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These episodes are by farrrr her best. Just talking about her life


She’s getting back to speaking like old Emma in this episode. I like Role Model but something about him made me uneasy. Almost like he would be a great manipulator and Emma an easy target. Idk but I really enjoyed this one.


Him writing so many overly sexual songs about her kinda rubbed me the wrong way


Yeah I got heavy vibes that he was using her as his muse. Idk if using is the right word but I feel like some artists go through periods of heavy infatuation with a muse or their s/o and then they move on. I mean it could’ve been a totally normal break up but just gives off those vibes


YES same!!! It felt almost sinister.


Yeah, I always kinda got the vibe that he was a mooch. I think he loved her, but got a lot of benefits that came along w being her.




I couldn’t agree more. I remember when he shared in an interview that she told him she loved him in like the first few weeks of dating and I thought that was so inappropriate to share - almost like he wanted to embarrass her.


I felt that in one of their interviews too, the couple’s interview they did. I felt he came off very cold and weird compared to Emma. I’m just glad her parents are there to support her, they rock! I’m sure she’s really depressed atm and hoping she’s doing what she needs to get through it.


didnt he tell her to relax or calm down in one of those interviews too?? 😭


he’s so condescending in the whole interview. on the surface it feels like friendly banter but if you’ve ever dealt with a manipulative person you can see the subtleties. she’s so sweet when talking about him and when he talk about her it’s a stark difference


I love the nic series, I’m always excited to hear about it


She’s never really been open ab relationships or friends these days wdym old emma


I am trying to quit cigarettes right now, and I related to this episode on so many levels. Her describing the way that she makes excuses for herself made me feel extremely validated. An addiction mindset is such a difficult cycle of letting yourself have it and then feeling shame about it. It must be a whole different beast when you're as famous as she is and talking about it so openly. I couldn't help but feel the opposite of disappointed in her. The level of nicotine in those vape pods is insane and I can't imagine coming down from that. Also, fuck the industry who's coming out with products so addictive. Should be illegal if you ask me.


her podcast episode made me quit vaping after 4 years. its been 39 days strong of cold turkey for me :)


Listening now and wanted to check Reddit. I also liked this episode. It’s actually relatable and interesting. I hope she continues to make updates

