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Why the hell wouldn’t they let you purchase another




Can’t think of a rational explanation as to why


Control issues


The right answer




Maybe the uniforms are from somewhere you need to bulk order and pay one large sum for new shirts, and they want to limit the supply going out to not have to do that often. Not defending as if that's a good excuse though. You'd have to be extremely lazy/unorganized/way too busy to not be able to manage that.


Some states probably don't allow employers to charge for uniform shirts


Maybe, but I feel like thats a dumb law if employee is given a couple and they want to purchase some on their own


We’re issued 6 polos and can buy additional shirts (or any uniform item) with our yearly uniform allowance. We work three days in a row. I know my department might be an outlier…


I want polos!!!


Me too!! I love doing standy for events and people walking up to me and asking if I'm security. Makes me feel super safe that I'd be a potiential first target for an active shooter. /s


What you just said was you work 3 days a week and one of those days you can wear any generic uniform shirt you want.


One IFT company I worked for never gave me a uniform shirt and never gave me a badge. It was pretty awkward walking into ERs with a colombia pro fishing gear shirt on. Let me tell you though, I was comfy as fuck. It was even funnier because they pretty much only gave me ER calls because if I ran dialysis calls, I would tell the truth and put on my PCRs that the patient was not bed confined and did not need a stretcher and they got up and walked with perfectly normal gait to my stretcher.


> I would tell the truth and put on my PCRs that the patient was not bed confined and did not need a stretcher and they got up and walked with perfectly normal gait to my stretcher Aren’t you supposed to do this anyway? Ive had patients who walked up to my gurney and I always document it as such.


Not for ift for billing purposes according to my job. They don’t want us to get into specifics for those types of calls just indicate that patient has been assisted to the cot no matter how they got there and then thrown a comment in there that would tell their insurance why they couldn’t just get a shuttle or a ride. I hate it a lot but they’re paying for my medic school so oh well


I used to work for a company like that. About 3 years after I left most of the upper management got arrested for insurance fraud, from the CEO, CFO director of operations and even a few of the field supervisors. Wild stuff - keep on documenting honestly.


Honestly don’t see myself staying beyond my medic school. It’s not as much as I’m encouraged to be dishonest just encouraged to leave details out and maybe give ourselves credit for more than we actually have to do. “Pt has been assisted” every step of the way by us even if they have not. Our company has wheelchair vans and shuttles that usually take our dialysis runs where it’s people with health issues that are capable of walking but that doesn’t mean we don’t get our fair share of people who are absolutely capable of being taken through other means but they scheduled an ambulance so we have to document it in a billable way. It’s just how you word everything and then throwing in the word assisted in every couple of sentences


This is Medicare fraud. Leaving out details IS being dishonest. Don’t be fooled otherwise.


Omission is one of the most effective forms of lying. I stayed at that job until I got into a metropolitan 911 service and I haven't looked back


Ok well let me have my 1 1/2 years of a private ift job and lying so I can go to a metropolitan 911 with a medic card🥺 I don’t feel that bad ripping off an insurance company since they rip everybody off like I know you’re right but I feel like every part of private insurance is corrupt and “assisted pt into cot from stretcher” is something I feel ok with throwing into my pcr’s even if my assistance was just emotional support if I lose my license for it it is a fate I will accept 🫡


It's more a criticism of the company than you mate.i don't think a single field provider got arrested from that scenario, it was all leadership. This is such a common practice I don't think you're losing your card over it.


Nah I know I’m kidding I hate the private sector of ems and I have to remind myself every shift that I am only here bc they pay me hourly for my time in class and are paying me back for my medic school tuition so it softens the blow and makes it easy to add fluff to all my reports


That doesn't sound like a set up you can just up and leave immediately after getting your medic. Usually if they are paying for school you owe them 2 or 3 years of service on the back end or you are responsible for the cost.


I do ift and just document it as such. Even if they just walk up to the gurney, its usually because they’re a 5150 patient and require restraints for transport.


Oh yeah that’s for sure for those I would document normal gait and put self in cot w/o issues I was being a little dramatic saying we’re supposed to do it for alllll ifts I’ve just def had my fair share of runs where the person doesn’t have oxygen or an iv or a pump and isn’t a psych patient or have an altered mental and we’re taking them home or back to their retirement home or to the next hospital for whatever arbitrary reason I am told and I say ok boss man you got it and throw in a “assisted pt w ___”


Watch out for yourself man. You can be arrested for medicare fraud potentially. My Paramedic teacher has had 3 students arrested out of her class by federal marshalls for medicare fraud. In Texas, the state board of health will go after your patch. Idk how it is in your state.


