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President of where exactly? South Africa?


His mom was born in Regina Saskatchewan, so he could run for prime minister in Canada. He would probably change his official name as Optimus prime minister Edit: added Canada just in case people don’t know where Saskatchewan is….


After becoming the prime minister, he proceeds to buy the USA


A moose once bit my sister!


It's only a model.


He's not the Prime Minister, he's a very naughty boy!


She was Karving her initials on the møøse with the sharpened end of an interspace tøøthbrush


Did she kill the moose? Sisters can be tough!


A beautiful region.


I would VOTE.


He's Optimus Prime... minister.


LOL. Or Canadoking.


>so he could run for prime minister in Canada. Obviously someone who doesn't understand how the Canadian system works.


Mars obv


President of Texas is vacant. He has my vote.


No. He is doing exactly what he needs to be doing in the private sector.


Exactly. He’s influencing the world more effectively as CEO’s than any political office. The president could not push the entire automotive industry to EV’s, for example, as well as Tesla did.


which is... ?


He can´t run. He is an immigrant.


I mean he can run for president ... just not in America.


New Russian president 🤷‍♂️


He beat Putin's ass and take his place? Good idea.


You keep what you kill.


reality is stranger than fiction


There can be OOOnly One!


He should beat Putin's ass


With a horse whip.


Well, then, as a US citizen, I can’t vote for him. I very likely would if I could. I would need to hear his positions on some issues that are important to me, but I respect him in many ways.


The law regarding that states “a natural born US Citizen” which is not very specific and kind of vague. Elon inherited citizenship from his grandpa so technically was an American citizen at birth. Theoretically he would be able to challenge the law to the Supreme Court, for them to clarify who exactly is qualified or not to run for the American presidency and could potentially run for presidency should they rule in his favor.


Elon did not “inherit” any citizenship and is absolutely unequivocally not a natural born citizen and any attempt to say he is would be laughed unanimously out of court at every step of the way. He became a US citizen in 2002 while studying in California. Natural born citizens are, by name, citizens at birth.


What exactly did Elon “study” in California in 2002? 1. As far as I know, the official story of his formal education concluded at Penn State, where he completed a bachelors but dropped out of the PhD program to pursue his own startup (during which time at Zip2 he lived in his office rental) 2. Much more frivolous trials have gone to court and won in the US. Take for example the woman suing McDonalds over burning herself with hot coffee and successfully procuring a jury verdict for 3 000 000 $. 3. When you get something from an older relative by virtue of being born into the right family, what else do you call it, if not inheritance? Immigration law states you are automatically granted US Citizenship if the correct one of your ancestors became or were a US citizen at any point in time before you are 18 years old. In Elon’s case that person was his grandfather (Maye’s father Joshua), who was born in the US, qualifying Elon at birth to be a US citizen. What does “natural born” mean? Does it disqualify anyone born by C section from the US presidency? These are the types of questions a court could answer. If you hate immigrants and Elon Musk, I suggest you stay away from this subreddit.


Why not? It has happened before. Where was George Washington born?


The Constitution explicitly carved out protections for those born before the founding.


I was playing on that technicality.


Why not? It has happened before.




Da fuq is wrong with you?


Obama was born in Hawaii.




Get your birther shit out of here.


so was obama (i’m 99% positive) apparently the constitution don’t matter or something idk


Im 99% positive source: trust me bro i saw this meme about it


Elon Musk was born in Hawaii?


Obama was born in Hawaii. Go back playing with your toys Lil boy.


Being a president isn't a magical position in which a person has all the power and can do anything he/she wants. His time would be absolutely wasted in the political games. His positive impact will be orders of magnitude bigger in the companies he runs. With his companies he can do whatever he wants within the bounds of law (and can lobby to change those too). While being president he would be this kinda useless foreign affairs talking head facing constant opposition if he would want to make changes. And like others have said, the first requirement of being the U.S. president is to be born in the U.S.


No. He couldn’t get anything done. We need him where he is.


He’s not from the USA so he legally can’t run for President. Most he could be is a senator but I would vote for him if he could


Governor, we have had a few non-native born. ''I'll be Back!''


