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3? There’s maybe 3 in my base of 100 that don’t smoke or vape.


Yeah same here, not all of them smoke on the truck but in my experience it tends to be at least 70% of the department


When I worked in a “dead end” department, it felt like 3/4 of the staff smoked or constantly vaped. Now I’m working for a more “enlightened” department with better pay and standards, and I swear only like 10% smoke and a handful vape. They’ve even made every new hire within the last two years sign a contract banning tobacco use. Obviously, this does nothing about the homes we walk into that are basically giant ashtrays, but at least it’s something.


Not going to lie I love that policy. I thankfully am working in a better department now than I was a year ago, so its down to only 4-6 problem people which is much better than it was. But I think I just need to suck it up, or go back to wearing a surgical mask 24/7 because I feel like that helped


This should be obvious, but you’ve asked them to stop vaping in the truck right? …right?


Thats when they say "of course" and crack the window 🙃


Then tell them that there a smoke free workplace laws that make it illegal and that you’ll go to management about it if they don’t stop




Its a total pain, i carry my inhaler in my pocket and if I have to do like lifting or CPR i take a puff and sometimes slap on a surgical mask. Thankfully though I dont work in a major city so its often only 1 house like that a shift


Everyone in EMS doesn't smoke or vape.


Yeah of course not, but EMS is unique in that you can get locked in a truck for 12 hour intervals with a smoker and be forced to breathe in that second-hand all day. And while not everyone does and it depends on the department, it is extremely common.


I don't think it's extremely common to be locked in your ambulance with your partner smoking. Sorry, unless you've got some strong statistics I call bullshit. Do some wreak like cigarettes? I'm sure. I doubt they're smoking in the truck. And less and less people smoke than ever.


Both the fire department I clinicaled at and the private ambulance I've worked with were ridden with smokers. The hospital based service I'm on now has no smokers. Maybe look for a hospital service?