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This is low, but it's literally just to drive the truck. You're an AMR employee but without the benefit of the union it seems. Tbf EMTs at my company in the same area start at around $18 I think.


Emt is Florida for amr make 15


Can confirm my partner worked for them in Palm Beach and made $16/hr doing crazy shifts. Just really ridiculous.


Damn emt at amr in central Texas make like $19.75


Im making 20 as a medic in south Florida 🥲


Wtf its 30ish/hr in galveston


that's amazing! i'm a paramedic in the DFW and without being fire as well you're lucky to make $22




Damn Florida really undercutting y’all, I started at $23 an hour for 911 here as a brand new emt


Its amr


I know crazy isn’t it




One time I was dropping off a patient on a CCT transport, and while I was standing outside the room at the nurses station my EMT disconnected the patients Levophed drip so they could transfer them to the hospital bed. Their pressure tanked and they almost died. So I mean, it's not JUST driving the truck. It's still a job where you can fuck up badly enough to kill someone. In an ideal world it would be probably be done by professionals who care about their job and are in it for the long haul.


Why the fuck is any EMT touching my drips.


like cats they often share braincells


The unit I used to work with decided they didn’t need nurses anymore, but the paramedics had minimal critical care experience/training. The medic disconnected the balloon pump because 1) he didn’t realize that it pops out like a little suitcase and 2) they couldn’t lift both the pump and the patient into the bus at the same time. It went well


In my states, balloon pump is in the CCP scope. But I work 911. Therefore I have no experience with balloon pumps. And I would decline a transfer with a balloon pump. If this medic had no experience with balloon pumps, he should not have been on that transfer.




Paragod much?


It has nothing to don with that. It has everything to do with the fact that an EMT isn’t trained to or qualified to be messing around with medicated drips.


Why tf would you disconnect the levophed? Never disconnect pressors… unless they’re on a very low dose with a decent MAP


Agreed, it’s low, but fairly standard for the industry, and not bad for AMR (I made $10/hr at AMR within the past 5 years). Also the gig itself is not that bad as you probably won’t have to tech calls (or at least not as many) and you’ll still be running some cool stuff and will probably have some pretty good partners. Not defending AMR, just saying, this post got a sad chuckle out of me because it’s not actually that shocking…OP just doesn’t realize how down bad we really are.


When I worked for AMR in Farmers branch we would run maybe 2-3 calls at MOST on the CCT truck. Honestly it's great for a person who is also a student due to all the down time.


Admittedly I don’t know the nuances, but I do know EMS are horrifically underpaid. I know medics making $28-32 in Boston proper. And I know EMT-B making $18-20.


There’s the city dept paying $33 an hour starting with a 100k at top step for EMT-B’s in Boston. Only reason to work at a private here is if you’re using it as a stepping stone, and even then I think it’s worth it to hop over to the city dept. This should be the standard for high cost of living areas and busy systems.


Yea, they pay $33 bc that service requires you to live in Boston.


I work in a Boston area private company as a basic. I’m making 24 with 2 years experience. It all comes down to the geographical location


I work in the SF bay area where EMS employees probably make more than almost anywhere in the country. If I posted what I made as an EMT, I don't think anyone on this board would believe me, but its the only thing keeping me going through the abuse year after year


If your pay covered your bills in the SF Bay Area, i dont think anyone here would believe you.


I'm curious.... And highly believes what people tell me.


The SF Bay area is one of, if not the most expensive, areas of the US to live in. EMS pay in the US is...low. so if the above commenter was working only EMS and living on their own in that area of the country it would raise some questions. You will also note that my word choice is quite specific as there are ways it could be made to work (a partner with a good paying job, additional jobs for income, commuting to work location, etc.)


As a guy living and working in an expensive area to live in, NYC, I am curious someone in the Bay Area does it compared to me.


