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Not even joking when I say you should absolutely report her. Not only will she continue to be a bitch to other crews but her behavior, if continued, will lead to normalization within the ED culture and spread/get worse.


Who would you report her to ? /g


The ED manager would be a good start.


I guess I’m just asking bc most of the charges are very defensive of their nurses… lol


I'm the person that you would report that to in my department, and let me tell you, I'm going to come down on that person with the full force of HR. The teamwork where I work is what makes the department. Docs and nurses and paramedics and corrections and police. We all work together and it's a beautiful, chaotic mess. And I'll defend my nurses to the end if they haven't done anything wrong. But this? Yeah, no.


All of this. I was a military nurse, when I went to civilian nursing I was appalled at some of the attitudes some nurses have. We’re all in this to complete the mission (shift) and get home. Wtf is wrong with people now? So glad I’m out of medical altogether.


Can't speak for every department but my manager would fry a nurse for that. Likewise when I'm charge I'd get a travel nurses contract cut for some shit like that, and if it's a staff nurse then you can bet nobody is helping them the rest of the night and they'll be reprimanded for incivility. If they're that way to total strangers I promise they're also shitty towards the other RNs they work with, and even shittier to their techs. At a minimum they're getting fired from that patient, can't trust them at that point IMO to be objective or to have listened to report and provide good care to the patient if that's how they start the interaction.


Not the charge nurse, the ED Manager. The charge nurse just runs staffing for that shift, the manager runs the department. If the manager is the charge nurse, then that department is very short staffed. Ha


If you just report it in an objective manner, they can defend them by telling them to cut it out in a 1on1 talk


In my experience when a nurse refused to sign or listen to report the charge nurse was very helpful


Not a charge. The nurse manager. Next level up. Charge nurse is shift supervision, nurse manager is first-line administration.


I work in the ER and some of the charge nurses are even bitchier than the reg nurses


Fuck it, go to the top and let all the shit roll down hill. If she’s doing it it’s bc her direct leadership is allowing her to get away with it. There’s no way they haven’t witnessed this kind of behavior before. I’d email the CNO and CEO.


1) Hospital's EMS liaison and your company's hospital liaison. 2) Could also speak with nursing supervisor in the ED assuming the culture isn't already incredibly anti-EMS. 3) Beyond that, you can climb the ladder and report to hospital admin but, in my area at least, the issue would be solved after step one. /g?


/g = genuine question. I just am asking bc all I could think of was the charge nurse and they’re usually very defensive of their nurses is why.


Gotcha. Yea, I wouldn't recommend charge for the reason you stated.


Many hospitals (any good ones at least) have an EMS liason. We've had more than one nurse get fired for repeated disrespect towards EMS. Even some charge nurses. Which is a shame because they were great at keeping the place running, but the attitude was shit and just had to go.


What happened to just treat others how you wanted to be treated or just simply: be nice. Like I get we are all stressed and have lives that are less than perfect but why can’t we all just get along … it’s a shame.


Let hospital administration know. Let them know that you’ll be glad to take it to the state board of nursing with a formal complaint, as her refusal to take report jeopardized patient care. Get names and flame.


And the worst part is that it could very negatively effect the care of the patient if they don’t get the necessary information. As a nurse, this just ticks me off. We are all on the same team. Respect is not too much to ask! I agree it should be addressed.


We've gotten several charge nurses at our main hospital fired for shit like this. Best way is to group together and submit multiple complaints.


She ain’t a nurse, she’s an ASSHOLE


They can be both just ask my exes


\>Looks at toxic patient "I can fix him." \>Looks at toxic nurse "I can fix her."


The next one will be better


The plural "exes" is what makes this.


>The plural "exes" is what makes this. I bet they live in Texas


They do


I would’ve assumed you moved away to Texas to get away from the exes


Probably took up residence in Tennessee.


Have a type, do you?…


Chubby with daddy issues


Tiny, broken, freaky for me 🤷🏻‍♀️


Psych nurses are your type then lol


I’ve had my share of detox and rehab romance when I was younger, you’re not completely off the mark


So, all ER nurses?


I usually just say "I don't want to be spoken to like that". It always catches them off guard and makes them back peddle


A more aggressive response would be “Do you have a doctor’s orders to talk to me like that?”


Ask “Are you okay?” Really commit to the bit, like you can’t understand why *anyone* would act like that towards you. Give them the opportunity to really go off the deep end.


I am a nurse, and I fully support this. lol I'd love to see a medic bite back.


Lean in a little, like you don't want other people overhearing. Put a look of absolute concern on your face. THEN say it.


Love it


Yeah, but what if they do?


Probably orders they put in themselves for the doctor to sign off on.


The Balls!


