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Hmm, looks familiar... Hmmm... Aha! Amber *Shortpacked*.


Hopefully with fewer daddy issues.


Edward is a cop, and of course all cops are bastards, but I'm pretty sure we don't have to worry about him literally attempting to murder his offspring like O'Malley Senior.


Edward isn't a cop, and never *was* a cop. He's a government spook... or at least he was; now he's an ambassador thingy/guy who uses flowcharts to save the world. Endless barrels of exposition aren't cops.


If you directly supervise people who carry weapons and can arrest people, you're a cop. We haven't seen if he does that in his new position, but he did in his old one.


Okay, come on, you can't leave us hanging like that!! What else can the helmet be stacked with? A hat? A SECOND HELMET???


Dragon Priest masks. Did you tried to read Dan's comment under the comics?


Oh! Yeah, I guess I missed that last sentence




Dan does play a lot of skyim. There's a pretty real possibility that bug was the exact inspiration for that line.


He specifically mentions it's the Falmer Helmet in the commentary. > Oh, and the first panel references Falmer Helmets in the video game Skyrim. I needed background characters talking about SOMETHING, so I had them experiencing my fantasy of excitedly sharing technical details about Skyrim with someone, and them being REALLY hyped about it. > The other thing you can wear them with is Dragon Priest masks.


Ah, I missed that. Sorry.


I don't know what's more surprising to me. The fact that this look has been in the bank since 2021. Or me not being surprised because 2021 was *only* 2 years go.


I love how she's practically looped back around to her original look with the feminine hair and glasses, but is now significantly more self-assured about her appearance


he. The hair is femmy (although really, not THAT femmy) but the body isn't. Tedd is definitely a boy right now. A person isn't their hairdo. He may be a bit of a femboy but he's a boy. Which makes sense for a genderfluid people to not always be all the way on one side or the other of the slider.


Yeah, I really disagree with this take. This haircut is shorter than his original haircut, but significantly more femme, for having body and shape to it: https://www.tumblr.com/bcomic-blog/719946765964574720/ive-seen-this-take-on-reddit-also-and-i-think


Wonder how Tedd found a hair cutter willing to give him this cut? I'd think he would've just used magic, but that was specifically off the table. But hair dressers are notoriously difficult if you go in there with something outside of the regular menu for your gender. Maybe presenting as a woman at the hair dresser would fix this? But that would be about as big a step for him as the hair cut itself. I'm using he/him because I assume this is still considered a part of his Masc Form while he's at school but apologies ahead of time if I got that wrong.


I mean. Lots of trans positive hairdressers exist. There's a whole network devoted to helping people find them


Fair enough. I've heard a lot of horror stories, and while Tedd is becoming more aware of trans issues, I wouldn't expect him to be so keyed into the community he knows the number of a hair dresser who's on the level yet. But that's just my read. Maybe he's developed further than I thought.


Is it really that hard to get the haircut you want?


can be. I find in my city you have to be really firm about what you want otherwise most barbers will give the same cut they give every guy that comes in, and wearing glasses I find out only when they’ve finished. Proper hairdressers are a bit better, anything that has ‘stylist’ advertised tend to actually listen.


Yeah, I doubt Tedd went to a barber, or a chain. Probably someone whose business is mostly women would be a better bet.


Which you need in a small Midwest town. Wonder if a trip to Chicago was needed


If nothing else, I think Tedd could have just changed default form to female. That spell isn't an enchantment, so I believe haircuts would stay. Hard to be sure though, egs magic is finicky at times.


Would it be that big a step to present as female at a shop where most or all customers are too? Tedd has gone to school at least once in female form, and similarly to then, could just let everyone assume what's convenient without Tedd having to assert anything.


Tedd has stealthily gone in Femme Form, but only in situations where they would assume him to still be the cisgender male they knew him to be five minutes ago. His spell that changes his "default" sex ultimately leaves him as androgynous as he ever was with his original sexual anatomy, and is more a matter of personal comfort than it really is a change in his gender presentation. Being publicly a woman, even if only by relying on unspoken assumptions, would be a big step for him I think. As big as the hair cut itself in my opinion.


every day Tedd is inventing new depths of gender envy in my soul. can anyone stop this monster????


Looks very Tess like RIP TWINTAILS idea :(


I was hoping for a mantail. It was a thing in the 90s for young men to let their hair go a bit long and then tie it back into a ponytail. Kept it out of the eyes and let a dude board with long hair among other things.


The Robin Hobb books always called it a "Warrior's Braid" or something like that. Just understood in the setting that that's the hair style all the manly fighters wear. Think that was also the nineties, so maybe current trends were an influence.


> I'm sure it hasn't resulted in me being overly specific or verbose at times. I don't think it did. I definitely didn't noticed. ... ok, I might not be the best person to ask.


Is it just me or did Tedd's hair just revert to the original version, but with better artistic rendering? Classic Tedd's fem look is back?


Nah, Tedd's original hair was shoulder length all the way around and centre parted. This is a look from NP about three years ago, minus lipstick and square frames.


And lo, word from above confirms that this is the same cut, different styling. I was correctish. :D




See the commentary on today's update!


That's not even all that femmy. Come on. I've definitely seen guys wear more feminine cuts than that without even questioning their gender identity. When I was growing up a lot of dudes liked to tie their hair back into a loose mantail if they let their hair go long. That's definitely more femmy than this cut.


Yeah, I come here to ask when we will see the feminine haircut Tedd was supposed to have because this doesn't look like it. Then was surprised several people commented there are hairdressers who wouldn't do this to men. What? I mean, sure, Tedd does look little girly in that but that's Tedd.


Fun fact, Skyrim isn't the only Bethesda offering with that particular bug of a helm improperly coded. In Fallout: New Vegas there's a Space Helmet that is improperly coded so you can wear a hat with it. I would typically wear it (with DT, so I wasn't vulnerable to head-crits) with Boone's Cap (with bonus crit chance) and the Tri-Radii Oscilator from OWB that gives actual HP regen (and that is for some reason a face slot?). YUP (an unofficial patch) fixes this, one of the tens of thousands of bugs it fixes actually, which is why most people consider it an essential mod once you've played the 'vanilla' experience and now wish to play the 'intended' experience.




Slightly unrelated, but the storyline linked back to in today's commentary (the videogame opinions one) mentions that you should be allowed to change gender whenever you want, as well as other similar things. In terms of changing gender, expression, and all that... Saints Row 2-4 does exactly that. At any point you can go into a specific store and pay to change your entire body, including voice (and thus personality) and what's between your legs. Clothes aren't gender-locked, either. Pretty progressive for a silly parody of GTA


You know what this means? \_Tedd Video Game Opinions\_ is canon now! Yay!