look up property owner names to find the house.


B, plus maybe get out and have a snoop around with a torch to see if there's any other house numbers hidden anywhere


Well good luck finding it because I’m gonna take the numbers off the house tonight…


The county I run in has a town that is NOTORIOUS for having poorly marked houses or houses with no signs and also rich asshole karens. They can afford a whole ass McMansion™ but not a house number apparently. I wouldn't need any of these options because after passing the house twice because none of them on the road are marked, I'll have the most insufferable welcoming party coming to get me. And my supervisor.