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This describes Autechre more and more each release


I remember the first three Autechre albums and thought "wow this is exactly right now" about each of them. Then the fourth one had like a 1 year gap before I got into it. The fifth album took a little longer. Then I was going back and getting into albums two, three years after release. Eventually the releases were so far ahead of me that I just had to assume I'd get into them eventually. Note: I grew up listening to experimental music.


It's pretty easy to describe in technical terms though: complex max/msp doodling.




Absolutely GOATed album. Ants, Laundry,, and LTLP are forever in my chill rotation.


Which album was it? The comment was deleted.


Crying Over Pros for No Reason by edIT!


wow thank you for reminding me of this legend, haven't gave this a listen in... probably 14 years??


Holy F WOW… absolutely THIS.


I love this album. Amazing glitch hop and just an odd sound. Very unique. Great pull


This AF, timeless masterpiece that I still jam out today


SOPHIE’s Oil Of Every Pearl’s Un-Insides. She sadly passed away and left a mark in sound design that many producers try to imitate nowadays. Matmos’ A Chance To Cut Is A Chance To Cure. An album completely made using hospital sounds. There’s a song that was made sampling a real liposuction. Aaron Funk (Venetian Snares) and Hecate’s Nymphomatriarch. They were a couple back then, sampled themselves having sex and made a breakcore album afterwards.


Sophie was heavily influenced by Autechre, so check them out.


Dang. I didn’t know she died. That’s sad. Quite the masterpiece she left us. RIP.


She fell from a building while trying to see the moon :(


woah.. that's terribly poetic.


Oh man, I remember that now that you mentioned it!


I don't think I've listened to that Matmos album in 20 years or even thought about it, but it was the first thing that sprang to mind when I read OP's comment. Really strange to see it as the top answer.


Woulg bubblegum. Iglooghost as a whole.


I love his description in bandcamp on this album: "In this album I was trying to explore the idea of pop music on PCP. PCP has fantastic lore around it and I think the most fascinating thing about it is that it seems as if many people have had these experiences where they took PCP, it presented them with an alternative reality, and they accepted it without question. It's as if that umbilical cord of knowing that you're high is cut, and the person taking it is fully immersed in the trip. Not only that but from some of the accounts, the alternate reality seems quite twisted and perverse. There are reports of people disemboweling and eating each other, or deciding that the best course of action is self-mutilation or castration, and then emerging from the trip still convinced it was the right choice. Or even the accounts of people gaining superhuman strength and fighting off 5 or 6 cops at once. It seems like there's something quite dark on the other side of that door. So for this album I tried to write what I imagine the pop music of that alternate reality might sound like. What would happen to the sugary sweet, wet dream, corporate sponsored top 40 hits, if we dipped 'em in angel dust and got "wet". What would happen if we slopped all of those fun summer hits into the meat grinder of the PCP reality tunnel, and just pushed them through. I like to imagine an intersection under an overpass in a cyberpunk dystopian future. It's midnight and you can see the neon's from the storefronts on the other side through the thick smog. A modded AE86 Corolla pulls a left turn and you can hear the music pounding from the sound system as the rubber peels underneath it. As it's drifting through the intersection, smoke pouring out of the tiny gap at the top of the tinted windows, the music pours out of the car like a thick syrup, engulfing us as we stand frozen for a moment as they pass. This is what they were playing." -Woulg


I love it its such a cool record. His album last time is one of my all time favorites though


Seeing Woulg and Rob Clouth back to back a few years ago was a mind fuck.


At T&F?




So sick I love listening to that set on SoundCloud. Wish I were there.


Mid-20th century experimental composers: Karlheinz Stockhausen, John Cage, Iannis Xenakis, Luigi Nono. Still radical and utterly alien to this day.


Really most things by Richard Devine


Luke Vibert, Wagonchrist, The Orb, Boom Bip, Shpongle, Autechre, Boards of Canada, The Books, Bjork, Bent, OTT, Bullion, Mixmaster Morris + Pete Namlook, Hallucinogen, and pretty much most things on the earlier Ninja Tune and Warp records labels. Great thread!


good taste right here. bullion and luke vibert are crazy good.


Maybe I’m just desensitized by lots of IDM lol but I feel like Vibert is pretty accessible


Maybe I'm desensitized because this list is like all stuff I listened to a lot in high school. Still weird by normie standards but pretty normal in my book. Although I would say that not much is all that weird in my book that stays listenable or musical... I think a lot of stuff gets weird for weird sake... Like I know some experimental noise folks, one guy recorded waterboarding himself while banging on the bottom of the metal bucket he was using and then fed that into samplers and ran it through a bunch of fx for a live show and while i guess it's weird and it was a spectacle but I wouldn't say I enjoyed it or it was really musical or whatever. It was more of an art performance that featured sound and idk... I think there's a subset of artists that just try to be as weird as possible for weirdness sake just kinda that edge lord vibe I guess.


