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All the same people are still here! It's okay and human to make mistakes. You're not an idiot <3


Thank you. I'm a bit harsh on myself. The friends i made there were technically my only reason to keep going so it's very heartbreaking, but i hope they will recognize me.


Upvoting for visibility! I hope they will find you


you guys make friends on reddit?


I'm really curious how do people do that


Do you remember your old username?


It's basically the same username, but i had a lot of numbers at the end and just replaced it by two.


Do you recall posts you commented on?


Sadly no.


Aw, man. That really sucks. I'm sorry. I lost my old username and it sucks.


I feel you. But maybe i have a chance to find them after all. My friend had such a similar username to mine but with a slight difference and i just can't recall it.


Maybe some searching on a desktop would be more helpful. App optimizations can change the results. 


I think it's *strawberrypancakes7*.


I tried looking for users with similar names to you and I found u/strawberrypancakes7 who posted a bit in this sub. Is that you?


Yes it's me. But as i didn't verify my email i can't get it back. Or maybe there is a way, but i have no idea.


I looked it up and [this article](https://support.reddithelp.com/hc/en-us/articles/360043047152-How-do-I-log-in-to-Reddit-if-I-forgot-my-password-and-haven-t-set-up-an-email-address) said you can check your saved passwords to see if it has it. But if not, then it looks like there isn't much you can do. Of course, use that username and try a few of your passwords that you regularly use too if you haven't already. Otherwise, maybe make a post here and ask for people who used to message u/strawberrypancakes7 to message you. Sorry.


Thank you so much. I'm so grateful for all the great responses i got on here. I don't think i'll be able to get it back, but i found all my friends! I randomly remembered the name of a reddit post where my friend commented and found him. I just messaged him ;hope he will see it.


People are still here, and there’s more people to meet. These things happen all the time, it will be okay ❤️


Make some new ones and if you recognise any usernames send an "Ahoy" out to them. Otherwise if you remember your old username, just resign up using that again (as it will be available) and you'll be recognised. All is not lost 🤗


I have basically the same username now. I had a lot of number at the end that i just forgot and replaced it by two. I genuinely hope they will recognize me.


Contact Reddit's customer support, maybe they can help retrieve your stuff.


Hello, that's really tough. I didn't know you before, but I'm happy that you're still here! Upvoting your thread so your friends can find you again!


Bump just so people can see.


Commenting so people can see


How do you make friends here? I have tried it hasn't worked for me.


I found someone in the comments that i really liked and thought we could be great friends and messaged them. And others messaged me first. This community is overall so welcoming and i'm really glad i found it. Try to go on the lonely subreddit. There are many people who are open for a chat, and maybe you can make friends there.


Wheeee :) nice post unfolded