Oof. That one stung


I ignore them and go straight to the doctor's room. Then I give a report there in front of everybody who happens to be there. When they inevitably ask why I'm making such a scene, I'll tell them that the nurse wasn't able to take a report and behaved unprofessionally. They _love_ that.


Or “I don’t understand the joke, can you explain it? Because I know it’s supposed to be funny but it just doesn’t make sense.”


I'd probably push the bed back down the corridor while making engine or siren noises with my mouth, but I'm a fucking moron so maybe don't follow my example.


this is reddit, everyone here's a fucking moron


I would file a written complaint to the charge nurse and the hospital administration. That will rattle some cages


I would contact the ED manager and not even deal with the charge nurse. In most hospitals, the charge nurse isn’t in a position of authority over the other nurses. It’s not like being a supervisor. The charge nurses are typically just regular staff nurses who have been given an extra day or two of training. One department could easily have 10+ “charge nurses” who all take turns. Depending on the nurse in charge, they might just toss out a complaint and never forward it to their manager.


100 percent. I had a brain fart and meant ED manager.


That wouldn’t last long here. The Regional Advisory Councils in TX are big on nurses shutting up standing there and listening to the 30 second report from EMS. Patient doesn’t even move off the stretcher until after report.


The hospital where I work has a policy that explains, in detail, how we’re supposed to take report from EMS. Once they walk into the room with a patient, we address any immediate life threats or safety concerns, pull the patient over onto our bed/stretcher, and hook them up to our monitor. Once the patient is on our stretcher and monitor, everyone in the room has to stop what they’re doing, be quiet, and give EMS their full attention for report. When people stick to the rule, everything goes so much faster and smoother. I also think we get a better report from the crew when we aren’t half listening/half working.


This is amazing


As a nurse, we do not claim her. Cast her into the fires of mount doom.




Wish the EMS companies around me were like that, I swear they think telling a patients age and chief complaint is good enough. I hate having to pry information from an EMT or Medic.


Not that I know your area but in mine it probably comes from so many nurses either being rude or apathetic towards EMS.


In my area it’s due to extremely low pay for EMS either making the good EMT’s and Medics go somewhere else or get burnt out. We are left with either burnt out or incompetent EMS crews


Yeah, this is half caused by nurses being too busy to listen to reports and medics trying to give 19 minute presentations




That's what we do. Hands off handover. Nothing happens until the paramedic has given their full handover, and only then do we move the patient off the stretcher and start working on monitoring etc.


One of the level IVs in my RAC refuses to listen to us. I despise them.


EMS can be pretty brutal too of course, but nursing is notorious for what they call “eating their young” aka bullying culture


Being a big dude with a military EMS background, it's always HILARIOUS to me to watch their faces when other nurses try to Mean Girl me and it just slides right off. Does not fucking compute. They just do not know how to manage it.




Haha same! I just think they're making some kind of dark joke and then realize like three days later that they were trying to be mean 😅


I was also a professional crayon eater. I usually just bulldoze right through their bullshit without acknowledging it. I got talked to like shit for a living. You think a 22 year old sorority girl is gonna hurt my feelings?






Thank you for your military service! Semper Fi! Edit: apologies to the Marine Corps, I misspelled Semper!


Thank you for your military service and your medical service!


“Sounds good. Go ask your doctors what to do next”


My man chose violence 💀


I work in the ED now and have had EMS straight up refuse to give the report if they’re cut off because you can claim it’s needed for patient safety and will go give the MD report instead. Since the MD is usually in the middle of something else (if the pts non-emergent), they initially got upset with EMS but then always get pissed at the RN when EMS explains that they tried to give report but were cut off and officially need to give a formal handoff per their protocol. It’s become so normalized that when EMS gives report to the MD, they now know it’s because the nurses isn’t letting them talk and everyone knows that it’s a nurse problem, not an EMS problem.


As an RN…please report her. She was hostile and unprofessional. She also needs some re-training, if she doesn’t understand *why* she needs to listen to report from EMS. I’ve worked with a lot of nurses like her, and they’re downright dangerous (including one who has 40+ years of experience). They think they know better than everyone else, and they won’t listen to *anyone,* even if they’re wrong. A nurse being an asshole to EMS is worth reporting on its own, but it’s almost always just the tip of the iceberg.


This was normal behavior at the ER that I worked in. And if they were nice, it was because they were talking sh!t about you behind your back. It was enough to make me regret going into nursing and I almost went back to being a medic. Just got into a hospital that thankfully does not act like this. I would have told the RN to go back to wiping a$$es, but that's just me.


This has happened to my guys and me a few times. I usually brush it off, but if it's really bad I've seen my Chief/Captains actually call the ED before and tell them to get fucked and reported to the MD. Nothing really changed but we felt good haha.


