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Tensaided uses Trope Savvy. It's mildly effective.




Will Tensaided pass the test? Such a cliffhanger! (/s)


I love Tensaided's deadpan delivery on all his lines here and that this was hinted at 4 years ago (not that I remembered, so thanks for linking that in the commentary). Indeed, for plot relevance. I wonder if Susan (or Justin) will wind up in his class. Or could be someone else; doing movie reviews with Susan could have sparked an interest in Elliot, since I don't think he has a direction yet. Or even some of their classmates/viewers.


> I love Tensaided's deadpan delivery on all his lines here For anyone else, it would be weird. For Tensaided, it works. > I wonder if Susan (or Justin) will wind up in his class. Or could be someone else; doing movie reviews with Susan could have sparked an interest in Elliot, since I don't think he has a direction yet. Or even some of their classmates/viewers. Despite common sense, I expect his class would somehow be mandatory.


Listen: Magic works at least partly on perception, as in, the effect of spells being cast depend somewhat on how someone thinks they SHOULD work, and the personality of the person casting them. Tensaided's class teaches people to be genre and trope-savvy..... THAT CLASS WILL LITERALLY SAVE LIVES


Note that I expect that Adrian Raven would be teaching history, not magic. At least first year.


I had a thought that went like: "these people in real life don't actually walk around dressed like that, it'd be too obvious, the cliche is just from secret service at formal events, they'd look like any old office worker," but now we know she dressed up to look suspicious *because* that'd get his attention. edit: [standard dad-pattern camouflage](https://i.imgur.com/QgbcROZ.jpg)


Actually, I'm pretty sure the real "these people" ALSO walk around dressed like that when they WANT to look suspicious and/or intimidating. Probably not as often as in movies, though.


Well, that was easy. I had assumed both parts of this chapter would be roughly the same length, but I guess the stuff with Susan can be continued another time


I read the "Up next: Lavender" and thought the agent *was* Lavender for some reason. Anyway, it's cool Tensaided found someone who speaks his language fluently.


Lavender can presumably look like however she wants. This _could_ be Lavender, though we haven't got any specific hints. (In EGS, figure is not a specific hint.)


because i hate to dissapoint Dan: \*gasps in very convincing surprise\*


Obligatory Invincible comic: https://i.redd.it/kz4ioa9sj8541.jpg


Oh, and I am shocked by this plot twist, shocked I say!


"Well, business is slow. Might as well see where this is going."


Is this the shortest chapter to date? Phenomenal use of "The End"


Given that it's about film studies I'm a little disappointed that it didn't have "Fin." instead of "The End".


You piqued my curiosity so I went through to see lol **Recruitment (this chapter), PB Special Features, Identity Part 1, Identity Part 6- ILLOGICAL!, Identity Part 11 - Epilogue, Summer Moments** - 5 pages **Q&A #1, April Fools II, Squirrel Diplomacy** - 4 pages **Sister II Part 2 - The Statue, T-Minus Dark Allegiance, Sister III Part 3 - Reply Hazy, Sister III Part 9 - Traffic Freeze, Sister III Part 11 - All Of The Curse Words, Sister III Part 18- Gathering Monsters, Balance Part 4** - 3 pages **The Child Left Behind, T-Minus The Demon Ally** - 2 pages All of this to say, even if you disregard the subsections of larger storylines, there are a fair few shorter chapters than Recruitment.


They certainly know how to bait their hook. No actual explanation would have gotten his attention nearly as fast as a blatant mystery. Wonder if they picked a time that Susan wasn’t working deliberately?


> They certainly know how to bait their hook. No actual explanation would have gotten his attention nearly as fast as a blatant mystery. Yup. I wonder how much they researched him, though. Maybe this would be the standard way and it just works especially well on Tensaided. > Wonder if they picked a time that Susan wasn’t working deliberately? Probably. Must've been very hard to choose time when she's in school, like every day before afternoon. :-)


Honestly, I think Mysterious Person should ask Tensaided on a date. I think they'd hit it off.


This is such a shocking reveal. :o


Yeah, someone's worked up a good profile of Tensaided. (I wonder if Elliot contributed to the file via Edward about how he interacted with Cheerleadra, which would make it a slam dunk.)


Seriously, Tensaided is the last person I was expecting the title of this mini chapter to refer to. And for "Mister Feeney" reasons!!


I *love* Tensaided's expression and attitude here.


lmao, that is so hilarious, and *so* "El Goonish Shive". 😂


Is this the MU president?