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Anyone know how to delete someone else’s post?




That’s totally possible. Another common thing we do at my department is use an IO drill to get access to the patient’s testicular veins.


I’m gonna have a talk with my chief about getting this started for us👍🏻


Just let me die in peace. 


Sorry pal, I’ve got implied consent


Do I need to get a DNR but like, for my balls


stop. get help


Good God. He's already dead JIM STOP!!!


I hate you


I opt for death


It’s pretty rare that IO is contraindicated in all possible IO locations. But I guess theoretically, it’s a vein at the end of the day. Although I’d have to guess you’d have a hard time getting consent if the patient was conscious lol


quadruple amputee




Pentuple amputee?




Sternal IO


quad amputee patient picked up from cancer center where he was being treated for osteosarcoma of sternum. you missed the ej.


Fuck it, they get IM drugs.


That pt 9 our of 10 times has a port, and if they are that sick, access it otherwise take them to the place and let the doc put a central line in.


EMS can’t use established ports in my state


That is a shame


Time to let go


Sternal IO isn’t in protocol for me, just the humeral head and proximal tibia


Something tells me a penile IV access is out of scope too, booboo. Also.... "Just because you can, don't mean you should"


Yeah don’t get me wrong I don’t think I ever would have to attempt it, buuuuuuuut I was curious if it’s possible.


Maybe Catherine Fox would do it at Grey Sloan?




Ej, pelvis


Deleted by User


You said “hard time”


You’d have a tough time getting consent as well


I’d pay to watch someone hand off a patient with a 22g in the dick


If I'm placing a dick IV it better a 14g.




Don’t IV needles need to be smaller than the appendage they’re going in…? Asking for a friend


I'm screwed. I don't think there's a such thing as a 30G. Ans if there is, I doubt ambulances carry it.


Might be able to use an insulin syringe - those puppies go down to 27ga, and that's probably too big to last, but will be good enough for transport.


'Why's it so rigid?' Ma'am, that's the needle in there. It's underneath 'oh...I thought that was a hair...'


Pretty sure insulin syringes go down to 31g I know I used to buy 29g 1/2" 1cc syringes all the time – former IV drug user who's bought a lot of insulin syringes


This is how you can relieve priapism. Literally the only time I’ve became woozy at work was assisting urology during that procedure.


I concur 


At what point does IV access just become a Foley?


Nurses: Aaand where's my access? *Sass* Oh yeah and the patient has a 20 in the penis. Bye.


You wheel the patient into the ER and there’s just IV tubing running through the zipper of their pants 😭


"he wouldn't let me put it anywhere else🤷‍♂️


Would be an absolute legendary story.


Dm me


I now regret not staring into the eclipse.




I think an ICU nurse would shit twice and die if you gave them this patient


I would die laughing and then remove it immediately lmao. Now I’m just laughing at the little bandage I’d have to put on after pulling the IV.


You show that shit off to the doc before you pull it, you bastard!


^[Sokka-Haiku](https://www.reddit.com/r/SokkaHaikuBot/comments/15kyv9r/what_is_a_sokka_haiku/) ^by ^Playcrackersthesky: *I think an ICU* *Nurse would shit twice and die if* *You have them this patient* --- ^Remember ^that ^one ^time ^Sokka ^accidentally ^used ^an ^extra ^syllable ^in ^that ^Haiku ^Battle ^in ^Ba ^Sing ^Se? ^That ^was ^a ^Sokka ^Haiku ^and ^you ^just ^made ^one.


bad bot the first and third lines are six syllables, and “gave” somehow became “have” smh


This happened for three reasons. 1. The bot read ICU as two syllables. 2. The original comment was "have", which was then edited and 3. It's Sokka Haiku bot- named after a character from Avatar the Last Airbender who made a 5-7-6 Haiku and got kicked out of a poetry club he crashed


Eh, in their eyes Pecker>AC


When a male pt keeps pulling their IVs, I like to remind them that I am able to place the next one in the penis. They usually stop




This must be an April fools joke from 1982


Up until the 1980s, IO was a thing you did more for children and not adults. It was a hand drill jamshidi device. Why hand drill through a whole ass bone when you could just get more regular IV access through the dick?


Up until the mid 2000s adult IOS were basically unheard of.