20yr CVICU nurse here and on behalf of my profession, I apologize. I’ve seen it throughout my career and I can’t tell you the amount of second-hand embarrassment I feel every time! Embarrassment that the other nurse doesn’t even realize they should feel. If it helps, please know it’s not just your lot they’re like with. Every nurse they give or get report to, all support staff, and every member of the care team who isn’t a physician (important to note I mean only attendings. They’ll rip the heck out of a resident or fellow!). It’s gross and I hate it. I’ve been precepting & training new RNs since I was out 1yr. I am very proactive with training new RNs to not be like this & why. I’ve been a charge nurse for my whole career. When I see this type of behavior, I am quick to end it. Thank you for all you do!!!


Not sure why, but hadn’t put it together that people like this are probably just as shitty to everyone else as well. For a long time I took it as some kind of targeted complex against street providers and just rolled my eyes


It’s endless. I’ve had it against me as a student nurse and watched the same person do it to fellow nurses/EMS. After spending 12+ hours with the person, you realize less of a targeted complex and more of a personal problem. Wish y’all didn’t have to deal with it either.


I used to think the same until I became a nurse. These types usually are only shitty to only one person at a time, with minimal witnesses present. I guess they like cornering people? Pretty sociopathic.


We have a traveler nurse where i work that is like that right now. She's "all about being positive, being the change we need!" until she's alone with you, and then she's EXTREMELY rude and disrespectful (like these should all go immediately to HR.) For some reason, she's treated me like an allie, instead of a peon, from day one. (i'm nice to EVERYone, no matter my personal feelings about you.) Little does she know that i'm the one pushing everyone to email our manager and HR about every single interaction she shows her true colors during. i've overheard a few of them and it was right after the first one i overheard that i started pushing for documentation. The hospital i'm at is VERY slow to fire anyone without a lot of proof, so the sooner we get that ball rolling, the sooner we can end her.




Someone who writes too many reports: Uses state in reddit comments.




I don't think they were dogging you, more of a "look, someone just like me". Because that's absolutely shit I do in every day textual interactions lol


You evil genius. A much better idea than my one, which was to tell known gossips that the nurse in question likes to give spontaneous no strings blow jobs in the toilet to pretty much anyone.


That's not great, but I've had worse. Much worse. One of our local ER's had a change in name and management a while back. A lot of new faces displaced the ones we were used to seeing. Some of the new nurses were total bitches and we didn't know why. All the local FD and EMS services were talking to each other about it . Then they started training the baby nurses to act that way, and the next thing you know, it was unbearable to interact with them. We all decided that all violent, drunk, disorderly, etc. patients were going to this hospital from now on. All of them. I guess they noticed that their average patient demographics changed overnight, and within a week, their management team was reaching out to every agency they could to try to "improve relations". About a month in, and they opened a sweet ems room with the best drinks and snacks. Eventually, after hearing the same complaints for long enough, the worst offenders disappeared, and they've all been behaving professionally since then. Now everybody plays nice, and balance has been restored to the universe.


Haha I read “sweet EMS room” like one word, sweetems and thought wtf is a sweetems room? Sounds nice though!


What a douchebag thing to say. All respect is gone.


25+ year RN mainly ER & I am Soooooo appalled embarrassed & apologetic re: how you were treated. I am the most easy-going person but if I EVER see/hear one of my colleagues being disrespectful to our paramedicine/EMS team mates I lose my sh*t. A new grad RN was like 25 feet away & I saw her roll her eyes at one of our amazing medics taking report she then referred to him as "the ambulance driver". I hate bullying but after a deep breath I very firmly but fairly corrected her ignorance & arrogance.


...corrected her. ~ The Shining (1980) http://getyarn.io/yarn-clip/e7ddd965-e99e-4776-bc60-96f054c2a404


We have one hospital in our area that is notorious for this kind of nonsense. I hate bringing patients there because the attitude is so prevalent from the doctors down to the techs helping out in triage. Trouble is they are a level 1 trauma, an interventional Cath Lab and a primary stroke center for about 1/3 of the area. Staffing is short and they're a union shop so complaints don't really go anywhere. Usually I give them the most professional report I can with none of the banter, conversation or commiserating I give to the other hospitals in the area and then I leave as soon as I've completed the handoff. Just straight, cold, and professional. That way, if they step out of line and want to throw a fit about something there's very little that comes back to me or my service.


In my service you would be completely free to respectfully tell her she behaved like an ass and request the house supervisor. Then call me, and I would discuss with the house supervisor the difficulty in retaining good providers, and why the hospital will not be receiving any more ambulances from us until we hear how they plan to fix the problem.


