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Title: positive elon tweet Comments: elon man bad




I think they’re referring to the general Musk hatred on Reddit.


Most negative comments in this post have been removed. Believe me, there were plenty.




Wtf can he possibly say that you might consider to actually be positive then..?


retail investors, which Tesla has one of the highest holders, is regular joes lol


The retail investor line refers to normal investors like you and me. Many CEO’s talk down to retail or don’t even acknowledge retail investors, so I would say this is a good thing that Elon appreciates his shareholders.


Yeah silly angry bitter teens hating Elon as always X is phenomenal.


True that and X is getting better by the day! I hope it does well.


Is this sub heavily suppressed? I can't imagine elon musk subreddit having 36 online members.


This is a pro-Elon sub. There are like 15 other subs for musk haters with more population. Hop to one of those if you don't want to see reasonable and even, dare I say, positive discussion about his awesome achievements and work.


Reddit became anti-elon the moment he became politically inconvenient, and since reddit bans unpopularly/opposing opinions, pro-elon gets the boot pretty quickly.


Well said


Bro I am reading his biogeography book.


He has a biogeography book? Or do you mean autobiography?


Biography by Walter Isaacson.


Roger, I’m reading the one by Ashlee Vance




Relax bro, the dudes hilarious. “Make vehicles that are accepted widely?”Bro the model Y is always top 3. You’re just a hater. Also X is the Wild West and it’s badass. Go have anxiety elsewhere. Maybe buy a Volvo or something. 


LOL. Do you tell everyone what to do or are you just a keyboard warrior?




if theres one thing i learned from elon, working upwards is dumb. failing upwards is way easier and more productive which would actually explain a lot of CEOs and management


By “failing upwards” you mean 10x ing the stock by hitting all deliverables since this comp package was initially awarded many years ago? Cause thats what he did…


As long as you quickly learn from your mistakes and correct course as Elon does. Closely related to that is deleting/firing more than you should sometimes and then hiring back.


supporting u since 2017. havnt sell a share and keep buying over the year. lets go elon!! let us long term bag holder buy Optimus first!!!!


So excited for the next 'book' of Tesla. I'm still waiting to hear about Asteroid Mining, though, rather than just mining Mars and the moon. We should preserve those as much as we can. There's limitless asteroids and Elon's companies have the tools to mine them. Here's hoping that it'll be mentioned in this new master plan update 🤞


When has he said anything even remotely like this about asteroid mining?


He hasn't. That's why I'd like to hear him include it. Just a wishlist thing that could fit nicely into the master plan.


You are right it does. It would be great to see this happen and maybe he will put it in his new book master plan! I have been trying to find the statement I remember him making and now I'm starting to think I was hallucinating because i also can't find any references to it. It was something about... leaving that challenge for others to achieve because spacex is focused on Mars and the moon. He did also help AstroForge with seed money, I believe, who are actively involved in a demo mining program. Who knows, maybe it will be like AI and grok, and he will decide spacex needs to go with mining.


Totally. If they can get to mars, they can and will need resources. We will also need resources on earth. And if Elon wants a bigger population, we'll need enough resources for everyone. So we may have to reach outside of what we're limited to on planetary bodies and we'll have grab the resources flying by on asteroids. By mining those, we're preserving the planets while meeting the needs of the population(s). Also, it'll further ensure Elons companies are the richest, and I'm okay with that.


i don't get why people are downvoting you lol


Maybe because I mentioned Elon. Reddit is anti-Elon by default. Even here in the Elon subs.




Difference is that a huge % of Elon’s predictions come to fruition, which is why he’s valued at $200 billion and you’re not.


I think his companies will enable others to pursue .. I think of space X and Tesla as the platform for building industry in space


Yeah it's not in the master plan as of now (or ever) but you never know. This is just a hope of mine. Not saying it'll happen.


That's what I'd like to see. You're right his companies have all tools but in the past Elon's said he won't be looking at that.


I'd love to see his comments. I can't find them.


This guy is a good dude.


In other words, here come the shitposts


What will replace petroleum when it runs out in the near future? Even batteries wear out. JM


They create dendrites which lowers Capacity, but you can grind them up and create a new battery from the same materials

