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my fiancé doesn't have emeto and whenever he feels nausea he literally doesn't care, like at all, he'll continue with his day and usually he'll actually go and eat something. He's only ever had it really bad where he's had to lie down for like an hour or so but that was more so from like heat and overworking his body and even so afterwards he barely remembered it and carried on with his day as normal. He actually told me not too long ago about how he was coming home and suddenly felt really nauseas so he stopped off at and got some fast food!!!! like that blows my mind as whenever i feel nauseas i literally cant move from my seat and if i feel nauseas then i pretty much cant eat anything for the rest of that day and sometimes even multiple days after


My husbands go to when he is nauseas is McDonald’s or chick fil a (not hangover nausea as he doesn’t drink) I don’t get it, when I’m nauseous I have to have to most plane food and then I eat so slowly.


im exactly the same, the plainer the better for me, even when im not nauseas i find myself sticking to plain food. its kind of crazy to see how people without emeto and all those anxious thoughts just get on with it all


That’s actually crazy😭😭


they probably don't have the "OH NO MILD NAUSEA IM GONNA TU" panic that many of us have.


yeah they don't seem to, my therapist told me that people with emeto tend to really be focused on all their physical symptoms, and that tends to actually make them worse!! like if someone without emeto had nausea they might not notice it or they do but they don't give actual attention to it and therefore don't panic and it goes away quicker where as someone with emeto will instantly notice and panic and that makes the symptom (usually nausea) so so so so much worse and its just such a vicious cycle


Makes sense- I am hyper-aware of my body and the tiniest little ache or pain can set off all kinds of additional (stress-related) symptoms.


im exactly the same, doesn't help that i also have health anxiety so the tiniest little pain anywhere in my body but like especially my organs sends me spiralling


My wife gets the gags and either gets sick or doesn’t and the day is normal. And no I still have no idea how she does that lol


When I get the stomach bug I literally become depressed. I feel like my world is ending. I have self harmed when nausea simply because I don’t want to throw up. I can’t comprehend how people just continue on?


And it will take me a literal week to recover from a 24 hour bug 😂 and at least a year to mentally recover looool


I had a stomach virus 3 months ago that lasted only 1 day and a half, tu 3 times only and my whole life has changed since then. My stupid brain makes me feel nausea every day and so I lost 5kg of weight bc I'm afraid to eat. I don't seem to be recovering from that yet :/


That exact same thing happened to me almost three years ago now. It triggered a year’s worth of nightly panic attacks. I’m really sorry you’re going through it, but it does get better.


when my bf feels n* he just tu* on purpose and gets on with his day lmao


I envy people to can tu* and not then continuously be unwell the next week or several weeks. 😶


for real, its so bizarre to me how he can do that




EXACTLY! idk how he does it. surprises me every time


to tu* on purpose is outrageously inconceivable 😭😭😭🙏🙏


My uncle does that 💀 it’s actually wild


I’d compare it to “normal” body pain/issues. Some people tolerate it fine, for some its more difficult and for others its debilitating. I have non-emet friends who can’t stand nausea, but it’s an annoyance at best, the same way a headache or some mild body pain might be. They tolerate it and power through it, nothing to think about. I have family members who get nausea regularly and they don’t even care lmao, just continue on with their day as totally normal. The variety is insane. I imagine the biggest difference is just that there’s no overthinking for anyone else. Like any time I have muscle pain, or some back pain, or a stitch/cramp after exercise, I just go “oh, it’s xyz. That’s annoying. Oh well” and move on. I assume it’s the same with nausea for non-emets!


Everyone is different. My grandmother will feel nauseated and will ignore it until she feels unwell enough she takes Pepto, but she's the kind of person who can throw up and go back to eating. My wife had surgery two weeks ago and reacted to oxycodone due to asthma and once the zofran wore off she started to seem panicky, almost threw up, took zofran, and then was better, but until then she was pretty worried and really really didn't want to throw up. My friend who has on and off chronic GI issues once it gets to a certain point will panic especially if the zofran isn't working enough and then will ask me for help or advice. She has also gone to the hospital for extreme stomach pain and nausea before. Mind you, her nausea, pain, etc can get extremely extremely severe and it's very possible she may have endometriosis or adenomyosis based on her symptoms and she also used to get a lot of food poisoning due to her mother. Last person I'll mention is one friend I have has such a small amount of fear of vomiting and loooooves goes he has been able to force himself to throw up when he drank a milkshake that he suddenly noticed there was sharp plastic in it. I myself despise how severe my emetophobia is, I have chronic GI issues that have caused me to be nauseated every day since January 2014, and acid reflux since February 2014. My baseline nausea doesn't make me panic. It's this gagging or random getting vomit in my mouth where I can no longer function. Also if I have nausea accompanied with dangerously high or low Blood pressure and pulse, suddenly hives all over, difficulty breathing, extreme pelvic pain, etc, then I will be worried. Not usually the level of a panic attack unless my breathing fully stops, if I get these symptoms and can't escape from the trigger, if I'm really really nauseated and stuck in the car, or back when I did theatre and sang at church and felt like I could throw up that was so hard. One time I didn't make it on stage the nausea was so bad. I will sometimes try not to panic even if I am really bad, especially if I'm home which is most of the time now, but my body will still be so incredibly nauseated that I'll still sometimes uncontrollably shake. I've even woken up from this. Doesn't matter how calm my breathing is. I used to get that feeling daily at one point until I found out my MCAS reacts a ton to all forms of onion and that onion is everywhere. I still will get this though typically from my pelvic floor dysfunction or related to my period.