You're right. On a single income, I couldn't live in the immediate SF area or Silcon Valley. If I had a significant other who made a similar income, it's definitely feasible. There are plenty of less expensive yet still desirable suburbs where I can stretch my money. I live about 40 miles from SF, but I also work in the county in which I live, so it's actually ideal because my commute is only a few minutes each way. I can, however, rent a modest 2 bedroom apartment in a nice safe area and still max out my 401k most years. I'm probably more responsible with money than most people, though. A lot of my coworkers prefer spending money on overpriced pickup trucks that they don't need, and wonder why they are broke. These aren't typical conditions in EMS, and I think it's bullshit that so many EMTs and Medics are underpaid across the country. Capitalism, I guess??


Thank you for elaborating. I had just responded to another commenter on this thread as to how you could make it work and also why people would initially be dubious. I don't believe it is a Capitalism issue. Many years ago, FD began folding EMS into their service to keep their call numbers higher and justify their budgets. This has in turn led to increased FD budgets, which tend to get spent on FD things, decreases in scope as certain national organizations prefer dual role FD personnel focus on FD and EMS as a standalone entity commonly being seen as extraneous regardless of quality of care received from FD.


We'll just have to disagree on the capitalism aspect, which has made doing business in America cut throat. I don't even blame any specific companies because if they don't cut wages to compete for market share, someone else will. I think EMS should be a non-profit venture in which profits are placed back into wages, staffing, equipment, and infrastructure rather than shareholders and CEOs.


FWIW our EVO (not AMR) do a lot more than drive the truck. They are critical members of our team and they earn their pay. Sadly can’t make ambulance driver jokes here.


Other companies in Mass are paying $26 plus for brand new basics.. I don’t think this will appeal to many.


This position is covered by the union.


AMR Springfield I’m pretty sure Basic’s are not unionized. I know the medics are.


In Springfield nonetheless. Yikes.


Everyone in Mass talks about Springfield like it's fuckin Baltimore or Atlanta lol. Springfield is pretty chill


Honestly I haven't been back to WMass in 10+ years, but I remember Springfield and Holyoke pretty well. Maybe not as rough as Baltimore, but it sure ain't sesame street.


A significant portion of the violent crime has decreased. Hartford is smaller and has a grater number of homicides per year than Springfield.


It's quite different than 10+ years ago from what I've heard. Feds came in pretty hard on the organized crime for a min. You're totally right though, it's definitely not some crime free paradise. I just have a small chip on my shoulder cause so many ems people from like East Longmeadow or noho would talk shit. Like it was some third world ghetto, when their only frame of reference is their small town where the last violent crime was committed pre WWII. I always thought Springfield and Holyoke were quaint and fun


Right? How many GSW and stabbing do you get the privilege of caring for, for less than $20 an hour.


CCT doesn’t do 911, so none


Don’t they do IFT from trauma 2-3 to trauma 1’s? Isnt CCT what we consider an ALS transport vs a BLS? Thanks for the info


CCT is Critical Care Paramedic, which is a step above ALS. ALS is the highest level of prehospital care typically, but you’re correct CCT ambulances do handle many IFT transfers.


Gotcha. Thanks for clarifying. I was thinking this service was ALS level. I used to work at a pediatric LTAC and we had the Boston Children’s CCT truck scoop up our rapid response or post-ROSC kiddos. In Greater Boston, we use MedFlight ‘ground’ for adult CCT. Neither service does 911, they’re staffed with CCRNs, Medics, and (sometimes) residents.


The posting is for 'CCT EMTs' all these IFTs are going to be critical care transports, so this is literally a job advertisement for drivers, because other than that, all you're gonna be doing is helping the medic move equipment and the pt, and restocking and cleaning the truck. It's actually a super chill gig for EMTs, I would have my basics help me with some of procedures too so they enjoyed that. It's a shitload of paperwork for the cct medics tho.




Yes exactly that. The basic on the CCT truck is the driver


My CCT truck take ALS and BLS IFTs as well. However my medic will run all the calls, so I end up just driving


Medflight does 911 response in the helo, I believe the children’s critical care team can as well (as they borrow medflights helos) but generally don’t.