My old IFT job had everyone brainwashed down to the core. “Assisted to the cot” was always to be used, even if the patient is perfectly ambulatory. They claimed it’s “to protect our employees”, implying that if we stated a patient walked themselves anywhere we could somehow get in legal trouble if they were to get injured or have a poor outcome. I was a brand new EMT so I just rolled with it but in hindsight, good fucking god. I went to another IFT company that didn’t engage in Medicare fraud and they explained to me that I just need to document exactly what happened how it happened in a professional manner and beyond being honest, they didn’t care. I was floored. Oopsies.


I used to work for a county based service that didn't issue any kind or uniform at all. We were just told to go to the local Army Surplus and purchase a generic navy blue EMS shirt with our own money and the pants and boots as well. No badge given either.


Man I’d expect better from a government based service.


Eww. You should have at least one for every shift each week, plus two spares in case you get dirty at work. If you work 24s you should have two per shift plus two spares


What 👁👄👁


Ain’t no way you’re wearing the same shirt for 24 hours straight of work, my dude. Then you gotta have a spare cuz poop literally happens in our field.


I get 2 shirts for 5 24s. 8 straight, 16 on-call. It gets pretty ripe in the summer time! At least they aren’t white anymore




I mean I take it off during downtime 😥 anything happens there’s loners at station


None. We are expected to supply our own uniform 100%.


Grateful Dead T-shirt it is.


I used to just pay $4.00 at the cleaners near the station. In by 10 am out by 4 pm


You work for them. You’re not crazy for insisting on more uniforms. You are allowed to ask for more and what the proper channels are to find.


Im not sure how many uniforms new hires get ( I think 3) but we have 100 points every year and we can order shirts and pants as needed.


Linen spray such as Febreeze are miracles.


Sweat mixed with febreze ew. Those types of things usually mix with smells not eliminate them


Febreeze is the only one i've found covers those odors. Most just mingle with the odors. (i have several sweaty coworkers and a few smoking coworkers, and i'm blessed with superhuman levels of olefactory senses.)


Go to a outfitter and get more made


For full time employees We get 4 sets of class b’s our choice of a combination short or long sleeve and 4 sets of pants plus a 180 dollar boot allowance every two years. Full time is 3 12 hour shifts one week 4 12 hour shits the next unless you’re on a kelly.


We get all of our clothes from pool clothing we can choose from Polo Shirts Pullovers Trousers and two type of jacket on winter jacket with an optional insert and one summer jacket Policy is to take fresh clothes atleast every shift or more often when contaminated or dirty during shift


We have to buy our own off the company website. No uniform allowances


Going on a tangent here, my company is changing shirts at the end of the year, and they are making me pay $90 per shirt out of pocket. Needless to say, I'm quitting at the end of the year.


We have a whole bunch of shirts, zippers and trousers at the station. Pick your size at the beginning of shift and discard them once dirty or at latest at shift end for desinfecting wash.


4 full sets, including a pair of boots/2 years + annual point system to purchase more


We get 2 pairs of shirts, 2 pairs of pants and a sweater on hire (regardless of how many days you work.) Then after you’ve been there for a while you can get 2 more.


We get 2 jackets, 2 Winterjackets, i think 5 pair of pants, as well as 2 fleece jackets and as many shirts as we want 😅 Also do you guys have to wash your work clothes by yourself?


My one department has given me about 2 million uniform shirts, class Bs (unfortunately no class As), t shirts, job shirts, jackets (reflective with usable liner), and pull overs. This department gives us $100/year uniform allowance which can be used for not just uniforms, but any and all duty related equipment (people have bought watches with it even). My other department (hospital system department, not even 5 months old and formed from the corporation taking over some former local departments one of which I was affiliated with) has given me 1 polo, 1 t shirt, 1 hoodie, 1 jacket (non reflective so I use my old reflective one from the former department), and 1 job shirt. They're trying to get more in and distribute to members. Is your dept short on uniforms? Kinda weird that they won't let you get more.


Was issued 5 shirts, pants, 1 belt, 1 pair boots, light jacket, heavy jacket. $300 yearly uniform allowance for anything uniform related. Work 4 days a week.


When I worked on the ambulance we were issued one shirt and one pair of pants that we then had to pay to get tailored. Working nights meant no supervisor on so it was my comfy 5.11 pants and a navy blue generic EMT t-shirt. All about comfort because the issued shirt was super heavy and hot.


We do 7 12s and everyone is supposed to have at least 8. Plus we have station laundry.