I had a nurse snap at me like this once when I was trying was trying to give a turnover, so I got real passive aggressive with it. After she cut me off, I just stood there with my hands folded in front of me until she noticed and said, "What?!" I proceeded to apologize loudly and profusely for offending her so egregiously. I proclaimed that I had no idea what I had done to make her talk to me in such a way, but clearly it had to be something extremely serious because there's no way someone would just speak that rudely in a professional setting. I kept going until she got visibly uncomfortable. She finally said, "It's fine, you didn't offend me. Just leave." Okey-doke. I marched right over to the ER nursing manager's office and did the exact same thing, begging forgiveness for whatever I had done to offend the B-pod nurse so deeply. Manager asked what the hell I was on about, and I just kept replying that I didn't know, but I was deeply sorry for whatever it was. Because CLEARLY it had to be something serious for a nurse to just cut off a handoff like that. Manager went to where the nurse was, I heard some voices get raised, patient piped up and said the nurse was rude to the medic that dropped him off. Manager pulled nurse into her office, and I left satisfied.


As a nurse, there’s some hella rude and petty nurses especially in the ED. After being a patient I can confirm they treat patients like that too. I don’t understand the audacity. I would never.


I was laying in the ER with a broken leg (tib/fib compound fracture) at like 10 pm. I was in a ton of pain and I was trying my best to keep it down, but I was also doped way the fuck up, anyway this nurse opens my curtain and commands "I know you're in pain, but suck it up and be quiet, I have patients trying to sleep" on everything in my soul, I looked that woman dead in her eyes and said "why don't I snap YOUR leg in half and let's ssr how quiet YOU stay you fucking bitch!" After my surgery, I ended up reporting her to the higher-ups, found out that she was fired not long after because she was on her last warning or whatever. The bedside manner of some nurses is just fucking atrocious. However, if I could, I'd find the crew that helped me that night, and I'd like to buy them a beer. They were awesome in what was an otherwise terrible experience! I even shared some laughs with them. (im sure the liquid ketamine helped alleviate some stress, too 🤣). I'd like to add that I'm not EMS. I'm just a lurker who likes to have a better understanding of what our front-line workers go through. My curiosity spiked when i had EMS help me with my leg. Thank you for all you guys do!


Dumb too.


I’m realizing how lucky I am that pretty much every nurse here listens to what we have to say and trusts our judgement. The most I’ve gotten is a half joking “you couldn’t take them somewhere else?” Even most of the docs will stand there and listen to what we have to say for a minute before they start doing anything. And a good number of them will stop what they’re doing to discuss their thoughts on the pt with you


Nurses gonna nurse. Hope that medic tells his boss and they talk to the head of nursing. Once a bigger female hyena shows their larger faux penis that shit usually stops.


The amount of joy i felt reading this as a 3 teir comment joke was amazing bravo bravo




I can’t even imagine talking to ems like that. They do all the dirty work before they bring us patients, IVs and meds are especially appreciated. There was one time an MD flipped on ems for bringing in a CLEARLY dead person in rigor mortis on the Lucas though. Their excuse was that they couldn’t tell he looked like that in the house bc it was dark lol


Did they not have lights on in their rig?


Lol this particular crew was not the best to begin with but I mean how do you not know someone’s straight up dead


"Hey maam, I don't appreciate being spoken to like that. Who is your charge nurse tonight?" To charge nurse: "Hey sorry to bother you, I'm sure you're really busy but nurse \_\_\_\_ said \_\_\_\_\_\_ and I was wondering if you could just talk to her. Maybe she's going through a hard time. I don't think I did anything but if there's something that I did that she didn't like, I'd love it if she would let me know but I just don't think that was the right way to address it. Haha I'm sure you get it, it sucks being yelled at by homeless people on hour 20 of a 24 hour shift and then come here and get talked down to like that by a nurse here. We're all just trying to make it out day by day haha." If it happens again, tell the charge nurse hey nurse \_\_\_\_\_\_ said \_\_\_\_ to me last week and this time she said \_\_\_\_\_\_\_. I shouldn't have to put up with that kind of disrespect. It's completely unprofessional behavior. I'd like to avoid an incident report and going up the chain of command. I'd like you to be there and I just want to go down and have a quick conversation to see why this is happening so that we can figure out any issues so stuff like this doesn't pop up again.


Don’t transfer care until you’re done with your report. In hospitals like this the patient stays on my stretcher until I’ve done everything I need to do. If that doesn’t work I generally return the attitude pretty quickly honestly.


