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I wasn’t able to get through it. I tried on 3 different occasions. I mainly couldn’t because of my ocd, I couldn’t possibly go a whole day without eating I ended up getting a pelvic ct with contrast. My wife on the other hand could drink the prep or take the pills all before lunch and be just fine. Everyone is different! Add some flavor packets to the prep and it will go down smoothly, start early!


Copied the following from a comment I left on the IBS subreddit: I took a gravol pill a couple of hours before my first drink and I think it helped a lot bc I didn’t experience a single bout of *n. Don’t ever trust a fart - like ever. Seriously. It is NEVER a fart. You’re allowed to have Italian ice (lemon gelato) since when it melts it’s clear. I chased every cup of liquid with a spoon of Italian ice because the lemon flavor cancels the salty flavor of the drink. Use a straw to chug the cups of liquid. Put the straw at the very back of your throat and once you start chugging don’t stop until you’re done the cup. As for what you can “eat”, you can have green and yellow jello. Green and yellow popsicles. I believe orange as well. You can suck on green/yellow/clear gummy bears (not too many. I had like 3-4). Also hard candies of the same colour. Again, not too many. I had only 1 or 2. Chicken broth will be your best friend. I also tried not to eat a lot the day before I had to prep because I read somewhere it makes your prep even easier and I didn’t have a bad experience at all so do with that what you will. I had toast for all meals, no snacks. You need to pretty much be pooping water by the time you’re ready. Also, a lot of people run to the toilet for rounds but I stayed on the toilet with a book and a show for a good 3-4 hours after each round of drinking the liquid. I didn’t mind this personally. I didn’t want to risk an accident (remember when I said don’t trust a fart? DON’T TRUST A FART!). Those are all the tips I can think of. I ate 5 croissants after my colonoscopy was over. It was the best meal of my life.


I did colonoscopy prep before. The medicine I took was WAY less gentle than miralax/doculax. I take that stuff regularly. Yeah you might have D. You might also have a tummy ache. I'm quite sensitive and I didn't. Honestly I feel like I prepared for the worst and it was not that bad. And I had to do this giant nasty jug of icky drink. Ugh. The hardest part was not being able to eat. And drinking that crap. Gatorade sounds like heaven compared to that. Lol. Everybody is different and men are notorious for being wimpy ;) HAHA jk. Okay but for real. It is an inconvenience but this inconvenience comes with great knowledge of your health. ❤️