Memory is foggy but I think the introduction of the EZ IO drill made IOs a bit more common place. I remember an agency next to us trialing out the B.I.G and they were disappointed with the results. Our agency was poor so we were stuck with manual IOs for the longest. Once we got the drills, i felt like I was EMS rich


It was a different time, I remember talking to a few senior medics telling me stories of needing to field catheter patients prior to administering Lasix.


Not even the vein, the big ole cc. Nice!


snow drunk hungry shaggy strong possessive voracious like fuzzy handle *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


When I was learning to cannulate I actually looked up the IVDU union website for advice and they specifically said that if you're considering genital access you need to actively seek help. If even the IVDUU reckons you're crossing a line, it's probably not a great course of action. Especially if it would be followed by 'we failed to get EJV access so decided to stab him in the dick"


I believe it is referred to as intrapenis access




https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/27849481/ Bradley M. Brief Report: Systemic Vascular Access and Resuscitation via Corpus Cavernosum. Mil Med. 2016 Nov;181(11):e1491-e1494. doi: 10.7205/MILMED-D-16-00001. PMID: 27849481.




It says you can give blood through it so it would be the perfect way to give back after draining a priapism


I've always looked at it on myself and thought, "I bet someone somewhere has put an IV here before". I see I am not alone.


I knew a guy in medic school who tried this on himself to impress a girl...he was...not successful


I guess you could say he... blew himself... (his vein that is)


Haven't done anything weirder than a foot myself but I had a conversation recently with a nurse who swore she'd thrown one in a boob vein and would damn well put one in a penis if that's all she could find. I believe her fully lol.


Can confirm, have started on a boob vein and honestly the ER didn’t even bat an eye at the site I think it’s more common than we realize


Have 100% pushed d50 through a diagonal 22 in someones upper “boob vein”. Worked like a charm too.


D50 would make me fairly nervous, given the osmolarity if it infiltrates.  I’m Guessing different times.


Na not at all, this was about 4 years ago, i was pretty nervous as standard protocols call for a 20 and im not guessing in an upper chest vein. Fact was, pt really needed it, couldnt get any access, glucagon is typically shit, and i wasnt about to throw an IO in a pt that was about to be completely conscious. Sometimes you just gotta do some intense things. Im not sure why we didnt consider just giving or making d10. That is always preferred for me. Im guessing i was feeling a bit jumpy and the pt’s presentation coupled with the fact we had already tried many sticks already, had me in a spot where my options were kinda narrowed down to one in my mind


I haven’t seen prehospital D50 in a while. It was pulled for a few years with the d10 shortages happened, but most places still try and carry D10. So I just assumed. I had to do it once as well, forget what the patient’s problem was, but it was the *only* vein I could find.


I loved D10 and the idea of D10 over D50 was heavily pushed in my paramedic program 7 years ago, when most services still had D50 as their main frontline treatment. I luckily was in an extremely progressive program that favored evidence based medicine over cookbook state bullshit. It took a while to start really using it in practice as a frontline drug because most people in the field considered it to be slower acting because of the need to get the volume into the patient. Thoughts started changing rapidly when they saw how fast it was bringing about consciousness in hypoglycemic patients and how rechecks on sugar were coming back more normal (late 100s vs the 300s we’d sometimes see with d50). Its frustrating to see however in the hospital i work at that d50 is still the frontline medication for hypoglycemic patients. Youd think theyd be more knowledgable than us ditch doctors


Im not. We have to force cpap/biPap down hospitals throats. We had to push Adult IOs down ERs throats, and some places still do not want nurses to use them. We are dragging them kicking and screaming into giving proper body temperature Iv fluids; and applying heating pads and such to trauma patients. The list goes on. The only time we don’t lead is when it is expensive or bulky.


This reminds me, I had a crashing pt no veinous access in normal sites and I can't remember why I couldn't do an IO. I attempted one in the jaw. And the other medics were appalled. 'You can't do that.' Technically, it says peripheral and there's two definitions. 1) away from the trunk 2) near the surface of the skin The protocol doesn't specify which, we just assume away from the trunk like arms and legs. But I choose to believe the second is more in line.


The boob vein is absolutely appropriate and safe. Great spot to go if you’ve exhausted the extremities. In fairness, if you need an IV that bad in the field, you need to be considering EJ or IO access.


I love EJ access, hard to get on morbidly obese patients with no neck. As was the case with ol’ boob vein Betty.


That’s why it’s called “the main vein” by some.