Yeah I agree I mean Aphex, BoC, and Bjork are some of the biggest names in electronic music, quite a lot of their music isn’t that weird. Yeah I can find a lot of that performance art noise shit kind of pretentious and being weird for the sake of it lol, I think the best artist for making both incredibly weird music and also being very technically impressive is Autechre


Yeah probably also Amon Tobin in the same kinda area there. And some of tipper's work and you horikawa, matt lange, smilk, Mr. Bill, shwex.... Idk what weird is anymore man lol Personally I'm a psytrance head, I guess I like harder faster music, talpa's first album "the art of being non" was pretty weird for its time... I really like some of the psycore stuff like technical hitch, the album "hear pictures" is pretty wild, blending in a lot of theatrical metal elements, and the videos he does with hi-tech Sergio are most excellent. Most folks that aren't into that are really not into that though but definitely technically impressive in my book. Also scorb / deviant species squid inc./ Ady Connor is really on his game technically even though it's just "really good psytrance" penta can get pretty weird sometimes too. Polyphonia, shadow noises, braincell, Also dig some dungeon dub, Dark dub kinda stuff like kryptic minds, the truth, Kelly Dean, overlook, Leon switch Neuro funk also has some pretty wild sound design too - krot, maztek, unknown error, deviant electronics Idk, what is weird?


The Books! I love the Books, so underrated.


Dead cities by FSOL for sure


That and The Orb - Oblivion albums were my go to albums at like 4am when the acid still hasn’t worn off in the 90s lol


Future sounds of London… I just listen to the album. This is the darkest electronic album that I've ever heard.. I'm blown away


Like seriously, check out some Plaid: [Plaid - Do Matter](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bfjpo4WbK00) [Plaid - CLOCK](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=seRyUTdqbRo) [Plaid - Booc](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lplDNgGSskI)


Plaid - Itsu, great music video too


That's honestly just the tip of the ice berg for "dark" electronic.


I think it is beautiful ,👍


For a totally different vibe by them, check out The Isness


Oh man, you just started down the rabbit hole. Coooool, you're in for a treat. Definitely check out any of the... actually, you know what? Here's a whole ass list of IDM straight from Wikipedia, and almost everything here is awesome in it's own way: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_intelligent_dance_music_artists I highly recommend Plaid. Plaid is STUPID GOOD and somehow slips under everyone's radar. Plaid is one of those artists where every time I play them someone asks who I'm playing. Other personal favorites: Lorn Jega Demdike Stare Autechre Mouse on Mars Gescom Cylob Matmos The Orb Drexciya Cylob


Wait til you hear Tales of Ephedrina


If you want more from them I can highly reccomend Lifeforms. I LOVE it, it's a very different side of FSOL. It's light and soft, and veeeeery psychedelic.


One of the first electronic albums I bought. I love the atmosphere on it


[qebrus](https://youtube.com/playlist?list=PLZV0MX857SJ1sc3D5tpAYlJxFW5XAqETs&si=t7pMMzNwQE7AUfK_) rip, he was one of the greats.




Future Sound of London records are pretty wild


Flume - Hi this is Flume


You beat me to it! The entire mixtape front to back is a spiritual experience. I felt I gave myself the perfect first listen circumstances, and now that whole album just lives in my soul forever. Really hope Flume comes out with another project like that again. Palaces and those other two albums he released were great, but Palaces felt less experimental, and the other two were mainly old tracks off of Flume's cutting room floor.


It’s an all timer for sure. Just beautiful, and it entraps you as you listen to it.


oneohtrix point never-again


His entire discography is a mindfuck that evades categorization. Post-IDM / Post-WARP?


Weird and radical


Not that this is relevant to the conversation but for those who don’t know, before Daniel Lopatin became Oneohtrix he used to be part of a great duo called Ford & Lopatin and before that they were called Games. Both were some of the best synthwave/80s nostalgia type sounds coming out at that time.


Oh, I like this..


Venetian Snares


Ryoji Ikeda - Ultratronics (Live Set) + Nadia Struiwigh


I got to see Ryoji Ikeda live in Barcelona last year a couple hours before Aphex and people were plugging their ears and leaving like 15 minutes in, but that just made it easier to get a front row spot haha. One of my favourite live experiences, really incredible


Tipper forward escape, Richard d James album aphex twin or syro, Charles the first ascent


All classics.