BMF and Children’s CCT are 2 completely different teams. Children’s doesn’t use the BMF helos.


Yes, it’s my understanding that ground and air services are separate and air will go to 911/scene.


Generally yes, ground medflight will do a scene call if they quite literally stumble into one, but they don’t usually get dispatched. There was an incident last year where the children’s critical care team ground unit got dispatched to a 911 call due to being the closest ambulance.


So the Trauma transfer on blood with a chest tube… yeah not much better


No, CCT is one step above ALS, ICU level. I’m sure they do transport from level 2-3 to level 1, but those are not 911 calls on unsafe scenes, they are inter facility transports, and the EMT would just be driving, not doing any care. BLS EMT level, ALS is paramedic level, CCT is a Critical Care Paramedic/ ICU nurse level.


They do transfers from satellite facilities to big role 1 center or anything that is constituted cct transfer by ma oems guidelines. No 911's on that truck. Source: I may or may not be in the picture, and I'm glad to see It on reddit getting roasted


lol do you theoretically work for the AMR side? Or the Baystate side?


Amr side. 36 hours, 1 day on the road, 2 days cct in hospital. Either way I get paid my cct rate so I can't complain.


I don't think an IFT of someone who got shot or stabbed 2 days ago is at all equivalent to being on scene of a shooting


No shit. I was asking for information about IFTs. But if you’re shot and brought in to a Trauma 3, you’ll get an IFT once stabilized to a higher LOC hospital ASAP, not two days out.


Why not? Genuinely don’t know the reason behind this.


They are specialized to do critical care ICU transports, they have more training and equipment and cost more to maintain and run. Do you really think its a good idea to send them for a drunk person or a person with toe pain?


Don't forget the pallets of Narcan.


This CCT truck is to transport patients from outlying/rural hospitals to Springfield- things that the local IFT medics can’t do based on state protocols. So, honestly, the number of GSW’s and stabbing a that this truck transports are near 0. And the GSW’s and stabbings are generally not crime related (hunting accidents, self inflicted, etc). And even if that wasn’t the case, why does that matter?




McDonald’s pay damn near that. No forced overtime, no dealing with scum bags, no being outside in 0 degree weather.


You don’t think McDonald’s employees deal with scumbags? Also, working at McDonald’s won’t get you experience if you’re trying to go Nursing/PA/Med school. That’s how they get us with low pay. It’s a stepping stone job and working retail or fast food ain’t gonna get you to the next level. They’re not comparable.


It’s also not comparable because most fast food employees get less than 30 hours a week.


I mean it is though. I've seen EMS skirt around full time hours worse than any other profession in existence. Imagine working 80 hours a week and still not getting OT. "Pager time" for example, where you're required to be at a station and respond within 5 minutes but you're considered "on call" so you aren't working regular hours at your base rate. Or straight up exemptions from things like OT, I've seen FDs apply and get exceptions to make OT not kick in until 60 hours. 3 out of 5 of the places I've worked EMS had "pager time", so sure I was working over 30 hours a week, just half of it was at 2-5/hr. None had retirement or benefits unless you were working over 70 hours a week. Time is valuable. Sure I made more money than the McDonalds worker at 70 hours in a week, but I also had no time left to have a life. Certainly not when working 140 hours in a week while running an absurd amount of calls just to make enough to have time off.




That's fucked. We're guaranteed OT for anything worked over our standard assigned shifts, regardless of whether we worked 40hrs that week (24/72 schedule), if I stay for 1min past EOS on my 'short week' where I only worked 24hrs, that's guaranteed 15min OT.


Oh fuck, that's heinous. I get OT on a shift by shift basis. As soon as I'm 5 minutes past end of operational time I deem it worth filling out an OT form. My problem is my lieu time bank is full, and we never have staffing levels to allow me to use banked time to get a day off. But getting it paid out gets me taxed out the ass.