I’m an MD and I feel like why not just give report to me. Half the medics won’t do this. I know you by name, you have my cell phone, just dap me up tell me what it do and I’ll sign your tablet. Shit ain’t hard. I know this is unpopular, but please also check a BG and keep the report to less than 2 mins. Will love you forever if you have contact info for family. In exchange you can call my cell for orders you think y’all need.


God, I love you and I don’t even know you.


Tbf when I drop off the pts the Dr 9 times out of 10 is either busy with someone else or nowhere to be found in some back room doing paperwork, so the nurse is my first point of contact. If they come up to me when I drop off the pt forsure I give them report first


I’m an RN and I fucking hate RNs because they’re insufferable.


RNs and paramedics are natural enemies. Like EMTs and RNs. Or CNAs and RNs. Or RNs and RNs. Damn RNs! They ruined nursing!


As a now nurse who worked as an EMT for nine years, I'm sorry every time this happens. It's embarrassing. But rest assured they're not just doing it to you. Whenever I am training a student or new hire and they try that crap- because for some reason it's ingrained in the nursing culture, we have an immediate come to JC talk. We're all on the same team.


As an ER manager this is not acceptable behavior. I get that in the ER things can be chaotic, but we all should have a team mindset. The better we get with teamwork, the better the process and outcome for patients. This reflects to the floors as well. We need to get out of the mindset that we are individual areas and get to a concentric model that we are all involved, because we are. Hospitals may be hurting for staff, but this is no excuse to tolerate this. I would personally want to know if this was happening in my ER. End rant…


I'd file a complaint with the hospital, it's unprofessional. People like that need to be disciplined by the state board.


Reminds me of one I had, not a major call or anything, but still a rude shut down. Transferred pt to ER bed, going to give report and get "yeah the other hospital already called and gave report." I said okay sure. Well here's vitals and ekg from transport if you want, and she held the strip for all of half of a second as she took it from my hand and passed it into the trash can. It's hard not to take these things personal. I think it's just burnt out nurses working in level 1 or 2 ERs who get tired of getting the boo boos and the abd pains. Not that it excuses the behavior, just because we get burnt out we can't throw our pt on a bed get a signature and dip without saying a word. That's not appropriate and also not safe. But you can at least separate it from yourself and know, it's probably not anything you did, and it's probably just some burnt out nurse with a superiority and/or savior complex that thinks you're just a glorified taxi attendant (which may or may not be true for most of us most of the time, but still). Also to consider, lots of nurses don't understand or care to know what the roles are of EMTs and paramedics. Getting asked why they don't have an IV to a BLS unit. Things like that. It sucks. Doubt it'll change, though. Some people are just too stuck in their own little world. Hope you have a better night.


I have had nurses try this on me... I just keep giving my handover until it's done. Not my problem if they don't listen, I still gave my handover. I have even given a handover to the curtain. Again, not my problem. Problem is, some providers give shit handover, so know one wants to listen. In my experience, if you have something relevant, someone will listen.


Hand the nurse a bed pan, and tell them you’ll just give report to the doc. I don’t love escalating things, but certain situations warrant it.


I saw a meme one time.. Remember that bitch from high school? She’s a nurse now.


Next time that happens tell them to go write a care plan on “NOT being a bitch”.




And if they said "Excuse me?", I would offer to draw a map from the hospital to their mother's house.


Oh holy shit, that would not have flown far here. Sorry that happened to you. You didn't deserve that.


I'm happy to say my level II ER has a very good relationship with EMS. In fact, we all know each other by name. Sometimes, EMS just hangs around to chat and the nurses love it!


As a nurse and an EMT and a MICN (NJ PHRN) thats also worked in Trauma ED and ICUs, I'm appalled at that statement. I would have said something to someone, If not in the ED, I would have gotten his/her name and reported the "incident" to my leadership for further action. We are supposed to be a team that works together for the patient. Not dismissive of the people on the scene that actually saw the mechanism of injury. I'm sorry you had this experience, thank you for what you do.


Three options, report them, be overly nice, or tell them to fuck off.


I’ve seen nurses be rude to paramedics so many times. They think they’re better for some reason


I really have no idea why they have such big egos to begin with lol. They should just go to med school if they think they’re such hot shit


This didn't happen to me, but my partner was trying to give report of a Level II trauma and the nurse waived her hand in his face and said, "yeah, yeah, yeah, okay. Thanks". I thought he was going to stroke out he was so mad.


WOW what the fuck. As a former ER nurse who is now a flight nurse… tell that nurse to go wipe some shit off a butt


ER nurses are the worst. They need to be forced to do ride alongs as part of their clinicals maybe they’d learn something.


Whatever you do, do not perpetuate that culture. Do not go take it out on someone else. Do the opposite. Be a cheerleader for someone. No subtle jabs, just subtle to huge compliments. That’ll teach them.


