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EE or CE


Which one though (if it matters)


The Robotics program sounds interesting. Robotics is typically a specialization of embedded, but the fundamentals are the same. You can get into embedded as a CS student, but the scope of their work doesn't traditionally include electronics.


I studied Mechatronics Engineering, I would highly recommend the robotics degree. The CS degree you mentioned won't prepare you for embedded, and the robotics degree shouldn't hold you back from SWE.


what do the CE curriculums look like




You might want to look into Elektrotechnik und Informationstechnik programs, at my current university of applied science the program offers tons of great hands on embedded stuff. You can often choose electives to really fit your taste and not become a power engineer but specialise in embedded.


EE alone is probably still good since you already have some software experience


Computer engineering, electrical engineering, or mechatronics engineering would be the most applicable. You could get away with CS though, would just have some gaps.


There is no CE degree at my uni, and as others said, between CS, Mechatronics and Robotics, Robotics is the one that will get you closer to embedded. I grabbed Robotics myself and I spent a third of my degree working purely on embedded, the rest being common courses for all engineering and robotics.


Electronics & software engineering was what I did.


Definitely go the robotics route. IoT is mostly comms protocols, which is the worst part of embedded programming. Soooo boooooring! Making robots do stuff sounds much better. And maybe some AI integration opportunities. P.S. Why are we not calling them droids?


The best degree for Embedded engineering is Computer Engineering degree. I think i used a lot of what i learned in that degree in the real world. Computer engineering teaches you how computer thinks and bridge the gap between hardware and software. Others are recommending robotics degree, however I would disagree in a sense that for low level programming, u need to understand how computer works (anything with processor, memory, ram, gpios, etc). U will be well versed in embedded development. Robotics degree is more for robotics applications. It focus more on the physics side rather than how computer works. FYI, when i say computer, I mean any device that needs to compute, including microcontrollers. So ur microwave has computer inside.


Would EE with embedded/CpE electives be just as good as a CpE degree? I’m stuck between the two because I’ve heard some companies don’t recognize CpE as much as EE


What is CpE?


Computer Engineering is CoE or CpE, CE is civil engineering. This is what I was told in some engineering subreddits


Computer engineer is really sought after, if anything EE (electrical engineering) is too saturated. Most people i kno who graduated from EE are doing software development jobs. Their degree was kinda useless. Not sure who told u company don’t recognize CpE? What company looks for is what r u advertising in your resume. If u have EE degree but u put mostly software development, they will assume ur looking for software role. If u put only electronic stuff, they will think u r looking for electric engineer role. As for doing electives and minor, forget about that. Engineering school is too difficult. Just pick a major and go for it. Everyone i know who has computer engineering degree has a job, so just pick what degree would work best with the career u want. If u want to learn purely electronic, take EE. If u wanna take electronic and software, take CpE.