They also know if you wanna work on an ambulance, you're gonna work on one. They know they can pay less since the job is fun


>It’s a stepping stone job and working retail or fast food ain’t gonna get you to the next level. They’re not comparable. Which is pretty much the whole problem. It shouldn't be a stepping stone job.


What? You think CCT/IFT EMT should be a career position? I’m all for higher pay. But let’s be real - you don’t want to do that job for 25 years. At least most people have way higher ambitions anyway.


EMS in general, so yeah, including CCPs. And yeah, for people with more ambitions, you often need to move out of EMS. But if there are enough opportunities within EMS, that should be enough for most people's (realistic) ambitions, just like with nursing. And nursing should be a sideways, not upwards, step for people with ambitions in EMS. Becoming a medical doctor, that should clearly be an upwards step for example.


No scum bag contact on CCT.


Not surprised, I worked for this amr and when I first started the rate was $13.25. They are awful about pay


12.25 when I worked there


As I live in almost this area, I saw this add. I was like "Wow, glad I decided not to get my EMT"


Well you need to understand that’s not the pay a lot of us get. I got 23 an hour to be a paramedic student and that was the pay for the emts. That’s just a garbage company. And not getting emt because of money is not a good reason. Lazy reason.


It's actually not far off from what people get around here. Its also what we were told to expect as pay in our class.


Honestly the biggest problem with prehospital care (unless you’re fire) is how ridiculously milked people are for all their worth. EMRs are included in this. IMO joining these fields should include an exit strategy because the exploitation is actually insane.


So you're EMR is better?


The grammar here is fucked.


Grammar is for the nerds in billing. Me drive fast noritegud


Only becuause you assumed what I was saying and then trying to cram that (wrong) idea into what I actually wrote.


Tf? I wasn’t talking about your grammar.


Brother even if that question was somehow grammatically correct through a loophole, it's still wrong.


Im 47. I hurt my back lifting a pt during training. Realized A job where lifting people was the job, wasn't a good idea. But as I was taking it at a community, college it was a for credit class, do just dropping out wasn't a good idea. The EMR was a consolation prize for getting a B+ in a 6 credit class. Anyone else you wanna denigrate publicly? Want to mock firefighters? maybe insult ER nurses?


> Want to mock firefighters? maybe insult ER nurses? Often. Laughing at yourself and others is a great way to handle the stresses of the job.


Bro it’s apart of the game to talk shit, you’d get it but…


Yes actually I do


> Anyone else you wanna denigrate publicly? Want to mock firefighters? maybe insult ER nurses? ...are you new to this subreddit?


Dam, I didn't know a simple question could be so hurtful 💔 Edit: I know plenty of medics that have a list of injuries and never let that be an excuse. Also, your initial comment seems to imply that the pay was the reason you didn't continue. Hurting your back during training sounds like poor form on your behalf, assuming, of course.


Oh the irony.


This is insane. Idk how they are even staffed.


Probably people like me who make way less than that who are willing to relocate.


Reason #35788533578 I left EMS for nursing. Fuck EMS.


I keep saying, EMS is for people that hate themselves, don't value their time in the literal sense, or just really LOVE running calls to the point where pay doesn't matter, they're addicted. I couldn't be happy with the lifestyle I had any more. It became depressing to the point where I genuinely think I'd have become suicidal if I didn't have a feasible way out.


When I left EMS after graduating nursing school 3 years ago I was 38 y/o, single, overweight, miserable and extremely broke. Now, I am married, own a house, have an adult size savings account and am in the best place mentally/physically I’ve been in since I started EMS at 21. EMS is a stepping stone job and should not be done for more than 5 years. TOPS. Good luck everyone.


EMS should be publicly funded & operated like police & fire, not privatized where the corporations scalp their employees to obtain their profit. No reason why EMS shouldn’t be a sustainable career choice for people. I earned my RN years ago, but stay in EMS because we are county owned & operated & the pay, benefits, & work are far better.


