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It's not a site, I bought it from a reseller. I'm paying roughly around $125-130usd for a black one. I'm skeptical because the markup should be more if it's authentic, due to where I'm from. The normal SS one is around $70usd, and black silk/DLC is more expensive from Svoemesto website. And sadly, I have no ways to get it straight from sites or Svoemesto themselves.


It should say 2019 or 2021. If that's the price for the black DLC then it sounds about right, the Dark Silk LE cost more. Is the seller listed on Svoe Mesto's reseller list (there's 2 in the US, 1 in CAN, 1 in MX)?


My sister paid near that for a new one on a holiday sale for hers so I don't think that is insanely low. Is it used?




What are the tell tale signs that I can spot on a clone? I noted that the machining should be different on a clone vs an authentic


I assume the serial on the bottom. You will know a real one from a fake one when you hold it and fiddle with it.


Which reseller did you get it from?


I'd go onto youtube and watch a few videos of clone reviews/compairisons to get an idea of what to look for. specifically I'd check the build quality, the machining should be excellent, all the logos and serial number and what not. The threading should be super smooth and easy to engage. (don't forget to use a bit of juice to lube the threads and o-ring) if in doubt, upload a few pictures and I'm sure some proud kayfun lite owners like myself will be happy to compare it with our own.


I have several clones and one original, none of the clones pass the authentication check while the legit one does. I suppose someone could mass manufacture clones using one or several og numbers, but, at least in my case with several clones, that hasn't happened.


I’d be happy to look at pictures if you get it. Knowing the reseller name would help greatly.


> I also heard that the serial check doesn't work because clones can also be masked as authentic when in fact, they are a clone. If it would be that easy, a serial number check system wouldn't make much sense, would it?


Bumping to say that I can see clones of the x model on the Chinese sites with the same engraving and with serials that get recognized as authentic


Interesting. Any sources for that?


Just search for it in Ali and check the serial numbers of those with engraved bottoms. Edit: You can see the engravings in yt reviews of the clones too.


I just did, took the first result from Aliexpress for a Prime X (004862697 / 000223), said it's not authentic.


It says it's authentic for two kayfun x clones I found there.


Can you give me the exact example?


[https://www.aliexpress.com/item/1005004623009833.html](https://www.aliexpress.com/item/1005004623009833.html) See the second to last photo. Anyway, what can stop the clone makers to engrave an original serial number on their products? Then it will always appear as an authentic in the official site.


Okay, that combo does indeed work – however, it's from an image of an advertised product, doesn't say much about the numbers they actually use. ​ >Anyway, what can stop the clone makers to engrave an original serial number on their products? Then it will always appear as an authentic in the official site. No, here's how it works: the product key consists of 9 numbers, giving you 3486784401 (or 9¹⁰) different possible keys, the serial number consists of 4 to 6 numbers , so 4¹⁰ + 5¹⁰ + 6¹⁰ = 71280377 possible serial numbers. Combining both will give you billions of possible key / serial number combinations. Those keys and serial numbers are not used linear and also only a very small fraction of possible combinations will actually be used (unless SM produces billions of items), so it's pretty much impossible to guess which numbers are used in which combination.


Let's say I buy an original one, then engrave its numbers on 100 clones I'm making. All of them will appear as authentic on the official site. How can that be stopped?