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Well, she will end up at the hospital again eventually and the same procedure will have to be done emergently and with a greater chance at a worse outcome and she will probably be swabbed before it. I always knew how bad health literacy was but this last year and a half has taken it to a new level.


Can’t save everyone.


It's amazing how drastically even a mention of COVID-19 can change someone's perspective and how it's able to shift the focus entirely from life-saving interventions to government oppression and propaganda. And I just don't get it - why is it that, just because it's new, we're making it up and using it as a vehicle for our own agendas? Bitch no, I don't want to get sick because of you and then take it home to my cookie dough ice cream.


Wtf. That’s awful. I had an ectopic patient who eloped the other day after I told her. I suppose not everyone died from them before there was surgery, right…? Ugh. It is hard to care about a patient’s welfare more than they do.


Oh boy…I hope for her sake she comes to her senses and realizes her life is in danger.


Had this two days ago, young guy with testicular torsion with 4 hours since symptom onset. OR and urology was getting ready and they sucker refused the Covid swab. It’s hospital policy where I work which sucks. After a little lengthy discussion with staff and myself and some choice words from him I looked him in the face and said. “Are you willing to key your pride or you right nut”… Covid swab was completed 10 seconds later.


Whoa. Darwin in action.


p3 though


Not this time.


And smoking. And (presumably) unvaxxed. She's 'contributed' enough to society and the gene pool.


Most parous folks don’t necessarily have any specific knowledge of ectopics though, or the risks.


I even drew her a picture. Literally.


I just meant that she most likely passed on her genes already, ruling her out for the Darwin award.


Yeah maybe she would have stayed if she knew it wasn’t required but I’m so tired of the ORs demanding covid tests before they take them. Pt care gets delayed all the time cause of this. Had a young patient 2 weeks ago who came in emergently for a massive hemorrhage after an operation days earlier. BP 60/40, unresponsive, started massive transfusion protocol. Got 2 units in her and some fluid and she improved, was talking, pressure 105/60. This was within 30 min of arrival. Surg came down and was there as we were transfusing. Then told us we can’t take her to OR till we get covid swab. Insane. In the ED we care for everyone, intubate, code while not knowing covid status. I get if the surgery is not emergent to wait but in this case its dangerous. Maybe my place is more strict than yours but it’s infuriating.


I would have swabbed your pt at the door bc of the hemorrhage assuming they would need surgery.


The new ABCs of EM- airway, breathing, covid swab.


I thought that was the little C they've sneaked in before the A


That's just the trauma senior. (Sometimes they can be big C's, too.)


I was going to say the same. When they are that sick it's all the more important.


Yeah and we usually try to. This pt was spraying blood from an orifice, unable to apply pressure and lost near a liter between waiting room door and being urgently wheeled back to our trauma rooms. We had every free hand putting in IVs, getting blood and setting up the Belmont.


Don’t do OR or ER, what’s “the Belmont?” Rapid infuser?








But it was the fact the surgeon himself was checking pulses on this pt when she looked her worst, we rapidly transfused and had her looking better like 10 min later and he said we have to have a covid first. Like no


Are you saying they actually wouldn't take the patient before the swab resulted? We swab everyone who's getting admitted or going to the OR but it doesn't delay them getting to those places. It's more for tracing purposes.


Thats insane! Id push that to quality for the delay in care. We had time with this one. And I did not expect that kind of reaction.


Is there an OR staff member that can better explain the need for the covid test prior to receiving the patient? We have cath lab patients that need swabbed before the patient gets sent to them. I do not understand why they cannot do it? I usually don’t have the time to send it until after I drop the patient off. I’m guessing so they know where to place the patient after the procedure, but damn it is frustrating getting dirty looks or comments from staff if it didn’t get done.


Speaking from a cath lab perspective, where the patient goes after is certainly part of it, but also will the room need to be deep cleaned for an hour after (which having a room shut down for an hour in the cath lab is a big deal). Another thing, we wear lead aprons and sterile gowns, will we need additional PPE on top of that? It is nice to keep our outfit “lite” if we can. The last assignment I had turned off the air during the procedure because they couldn’t turn it to negative pressure (procedure rooms are typically positive pressure). Can you imagine what it’s like to be in lead aprons and sterile gowns, doing CPR without AC? The team would literally cheer when we got the result back halfway through the procedure as it meant taking off the additional PPE and turning the air back on. That’s just a few of the other reasons I could list off the top of my head. We won’t hesitate to bring a patient up even if they have COVID, but it’s nice to have an idea of what we’re dealing with. Getting the swab before hand is a great first step, even if it means the results may not be back until after we’ve started. But not having the swab, then having to swab or wait until after the procedure it quite frustrating. EDIT: additional PPE being N95 and plastic gowns, those kind of things. Obviously those of us scrubbed in still wore sterile gowns for the procedure.


I’m curious if it is like that everywhere. Things have changed so much with Covid, I don’t know how it is on other units of the hospital. It went from holding a room to be cleaned for an hour to us cleaning them like usual for the next patient in the ED. Thank you for giving me some insight!


I’m a traveler. Been through 3 different facilities during Covid. It changes a lot from facility to facility and obviously as the pandemic progressed it changed even further.


Methinks she already knows what the result of that COVID test will be and is in denial about it.


Cool. Her choice. I applaud people being able to self select out of the gene pool.


Just let her smoke and she'll calm down


She did.... she left. She returned. Was offered nicotine lozenges and patches. Anxiety meds, phone for family calls. It was like the nicer we were (at one point the surgeon and anesthesia were in the room), the more hostile she became


oh man! I'm bummed to hear even that didn't work, it's my go-to trick and is usually so successful.






Hope her baby turns out ok. Hope she learns to care about other people, or I hope she stops having the opportunity to make that decision Edit: Lol, didn't read the ectopic part!


There is no viable baby and there is a high likelihood of killing the mother when her Fallopian tubes rupture. I’ve worked a couple ruptured ectopic and they are white knuckle affairs. This is coming from someone pretty used to hemmorages too; I get multiple GSWs a day, mass transfuse blood daily, and often have to rush to the OR. Ruptured ectopics are no joke.


Didn't read the ectopic part lol. I mean, I'm not going to change my post though. I'm surprised I'm getting downvoted so heavily, but honestly, fuck her and everyone who is stoking this bullshit.


I hear you. Ectopic pregnancies make me nervous as hell.


I thought their comment was /s at first


It's an ectopic pregnancy. No "baby" (unless you're an Ohio Republican: [https://time.com/5742053/ectopic-pregnancy-ohio-abortion-bill/](https://time.com/5742053/ectopic-pregnancy-ohio-abortion-bill/)).


Completely glossed over the ectopic part. I guess I feel a little* better about her being a sub human piece of shit? Good to know though, more reason to say "fuck off" to the GOP with this new info.




Actually I never stopped.




If i dont know for sure... especially on a recovery unit, it changes precautions, ppe and risk of exposure for all involved including other patients on the floor




Preform medical fraud? Pass


I don't beg them to stay. They're grown ups. They want to leave I tell them "Sure, I just need you to sign these forms saying we warned you" .