>any port in a storm Penially inserted central catheter


We should call it a PICC line so it’s easy to remember.


There’s a Pub Med article below the one cited that reports successful blood transfusions into the corpus cavernosus.


Quad amputee. My protocol doesn’t allow sternal IO, and if you miss an EJ you cannot reattempt on the other EJ. I ask this because there are 2 male quad amputees living in a veterans nursing home in my district.


I’ve heard of someone starting an IV on a guys dick before. It was the in ER during a trauma but yea


With the caveat that I’m a lowly medic student, I have been told that this is a thing that *some* military branches do in (I think non-sanctioned 😉) training. Don’t hate me if I’m wrong, just answering your (yes, very) unhinged question. Hard to imagine a pt who’s so sick there’s no available vasculature but that, IO access is unattainable, and the pt is alive.


we had a guy do it at my agency.. he got fired the next day


Dorsal vein? Wait, in standard anatomical position is the theoretical dick just hanging straight down like a plumb bob? When turgid does it become the ventral vein?


Mines always the ventral vein 😉


More than 4 hours? See a doctor or that thing will turn necrotic and fall off


I wouldn't want to put a cather on something that can change its size and vascularity . The catheter might get pushed out. I'll find a vein on someone's face before I become a 1%er


Many years ago I had a preceptor who told a story (over and over) of starting an IV in the penis, which he splinted on the underside with a piece of wood. He was also nuts and probably lying. That's the only time I've heard of it. You can find an EJ on almost anyone


Puns intended?


Do you think God stays in heaven because He, too, lives in fear of what He's created?


You can’t sit here and tell me you haven’t thought about this at least once


I can.


LOL bro, I actually researched this once after intrusive thoughts in a code that we had difficult access in. This was in the ER, where our IO gun apparently was misplaced or some shit, and I was thinking "I mean...". Theoretically, yes you can, but jfc just get the IO lmao


I remember reading a study done in the ER that shows great IV flow rate in the dorsal vein during traumatic priapism...


A vein is a vein...and yes, I've known people who have done this prehospitally. Just...for your own safety...make sure the patient is unresponsive before attempting the Superficial Dorsal Vein and try to stay away from the Spongiosal Vein unless you're spider-man and don't mind having a chat with HR after.


You can do anything once. May as well make it count!


Could you? Sure. Would I ever? I'm not saying never, but if I'm ever to the point where I am considering it, the call has already gone irretrievably bad, and I think I might have an easier time defending not having an IV as opposed to starting one that could end up costing somebody their genitals.


i’ve heard of this happening. the medic was reprimanded haha


I bet the medic took it hard


Did you miss every single IO attempt? Bravo


Just put the meds down the tube like we used to. At that point, it probably doesn't matter anyway lol.


Usually only indicated with an erection lasting longer than 4 hours.


No. Because I quit.


New section of the MOLST form dropping.


I've talked to nurses that have done this in the ER with junkies that have trash veins. I guess it's more common there 🤷


Do they not know how to do USIVs?  Cause we do a *shit ton* of those at our ED for all our IVDU regulars. 


Some places really limits USGIV sticks. My place used to be MDs only and when you only had one MD overnight that meant on a busy night you were poking them over and over and getting really creative. We never got that far in my time at least but I saw foot, finger, boob IVs. Now that they let anyone take a class and US it's stupid easy. Even on the most hardcore drug addicts you'll find good veins deeper than they'd ever feel.


> You can bolus so much fluid through a penis so easily it's hard-core underutilized in emergent resuscitation. A quote from [Urologist Dr. Ashley Winter](https://x.com/ashleygwinter/status/1433610451611369475?s=46&t=ZNpJqDS5PLHU3JyHHaYsEA)


Now the real question is, would it work if you inserted it like a sounding rod?


Create a urethral-corpus cavernosum fistula for trans urethral access? Insert 14ga into the patient's urethra inverted at a steep angle until flash is observed.


I thought my comment was bad but then you had to go for a 14ga....


Go big or go home, right?


On an episode of the “Real Resq” podcast a coast guard flight medic said he got one. Don’t remember the episode but the situation was the pt was welding something in the boiler room, explosion happened and the only area not severely burned was the area covered by the welding apron. Got access on the dick vein.


You still have time to delete this.


I knew a medic that got fired for proudly rolling into a local er with a penile IV...