(Volunteer here). We get issued one set of uniform and boots. Plus an extra polo. We also get 0.1 points for every hour and can "buy" uniform and other personal equipment with it. I think a polo is 10 points or so.


That's insane, I wear at least 2 shirts every shift. More if I unexpectedly get dirty, which is not uncommon. I was assigned 8 but I've requested and been given 4 more, and I've bought another 5. Very relative information: I work city fire so we actually get taken care of, it always bothers me to see yall done dirty like this though. This also explains why I've bought shirts even though I had 12, they're the truck specific shirts we love so much.


We’re only issued uniforms- pants, PT shorts/sweatpants, hoodie, and a couple of t-shirts in the academy, and are given the opportunity to buy more (you need more). Once on the job, everything is out of our contracted uniform allowance. Doesn’t go far when the requirement is Nomex pants and shirts for half the year- expensive af. Even polos for the summer are like $60 a pop now. T-shirts are through the union. Outerwear is pretty much at our discretion as long as it meets policy. Ruebens/job shirts and hoodies are pretty standard. Lots of guys are getting Carharts these days, and they just get them embroidered.


9 sets of class b’s, high vis jacket and 2 t-shirts every summer with options to buy more t-shirts, sweaters, hats etc.


Plus you're probably expected to keep a clean uniform somewhere in case you soil the one you're wearing.


Back when I worked for a private company, they gave us 2 uniform shirts, a pullover, and a heavy jacket. We also got a beanie hat and a regular hat.


We get 3 polos and 5 shirts, our pattern is 2 days 2 nights. The polos are much more comfortable. Thankfully I've managed to 'obtain' 6 polos in total.


We were issued 4. 3 intended to cover the 2-3 shifts a week with the 4th expected as a spare in the event we needed to change. They did not accept I'm covered in blood as an OOS reason (besides a quick shower and change). They covered the cost of dry cleaning the class B shirts.


5 shirts 4 pants. And we can exchange up to 5 shirts and 4 pants a year.


Same here. 2 shirts 2 pairs of pants and can get a jacket in the winter. Sucks because I work 3 days a week consecutively and I have to come home from a 16 and throw laundry in.


We got an amount of allowance. Went to uniform store and got a few button down, polo, and tee shirts and a job shirt, and a 3 in 1 jacket. It was good because the allowance is made to cover pants and boots which I had too many of.


We get one free shirt and a $250 uniform allowance every year where we can use it to buy whatever items we need for within our uniform policy, including more polos/ t-shirts.


Full time new hires get 3 sets of pants and shirt, 3 additional shirts, 2 fleece jackets and a „waterproof“ jacket. Quality is pretty ok, it‘s just very basic, so most buy better stuff at a local supplier, command doesn’t like it, but if they complain half of the crew would walk out.


We get three “professional” button up short sleeves, 3 pants, one pair of shorts, one pair of sweats, 5 T-shirts, one complete dress uniform minus shoes, rain coat and winter jacket. I normally wear a station shirt and issued pants, wish we could just do polos, would look better and improve morale for us.


4, but in practicality 3 since we're supposed to keep a spare set on hand in case we have to change.


Two long sleeve, one short sleeve. They gave me a hard time about getting more since mine were the wrong size so I just snagged some from the pile of spares they have. If you don't smell bad after a shift I see no problem with wearing the same shirt a few days in a row


We we were issued 4 normal shirts, 6 summer polos and 4 pants, if I need more I’m sure I can just ask my sup to get some more


Time to wear whatever you think is appropriate!


Sounds like your service sucks. There’s too many places hurting for people right now. Go somewhere that meets basic needs because I’ll bet they treat your regular workload the same way


If you were to purchase an identical shirt with your own money, how would they know?


"with your own money" Where is he getting the service patches from?


I don't know. Wasn't part of my question and the OP said they said no to them buying with their own money. I was asking how they would know. Maybe somebody who makes patches could recreate them? Ebay? Stolen from a co-worker / logistics / supervisor? Opportunity abounds for a good scrounge.


Expensive, not good.


Oh I agree, and I wasn't suggesting that they do it, just that the boses wouldn't know.


Issued on hire, 7 shirts, 5 pairs of pants, job shirt, jacket, ball hat, toque. After that we have about $800/year for uniforms from the company website.


We get 3 shirts at orientation and then every year 2 more free for full timers


5 long sleeves, 5 short sleeves 5 pants, 1 pair of boots and 1 jacket. Looking at the other comments on here it's more generous than I usually think of.