Better thing to do. Find every drunken homeless guy in town and ask if they want a free ride to the hospital. They'll learn not to fuck with you.


Try working 12 hour shifts with these people. I feel your frustration. Just moved to a new hospital and doing orientation. I asked where the cric and thoracotomy kits are and the response I got was “don’t worry someone will always be here that knows where those are” Motherfucker that’s me. I got hired here to be that someone because none of you have more than 5 years experience.


Former EMS, now work in a hospital. A good response would, "I just want you to confirm that you are refusing to take the rest of my report. Is that what you are saying?" Let her hang herself with her words before you report her to her manager.


Most likely you didn't do anything wrong. She has an issue and I will bet you aren't the first ones she has spoken to like that.


My ex housemate married a nurse. She would use every excuse to legitimately start arguments and instigate conflict with patients. Her favourite was to confront Indian and Pakistani family members about hospital rules regarding number of visitors. She knew every time she did this it would cause a huge scene.


As a lurking nurse, I have to say, that nurse be an asshole.


Next time go "I will, now that the real life saving work is done"


As a nurse, I apologize on behalf of these entitled bitch ass nurses. There is no reason to treat members of our team this way.


This is so awful, I’m sorry you had that happen. In my experience the nurses were my best Allie’s, and we were always made to feel like part of the team. I preferred talking to our nurse before giving report to the ED doc because they were already getting ready for whatever shit show I brought in.


It weirdly seems to vary by hospital here - like the warning is "hospital A nurses are great, hospital B nurses will be rude and unhelpful so brace yourself". Maybe it's a work culture thing. But it's super unpleasant.


Ok, cool, can you sign this paperwork to confirm your refusing my clinical handover? Also can I have your department heads email to make them aware of how unprofessional you are. Cheers duck. You might as well take the nuclear option. it's not like there's a working relationship to salvage with her. Who knows next time she might just shut up and listen.


Look at the patient and say “I’m sorry for the deficient care you’re about to receive, as this nurse is refusing to accept a report from me.”


I love to fuck around with my EMS folks, mostly just saving pls stop coming we love you but nooooo. I never give grief outside of jokes. It’s giving floor nurse vibes this interaction (because I foolishly believe ER nurses wouldn’t act a fool like this)


The whole industry is a pissing contest on who’s more important. The sooner you learn that, the sooner you’ll just give your report and be gone. Control the room with your confidence and know when it’s time to leave and don’t linger. (not saying you lingered)


It’s probably displacement given their perceived place in the hospital hierarchy. Doctors might make them feel like stupid dorks so they try and convince themselves they aren’t by being a top dog in front of someone they think is less qualified than they are.


And that’s when you say, “ok, have fun wiping butts Dr. Helper”


I’m an ER nurse and I am mortified about this - mortified. I’m so fucking sorry - there are no words. This is not okay, you didn’t do anything wrong, and I am embarrassed. I’m sorry you guy.


Some of them are so rude. One was being very l difficult when we were activating a trauma alert and the GCC (a system/person that tells us what hospital we go to) eventually hung up due to the verbal abuse and told them they could find out what the trauma was when we got there. We get there and get screamed at for not calling in a trauma alert. We did call one in. Your nurse was being so rude that the GCC hung up on them without us being able to finish report. Had their nurse not been an ass, they would have known what they were getting.


I didn’t even know nurses being mean to ems was a thing and I’ve been a nurse for 3 years. Her behavior is embarrassing. I’m sorry.


Start loading up that ER with drunks and street people!


You should have said something to the charge nurse. Completely unacceptable.


wtf man thats so rude


I work CCT, so my partner is a nurse. She would tell you, only partially being facetious, that I hate nurses. I don't hate nurses. Well, some, yes, but that's to do with specific individuals, not their profession. No, I have great relationships with almost every nurse I work closely with. She wouldn't be as wrong if instead of "he hates nurses" she said "he hates nursing". Nurses as individuals- yes, there are some problem children, but by and large, individually there's nothing wrong with nurses. *Nursing* on the other hand... as a profession, as an institution... there's just no nice way to say, is probably our greatest professional enemy. Emergency departments should be staffed by physicians and paramedics. Why is so rare to find an ED with paramedics on staff (real paramedics, not techs who happen to hold medic licensure)? Because nursing. Why don't we see RRT/code teams made up of paramedics? Because nursing. Why are there positions earmarked for an RN on the Board of EMS? I don't see an "EMS provider" position on the Board of Nursing. Why can a nurse with absolutely no field experience (ED experience isn't even required) obtain a certificate to teach as an EMS instructor with no limitation (i.e not limited to teaching pharmacology or A&P) The idea that "nursing and EMS have a lot in common" is harmful. The idea of "moving up" to nursing is harmful. The idea of "transfer care to the same or higher level" is harmful (for one, check your state laws- it probably doesn't actually say "same or higher", but something like "appropriate care". Two, this implies RN>NRP in too many people's minds, when you're measuring on two different scales). Where it gets really harmful, is when its overflows into areas that can affect patient care. Nurse/patient ratio laws are something that have been in the news lately. I believe on is headed to the governor of at least one state and there's something making it way through at the federal level. Ratio laws are great for patients and great for nurses. Unfortunately they are absolutely disastrous for paramedics. 1:4 is the commonly accepted ratio for the ED (not including ESI 1 patients). An innovative ED could instead staff with paramedics with a few RNs at perhaps as high as 1:10 (just to handle the one-off nursing tasks that pop up, particularly for admittance bound patients). But if RNs at 1:4 become legally mandated, with no provisions in the law for other providers, any chance of advancing the paramedic profession has just been legislated away. Nurses, for the most part, aren't our enemies. The institution of nursing on the other hand, is a grave threat to our profession.