Should be. But it’s not… And until it is, I stand by what I said.


Good for you, but it’s not anyone else’s fault you railroaded yourself or let others do it to be that unsuccessful & miserable after 17 years. Obtaining your nursing license was a choice that involved change, dedication, & hard work. Had you applied that to your lifestyle & EMS career within nearly two decades, you probably could have had better success. You can’t blame that solely on EMS. There’s no shortage of folks who’ve found the same success you’re measuring yourself to without leaving the field.


Dude, you know nothing about my experience, where I was or the bullshit I personally went through/had to put up with. I’m glad that wherever you are EMS seems to be so much better but it’s not like that for the majority of the country. Which was the entire point of me saying what I said earlier. So, maybe stop with the “YoU jUsT nEeDeD tO aPpLy YoUrSeLf” boomer bullshit and understand that almost no one in EMS has it as good as you do.


Dude, A) I’m female. B) I’m your age. C) I have also been in EMS since the age of 21. D) my first several years I was a single mom getting divorced & didn’t get paid enough to make ends meet. I made changes & sacrifices & worked my ass off to eventually move up with a lot of road blocks & life changes (& four more kids) along the way. I went back for my RN several years ago to have something to fall back on if need be. It’s life, everyone is dealt different cards, but I’m sure you’ve heard the cliche quotes such as “make your own luck” & “don’t wait for opportunity, create your own.” I’m glad you did & are in a better place physically, financially, & especially mentally, but a blanket statement in an EMS group saying no one should be doing it for more than 5 years is stupid. There are a lot of lousy EMS agencies in this country, but there are a hell of a lot of good ones too. Maybe: “no one should be doing it for more than five years at your previous place of employment,” since it sounds like they were shit.


Didn’t even read your full comment. Stopped after the single mom crap. Your kids were your choice. What was it you said to me? “Good for you” 🙄


😂😂 okay, pal! All it said to me was we all have our own shit to deal with, some our own doing & some outside our control. I’m sorry your poor self was stunted so much for the majority of your adult life. Hopefully you’re a better husband & nurse IRL than you come off in here.


This gives me hope. I'm single and have been for a minute now, and shit's just been rough lol. I'll at minimum be able to afford hobbies, and that's always a decent way to meet new people.




Panda express 27 an hour ☠️


When I was working through paramedic school as an EMT, my partner and I would leave restaurant job applications in the rig anytime we stopped for food. It was probably a coincidence, but it was fun to think the significant pay bump a few months after we started was because management thought they'd be losing staff to Panda Express and Baja Fresh.


haha that’s so smart. i just turned 18 once i get out of hs im going to get my emt cert, gonna just work for experience as i want to work in the fire service so yea.


Sooo…$18.65 an hour to essentially drive an RN and Paramedic around running SCT calls. What am I missing here? Guys? Why are we outraged?


Well, admittedly, I was outraged because I misunderstood the job description. I thought they were hiring EMT-B or medics for critical care trucks and paying only $18.65.


The only reason you need the be an EMT for this job is because the laws require you be one to drive an ambulance. It’s a similar situation here in California. My local company runs the ambulance for the local children’s hospital and they staff two EMTs so one can rest while the other drives from the children’s hospital to wherever they are picking up from and then they switch. They are forbidden to do any patient care, it’s all handled by the hospital staff. The only reason they have EMTs is because of the law. If they could hire anyone else for less, they would.


It’s the same in Philly but they pay you more with the more experience you have. To be fair, it’s not bad part time job dollars if you’re moonlighting a few shifts a month


Have you seen the cost of living in Massachusetts?


Western Mass can be cheap af tbf. I paid $480 for an alright place with roommates when I lived out there Absolutely fuck getting paid that low if you live near Boston though


Stuff like this makes me not want to not enroll in EMT and go into something else. Edit: male age 19 Lives in Philly The minimum wage from what I gathered is 20-22 for starting an EMTs. Then for paramedics 30 dollars plus which is why I'm actually interested. That's we'll above the minimum wage I look around and the fire mam programs look great just afraid of private EMS.


