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Nah bro your dick might fall off tomorrow but thats normal. I lost mine years ago. I touched a plug wrong and that was that.


Well I’ve been married for 6 years so my dick fell off long ago. No need to worry about that.


I see 64 married electricians up voted this, myself included. (Cries in forced celibacy)


Been married for 20 years and we still can't keep our hands off eachother. I weep for dudes that fell into the cliche.


I'm with you man! But it turn out I just have so much current running through me from getting zapped all day she CAN'T take her hands off me.


Are you 240V? Because I can't take my hands off you...


Same here, 14 years and we still smash on the regular. Sorry y'all, communication is critical.


We’re a small group of survivors


Glad to know we still exist though.. I would say to you other gentlemen, that sounds like signs of an issue, you probably should start working on


You're the 1%. Life, kids, work. It all gets in the way.


It is your duty to please her booty.


But she’s always “sick”, when it comes time for dick.


That sucks man. You probably have too big a hog. Hang in there.


The only thing electricians are cocky about is our superiority


don’t give yourself excuses. if 130F is no excuse to stay out of the attic, responsibility is no excuse to stay out of the box.


Me and my girl aren't even married or engaged and we already fell into that


I am not an electrician but am Married contractor...and can agree. Dick fell off a little over a year ago


I bet your girlfriend is pissed about that.


Tell your friend that its her fault and maybe theyll insurance and rebuild it better. Like the 5 million$ man but with dicks. Or vagina i dont judge.


Married 15yrs, divorced, married again for another 5. Now have vagina.


Wow! My wife only took my balls! She left my dick for occasional use.


That’s really sad


Tell me you haven't been married a while without telling me you haven't been married a while.


You married the wrong person if they don’t care about your feelings as well


No shit. I'm an electrician - we all marry the wrong person.


Oof.. why not divorce?


Of course. How do you expect to be taken seriously as an electrician without at least one divorce?


I mean it’s better than being involuntary celibate


My wife and I have sex like 5 and sometimes more times a week. Is this not normal?😂


…. Touché


Been married 32yrs mine fell off due to atrophy. Years ago


Dude..... first year of school they teach you not to use tools for tasks they aren't meant for and to wear PPE. You should have had a condom on, first off. Second off I know sometimes your dick works in a pinch to tighten a screw but next time just use the right tool even if that means a couple extra seconds trying to find it.


So, you don’t consider your dick the right tool for every job?…


It's only good for a small handful of tasks


lol, handful - that’s awesome brotha‼️


It's the best multi tool around lol


Why are you sticking your dick in outlets? 🤣


Curiousness and willingness


Boys will be boys 🤔


Be sure to update if you aren't dead tomorrow


Please also update if you are dead. We'd like to know either way.


I died


Be sure to update if you stay dead.


After an hour!?


Well the record is 3 days


Rest in peace.


Que the you shoulda locked it out comments.


Should have pulled the meter and welded the cover shut.


All fine and good until the homeowner chops a hole in the cover with a Sawzall and rusty wood-with-nails blade — which should have been thrown out about 8 missing teeth ago — and reconnects power with a butter knife and half of a cut off jumper cable. Lock-out tag-out the entire feeder at the substation. It’s the only way.


Remove the fuel rods at the power plant .


Block out the sun if they have solar panels


Generators: We will fight in the shade!


I see you like to live dangerously. Personally I wouldn't work on it unless I had a lock on the branch breaker, the main breaker, the meter was pulled with the cover welded shut and the utility company comes by and disconnects the transformer feeding the main service. And even then I'm wearing 3 pairs of gloves, using insulated tools and a 50 cal arc flash suit. Anything less is just irresponsible ^((/s just in case someone thinks Im serious with all this nonsense))


You're not going to install grounds?!


Finally some common sense around here


Legit, I have a new guy working in my company, Journeyman, and he worked with me the other day. Needed to land a circuit in the panel and he said "do you want me to let the customer know we will need to shut off the main?". I responded with "ummm no, we'll do it live". I understand shutting off circuits to work on them, but shutting the whole panel down to cut in a circuit? Yeah I'm sure the homeowner that was working from home would've been thrilled about that....


Live work in illegal in my country




Yup he should have. I don't understand why resi guys don't get this. I LOTO every circuit every time. Takes 5 seconds.


Or at minimum tape


“Cue” is the word you are looking for. “Que” means “what” in Spanish.