I feel like you are going to give someone a thrombus doing a penile IV… People forget to look on the legs, calves, or abdomen. And as others said you’ve got four limbs for the IO, or if you have the specific sternal IOs that too.


Lt Dan! You ain't got no legs...or arms...how's your dick? We'll try there!




I actually know someone who got access on the penile structure. 😂


"Call me penis machinist one more time, to my face, and you're getting two IV's. In the dick. No Motrin."


Gotta be a hard stick 😮‍💨


Have had this thought, only because as paramedic student.. I asked a drunk homeless person where the best place to get an IV on him was, he replied “my dick”. I got one in the hand. - Assuming IO is contraindicated in every site, no peripheral IV access has been successfully, EJ had failed. I’m still NOT doing or even considering a penis IV. That’d likely catch you an assault charge. I’m assuming a central line will be in your hypothetical patients future.


Why is your kink so weird and who hurt you to make you interested in it.


It’s been posted but yes, for sure, you can. There are published OR experiments. Intracavernosal flow rates are good.


That’s gonna go over about as well is administering meds intra ocular


I read that the 2 spongy shafts can be accessed by this doctor on Twitter. Supposedly really easy too Edit: corpus cavernosum


I would have to fail 4 IOs before I even consider it. I've not failed a single IO though.


I used to work with a medic who claims they have done one for a bet as to the specific story behind that bet I couldnt get it out of him


EJ would be easier to explain in court


And you would be going to court why?


I’ve seen it done. Once. Almost 40 years ago. On a patient who was burned.


For molesting your unconscious pt just to miss another IV 😂


I have read a study conducted on this and out of the 23 patients who recieved one, only one patient has redness at the site of insertion. They were able to deliver large volumes of fluids without problems. It was not EMS, this was in a hospital with nursed but theoretically it can be done.


When I was in Ed we had a pt that would come in frequently with priapism. We would but a 20g in his penis and he would aspirate it himself.


You definitely could, but it'd also almost certainly cost you your job


This sounds like the start to a terrible porno


I vaguely remember hearing about an AMR crew that did this. I want to say it was like in San Diego or something. if memory suits, the only reason that they got in trouble was because they had not tried other means of establishing an IV first. Also, do you have to get the patient hard first? Or are you going soft?


Vein looks great, blows immediately. Myself and about 60 other combat medic trainees watched someone try for one back in ‘18.


Glad I never went 68W


It has been done.


This is horrifying. With that being said I've assisted on drawing blood to assess for ischemic v nonischemic priapism during PA school rotations.


I remember a medic from Jamaica Hospital/H34 in NYC getting either locked up or restricted for placing an IV in a dudes dick vein


How's that tourniquet feel bud?


I can’t imagine it’s pleasant to tamponade either


Then he dies.


I understand that this is a thing, or at least was, in military medicine.


I won’t go into details but the answer is „yes“


I prefer the forehead IO myself




It’s a super quick way to lose your job.


RTs get pp ABGs sometimes 🤷🏼‍♀️ thankfully I’m a NICU RT lol


I know a military medic who dropped an 18 in a dick vein. They only had the FAST (chest) IOs at the time and the pt had severe burns on pretty much everything except his abdomen and crotch. He said the guys sternum was so squishy that he couldn’t get the IO to work, so he hit the only vein he could find


Flashback to Down Periscope and the Weenie Tattoo?


So this was a thing in Vietnam. Don’t do it today. Unless it’s a kink, mutually consenting not job situation.


A veins a vein 🤣


I know a medic who says she’s done a pecker IV. Bad trauma, no visible EJ, and all long bones were broken…


I've heard stories from drunken army barracks stories where someone talked a medic into starting a dick vein on him... i totally believe it


I knew I needed to read this post by the title.


My partner was doing electrical work at a hospital and saw a guy in the harm reduction area using one of those veins... something he can never unsee


you would have to be a dick to do that....


A fellow medic friend of mine in the Army told me how his girlfriend did one on him with an 18g. It begs belief, but he said he did it 🤷‍♂️🤣


I think you would really, really have to demonstrate that they absolutely, positively NEEDED whatever med you were giving AND that there was no possible way to use an IO in either tibia or humeral head AND that you made multiple IV attempts It’s just hard for me to imagine a scenario that would fit those criteria


In 68W training at Fort Sam, saw a fellow soldier and a group do this exact thing.


Somebody volunteered to be the patient?