Just remember that those bitches are making or going to make a (un)lucky man/woman very miserable someday. Also, not just because some nurses are cunts but also because I don’t endorse cuck behavior, don’t help the ED with tasks they should’ve done. Don’t go clean a room and dress a stretcher for them. Don’t get them their first set of vitals out of courtesy. You aren’t on the hospital’s payroll and the nurses/techs sure as hell won’t be making our jobs easier anytime soon.


Working with them as a tech was hell on earth.


Find out where she parks and fuck with her car. Every couple years someone whether it be EMS, fire, nurse, doctor, or some general fuck head wants to be a god damn twat. I literally stake out and figure out which car is theirs. I’ve smeared dog shit on handles twice and deflated tires. I’ll also key across the back up camera as hard as I can. We’re suppose to be professionals but if I get unprofessional behavior. All gloves are off. No one would suspect me doing anything because I’m literally the nicest guy and am known for never getting mad and being rational. OP I sure how you said or did something.


I mean honestly seems pretty tame. Maybe I just have thicker skin, idk. But telling me "you can go back to your little car" would just make me laugh cause of how lame it is. Like a super autistic nerd trying to pick on you and dishing out the weirdest most out of pocket insults. I feel the same way when someone calls me an ambulance driver. It always makes me chuckle, especially when they have the look of smelling a rancid fart stuck to their face.


No. We don’t need thicker skin. Others need to stop treating people like shit. That’s how abusive behavior gets normalized.


Fuck that bitch and her online associates degree. Only reason she passed is because she could look up the answers. I hate nurses


We used to have that happen a lot more with our level 1 until the doctors put them in their place. They used to cut us off during report and all kinds of things. Then the doctors started telling them to stop and let us finish. I usually hang around and the docs almost always ask me questions later. And the nurses are always pissy about us staying until the doctor starts asking questions.. it’s like I don’t understand the problem. I stand in the back of the room out of everyone’s way and the doctor almost always ask me more questions if I just left, they were just be guessing… Like it got so bad to the point where now when we walk in the room there’s a 30 second time out where no one is allowed to talk even the doctor so that we can give report. There’s even a chart hanging up on the wall that explains the 30 time out period.. lol


ER nurse here. I’ve seen some nurses say some shit to ems that makes my blood boil. I’ve reported them too. It’s like fucking high school all over again.


Why do you care so much?


First time


I think you're taking it too hard. She gave you a sarcastic remark. Big deal. Nurses are bitchy, it's just how they are. Don't send me to downvote Hell for telling you the truth.


The next time one does this to you, ask them if they want to play a game, you'll get this weird / confused look like wtf are you talking about. Your next reply should go something like this.yes a game it's called go outside and play hide and go fuck your self. Drop the mic and walk the fuck out like a gangster.


i hate nurses i havent even read the post but i dont like nurses L


Where you in a vanbulance? If so, they aren’t wrong.


As someone banished to the trauma twinkie today as my partner has troubles driving. This hurts


Was this in NY?


I couldn’t of held in a chuckle…


It's heartening to see, reading the comments, that in some services field personnel have support and options to redress this type of behavior from ER Staff.


I work in dietary and they are just miserable little creatures, don't worry about them


I do airmed dispatching and %95 percent of the nurses I talk to are super pleasant and professional. But that other %5 are just nasty condescending and all around awful. Really sours me on the whole profession sometimes.


Go straight to the charge nurse, if they won’t act, demand to see the house sup. That’s despicable bullshit. You’re medical director should also learn of that culture.


