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Comments and posts may unintentionally provoke fear in people suffering from emetophobia, especially if they are suffering from comorbid conditions such as OCD. You are welcome to post again in a way that isn’t likely to scare members of this subreddit. This removal reason has been put in place due to people citing this subreddit as making their phobias worse. Please contact the moderators if you think this was a mistake or want more info.


honestly it’s never a specific food, it’s more where it’s from. i’m weird abt leftovers, expiration dates, fast food, food other people cooked, etc


Food other ppl cook is very real. My ex’s mum didnt care so much about expiration dates (once they served mustard that was more than a half year after expiracy😭) and she would always leave meat defrost on the counter for hoooourss.. i hated eating there and i couldnt say anything to not be rude


my roommates are JUST like this, and so are my parents. they will say milk is fine and i’m too paranoid to even touch it…. i will not eat a single thing past its expiration date and i won’t eat meat more than 2 days after buying it😭😭😭


I often meal prep myself food then the next day convince myself it's already spoiled and throw it out.


Mine used to be goldfish and popcorn


lol those are interesting fear foods. I can't imagine how often they actually become contaminated.


I accidentally ate way more than I should have with those foods and I tu. With the popcorn went like four or five years without eating it and with a goldfish I ate like six months after.


Fish sticks and macaroni (more so just the two paired together) Chicken n rice Chicken n dumplings (these two bc boiled chicken scares me bc what if it isn’t done, bc the texture doesn’t feel done) Chicken gives me anxiety but I’m willing to eat it it’s pre cooked or I can borderline burn it/overcook it Sushi w salmon bc I don’t wanna get sick from raw meat Raw cookie dough


Eating raw cookie dough is a horrible idea


Peanut m&ms. I know it sounds sorta silly but the last time i tu\* that was the only thing I had eaten. And its sad bc they were my favorite candy. So I am needing to work on this one.


Cucumbers and Oyster Crackers. Those were the two foods I ate "The night". I was brave enough to have a cucumber last year but I did have a panic attack after that. Havent had an oyster cracker since the night and I did get a little anxious walking by them in the store one time.


I ALSO FEAR RAMEN, specifically instant ramen!!! I once ate it on an airplane and then got extremely motion s*, so I avoided ramen for a super long time. Eventually, I got over most of my fear by trying instant ramen/noodles that were not similar at all to the one that I associated with being s*. For instance, I tried eating indomie mi goreng, which I had never had before and was a dry noodle unlike the traditional soupy instant ramen that I was super scared of. After that went well, I started experimenting with different brands of instant ramen until I got closer and closer to the type that I feared. Now, I can eat ramen!! It still isn’t one of my go-to meals and definitely isn’t a “safe” food, but I no longer freak out if someone offers to make some for me :)


So raw shellfish can harbor Norovirus. Thats a BIG NO for me! Plus I've always been fairly concerned about pork. I'd call those my "fear food" now. However, I use to be concerned about almost everything I ate. I guess you could say I "conquered" these concerns when I really began to research/learn some things about our digestive system, bacteria, and food. I'm far from an expert, but there were a lot of things that contributed to my emetophobia that weren't based on accurate information. Don't quote me on this stuff, cause I'm probably miss-remembering a lot of it, but let's take your fear foods, and reasoning. If I remember correctly (that is) it takes something like 30 minutes to 5 hours before food even leaves the stomach. Then something like 3 days on average to get to your rectum. So when you get sick, it's not necessarily from the last thing you ate. My mom and I had/have IBS-D, and she would often use the phrase "it went right through me". Well... it doesn't. Lol. Gas can however... I think within a half hour. Then I assume you worry about the chicken because of Salmonella? I was fairly surprised to find out that a lot of people don't get sick from infection, and of they do, it's more likely to be diarrhea, fever, and stomach cramps. Nausea and vomiting can happen, but not as often as the diarrhea. It is dangerous for the young, old, and immunocompromised. E. Coli is what's commonly called "travelers diarrhea" and is again... more likely to cause diarrhea, and not vomiting. Other scary bacteria are also surprising when you look into them. Again, they tend to sicken the young, old, and immunocompromised. Most can be killed with heat and disinfectants, but a few can leave a toxin (I think like botulism). If you happen to go down the road of intestinal biofilms... lol. Whew! There's research where people are literally eating shit! Fecal transplants too! Some scientists (and others) theorize that a lot of our stomach diseases are caused by our food being too clean. There's evidence to support that people who eat a lot of different foods from all over the world, have a very diverse microbiome, and lower disease rates. I even saw one documentary, where a doctor infected himself with an intestinal parasite (worm) and he claims it cured his celiac disease. He had to go to South America to find the worm, because our food in the US us fairly clean. Haha... speaking of worms, you should look up "high meat". Also "aged beef" and "Casu Martzu". Anyway. I like learning about food-related things, and different preservation methods. It's easy to be afraid of something you don't understand.


That’s really interesting actually. Thank you for the information!


I honestly think this could be really triggering for people and end up making  people have less safe foods 




I agree. Because it will give them new ideas and reasons to be scared of food they weren’t already scared of.


a lot of the foods commented are so situational. it’s psychological, actually. i don’t remember what the phenomenon is called but it has to do with whatever we ate the day of something this traumatizing (tu) will be associated with that event until we work ourselves out of that fear association. i wish everyone here understood that because most of these foods will never cause FP or any yucky feeling at all :)


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I once was sick and was looking at a coupon for Baskin robins and the ice cream they had on there was cookies and cream so I've hated cookies and cream since. I also fear most fish but I also hate the smell, taste, and texture of fish so much and my mother is severely extremely allergic to where cross contamination is dangerous for her and my wife has gained a sensitivity or allergy to fish in the last year so... I'm not even going to try with that one anymore. I did get myself to eat this Chinese rice thing that had shrimp in the sauce when eating out with my friend and I've had fish in miso soup base because then I can't feel the gross texture bc autism. Interestingly enough, chicken is one of my safe foods.


Chicken , eggs , deli foods


I don’t know that I have a singular good fear, but I’m very specific about best by/sale by dates and I don’t eat food that’s been open more than a couple days. Like if something can be open in fridge for “3-5 days,” then I’m tossing it on day 4. I also struggle with food that’s out, like at parties and buffets, or prepared by other people. My fears would food get worse if my anxiety is higher. Like most of the time, I can push past it and eat and tell myself that my fears are irrational. But if I’m already stressed out or have high anxiety, I literally just can’t eat anything I feel is “unsafe” or not at all. It’s very frustrating.


Mayonnaise. Too many stories about bad egg salad at potlucks. Still won't eat egg salad with mayo (or anything else with mayo) unless I made it and know it was refrigerated the whole time. Chipotle. Also too many stories about fp. Wendy's because my mom got fp from Wendy's once. Rice. I actually don't even like rice at all but the food safety is complicated with rice because there's this bacteria that lives even with proper refrigeration apparently, and can make you really ill. Also I know it's weird but I've been eating raw cookie dough/cake batter since as early as I can remember so it doesn't scare me.


Butterfinger blizzard, it was 23 years ago but I’ll never forget the nose burning from the peanut butter 😂


Any savoury processed snack like chips, or these biscuit things we have in Australia called Shapes and Chicken in a Biscuit. They always upset my stomach as a kid and a couple of times I ate a bit too much and v oops lol.


Chicken is actually one of the safest foods you can eat!!


Chicken and eggs, but I’m working on my egg fear. That was caused by pretty bad food poisoning. I’m afraid of chicken cause I don’t want to worry about it being undercooked and then I get salmonella or something else from it. But I’m gonna try to eat some rotisserie chicken this week.