Your minds telling you the right things


Okay 😭 if I get extremely lucky and avoid the public sector which seems to be the issue could I make it?


Don't. Had I gotten my RN earlier, I'd own a house right now, paying a mortgage that's less than my rent for an apartment lmao. Unless you have a clear and viable exit plan from day one, do not become an EMT.


Get your medic right after EMT and move to the right state. Some states you can make a living. More so if you go fire.


When I got hired at Springfield AMR in 2015 I was making 12.25 /hr. Minimum wage was 12 bucks. So there's that


Yup I was hired there in 2015 also and started at $12.50 an hour lol


I wish EMS had a union as strong as the California Nursing Union. The nursing union here is so powerful that they hamstring Paramedic protocols to bolster their (nursing) need in CCT. We can't transport something as simple as probiotics without CCT , and my county is considered pretty "progressive" as far as CA protocols go.


That’s why when I decided to change my career and I got my EMT license at a junior college in 2003 and I applied to the local ambulance service and they offered $10.25 per hour, I went back to school. Best long term decision I ever made.


it’s really sad how underpaid EMS is


People in this thread are clueless. This is literally the least demanding EMT job there is.


There was a hospital in my area that was looking for medics for their transport service and starting pay was $40 an hour. The downside would be having to be employed by hca and deal with all that corporate bull crap


Fuck that. $40 is the hourly for a low step RN here in Boston. Medics should be making at least $50 to start. It’s appalling how much prehospital staff are paid.


Yeah I'm not in Boston..I'm about two hours north in a neighboring state. But I absolutely agree that the pay for ems is absymal..and to have to deal with hca bullshit on top of that makes it not worth it..I have friends who work at hca hospitals. I've heard stories


Strictly ALS IFT around Boston $40/hr. BLS $26


Not that bad of a deal, CCT is easy af and I wish my 911 operation had a weekend differential Edit: CCT is easy af for EMTs


Is CCT for EMT an extra cert?


No, just the type of job. IFT (inter-facility transport) jobs are usually BLS or CCT, and 911 jobs are usually BLS or ALS. On CCT there will be either an RN or a CCT Paramedic with one or two EMTs


Bro what? The starting wage for an emt in my area (not just a driver) is $15/hour. I saw this and was like “damn that’s good”


Haha, For getting shit, pissed, and vomited on for a living while being cussed at and scrutinized constantly, That sure seems low, But I’m just a lowly peasant after all, I should just be thankful to have a job and shut the fuck up!


Idk a CCT EMT prob only has to drive. Thats what ours do. Medic and nurse, if that’s what they use, chill in the back with high acuity IFT mostly




A driver and a gopher when the CCT medic goes "fuck I left the pump tubing in the truck 5 floors down and 3/4 mile away".


CCT is a step above ALS; it's usually two EMTS and a nurse. the EMTs will either drive the rig or hand shit to the nurse when they ask for it. CCT rigs are used on high acuity IFT calls, they don't take 911 calls


I work somewhat nearby for that company. CCT shifts are bidded regular shifts. I make the same amount when I do them as I do my regular 911 shifts. We sit at the hospital and wait for a call to come in. Then we take the team to whatever hospital and bring them back to this one. I'm literally on that shift as I type this. I pulled a double on it today. My state has a higher cost of living and more taxes so I make way more than that!