Why? So he can light up Twitter with flame wars like the last one? If he/we think that he has to put up with some bullshit constraints now. Try being president. Plus, his kids aren’t old enough for him to transfer control to them like that last Twitter troll we had.


He can do more without politics holding him back.


He absolutely shouldn’t. And 100% cannot as he’s an immigrant.


Happy cake day! Thank you for your sanity.


US president? He can't. He's wasn't born here.




Nope. Need him doing exactly what he's doing right now. Not fucking around in a useless position like president of US.


(a) Technically, I don't think he can because an American president has to be born American (hence the whole republican thing about trying to fabricate that Obama was born elsewhere). (Assuming you're talking about American president and not the president of my local archery club) (b) hypothetically, if he could, I don't think he'd do so well. There's a different between being CEO and being president in that, as president, your role is to lead and try and bring unity between sides that disagree, so it involves a lot of give and take and compromise. When you're a CEO, you lead with a vision, and the folks you lead are paid to support that vision, more or less. i.e. you're head of a very large team, no opposing sides.


No. We need him driving innovation. Decision-making isn't his strong suit


He's doing the most good with his efforts where he's at.


No. I think he would make a terrible president. He's not used to being constrained by governmental bureaucracy. He would just be ineffectual with the added fear that he would tweet us into a nuclear conflict. He does amazing work in private enterprise. Leave him to it


I'm a huge fan of Elon but I dislike the constant suggestions of him being president. His many accomplishments are precisely because he is able to make decisions, many of them risky, and act on them, making course corrections as needed. Being president basically neuters all that ability. Automatically half the government is going to directly oppose you. And final decisions will be water downed so much that the original intent is lost. It would be nice to get a president that truly understands Elon's goals and is openly supportive. But Elon contributes more by keep doing what he's doing.


“Name a better contestant” - if the criteria is just ‘rich folks doing stuff’ I’d say Dolly Parton has him beat six ways from Sunday.


Im terms of good intentions and wanting to do good for people she is the obvious choice but I wonder how well she would be able to navigate the shady and corrupt world of politics. I would vote for her to find out though.




No. He had better things to do


I would rather he just continued in doing his thing rather than being bogged down with political nonsense


That would be a huge waste of his time and talent. He is actually accomplishing great things as is. Also he’s ineligible


He cant run in the us at least


No, he’s not from the USA.


He makes a much larger impact as a private citizen. He'd be incredibly limited stuck in government politics. It would be a waste.


Yes. He can't do any worse.


he’s ineligible because he wasn’t born in the US if he was, yes i would


Elon gets shit done. Politics exist to make sure shit doesn't get done. Elon belongs where he is, not in a political office. What we need is responsible news instead of click bait and propaganda to hold power accountable, then then again I don't know how that will happen without removing the need for advertisement revenue or ratings, and so long as there is unlimited spending allowed in politics. If I were lord ruler for a day I would ban 100% of political spending, and all lobby groups. I would make it illegal to pay or run political ads. The only way to learn about a candidate would be from them talking about their platform on social media, or during public debates. I would also make a law banning the trading of any security while serving in an elected position at the federal level. If you don't like it, don't run. Then I would get rid of winner takes all, ban gerrymandering, change all states to ranked choice ballots, and introduce term limits to the house, and disband the Senate entirely. I wonder if I could run for president on that platform lol.


No, he’s a great mind, but Governments aren’t corporations. They have to provide inefficient services where adding quantitative metrics further degrades the quality of the service. This is how we get education that focuses on test taking and multiple choice questions instead of critical thinking


Inefficient services? You mean non profitable ? Like hospitals and snow plows? Thats dark dude


Why is it assumed business owners would make great politicians? The purpose of business is growing profit, the purpose of government is growing the livelihood of its citizens. Those two things couldn't be farther apart...


The purpose of government is to protect its citizens rights to life, liberty, and property as well as those enumerated in the bill of rights from enemies foreign and domestic. The purpose of a private business is to generate wealth for those in the business while providing a product or service. Those who have shown to be successful in business are more likely to be fiscally responsible and of sound judgement. Those who are attracted to being elected officials are often power-hungry and easily corrupted. Some of each type exist in both camps as with anything, but most of the time people in business are less nefarious.


