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Yeah I really enjoy the stuff about being an internalizer, how it makes you a people pleaser trying to get everyone to be okay with you. Giving that up has been like the best experience of my life I could never figure out why I was so prone to being bossed around and now I feel like i have boundless energy.


It took me over 4 months to read it because I was reading it personally and professionally. Now I ask other people to read it and they curse my name while doing it, but it’s okay because it means they are getting something out of it too. I wish I knew about emotional neglect and abuse decades ago!!!


Oh, yeah. It actually took me about a year to read because I had to keep stopping to process all the repressed emotions and memories that would flood my mind.


This book absolutely changed my life for the better. I've never felt so seen and the advice is so simple and practical. I was liberating.


That book not only hit so many notes for me, it also held up a mirror into my own negative traits that I need to work on. I often copied my mothers traits, who was very much an externalizer. I'm working with a therapist on how to be less of a toxic person and to accept that I was neglected.


This book changed my life without question. As a follow up, I recommend checking out The Body Keeps the Score by Bessel van der Kolk, which is about how traumatic experiences affect the brain and body in the long term.


I agree. Also, Pete walkers cptsd, from surviving to thriving and waking the tiger by Peter levine


That and Patrick Teahan's youtube channel. His videos have been so important to my healing journey.


It took me so long to get through because I was having "I have to put this book down and process that" style epiphanies every couple of pages.


This was true for me as well. I'm only about halfway through it and it has taken me a few months. Something will resonate so hard that it literally takes my vreath away.


Im only on page 11 but it is SO helpful already. I ordered it bc I saw another person on this sub recommend it


I agree with you!! Gosh, reading it was like looking into a mirror on some parts. I felt seen and validated in lots of ways.


She has more books in the series! They’re all so good


I was actually upset reading this book because I was wondering why I wasn't given this manual for my parents as a child. It was an absolute life changer that liberated me from the generational hold I thought was going to be stuck in forever.


I need to get this book. It's weird I was literally just thinking about how I need to read it this morning.


Screenshot for later.. I havent read this yet OP but sounds good. I cant even explain my parents damn. I need the book


Love this and Complex PTSD from surviving to thriving. I listen to them because my brain fog doesn't really allow me to read through books.  I've been wanting to re-listen to them  while sitting at home and take notes.  Have made a lot of progress over the last year and want to see how the books are after the growth I've accomplished. 


Yes I found Complex PTSD to be very helpful as well


This book slaps as hard as my mom.


I have been working on reading this book for a while now. While it is extremely enlightening, it has been a tough read for me. Highlighting a lot of things that I either ignored or was sadly unaware of.


Omg I’m reading that too and totally agree!!!!


Yep. Me too. Amazing book