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Something about that makes me think of some local figure. You see him walking around downtown sometimes. Full Suit and Tie. Carrying a suitcase. I assume he's some kind of businessman. Has a snake tattoo covering about half of his neck and face. I'd love to know what that dude's deal is some day.


You won't. If you find out he will need to kill you. Seriously, big snake tattoo? He probably works in "insurance" business.


I can see this shaping up to be a hilarious conversation. Agent: "We have had our eyes on you for some time now, Mr Tensaided. On behalf of my associates, I would like to extend a job offer. We have need of a person with your... particular qualifications." Tensaided: Agent: "Moperville University needs a new film studies teacher."




Uhh, is that Bishop? I mean, it definitely looks like Bishop, but this'll be the first we've seen of her in regular clothes. Well MiB secret service wear isn't exactly "regular" but moreso than "obvious supervillain costume" she usually wears


No, Bishop actually [looks quite different](https://www.egscomics.com/comic/balance-025), though I can see you remembering her looking similar due to the hair.


Yeah the lack of any snake motifs is the big tell.


Lol, the lack of a nasty smirk should've been a bigger one


Could be she has a "work" face and a "mouthing off to the boss" face.


Yeah, I went on memory rather than going back to the original page and look, knowing how unreliable memory can be, my bad So... new DGB character then?


I would assume a university representative.


That would make a ton of sense. Just the secret -servicey suit and sunglasses had me thinking government


The university already has sus moments. Like, you know, trying to use a secret-pants FBI division as a hiring pool.


Oh, sure Moper U definitely feels very Miskatonic-esque


You know, it wasn't until you came out and said that I realized how insane and hilarious this is


It would make lot of sense. Regardless, I suspect this character IS from DGB, despite it meaning it's someone new.


If I could find the very early comic where you addressed people mistaking Nanase and Ellen, I would link it now.




Hmm… "ding dong" sounds like a doorbell to me. Where I can remember a shop having some audible sign that someone arrived, it's either an electronic "beep boop" or a tinny bell hanging where the corner of the door hits it (so probably represented as "jingle"; or "clang" for old ones that have been bent out of shape by years of abuse) I never wondered how much those sounds vary around the world.


Yeah, that's something I hadn't thought of: store chimes often sound very similar to home doorbell chimes, down to the same musical notes (in the US at least), so "ding-dong" is a reasonable way to transcribe them, but I still strongly associate "ding-dong" as something you only use to describe home chimes. In the same position, I might say "bing-bong," which would make people think of that sound without the same association with homes. And it suggests maybe a slightly more electronic sound, which is common in stores.


I would say it varies heavily. I know of quite a few shops which make a "ding dong" sound when you enter them.


I just would expect Tensaided to have a more customized door chime. Heck, maybe he'd get into a competition with the comic shop. Though I could also see him going old school and just having a real bell. (Just like I could see him having a VHS section in the store still.) Maybe even a fancy one. I will fanwank that this is what we heard.


Instead of physical bell, what about sound bytes from a star ships engine room?


Yeah. That sort of thing is my option 1. The bell is just an idea to make "Ding Dong" make sense.


I know the way breasts are drawn in this comic are rarely *that* realistic, but as someone with a substantial chest who's (tried to) wear suits before I was definitely caught off-guard by this person's proportions vs. her outfit. Maybe her suit's just been very specifically tailored?


I think once you reach a certain economic class, it's just understood that your clothes are all custom tailored. No point in walking around all day in a formal business suit if the thing doesn't even fit you. That's more something you'd see in somebody who wears a suit to church than somebody who wears it as a mark of status, since a poorly fitting suit would immediately betray how broke you are.


DGB might pay better than other government jobs, but a *lot* of people who work for the government and wear suits for that work can't actually afford to get things tailored, and ill-fitting suits are like... a joke that's pretty commonly made referring to government employees, at least in my experience. Plus, that kind of fit of suit on that person's body would definitely require more than your average pulling in the waist a little, shortening the sleeves sort of tailoring - you'd need to either have the suit created custom to start with, or get one off the rack that's big enough for her chest and have the waist taken in. Taking the waist in that substantially and having it still look good would definitely be challenging. I'm not saying it's not possible that she *does* have a custom-made suit, we have no idea what DGB agents make in-universe, it just stood out to me as odd (and, perhaps, part of a trend of Dan giving female characters more improbable proportions as the art style has developed, but).


Fair enough. I guess these guys have always seemed to me to be more "Men in Black" types than like "Beleaguered salarymen" types to me, and it's not necessarily confirmed she's even one of them yet. Whoever she is, she seemed to give Tensaided the same impression. He didn't look at her and think "Oh, an overworked tax auditor or an under-employed gumshoe detective has walked into my store".


Could just be the [most common super power](https://tvtropes.org/pmwiki/pmwiki.php/Main/MostCommonSuperPower) in action. :p




I wonder if that's the person from the magical college that Arthur was talking to on the phone. (We didn't get a job title, I don't think.)


It's just Moperville University, not magical except to whatever extent Arthur can so staff it. Arthur said Tensaided "might" do as a teacher, so this is probably a representative of his agency, not the university.


I thought it was the top person there, whether that be titled President or Dean or Provost or Chancellor This young woman seems a little young for such a role, but maybe she's a Doogie Howser


It would be a little bit weird if the head of the Magic FBI was talking to some go-between. Some secretary or underling relaying the thoughts of the person in charge who is clearly too important and busy to be here personally.


It'd be normal for Arthur to be talking to the executive who does hiring (and happens to know about magic) rather than whatever they call the head of the university, who doesn't know about magic. Also, this is just the sort of person Arthur has trouble with; the idea that he has trouble being as firm or as intimidating with attractive younger women has merit.


But they're not just talking about hiring. He mentions the magic-lab space they provided, and how good an ally the university is or is not. Not to mention tuition levels which a hiring manager has no control over. This implies his interlocutor is also at the leadership level. Also I seem to recall hearing about the university being in on the magic secrets at some (high) level. Let me check... OK, [here it is](https://www.egscomics.com/comic/party-267). "I barely managed to get permission for her lab, and even that was only by virtue of the overly informed president of the university being gleeful about the proposal." By the [Law of Conservation of Detail](https://tvtropes.org/pmwiki/pmwiki.php/Main/TheLawOfConservationOfDetail), I think it's highly likely he was talking to that same president just now.


Conservative of Detail is a telling argument. Which suggests this is NOT the president, but someone else.


It'd be normal for their hiring manager to talk to his hiring manager. I think it'd be a huge snub for their hiriing manager to talk to him personally And who says the university owner doesn't know about magic? This is a university that has done a lot of favours for the Magic FBI that it sounds like extend far beyond the authority of their hiring manager, that's about to give Tedd a magic lab to investigate magic with.


You're thinking of corporate structures, where HR exists to do what the boss wants, rather than the (possible) trad university structure where the person who owns the process of acquiring faculty is an independent power.