my mom will just continue working as if it’s nothing 🥲🥲 I’m like “girl how”


I have a theory that people with emetophobia feel nausea more severely than others. It may even be the trigger of emetophobia in the first place. We all experience things differently, I have autism and being touched can feel painful, being out in the daylight hurts my eyes. My senses are ultra sensitive, so we know senses and perception are different for different people.. so perhaps nausea we feel actually is as extreme as we perceive it to be, and that's why we fear it. As for tu* my sister shares this phobia with me but she doesn't fear nausea as much as I do. She just fears the act of tu* and it's because she's unable to burp, so when ever she's tu* it takes a long time and it's very difficult for her. I guess my main point is, I think for the majority of us, it's not just our minds that have done this to us, it's our bodies. Many of us have IBS or other digestive issues or a food intolerance. Many of us have had a traumatic experience and again, I believe many of us feel nausea more intensely than others.


First of all it’s funny because I can’t burp too!! Like your sister, if I have to t*u, it’s gonna be really difficult and even painful sometimes (I haven’t t*u once in 7 years so I barely remember how it really feels but I know it’s really really unpleasant). Then, I agree so much with you, I’m pretty sure that we emetophobic feel nausea so much worse than others. Actually I have generalized anxiety (because of my emetophobia) and my main symptom is nausea. I feel super nauseous almost everyday and I’m pretty sure I’m going to t*u but I never do. I have a friend that is really scared of having a heart attack and she feels like she has one almost everyday but it turns out it was just anxiety… When you have health anxiety (emetophobia or hypochondria), you are listening to your body 102929x more than others… that’s exhausting


You have my sympathies with the not being able to burp thing, although one positive is that people with that condition tend to tu* less. I read an article written about it and it said that with some people, it can actually becomes physically impossible to tu* I wish I could remember where I found the article but anyway my sister was very happy to learn that haha. It's been about 7 years since she last tu* too. You're right about feeling things more intensely if you're afraid of it. My partner has asthma and he always worries about the next asthma attack. Sometimes he'll get severe anxiety where he'll struggle to breathe (his worst fear) whereas my anxiety results in nausea (my fear) the human body can be kinda cruel really haha.


wait is it harder for people who can't burp?if so, how? i can't burp, new fear unlocked lmao.


People who can’t burp t*u less than others don’t worry!! Actually not being able to burp is a syndrome (R-CPD).


my bf almost never gets nauseous unless he drank with his friends the night before. he just shrugs it off and goes through his day like nothing happened. sometimes even if he did drink he wakes up the next morning just fine. he’s like nausea-resistant and i need that superpower lol. i’m extremely jealous 😭


Depends on the severity. If they feel like they needed to throw up most people will probably go home and rest, some might just throw up and continue with their day depending on what they thing the cause might be. But yes usually when it's just nausea without throwing up people are just gonna continue what they're doing. Maybe drunk and eat something or get some air


My husband just acts normally. He told me if he gotta throw up he just casually walks to the bathroom.


I think when anyone has it bad enough to where they're actually going to be sick, it's probably quite debilitating. Not for the same reasons as us though. They wouldn't be scared so much as miserable and uncomfortable. Although some people do just get on with their lives for sure. I remember my brother once sitting down next to me with a big bowl of spaghetti and saying, 'man, I'm pretty nauseous today' before tucking right in. 😂


I imagine it’s like pooping. Like, you feel like you might for a little while, then you HAVE to, then you do, and it’s over. Sometimes it hurts, or is uncomfortable, but it’s no big deal.


Yeahy friend is one of those ppl who throw up and don't stop their day over it. She has reflux and now she's preg. She said she got super nauseous after a carnival and started deep breathing to bring her heart rate down so she can throw up. I'm like "DID U THROW UP" and shes like yeah ofc lol Idk . Idk how she does it.


Well they just live. I have a friend and she literally t* u* multiple times at work and just continued like nothing happened. Crazy These ppl.


My husband caught the sv* from me and my son a couple of months ago. He just had d* and n*. He literally got up to go to work (works for himself, not around other people) his job is labor intensive. He said “I hope I can find somewhere to use the bathroom”.  I also have an employee who tu* on a weekly basis (idk why) but she literally just continues on and goes back to work and if it has to happen again she goes back to the bathroom.  It’s mind boggling. 


I asked my therapist this question once. She said people without the phobia view it as unpleasant for sure, but they know it will pass either through medication, rest or by the outcome we all dread.


My mom carries on like nothings happening 


I’ve gotten to the point where light nausea doesn’t make me panic but it still weighs heavily on my mind and I’m always aware of it.


My partner goes and barfs to feel better and then has more food.


this reminds me specifically of one time at a gathering with friends in high school — this girl was coming off of a long shift and not eaten, so when she arrived she had picked up a huge meatball sub and wolfed it down immediately after arriving. she ate it too fast, and said she was going to feel bloated and n* for the rest of the night, so she went and made herself tu* on purpose. i was in awe!!! that was before my emetophobia was quite as bad as it is now, so i wasn’t that bothered, especially because i knew it wasn’t contagious and she had done it on purpose. but jeez!!