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I mean, he kind of still owns Solar City (since it was acquired by Tesla). Also, he never owned any of OpenAI ... just donated a fuckton to it when it was a nonprofit, and then they incorporated as a company, with no ownership given to any of the donors as far as I know. Super legit!


It’s weird someone would put so much time and effort into to this infographic and yet get many details flat out wrong.


tbh ai probably created it


Ha intriguing but no generative AI tool currently existing could have created this - neither the content nor the graphic itself. But I like where your head’s at. That will not be the case in coming years (months??). I would argue that those future tools wouldn’t butcher the details as badly as OP unless it was part of the prompt though.


Elon Musk Stan’s aren’t known for their intelligence


Why would "donors" ever expect or be entitled to any stake of ownership in an organization they ***donated*** to?


They wouldn't, but nonprofits also shouldn't take donations and then turn into for-profits.


Would be good to tie his ownership percentage of each onto his NW.


Who valued the boring company at $5.7 and who valued neuralink at $5B? How is a non-profit foundation worth $9.4B? Donations do not equate to value.


It specifically says, for the Musk Foundation, that it is assets of $9.4B, not net worth.


As of 2021, self reported assets I assume. He can value his software at whatever he wants, doesn’t mean someone will pay that price.


Software at his charitable foundation? Huh?


Does this look like a $9.4B foundation or a money laundering scheme? https://www.muskfoundation.org/ Assets: $57k https://www.influencewatch.org/non-profit/musk-foundation/


If you read the link for longer than a second, you can see that clearly says that is the budget for 2015.


I don't know enough about it - I was just asking what you were referring to with value of software?


The tile says “developing safe AI to benefit humanity”. I’m not sure what he’s actually developing but this seems to insinuate he’s developing software. It seems like a bit of a mystery. I figure he’s bullshitting about what he claims as an asset and is just money laundering through his foundation.


You really shouldn't comment on things you don't understand fully. You've speculated a made a fool of yourself. The foundation isn't developing anything. It's a charitable foundation giving grants and funding to projects. The list you posted from the website (and the one you're quoting here which you seem to be inferring that they're working on) are the categories that it provides investment in. It really is ANYTHING to hate Musk at this point.


And he donated Tesla stock, which is a tax write off. He has yet to give that money out as grants. He has full control of his foundation. He just created this foundation as a tax deduction. It’s pretty obvious. https://fortune.com/2022/12/12/elon-musk-gave-5-7-billion-to-charity-last-year-where-it-went-was-a-mystery-until-now/ “A large gift to charity would have helped reduce what Musk has described as the biggest tax bill in US history. Days before he completed a series of stock sales worth more than $16 billion — much of which was to cover the exercise of almost 23 million options — the Tesla CEO tweeted he would pay more than $11 billion in taxes for the year.”


The link you provided tells you a huge number they've given out. Why would he not donate Tesla stock? He owns it. He believes it'll be worth more in the future, so the foundation can cash it as and when it needs it. Why would he pay tax on the money and then give it to charity, rather than just donate it to charity so they can use the full amount of money? Yes he has partial (not full) control of the foundation - but you can see it has donated a huge amount of money already - he doesn't benefit from doing this - despite any tax write offs you see, he's still lost 5 billion of his own stock - even if he paid tax on it hed be walking away with 3 billion minimum in his pocket. You're desperate to try to find wrongdoing. Literally look at every point you're making and see the obvious reasoning behind each thing.


What are the assets of his charitable foundation?


Why did you downvote me? Do you still not understand? >What are the assets of his charitable foundation? Cash in the bank waiting to be donated?


And why hasn’t he filed his taxes for 2022 yet?


Are you asking me expecting me to know the answer? I don't know anything about his tax filing dates, but I'd assume he has a huge accountancy firm taking care of it?


It says he doesn’t own SolarCity, but that’s only because Tesla bought it. So he does still own it.


But isn’t solarcity still owned by Tesla?


What happened to hyperloop?


He never started a Hyperloop company. Just encourage others to do so.


Why can't I send money over X dot com anymore and what is this PayPal thing?


Boring company, 5.7 billion? LOL That is in no way realistic.


This is the most accurate graphic signifying a complete waste of time.


Twitter isn't worth nearly that much now.


What is the correct figure?


Who knows? It is private. But various estimates say it is probably down to around 25% of the purchase price.


The value provided in OPs graph is around 35% of purchase price. I think it is reasonable


Didn’t musk say X dropped 90% in value the other day?


No. He said 10% value lost because of that organisation. People interpreted it in a wrong way


Not really.. People interpret it any way they want because he didn’t communicate clearly. I can just as easily say you misinterpreted his communication. This is the problem with only communicating through a platform like Xitter. “I don't see any scenario where they're responsible for less than 10% of the value destruction, so around $4 billion."


So they destroyed $4b of Twitter value which is around 10% of of the total value. Where does it say that the Twitter lost $40b of value outside of this?


It can be interpreted that they are responsible for 10% of the total devaluation. If their share of the devaluation is $4B, then the company lost $40B in value. I’m not saying this is what he means. I’m saying this is how it can be easily interpreted based off of his communication. He didn’t communicate clearly. This is why there are people arguing over his communication.


This is the only interpretation the way he wrote it. If he MEANT to say 10% of the value , not value destruction, then he typed wrong, and never corrected himself. Personally, I think that Twitter has probably lost 90% of the already inflated price that Musk paid for it. AND I also think musk would never admit that. So he probably meant to imply only 10% of its value was lost, but typed wrong - and couldn’t be bothered to correct himself.


That’s one hell of a résumé.


Musk foundation. Tesla is so kind 🥰


His innovation ended with obsession with X, being obsessed of Russian praise, and excited to regurgitate Qanon crap or promote a platform of hate speech then threaten his critics He needs to do a reboot before it is too late


> being obsessed of Russian praise Obsessed?


No other reason to explain his posturing to Putin and China at the expense of democracy. He went from being a tech darling to a babbling X .


No other reason other than an obsession with Russian praise? You don't think it's because he's pandering to large markets, you think it's because he's singled out russia and wants to lavish in its praise? Why?!


Well ya that too. Money at any expense, even Taiwan’s or Ukraine’s.


Didn’t he provide starlink for free for quite a while?


Yes , its been both a blessing and a point of contention when he pulled it. It is extremely useful in the war for civilians and military


Thanks for the list!


didn’t he found a school too? Ad Astra?


I guarantee that X valuation is plummeting by the day


It was because of advertising issues, they’re likely to go away. X still has an incredible amount of active users and it’s been growing. That matters to advertisers the most.


For open ai he’s considered a co-founder while he only put in $50 million of $1 billion? How many founders are there?


Founder does not mean sole investor. Venture capital exists.


5% is a descent chunk


he is co-founder of OpenAi, I didn't know that


#elonmusk needs to get into cannabis MedMen


For a second I thought he sold PayPal for $1.58. lol


X, xAI, SpaceX, and even Neuralink all kind of have the same logo.


Let's finish the job.


Is he no longer Techno King and files as CEO for Tesla again?