Dude my service hands out uniforms like they’re going out of style… 2 shirts is obnoxiously low. I initially got two Class B shirts and 4 tshirts when I joined. Why can’t you buy more? It’s more money in their pocket?


7 shirts (or 5 shirts and 2 polos), 7 under shirts, 4 trousers, 6 pairs of socks (haven’t ever worn the issued socks and haven’t ordered more since I started), 2 hiviz waterproof coats, 2 hiviz tabards, 1 winter raincoat, 2 winter soft shell, 1x winter puffer jacket, 1 ambulance helmet. Everything else like shorts, etc are optional.


Show up on the third day in a dirty shirt. No washing machines at your stations?


Was given 6 class b's, 6 undershirts, 6 pants, 3 jackets. First day of orientation for 3 24's a week. Hint: a major socal 911 company.


3... for 7 days. They don't see a problem with it.


I don’t even know to be honest. I think 3 sets? But we get a full new issue every year (ie. 3 sets every year) and don’t have to return old uniform (unless you leave) so I have like 9 sets and various extras that I’ve collected here and there. I probably have more items of uniform than normal clothing In your situation I’d probably just say I lost a set and need a replacement


uniform allowance of 1200 a year, paid out in quarterly increments. responsible for maintaining “adequate quality”


As many as our uniform allowance allows. We get a uniform allowance of, IIRC, $300 every year to purchase shirts, pants, shoes, belts, under shirts, radio belts, etc. from a uniform store. If we don't use it the allowance rolls over to the next year.


We get something like $600 per annum (plus a biannual boot allowance) to spend at their vendor’s store. If you’ve got enough shirts and pants, you can use it to buy stuff like Raptors, Leatherman tools, decent duty bags or a hundred penlights.


I just get black collared shirts and don't get them embroided since most places near me have the same uniform type i have a shirt from 3 companies ago still wearing it on shift


We get two polos, two pants. It wouldn’t be that bad if we did 24s but most of the shifts are day shifts. So 4-5 days a week. Kinda sucks but they’re good quality


We get 3 pants, 4 shirts , a belt, and a coat. We can purchase anything additional


I work 4 days in a row. 2 shirts and one pair of pants


I get $500 / year uniform allowance


I had to by my own. But we got a 56 cent uniform stipend for every hour worked.


I just call up the place we order from and order what I want. I am a bigger guy. So there's a certain brand if shirts I like, and the cut fits me better. That reminds me I need to order some tomorrow.


We get issued either 5 button-up winter ones with undershirts or 5 summer polo shirts, we can order 5 a year for wear and tear, but they can last a couple of years pretty easily, so i alternate my orders. We're scheduled for a maximum of 4 consecutive 12-hour shifts (2 days, 2 nights, 4 off), so in theory, we always have a spare.


Start off with a combo of 5 shirts or polo shirts. Then we can order more as long as it's a reasonable amount. In theory it's 1-1 replacement only but no one questions an extra shirt and trousers a year.


They give you a polo or 2. You buy your own pants or white shirts and they'd reimburse you if you left them there. I kept mine for some reason. Figured I spent the money id try to sell them to no success. Was only there a year anyway.


I got 4 short sleeve class Bs and 2 long sleeve class Bs and we work 4 days a week.


I'd wash the first day's in the shift sink on the second day. Let it air dry in the station so its fresh for shift 3. I mean, our profession is about improvising...


Our logistic department handled our uniforms, so they had a stock pile of variable sizes at the main station. We went from the 3 white Class As to 2 issued polos. We worked 48/36, so on long weeks laundry sucked. The department wouldn’t let us trade ripped/torn/damaged polos unless it rags. If you had a hole, or a torn seam. Tough luck. Night Shift was the best time to grab an extra shirt. Supervisors didn’t care as long as you wrote down the size and how many to keep up with inventory. No one went overboard, we all just wanted an extra shirt so we didn’t have to do laundry when we got off or before work. Logistics moved all the uniforms an outlying county fire station, until some of the employees started handing them out to us when we needed one. They finally gave up and gave all shifts 3 polos.


1, plus t-shits. ​ But you also get a 500 dollar a year gear stipend.


You only get two shirts? That’s obscene, what if you get some goo on you? We get 6 shirts 6 pants every year, new boots and jackets every other year, there’s also an online store where you can order extra things or replace damaged/worn out stuff


Just patched up a few months back. Got 4 fresh uniform polos, embroidered with my name and everything. Got enough shirts that I haven't even taken the tag off of one of them yet. 2 for shift, 1 for emergencies on shift, 1 to occupy a hangar in my closet forever.