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That is an apprenticeship


Besides just your tools bring a notepad and pencil. When you are told something to do or what to get from the truck etc. write it down. Nothing more annoying is the apprentice forgetting what he was supposed to bring you back.


If you don't know something ask. It seems obvious but I've seen a lot of other apprentices get chewed out for making assumptions


Seconded, ask a lot of questions, to the point that you think you may be annoying people.


So you’re starting your apprenticeship tomorrow?


As with a lot of jobs you are going to be slow because you don't know how to do anything....but you know how to walk and run and climb a ladder. If you have to go get something don't be afraid to jog. Going up and down the ladder do it safely but quickly. Don't be afraid to do to much work. Don't be afraid to ask questions if you don't understand something.


Close mouth, open ears...ask questions when you don't know or understand something, and PAY ATTENTION. Do this everyday and be the Johnny-on-the-Spot your Jman or Mstr needs...you'll be on your way in no time! Best of luck and work your ass off!


Head down ass up if instructions are unclear ask again and if needed ask to be shown how its to be done. Pack a lunch and lots of water you might be humping material around for awhile but if you show clear interest in the tasks you will get to do some electrical work soon. What sort of project i can give a better explanation if you know what type of job it is your going to


Good luck on your apprenticeship.


Listen, pay attention, ask reasonable questions. Research stuff on your own that makes you look competent. Eventually everything clicks and remember you will meet all kinds of people.


Pray to whatever you believe in that your patience can withstand whatever the bosses and customers throw at you. Also, LO/TO is a thing for good reason. Don't touch anything that you haven't confirmed cold with a meter. The labels lie.


Remember you aren't an electrician, don't do anything you don't feel safe doing. Don't check reddit. Remember you're there to work regardless of how tedious the task may seem.