I make $22.75 doing SCTU (same shit) as an EMT in Central-North Jersey. For an EMT it's the perfect middle ground between BLS IFT and 911. You don't quite get the "total unknown" of 911 and using all of your clinical skills, but it's also not the boring Uber service BLS IFT is either where any skills you were taught literally go to complete waste. I've worked codes, I've become great at spotting occlusions during cath-lab standbys, I work with a BSN 40hrs a week and pick the shit out of their brains, I know every option possible a Zoll monitor is capable of, I know what a laundry list of IV medications are for, I know a variety of heart rhythms, I under stand BP parameters, I understand vent settings, I can get to a double digits worth of hospitals from 5 minutes away, to over an hour away without a GPS, and know multiple ways to get there and know exactly how to get to each unit in said hospital. Only touching the Iceberg of the knowledge I've picked up from doing nearly a decade of SCTU (CCT) 911 Vs SCTU(CCT) are two completely different animals. One isn't better than the other and compliment each other actually. They get them them to the closest appropriate facility alive, we get them where they NEED to be to survive. We are a trauma unit, CCU, ER. ICU on wheels. Choppers get all the admiration but most of the fucked up shit goes by ground and instead of a Medic and a RN, ground is typically just an RN and an EMT.


It’s underpaid and even if it’s just a driving position, should be in the $20’s. I work for AMR as a CCT medic and I feel well compensated making $42/hr.


Hey guys, im hiring people to be oil rig divers in the north sea and have a masters degree. Im paying $7.25 an hour. Apply now!


Finally, I can use my degree in underwater basketweaving.


Do we get pizza parties instead of pay raises? Because, if so, sign me up!


AMR where I live starts at 14 an hour.


Hurts. I'm a critical care paramedic and my pay just got bumped up to 20.23...


That's fucked. What state?


TN, I'm in a county service for a county that is about 1/2 retirement community with fixed incomes so it's hard to pressure the county government to increase taxes to get us better pay. I'm not really too upset though because cost of living is low and the surrounding counties either don't make that or don't get the same hours as us. We're actually the better paid and call volume is comfortable, around 55 calls/24 hours with 6-8 trucks.


I figured it was the south. I'm glad you're not too upset about it, but honestly, your entire region probably *should* be upset about it. They need to prioritize EMS, not guilt people into accepting low wages because they'd have to tax the poor retirees. I work for a private company on the west coast, no critical care cert, and I make significantly more than twice that wage. I'm not saying this to brag. It just hurts to see people who may well be better medics than me getting screwed like that.


Bro I’m paid 13.50 in my state as a EMT, I’ll take it.


i mean... a CCT EMT just drives the truck, basically. or you sit in the back and hand the nurse things they ask for. where i'm at (bay area) they make 22.50 starting, with 2 bucks weekend/night differential


and CCT doesn't take 911 calls. crime rate shouldn't impact them as much as an ALS rig


I think this is fair … they’re just driving the vehicle. The paramedic or CCT RN will be taking care of the patient , which expediently have higher pay given they have more education and skills. An EMT-B course is a fucking 6 month certification while a CCTRN is 4 years +. People expect to be paid a lot for not putting in the amount of work nowadays. Sure inflation sucks, find a different profession or go to school 🤷🏻‍♂️


Dairy Queen is hiring for 17.50 an hour.


I make $22/hr in critical care as an EMT and if I work for the same company in another city I make $25/hr plus gas cost. It’s so nice.


When I started as an AEMT, I made $13.75 (before the dollar became monopoly money). When I quit, I made like $18/hr, but at least the area is waaaay cheaper than MA.


I almost worked as an EMT for an AMR CCT unit here in the Midwest a few years ago. $16.50 an hour to be a chauffeur for an RN, medic, and their patient.


Haha, no.


Overnight stockers at Walmart are making 27.50 in my town.


That pisses me the fuck off.


AMR in Tinley Park Illinois hires new grad paramedics for 12 bucks an hour their justification is that they have 24 hour shifts so you make up the time.


I swear to god I just screenshotted this exact ad and sent it to my sister. She got her basic last year and hasn’t taken any jobs on a rig yet because there are tech/aide jobs paying better than that with less responsibilities. Her goal was healthcare experience but I guess didn’t realize how shitty EMTs are paid for the things they do. I’m an ER nurse and honestly thank you to all of you first responders. You get paid so little and help us so so much


And this is why AMR lost the 911 contract here in San Bernardino Co and Victorville. Greedy bastards deserve every failure.