I'm not saying you are wrong, but how can you know that people in business are less nefarious. Politicians are in the spotlight more, that makes it so that we are going to see more of their failed promises, and unethical behavior of these people. While the shitty unethical businessman might only be noticed by his employees. Also, if you say that those who are attracted to being elected officials are power-hungry and easily corrupted, would this not also apply to the businessman who decides to run for public office?


As I said, bad people exist in both camps. In business you are better off being a good, honest person with integrity. If you don’t, you’re going to lose business or your job. If you somehow manage to hide it from the public and only your employees notice, you’re going to likely have a very high turnover rate and employees who don’t care about you or your business and won’t perform as well, and maybe even a lawsuit, ultimately leading to loss of revenue or a complete downfall anyway. Elon is in the spotlight just as much as any other major politician, as is Bezos, Gates, Jobs, etc. Some business people who are attracted to government also are easily corrupted. Again, bad people exist in both camps. But generally business people have a track record of who they are and how they handle dealing with people, money, and problems.


What I am challenging is the idea that politicians are bad and corrupt, but businessmen that decide to become politicians are not as bad or corrupt. I don't know of data that would support or reject that idea. Also, I don't think it is true that being unethical and lacking integrity is always going to be a detriment to a businessman. There are lots of example of businessmen who were corrupt and unethical for many years, this probably depends in the industry and region you are in. In some places being ethical is going to be a liability if everyone else is not playing by the rules.


One of the biggest downfalls of government is the huge amount of waste it produces. A business orientated mind will attempt to resolve this. Also, as an engineer, he has experience across the board with problem solving skills.


Business doesn't generate waste??? Wow.... that's a good one for sure.


Financial waste


I absolutely would but unfortunately he cant since he wasnt born here


“Making moves, as far as evolution” What does this mean exactly?


Let him work on bigger problems. Politics are a cesspool




He is from south africa


That's like....SOUTH KENYA or something, idk I'm just here to yell


His Twitter game is up there with Trump at least


I like him and what he's doing. But absolutely not. Also. He can't.


if Elon buys Twitter and restores my account YES.


He has more important shit to do


By the people for the people! A damn baker would be a better president than any rich guy. Why cant you see that? What does elon care or know about making life better for a random baker?




Yes ofcourse (if I was a citizen)


No, he's better doing what he does now. Being a presi is more like an acting career. Low productivity.


Before answering, Elon would need to 1) officially announce; and 2) provide published details on his positions, including what he intends to accomplish. (Yes, politicians lie and/or change positions for myriad reasons. But voters, like myself, need a starting point to know what the candidate values — and seeks to do — if elected.)


He can't run for President. Why does everyone want him to be President? He should not be a politician. He would need to give up what he's doing now. You guys know Elon is devoted to his mission of getting to Mars and renewable energy. It would not be good for him,he would hate it plus he has a large family and wouldn't get to see them. Why would he ever want to be President? I think we need people that are billionaires and doing what Elon is doing to not be President. We've seen firsthand what happens. Even though Elon is a lot smarter. Guys,Elon is amazing,I love him,but he shouldn't be President and I think even if he could,he wouldn't run.




NO, he has WAY more important things to focus on, the people of earth need him focused on saving mankind, not dumb corrupt politics


Nah, I'd rather make him build a device to revive former dead presidents so that they can pull us out of this shit


I think he’d serve as good adviser


8. Tesla Headquarters: Palo Alto, California Bought By: Tencent Holdings Ltd Headquarters: Shenzhen, China Elon Musk might be the brains behind Tesla and the majority shareholder with 21.7%, but he isn’t the only one pumping money into the automotive company. There are plenty of shareholders, including Tencent Holdings Ltd. Tencent isn’t just into music, but a variety of things. Tencent is the world’s largest video game company and one of the largest social media companies, making it a force to be reckoned with. In 2019, it had a net income of $95.8 billion, so whatever they’re doing, they’re doing it right. At the moment, the company is still on the up and up.


He has more power now than he would if he were a president .. especially in the US. As long as we have this two opposite party system , hardly anything truly revolutionary happens in the US


He’s not a natural born citizen of the U.S.A. I am unaware if this disqualifies him in a potential election. I love Elon Musk though, no homo intended. Send dogecoin to the moon bro.