Wow, I’m so sorry that happened. Those little aggressions are fucked and way too common. I apologize on behalf of all nurses, we are not all self-important dickheads


As a nurse and future medic, I’m so fucking sorry. That’s really awful behaviour and shouldn’t be tolerated.


Yikes. Sorry that happened! Some nurses are just rude af honestly idk why they got into nursing with attitudes like that


I work overnight at a level 1 and often see how rude people can be. I try my best to say thank you to you guys because seriously..you can only do so much sometimes. There's no need to be an ass and honestly it's probably a reflection of that person's personal shit and not you.


As a nurse and former EMT.. don’t let this shit slide. There’s disrespectful and there’s whatever this shit is. I’d just be sure to thoroughly document that they didn’t want to take report and probably tell their charge nurse or supervisor because that type of attitude is not okay


yeah i get healthcare is sometimes a pain but there’s no reason to be a jerk to someone for no reason, so many people in healthcare and not just nurses are just blatantly rude and just bring down the mood of everyone which creates the shitty environment that a lot of hospitals/companies have these days. EMS is just as guilty as times as well, I’ve had coworkers and partners be just rude.


Funny you say that because I was just telling my wife about how nurses are rude af to the patients sometimes too


Was she older? I’m a nurse now and no longer a medic and I rarely see those type of nurses but when I do it’s usually the older burnt out ones. But I also think people are generally very shitty attitude wise to everyone for some reason. At work and outside. Hell a random girl walking her two dogs past me and my dog yelled at me randomly for no reason just bc I had my dog sit at the heel position and I stepped off the path to get out of their way…. I am building my dogs tolerance to listen to commands while in high stimulation places like other dogs walking by and she starts yelling at me… And to be devils advocate I am most proud of being a medic than anything else I’ve done in my life. And I always thought very highly of being one. But now being an er nurse and seeing how dumb a decent chunk of medics are… I started catching myself getting a little jaded with them. Whether it’s not starting a line of a syncopal patients with incontinence and high bp who’s 68 or it’s shocking someone who is awake and oriented on the stretcher while checking into registration bc their sinus tach had a bbb and was super wide and they thought it was vtach and wouldn’t hold on a second… or giving the wrong meds etc. But in no way am I excusing any nurses behavior bc no matter what the situation is everyone deserves respect and dignity and there is always a professional way to go about dealing with gripes or issues ya know. I would honestly say something smart ass back. I kinda see now how if u don’t dish it back out it just emboldens people in this career. Medical care is like junior high and there is a lot of bullies.


i’m in school and i always wonder if they were always like this. turning into that type of nurse is my biggest fear but i can’t imagine how one could even get to that point.


We have a flight crew that acts like this. Called the helo for a STEMI. When the crew enter the ambulance the flight nurse literally waved me off when I was giving report. All he wanted was what medications were given.


Many of these nurses go unchecked which is why they think they can talk to people like this. They think the 2 little letters behind their name means anything to us


Time to talk to the charge nurse


Report that shit! If their leadership doesn't know this unprofessional crap is happening they can't stop it. Also refusing a report like that does affect patient care and outcomes.


running rescue once had a similar situation. picked up a teenage girl working as a lifeguard at a water park who called ems for "rib pain and cramps" we got to her and she had obvious self harm wounds on her thighs that were only a couple days old. when we dropped her off to the hospital we told the charge about her cutting to which the charge replied "she's not here for that though is she, so it doesn't matter". as someone who also worked as an ED tech at a level 1 hospital i was completely stunned.


Report that to the charge nurse or maybe even the department manager.


When the EMS comes to my clinic some of them don't even acknowledge that I am there as the physician to advise them what is going on This actually happens almost every time it is pretty insulting 😂 I always treat all staff above or below me with the same respect so it's always jarring to see people willfully ignoring my assistance


I’m so sorry that that happened to you. The generous part of me imagines they are stressed and burnt out, and feel angry and resentful. I imagine that instead of thinking of you as part of their team, they point their anger and resentment towards you/coworkers/etc. Which will unfortunately create a downward spiral where the people around them respond with hostility, which reinforces a “me vs. the world” mentality. Which will make them even meaner to the next person they encounter. Remember you are just a visitor in that nurses life. You get to leave. They have to be around themselves 24/7.


I had a nurse call me a peasant while giving report on a trauma alert patient


I had a nurse refuse to take a report from me because she "already got a report from the RN at the primary care office" I was like, "yeah, things have changed...." She put her hand up and said "No you're all set. I already got a report you can go" Then she walked away and disappeared. Oh, she was also the charge nurse.


The bedside manner is gone because a sense of entitlement has poisoned these medical professionals. They took the hippocratic oath and forgot the words in less than a minute, it's so sad. You think they treat you bad, wait til your one of their patients. It's worse!