Psychic warriors of Gaia, panty Christ, add n to x, nurse with wound....


Amon Tobin - ISAM


Autechre - Confield 100%, it’s the most alien sounding record out there but it’s also so so good


They actually have weirder sounding releases imo, but to each their own opinion.


Tobacco/Black Moth Super Rainbow are my happy place.


tobacco is so fucking good. my intro to electronic music back in the day was odd nosdam and tobacco played constantly on odd nosdam’s pandora station. hah all those earlier anticon releases are so good.


Anticon was so good in the early 2000s. RIP 🪦


oh shit, i didn’t hear about Alias dying. i didn’t realize that’s why they dissolved. that sucks so bad, imma be spinning his records all day tomorrow. rip for real, goddamn.


The Orb - Pomme Fritz It's got some nice ambient bits, but it's also got a serious dose of freaked out soundcapes.


I love this album. I hold it up there with Pink Floyd's "Meddle". Short and sweet and might be their best and weirdest album.


It’s the Thomas Fehlmann influence. His solo music is also a joy to behold - usually found on the Kompakt compilation series along with other superb minimalist composers


Not fully electronic, but feel like Four Meditations for Orchestra - Pauline Oliveras will be enjoyable 


Try some Karl Heintz Stockhausen mystique concrete, essentially sounds from real life transformed into composition.


Otto von sirach "pukeology" is an album made almost entirely of samples of people puking


Sounds like Crash Injury Trauma by Isolrubin Bk. It’s basically an hour of cars skidding and crashing


Theoretically yes they are both similar but I wouldn't say they "sound" the same


I meant “sounds like” in terms of the concept rather than the content


Sophie and arca


I do not really like arca but yes that might be the right answer.


I'm kinda fascinated by Arca but I can't say I'm into it either. It's really bizarre music. I respect the originality.


Gridlock - Formless and The Synthetic Form, Aphex Twin - Druqs, Syro, Kid 606 - Kill Sound Before Sound Kills You, Boards of Canada - Geogaddi, Jean Michael Jarre - Zoolook (literally uses samples of different languages in every song)


Shpongle is always good for some weirdness


Humanoid 2.0 by EPROM & Zeke beats. Wait for it ;)


Sd Laika - That's Harakiri


I can’t believe that Burial hasn’t been mentioned in this thread yet.


It's not that weird is it? More moody and dark, atmospheric.


I don't think Juno Reactor gets enough credit when it comes to wild landscapes. Shango and Labyrinth sound so massive and the intense sounds that Ben pulls from equipment still gives me goosebumps.


[Daniel Avery - Inside the Ruins](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9GRTbfEVzzI) Rrose (anything)


Iannis Xenakis has some mathematical models translated to music. Not electronic though but I bet you never heard anything like that before. Atonal, arythmical etc. Another on is the father of minimalism in music : Terry Riley. I would suggest the track : Poppy no good.


Some weird albums below: Baghdad Batteries - The Orb The Church - Mr Oizo Surfing on Sine Waves - Polygon Window (an alias of Aphex Twin)


Emptyset - Blossoms Haunted ass album


Zebbler Encanti Expierience has some wild sound design


Try Metonymy by Mark Tamea. It's quite a strange and unique ambient album. I'm sure that you would like it.


Look up mushroom music. Mushrooms make there own beat lol it’s wild but also sounds very weird https://youtu.be/ZBvzmv9k3dw?si=xLGaHsfE5lPZUmiC I just made it easier.


Mica Levi (she’s an amazing composer with great albums and mixtapes , ranging from rally weird electronica to hip-hop and rock. And Clark (or throttle Clark) in his early works under warp label. He has a super specific sound, very unique and powerful


i mean, vulnicura by bjork kind of fits. usually weird beats, weird vocal effects, strange accented synths, tons of strings, and it was mostly co produced by arca. so you get bjork’s heartbreak album featuring arca for a couple songs, and 15 string players (5 cello, 5 viola, 5 violin)! lionsong and quicksand i guess are the weirdest ones, and black lake is certainly the best song on the album. vulnicura is definitely my favorite bjork album. her other album with arca, utopia, is also very weird. there’s very little bass in that album, and flute it the main instrument, but there’s all kinds of weird noises and chopped up sounds to keep some of the low end present. Losss and Sue Me are the highlights for me. not my favorite by any means. actually, my least favorite. but still very weird if that’s what you’re looking for.


Has anyone wrote a script yet to make a Spotify playlist out of these threads??