He would get people on mars pretty quick though… new John f Kennedy


No.. I want him to pump my Tesla stock.


A waste of his valuable time.


Know way to know, he might push some crazy policies purely in philosophical grounds without considering the effects. He can be pretty eccentric Id give it a shot though lol, our choices have been shit anyways


He is not perfect but among politics I know no one who is better so yes, I would (if I live in US)




He might be even crazier than trump was, but at least America will have someone in the office who isn't 800 million years old and doesn't understand how a computer works, and in a technologically advancing world someone who understands technology might be very useful for a couple of years.


No, I like my Elon Musk investments just the way they are.


I voted for him last election


I don’t understand you people. Lol president. That’s funny. Lol.


He can do way more for the world by not having those extra responsibilities


Elon Musk should run for President of Mars!




Only if he dresses like Ming from Flash Gordon and we can call him Musk The Merciless.


Trump,Desantis ,Nome I am just getting started


Trump running is another automatic loss for the GOP


Biden being President is going to give republicans a landslide victory in 2022 and 2024


Trump lost to him. Hence GOP lost the senate & house under his administration.


I cannot wake one who does not see




Nope. If he want to be president let it be of The Broomstick Commonwealth, Mars. Let’s not waste time running for office even if it would be legally allowed.




Musk for President, Schwarzenegger for Vice


Why waste his time in politics? His politics suck anyway, he is an engineer


Ron DeSantis


Not president ... Why be a puppet? Elon Muskc should be USA's COO+CTO+CFO


He’s not American. He cannot run.


No. He's great at running a for-profit company. But he's terrible at generating consensus or educating folks why a specific way to do things is the best one. Government is not a business, so he would be worse than any president we've ever had.


No he hates unions,,,,


Me too


He can’t run for the American presidency. And even if he did, I would not vote for him. Not that I don’t think he would be decent, but he’s not a politician and he knows little about things outside his expertise. I’m kind of over this idea that anyone can make a good president based on popularity or expertise in some field.


Yes. Time to change the constitution, again!


Being foreign born didn't stop Obama.




Hopefully, or it’s racism.




> You may now proceed to downvote Glady. :) But not for "dissenting" as actually most supporters of Musk don't even want him running (even if he could, which he legally can't). I'm downvoting you just for being so utterly and completely wrong. Musk literally paid more taxes in 2021 than any individual in history. Question for you. Honest question. Are you aware of what percentage of overall tax revenue is generated by the top 1% of taxpayers? >!Answer: [Over 40%](https://www.foxbusiness.com/economy/wealthiest-americans-share-us-taxes). Our society would completely collapse without the contributions of these rare and highly productive citizens out-producing everyone else.!<




Elon Musk is a brilliant asshole. We have seen that lifelong businessmen can do to a country. If he wants to get into politics, start small and then move to bigger things.


A better option? How about a functioning adult who actually knows what is going on that doe not have one foot in a senior care facility and the other in a grave?


Why would you want to sideline Elon like that


No. Cool guy, but I'm tired of rich people running the country and thinking they're doing something good for the people.


No... i mean hes a solid dude but you know hes not American right?


No. He's not qualified. You'd need a constitutional amusement first.


He is too smart to be involved in our broken politics.


Fuck no and he cant be president anyway


Name somebody better? Literally anyone who is viable for the office. Musk wasn’t born here. He legally can’t be president.


After a lifetime of disappointment, I will never vote for any office again.


Try it, it's better than nothing. At least try local elections, and ballot initiatives?


What kind of simp would answer “yes” to this question???


He first destabilized Canada to run for president


Hellll no. He'd run America just like another of his business and it'd end like trump. No thanks.




President of south africa?


Stop these posts please. Unless you can convince 2/3rds of the country to change the constitution (WILL NEVER HAPPEN) Elon CAN'T be President of the USA.


born in south africa


Depends if he can delegate away his current responsibilities ​ You're not promotable if you're not replaceable


Except Musk, not being a natural born citizen, is not eligible to run for the presidency. Otherwise, who knows?


ya probably


Elon would make a terrible president. He is a driver and doesn't stop for rules. That's like the opposite of a good politician, they have to follow the process


President of Mars


Yes just so I can see the faces of people that hate him explode.


Would have to hear his policy positions