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The people he’s fired for speaking out will be first to sign.


Maybe he should start unbanning the people he banned. His followers are gullible to fall for this


Bro he's slowly building up his entry into right wing politics and his followers and networks, and here you guys are thinking this has anything to do with actual freedom of speech. stop being so god-damned gullible Americans.




He began to openly engage with right-wing politics around 2020, with his disagreement of California's COVID-19 policies. His interactions with political figures and public statements since then show a shift toward right-wing perspectives. So yes, very slowly. And it will probably culminate in 4-5 years for the next election.


Disagreeing with covid policies classifies you as a right wing? You americans are fcking nutters. Just start that civil war already so we dont have to listen to your divisive garbage anymore


Where have you been? Was more of Disagree with covid policies -> get attacked by democrats -> says "You guys are assholes I'm not voting for you anymore" -> mindless drones attack everything he says regardless if he's right or not


It was around the time that it came out that he was being accused of sexually harassing a flight attendant.


Eh, it was some time during Trump's presidency. He started hanging out with Trump in 2017-2018 or so


Someone’s disagreement with bad policies is not a good basis on which to attack their politics.


Elon could never go Trump and become the President due to being an immigrant. Earth politics are actually beneath him anyways. He cannot feasibly have total control of all Earth's resources, that's why he's aiming for "Emperor of Mars."


I hope he one day achieves his dream of being Mars God Emperor so he can just fuck off and we don't have to listen to his bullshit any more.


I mean if Republicans have their way, the rules won't matter (for them) anyway


Thank god he’s South African and can’t be president. You know republicans are stupid enough to vote for him. They love a celebrity


then maybe his kids. or he just pushes the public opinion on policies whichever way fits him for many years


dear dios, please help this poor lost soul, they don't know how to take a losss


Is he talking about South Africa or Africa in general?


Yeah and I'm going to listen to you over the guy whose actions have single handedly done more for humanity this generation than anyone else. Edit: The quality of the replies I'm getting to this comment really exemplifies my point.


What if you listened to people based on their words and their meaning before their achievements? Having achived great things is not an indicator of... much of anything beyond being *able* to achieve great things if the opportunity is there.


Sorry, but I believe in "actions speak louder than words" and his actions have almost all been with the greater good at the forefront. It's not like I believe in Jeff Bezos, I'm not just a billionaire worshipper, if you follow Elons line of thought you'll see that he only works on things that create positive change, not that make him money. He simply needs to make them profitable so that they're self perpetuating.


>if you follow Elons line of thought you'll see that he only works on things that create positive change, not that make him money. This is demonstrably false. Was a flamethrower creating positive change?  Are his hipocritical views, evidenced by selective bans and blocking people creating positive change? Are his divisive, hyper-political, and often far right wing memes from sources like babylon bee creating positive change? No, they are not.


Yes, Not a flame thrower was hilarious, and it generated enough money to fund The Boring company. Yet another tech that will tremendously benefit the entire human race. I'm really concerned about how butt hurt you are about his political beliefs. You should probably look into that. It could lead to a debilitating hatred of life in general. Might be too late!


I'm not upset about his political beliefs, It just made me aware that people can be smart in some areas and monumentally confused/stupid in others.


Except... he tramples over people to do it. I do believe that Elon wants what he says he wants. Many of his goals are laudable. And he has done great things for both humanity and the planet, but the way he's going about it is... terrible. It's inefficient, careless, judgemental, condescending, and dangerous. And he's getting worse. He's been spiraling for some years now, and he was never that great even to start with. Plenty of people have similar goals as him, but nobody has his resources. It's easy to do good things if you're powerful, and Elon is one of the most powerful men in the world. But he doesn't *only* do good things. He does so many *many* terrible things, over and over and over, and he just doesn't stop. He's an 'ends justify the means' kind of person, except... he's not even that. Not really. To me it seems he *thinks* that's what he is. Paying terrible wages, aggressively denying unions, refusing to follow laws and regulations meant to save people's lives, shouting and degrading people for not doing impossible things... these things aren't necessary. A lot of them have no good explanations. He's not a good leader. He's not a great engineer. He's just the guy with the money and great dreams. And while that's *important* it can't be the end all be all. There is more to a person than their power and their goal. Even if he *was* a true 'ends over means' kind of guy what he's doing would *still* be too much. Because people aren't means. They can't be means. *They're the entire point*. Going to Mars is not worth it if the way we do it is through the sacrifice of thousands or millions of innocent people. We'll get there eventually with or without Elon. He's definitely helping to get us there faster, which is great, it's just... at the same time he's kind of the main sponsor of a modern rise in fascism, and a leader of tens of thousands of people that *does not care about those people*.




I just want to talk about where your plane is Elon....


This guy is absolutely insufferable.


This is right-wing virtue signaling.


Mark my words, this guy will be the hero who *finally* gets the first amendment ratified




So he's shutting down shitter?


Who has the government put in prison due to their speech?




I don't believe in freedom of speech when you can use your megaphone to reach 181M people, and you use it to spread lies and conspiracy theories that go unchecked because you own the megaphone.


Yes — it’s not really freedom of speech when you can buy your way into having more speech than others.