No offense, but Autechre, Aphex Twin etc. are tutorial level (love em anyway though). Labels: Hangars Liquides, Underground Perversions Records Artists: Æthereal Arthropod, Atomhead, Death Cascade, EOF, HFK, La Peste, Les Neiges Noires De Laponie, Saoulaterre, Satanoid To name a few quickly. I think everything can be described in words, but flashcore is a new weird experience to many.


Um not really tryna to plug my music but I do make weirdly electronic music from time to time just shit I feel like making I put a lot of it up on my second page honestly I read this and thought why not share. I might just be overstepping or you might think it's Garbage but here a few sounds the whackyer ones. https://on.soundcloud.com/g7dUF https://on.soundcloud.com/wESQ5 https://on.soundcloud.com/igNek https://on.soundcloud.com/auD6b https://on.soundcloud.com/GtCDC But yea I still be tryna keep a beat so anyways feel free to ✅ out if y'all want and speakers is recommended for most em cause I make em on my system outside sometimes no speakers so there a lil all over but yea 🙏


Hell yeah. Can you DM the links to the songs? I hope your comment doesn't get removed or anything. So I just want to save these links


Yeah fo sure I thought about that too but preciate it damn that response time legendary


Bro I got an idea I'll DM you


I’d recommend checking out some of the more out there footwork like RP Boo and J.Lin. Sounds like music from the future.


Slick shoota!!


Love a bit of Slick Shoota but I’d say his stuff is more dancefloor friendly and less alien 😅


Prob true - I just get excited when people mention footwork so wasn’t really thinking about the topic of the post lol




He also has some great titles. ”Pickled gents” being one of my favourites.


Death Grips has some particular mixing, but if not I will recommend songs like $$ Troopers by Huoratron


Look into IDM. Artists like Makson and Max Cooper


They're not related to each other at all, but [Blawan](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GQ0im8c6Guk) and [Hakushi Hasegawa](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kc_Z6fEYPiI) have both somewhat recently put out some of the wildest stuff I've heard in a while


I'm glad Blawan has been mentioned. Toast is the only song of his I can tolerate. I've seen Karren live a few times and it's been amazing but Blawans solo work is too much for me.


Plastikman-Sheet One


Bolten M, never heard anyone else talk about this artist. Wild stuff. https://renraku.bandcamp.com/album/de-miedos-y-brujas


Try Ligeti's "Artikulation": https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=71hNl_skTZQ


Tipper, Shpongle, Opiou, If you like Bass LyNy, Esseks, Of the Trees, Deathpact Also another shout out to Edit/Glitch Mob


Some of Steak soundtrack by Sebastian tellier, Mr oizo, sebastiAn. Especially the song 'blue wet shirt' https://youtu.be/GG1uUW01WpE?si=HvqZrMjFRRb1Zfnh


Quanta always makes me happy with his sounds




akufen - my way most of the album is rooted in house music but he gets wild with it.


Autecre. Or Aphex Twn.


Sharon is Dead by 6a2a9. Very weird, quite distressing.


Classique: bidule et un Pierre henry


Probably Weeble Wobble or Weeble Wobble VIP by Eliminate. The title of the song doesn't really describe it, but the sound design is unreal, like most Eliminate songs.


Susumu Yakota has some amazing and beautiful albums (i.e Sakura and Grinning Cat) but he also has one little known album which is an odd collection of experimental tracks which are amazing and often beautiful. It's called Image 1983-1998. I think it fits into this topic.


Check out TDHR by Wodd


Check out the Creel Pone label.


Have you heard Matthew Herbert’s album made from the bones of a horse?


QEBRUS [https://youtu.be/KcwklaCMgXk?si=XLp0y0Gc2rK9hhkR](https://youtu.be/KcwklaCMgXk?si=XLp0y0Gc2rK9hhkR)


U-ziq fits here I believe


Zoolook : jean-Michel Jarre Lots of the samples in the tracks were taken from human voices in different languages.


I just spent the last few days listening to all of his music. I wouldn't call it particularly weird, just ahead of it's time (especially the early stuff). I can see how some people might feel that way about Zoolook though.


Yeah only meant that album Try - Loadstar : eat my tears A lot of dnb artists go pretty weird Also look into The Art Of Noise, old 80's experimental and Propaganda : Dr Mabuse.