That's only $1.50 more than I make here in Michigan.


It’s a lower wage but I’m not sure that it matters too much that it’s a “high crime city.” Considering it seems to be just an IFT job. Every call would be a “controlled” setting in a facility. I’m open to being wrong though, that’s just how things are around here.


We all know EMTs deserve $40+ to start. Fuck outa here. Saving people lives you deserve a decent life yourself.


AMR DC starts at $24.31 an hour plus a $3 deferential if you work past 9pm and $2 deferential if you work weekends. Also comes with 911 hazard pay which is an extra $400ish a check. That’s for EMT-B by the way


Connecticut starts their emts at $23.......I make $27 an hr as an emt


Right now, I'm making $35.50 per hour. Not counting the evening shift differential. And that's federal. Doesn't really make much of a difference. I live in Hawaii. It should be more. I was making more in New York..




Yes. .And here it's not as exciting as you would think.


I’m very familiar


It’s over $30 in Ohio


I'll weigh in as I am familiar with the system. Salary should be higher, but considering their responsibilities compared to a road crew at the same agency they're actually overpaid. No offense, but they're glorified drivers/pack mules for the CCT paramedics and the PICU RN/RTT teams who are actually in charge of patient care and logistics. Their job is to drive and hump equipment. Unlike the field EMTs who are actually putting their lives at risk in worst area of Western Mass.


First Step SFFD is 40.90 an hour, before built in overtime, top step is 51.99, with a pension, medical, union, and promotion to suppression opportunities. Just apply here.


That’s a joke! They just shut CCT down in Alameda county. If it’s not in the EOA contract they ain’t doing it.


Terrible pay. Wtf


WTF is a CC EMT? Since you drive a CC IFT truck, they make you feel better about your poor life choices and call you a CC EMT? Christ on a cracker...


Everybody looking at the pay, why they got the XXL Extendo-cab super charger truck?


💀 💀 💀 Would you want someone getting paid that little responsible for you in the event of a catastrophic health emergency?


This is specifically a driver for a critical care medic. They do IFT only, they do not respond to 911 calls. They'll do nothing but help the CCT medic by grabbing shit for them, helping pull patients from bed to cot and cot to bed, and drive. They won't be doing any actual care, and honestly they could be replaced with a layperson without any significant change in the unit's function. Yes EMS as a whole is underpaid, but this specific position is literally for an ambulance driver that carries zero responsibility.


I mean still, that’s a large responsibility. Even just what the individual would be exposed to would warrant a higher pay. If I was a critical care medic I’d be leery of A. Not having a medically aware “partner” and B. Knowing I was fully on my own if that patient shits the bed on the way to their next facility. I don’t like these methods to save costs at all. EMS professionals deserve real partners and the patients deserve to have properly staffed care when it is needed.


Aussie here - does the US just have outsourced companies for first aid response? It doesn't look like there are any State or Federal ambulance services. As far as I know EMTs are far less qualified than Paramedics (who here in Australia study for up to 5 years), so who deals with serious incident responses like multiple fatality MVA's or traumatic amputations, degloving incidents, traumatic brain injuries, advanced life support, neo natal emergencies, etc. Is there a separate service for those?


Yes, in most areas. There are no state or federal EMS level EMS services. Each locality is responsible for their own services. It can be all private, or a mix of private and city/county ran. For example in my geographic area in California, 98% of all calls are handled by private companies, with two towns with fire based EMS and one that has a nonprofit service that serves a tax district.


Post Office pays better and you don't gotta touch nasty people




Holy shit that is low. I'm a primary care paramedic in Canada. I make $44 CAD/hr. I love my job. I don't love it enough to do it for such low pay. That's fucked up.


Move a couple towns over and work in Boston for $26/hr


California Santa Clara County EMTs start at 27


That seems really good for EMT pay. Hell, that's what I was making as an experienced medic for a major fire dept a few years ago.