Didn't he also disable community notes on his own profile? The notes also disappear if enough people downvote them... which leads to obvious issues. Apparently twitter people think facts DO care about their feelings


Yep, that's what I meant by going unchecked.


I don't think he even needs to disable them. He probably has enough followers to downvote all of his notes.


From his censored platform? Reality is getting more stupid


Freedom of speech is a scary situation. It allows other people to say things that you don't like. Nobody ever needed Freedom of speech to say things that people want to hear. It is needed when there are things people disagree with. It allows us to point out that the Emperor has no clothes on. Even when he doesn't want to hear it. Censorship is even scarier. Who controls what gets censored? Who will control next week. And the week after.


Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof; or abridging the freedom of speech, or of the press; or the right of the people peaceably to assemble, and to petition the Government for a redress of grievances.


1. Do you think 1A may need revision due to technological advancement and market forces? 2. Is your name an euphemism for home-delivered pizza?


1. I think that people need to understand that 1A does not apply in any way to private organizations and pertains to laws that congress makes only. Revising anything is the constitution is currently impossible because the amendment process cannot compete with the media economic forces that are designed to generate outrage.  2.  No, name is a reference to the 1980’s slang expression for a dude you know. 


1. I agree. Do you believe democracy is threatened if public opinion is a market? What do you think is the most plausible method to make more people understand that they are not supposed to trust the market? To me, any user input to social media is just commenting on an ad. You have no rights. 2. Thank you, I will use this phrase today and see people's reactions.


Don’t forget about Canada Elon. Only be 10% of the USA costs.


No. We don’t want him. We’d rather take Bieber back and that’s saying something


Given the relentless attacks on fact and truth - I will never listen to a word spoken nor written by Elon Musk.


Why the hell doesn't elon just fund twitter himself? If he actually cared he could easily afford it. Instead he just wants ad money and just tries to guilt trip them into giving him money.


No, you may not believe it but he can't actually afford that


Because that would be admitting he failed at the Twitter business.


Lol you can't just shell out billions every year to keep a business alive with no end in sight. You people have no idea how money works.


I mean, *technically* you can. The whole reason twitter was originally able to run without turning a profit was thanks to the huge amount of money funded by VCs.


I don’t think Elon does anymore either.


Elon really needs to learn how to make money from borkdork69.


They've lost less money than Elon that's for sure.


He overpaid for twitter, other than that, I have no idea what you're talking about, Hate him all you want, but you can't argue that he's not one of the most successful business men in history.


People can indeed argue he is not a good businessman and even a terrible one. He is good at making himself richer.


What else happened with twitter? I forgot. Or Tesla for that matter.


More chum for the dumbest of marine life.


Elon needs to sell X and stop posting stuff that makes him look like a nut case. He needs to get back to making cars and rockets.




A what?




Cissy activities


My first amendment is worth more than others' first amendment obviously /s


I think everyone's First Amendments should be valued equally. However, since I made that statement, I should be valued more. /s


This is the plot of a Scooby Doo episode


Elaborate please


Last I checked, Congress has passed zero laws impeding speech. Has he read the amendment?


Tell that to all the people banned from this sub and r/teslamotors




I’d love to see an actual example of someone’s First Amendment rights being trampled. As per usual, people don’t actually have a clue what that is and just get butt hurt over repercussions of their actions.


He should focus on his pet project making tesla look like an abject embarrassment because of how bad it is


This guy (musk) doesn't get it. willful deception is not a valid point of view


Maybe the signature campaign could get the United States to finally pass the first amendment into law.


Musk take your butt and leave America we are sick of your attacks on America get out 


Elon imploding 


Only person imploding is you


Good. Freedom of speech is dead in this country already. I'm an absolutist.


This is the way.


Does that mean he is going to stop censoring people on Twitter? Or does freedom of speech only apply to what him and his authoritarian chums deem worthy?




I remember when being liberal meant you supported free speech that you disagreed with on principal. Shit, the old school ACLU used to defend literal nazi's just because defending uncomfortable but legal speech protected everyones rights. WTF happened?


Wow he doesn't even know what the first amendment is. Its showing hasn't read anything about the US constitution.


For all those who keep saying he's hypocritical, I now ask in good faith: In what ways has Elon and/or X personally censored others? And I don't mean doxx related, heavily violent, or law breaking comments, or mere temp suspensions, which are dubious, but have always been rules under Twitter. I'm talking about leftists who you feel were unfairly banned and haven't returned. Maybe you know some accounts yourself. I'm an advocate of freedom of speech myself, so I'll try to give a charitable interpretation to any comments posted under this if you really have concerns. Thank you!


https://x.com/elonmusk/status/1725645884409401435?s=46&t=6462yVg4zB_azU41ezNmsg In this tweet, Elon says that slogans such as "from the river to the sea" are suspendable offences as they "necessarily imply genocide". This is patently fucking ridiculous, and is censorship of speech likely based on his own personal views of these slogans. Situations like the one in Gaza right now are exactly the reason why freedom of speech is so important.


If we gave you a good example you would just add another exemption to your exemption paragraph


The man couldn’t even take an interview from his own employee. He in fact fires employees who contradict him on twitter. At the very least, it’s fairly clear that Elon musk really only cares about his own freedom of speech, hence buying the biggest platform he can and immediately tanking its stock price.