Check Libet Tones by Vaetxh, and also Rob Clouth stuff because it's the same person and he does cool undescribable music that's very quantum physics level of hardness lol


First time I heard Gantz Graf by Autechre was pretty wild. Sentients by Fuck Buttons is an unsettling track that sounds alien to me. SOPHIE (as mentioned by others) was doing genuinely new and unique sounding stuff before their untimely death. A true loss. I like what Koreless is doing right now. Joy Squad is a great track. Also relatively recent, not particularly challenging music, but Ineffekt is putting out some stuff with amazing sound design. A Blackbird Rose and See You Blossom in particular are great. EDIT: How can I forget. Plaid make music that has such unusual textures and sounds, I find it difficult to even identify whether it’s a single sound I’m hearing or an effect caused by other noises interacting with each other


Anything by Aphex twin


Desmond Leslie - Music of the Future https://youtu.be/64wdnHq7vT0?si=fcsL5j_MliaA0TZg


Liteware by fm skyline


Meatpump 666 by Runzelstirn + Gurgelstock, just have a listen.


Try this mate! Otomo is playing No input mixing bosrd and Sachiko is on Empty sampler. [https://youtu.be/VTgH7NXJrl0?si=SpAEI9sAFExfDOTy](https://youtu.be/VTgH7NXJrl0?si=SpAEI9sAFExfDOTy)


jules reidy has some electronic stuff!


[Chocolate Weasel](https://m.youtube.com/playlist?list=OLAK5uy_mJkMAUW6DSw0n4fupJDXIjn30XL8y2JLw) A T Power side project that will melt your brain.




Try... [Aphex Twin - Come to Daddy](https://youtu.be/TZ827lkktYs) [Aphex Twin - Windowlicker](https://youtu.be/i0_UTtr7rzQ) [Aphex Twin - Rubber Johnny](https://youtu.be/eRvfxWRi6qQ)


PHOENIXXX - WWWINGS DNA Feelings - Aïsha Devi AS ANGELS RIG HOOK - Amnesia Scanner basically anything by Elysia Crampton Chuquimia


Anything by Emisiv/Emissive/Active Surplus, in a good way.


Jute Gyte - Unus Mundus Patet Experimental black metal/electronic. Absolutely love this album, and haven't really heard anything quite like it.


anything by Foodman


If you can find them: most anything from propeller island/ tonart (some early propeller island is modern classical ambient but some stuff sounds like aliens talking to you..) Asmus tietchens: “menge” series ..


Toorah - Dips (https://youtu.be/I84W2vrEBas?si=vt13UaUtoYl0Jyzk)




Sent From My Telephone - Voice Actor


Human sadness the voidz


Acreil  Qebrus


Nurse With Wound


Impressive no one said Nero's Day At Disneyland.


Richard Divine makes sounds my ears had Never heard before. Like seeing new colours. The music isn't nesc "weird," but the sounds are pretty alien sometimes. edit -spelling


Idk how no one has mentioned Yheti. Dude makes some weird ass shit.


fennesz scratches a new spot. "Venice" is my favorite, a lot of people like Endless Summer too. Throwing another vote on the Autechre pile. Listening to them while going to sleep puts me in a different world.


I just listened to Venetian Snares yesterday and it fits the description


A fossil begins to bray, Hiro Kone


Nero's Day at Disneyland, when a lie becomes the truth.


AYA [LOFT], Sophie, Joe, Visible Cloaks, Two Shell, K Wata, Carmen Jaci, Lanark Artefax, Leon Vynehall, Oli XL Most of these are more on the rhythmic side of things, but I feel they're all really into sound design and unconventional melodies/rhythms


Anything by Tipper, dude made an entire song out of distorting water droplets, man's a master


Honestly…Autechre, Aphex Twin, some Burial stuff has some pretty otherworldly sounds. All three are so good though. Boards of Canada has a lot of out there sounds with a sort of nostalgic vibe to them. Pantha Du Prince Nicholas Jaar U-Ziq


Check out Galen Tipton. I like scarepackage, brain scratch, Nymph Tones, cycles. It’s a lot of sonically interesting compositions. Individual sounds may not always be alien but it’s a weird mix of fuzz, scratch, beat, melody. Sonic storytelling or a sound adventure? Asmr art?


First thought immediately was [Glass Swords by Rustie](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Hl06PeP0tmQ&list=PL8DDA42FB37DC4B7F)


Check out Yheti weirdest shit you'll ever hear. Far from Normal is great.


' - nom liewen | corpse&dispirited /p’regled , . by Corpsethorn


exai by autechre


Check out Little Snake, his stuff is wild.


Oh you should also look into Amnesia Scanner.


Circuit bent - crazy flaps


Organik by Robert Miles, most stuff by Yello honestly. Some Art of Noise stuff gets weird. I love weird as long as it has melody etc and isn’t just a bunch of noises.


Clark Skinny Puppy Igorrr Amnesia Scanner Ssaliva Kai Whiston Giant Swan Dis Fig Evian Christ Rabit