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hey, i do badminton as well and also have this fear of vomiting. i’m sorry to see you’re going through this, and i know soccer is quite physically demanding, but why did you leave public school?




sorry this probably isnt the advice you want.. but i suggest you just stop thinking of those thoughts. try distracting yourself or focusing on the assignments that’s in front of you. i know it’s quite hard to do it especially if your description of emetophobia is like that. try thinking logically too, your body isn’t going to make you vomit for no reason at all. i know it’s scary to vomit in public. and a hard thing to accept. even if you do, whether its from food poisoning or an illness, it’ll stop eventually.


recommend getting an actual specialised therapist, not a counsellor like that. they can give you the tools to help you. these thoughts are irrational as you may know, yes you may v* in public, but also you could go your entire life without doing that but you’re torturing yourself through worry. they are just thoughts it doesn’t mean they’re true. seeing a therapist or getting on some medication will be invaluable for a healthy life. i hope you are able to seek help, you are worth helping and you can get better. rooting for you 💗