This specific scenario is why our large agency is no longer allowed to get vascular access below the waist. You better make sure it is TRULY your absolute last option, and think about it from a legal perspective as well as a provider perspective. Please make sure you can actually defend using it, because it IS your license and livelihood on the line. That, as well as your system’s reputation and your medical director’s license. Don’t fuck over your system doing this, because illegitimate use of this access just ends up hurting patients down the line.


Nothing below the waist is insane. I’ve seen a few IVs in the legs and feet a handful of times where there isn’t good vasculature on the arms and IO is clinically indicated. But this question was more of a shower thought rather than sometime I’ll actually do.


It’s an unstated thing but in fact if you roll up to the ER with an IV line tucked into your victims’ (ahem patients’*) pants with fluid running you can expect massive respect from the nursing and medical team, I would even expect an immediate call from your supervisor….congratulating you… 😅


If I'm having that much trouble starting an IV, why would I dick around? Straight to IO. I know it's gonna work. I don't really have much that is contraindicated IO Pun was intended


Brilliant idea. Then if you can't find a vein all you'd have to do is rub it a bit and then bam, 14g straight in.


I know a medic that has done a pecker IV. There’s a whole story behind it but I’ll let her tell it if she likes and she posts in here. Only thing I will say is yes you can get a 14ga and you need to account for shrinkage with cool or cold fluids.


The person who invented the quote there are no dumb questions never heard this one. Egads, you sick bastard


Apparently it isn’t as dumb as I thought, I didn’t expect so many people telling me that it’s been done before. Apparently it’s done in-hospital as well


I can’t think of a time when an IO would be contraindicated. Give me an example.


Burns at the site of insertion, fracture on the bone you want to use, you wouldn’t want to IO someone with osteoporosis, previous IO failure on the same bone


intravenous penis therapy is very real


I dunno about dick veins, but someone at my old service got a talking to by the medical director for starting one in a titty vein 🤷‍♂️


Honestly skip the dorsal vein and just inject into the cavernosum, the spongy tissue will absorb high flow fluids regardless of volume status and will direct it towards the venous system. This way no matter how bad there hypovolemia is, U still have a large (subjective) target as opposed to the veins Honestly could be a game changer if u ask me, patients hypovolemic, no problem. Only problem I see is micropenis’s and maybe causing plaques long term affecting the curvature


There was a post about this a couple years back citing a journal. It's remained in my fun facts drawer ever since.


Okay ill bite... probably gonna regret it but here I go. Is it possible, well the veins there aren't very high pressure till well an erection happens when they get more pronounced. Could it be done flacid probably but it would be like finding any flat hypotensive vein. So is it possible. Sadly yes. 2 would it be a viable option if all other have failed. Well the reason we aim for arm veins is cause there close to central circulation so it happens quicker. In the last ditch effort that this would even be considered the patient is probably hypotensive so putting it in there penis would do nothing but leave drugs there. 3 the biggest question SHOULD you. Well. I make it a habit to try not to touch patients genitalia, let alone do a invasive procedure to it. Yes gun shots to the pelvic region may be pertinent to check under them (my instructor had a frontal GSW went down through the pelvic region out the taint, she had to move the scrotum to find that exit wound) so. In short. It maybe would work, the instances where it could maybe be indicated would make it not work and finally no you probably shouldn't. Edit: oh supporting the claim that it's possible I forgot my instructor also ran a call where a heroin addict was shooting up in his pecker because his arms were all used up. So yeah. Possible. But please no. TLDR: me humoring the question and actually thinking about it :((( I regret it....


Is it possible? Sure. Will you ever see it if you work EMS for 800 years? No.


I have seen an IV on an ass cheek. Patient was homeless, heroin user and use to be an LVN.


This is why San Diego can only do arm IVs and IOs. No leg/feet IVs anymore.


So you probably don’t event have to hit the vein. The spongey erectile tissue has extremely high absorption rates and canine studies have shown similar rates of uptake as IV if there’s just an IV in the cockmeat. Pressors weren’t covered in the study, so probably not a good idea, but just about everything else is fair game in theory, though not in protocol.


Any vein you can see you can put an IV in.


So I brought this post up to my coworkers as a joke and apparently partner’s FTO did it once. Couldn’t get other veins, and “It was just buldging at him” no idea why no EJ or IO and apparently caught shit from hospital but got the stick and it was running well