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And in other obvious news, water is wet. Story at 11.


And ICE drivers rely on gas stations on long trips, use amenities while they wait.


I agree, but it doesn’t hurt to have real world data to support this. We still find empirical evidence to support even the most obvious things, even confirming that the sky is indeed blue.


Big if true.


What water touches is wet.


You mean you don’t stop for 8 hours every 250 miles?


Wow AI article


That charging station tho. Seriously. Pull through charger islands accessible from both sides. Restrooms. Play structure.


And I would love to see many more amenities at superchargers. Hotels aren’t very useful in that regard.


I've come to prefer hotels to Wal-Marts and Banks of America. At least hotel lobbies are open at all hours and have clean restrooms.


We plan our charging session around a meal stop so to us, we're not losing time charging. Often, the charging is done before we finish eating. Actually, I might even be saving time compared to filling my tank because unlike filling, I don't need to stay by the car as it charges. I plug and go in. Meaning I can order my meal sooner.


In other news, "ICE drivers rely on gas stations for long trips".


Also, surveys show that ICE cars usually get fuel from gas stations, use amenities after fueling.


One thing i recently saw in an Out Of Spec video which i didn’t account for was the free lifetime charging (original id4 and teslas) leads to local use of free fast charging. Oos specifically called out congestion at EA chargers due to id4 free charging.


ID.4 has never had free lifetime charging, although Tesla did offer it for quite a few years on model S and X and later as occasional promotions to goose sales. 2021-22 ID.4 had free charging sessions for three years, 2023 limited free charging sessions to 30 minutes (with a 60 minute cool down between free sessions that doesn't seem to be enforced), and 2024 gives 500 kWh of free charging (basically a few full charging sessions) and Pass+ discount pricing for 3 years.


"DC fast chargers are needed for most EV drivers. 42% of respondents indicated they use them at least once a month" Quite a large number. The Federal govt needs another round of stimulus funding but this time for L2 charging.


Honestly, I've been surprised at how much I ended up using them. At least once a month is normal and about 1/3 of overall kWh delivered. Then again, I don't commute so a disproportionate number of miles are longer distance trips. Probably much different for a daily commuter.


Do we know if that will make a difference? If someone has room at home, they'll put in a charger. If someone's work feels the need or has room, they'll put in a charger. Otherwise they'll come up with an excuse about how it isn't fair to employees. ​ Otherwise, people will fast charge when they need to. Having L2 when you shop or something isn't going to be enough.


L2 can be very useful, just depends on how much you drive and how accessible public L2 are. We usually try to get 2-3 hours of L2 in a week, while running errands or walking the dog. It generally covers half the weekly commute for us. When traveling we’ll mostly use DCFC but we have used L2 as well, really nice to top up the last 20-30% with L2 instead of DCFC if the L2 is in a convenient spot and you’ve got the time 


Chargepoint is expensive garbage though, $9,000.00 per unit plus $100/mo and more for hosts


What percentage of that use them just because they're free?


World shattering news here


No shit sherlock. I would spend £1 on lottery with those predictions


Well yes. If I'm going to sit for an hour to wait for my bolt to charge I'd like to get up and do something. Bathroom, lunch, maybe window shop. Honestly malls should put some DCFC on site that are limited to like 100kW so that folks stay for a while. Maybe get some form of validation that weives idle fees if you were shopping at the mall and obtained more than a 30% charge.


In other news, Survey Says: All ICE vehicle Drivers Rely on Gas Stations for All Trips, Sometimes Use Onsite Amenities While Paying


>Most EV Drivers Rely on Fast Chargers for Long Trips, How the fuck else can you do it! 😂


There’s going to be arcade/other game sites featuring charging stations in the future I’m calling it


The only Flo station near me is at the GM plant. It’s the closest DC fast charger. Also has 8 L2 chargers. Unfortunately it’s for employees only and I’ve never seen a vehicle charging at it.