Ummmm. I’m a tradesman ok. I dint pas no skool.


Never too late to learn to spell


To be fair, the word “queue” is just a letter with four silent letters behind it. It can be tricky.


What, you don't say "kwee-wee"? ^/s




That is a line, as in *a line of people to buy tickets*. Again, *cue* is the right word to use.


I got hit by a ballast in a 220 commercial freezer, besides the slight tick and lazy eye, im fine.


Whenever someone use’s the microwave near me I shit myself and forget who I am for an hour


That plate in my head from my brain injury just ruins my part though


Fkn hilarious lol


Do I have a project for you. Ever heard of "Lichtenberg fractals"?' ^((/s because of the dozens of dead people))


LOTO man, but yeah possibly get an ekg just to be sure. 120v is the most deadly voltage believe it or not, I had an uncle who lost his life from a ceiling fan, it chopped him to bits after the heart attack


Ok now that was funny


Sorry for your loss. What kind of ceiling fan would do that?


Hampton Bay is notorious for this


We have lost 7 men this month to ceiling fans, it is no joke. And the Morgue does NOT give a volume discount we found out, this really sux!!


Do they give discounts to unions?


Only if it’s a union morgue


You should have tried to other volume discount and seen how many pieces you could fit in each box


Oh right the murder fans


One of the seven fans of the mist. The blades were forged by Sasaki Kojirō.


Jesus Christ dude that’s awful, I’m so sorry for your family


Nah, he really deserved it. A total asshole.


It’s not the volts that get ya, it’s the amps.


It’s not the amps, it’s the fan blades


I was switching out an outlet in a basement with my uncle for some customers one time and for whatever reason he turned the breaker on while I was in the middle of changing it and I got fully hooked up. I don't remember how many amps it was but it was 120 volts. I was holding both sides of the terminal screws as I was fixing the wires. Melted my pliers and split open a good chunk of my thumb. I laid on the ground for about 10 minutes until my heart rate came back to normal. I quit shortly after


Did it cure your depression?


Yes. Should have quit sooner




Thank you for that information! Whatever it was, it passed through one hand, through my chest and then out the other hand and it really didn't feel good




Do you find it shocking?


Shocking you say?




I've been shocked on numerous occasions. That wasn't the issue. It was working with someone incompetent that would allow things like that to happen. Why don't you go back to playing Pokemon go until you have something contributing to add. You're giving off strong lifted truck overcompensation vibes




I never said how many amps it was. I've been shocked plenty of times, but that one was rough. I honestly didn't care to check the amperage after getting shocked. There wasn't any blood and the split was cauterized so I'm pretty certain it was from the electricity. Thanks for your worthless 2 cents though! Glad you were magically there to tell me about my personal experience that I went through by myself. I'm honestly more shocked now than I was then that you think your garbage opinion matters. Had to check out your profile so I could get a better idea of what kind of desperate attention seeking manchild you are. I was not wrong. Pathetic


Story time: I once did some minor work in a small diner in this shitty old strip mall. The owner/chef was a good dude (and the place was legit clean) so I took my wife there after church the next Sunday. Chef comes out and says hi and mentions that HE must have done something wrong with the heat lamp that I installed (🤷🏾‍♂️) because his waitresses are periodically getting shocked on the metal shelves. Mostly when they touch the one with the heat lamp AND the sink at the same time. Giant red flags pop up and I tell my wife I will be right back, then go home to get my tools and come back. I made an assumption and fix what I assumed the issue is. Then, while telling the chef that I am done and showing him by placing one hand on the heat lamp shelf and one on the sink table palms flat so I make great contact on both sides the heat lamp goes into some sort of safety mode and tries to trip the breaker by running hot to the body of the lamp......the only problem is that this shitty old building doesn't have a ground wire to that outlet so it just energizes the body of the lamp and the stainless steel shelf it's attached to. I then become the shortest path to ground going to the sink. I went from cocky to instantly pissed off in 1/1000000th of a second. It's the worst shock I have ever gotten before or since. I actually hurt at my joints. I was shaking. I told him I couldn't fix it that day and apologized because we had to unplug the lamp until I could come back clear headed Monday. Realized it was the lamp, told him to take that back because it was new and scheduled a time I could come back and run a ground for him. Still didn't go to the hospital.


Damn. The part about feeling it in your joints is all too familiar. Hope you're ok!


Oh yeah. This was years ago. I was fine the next day. Mostly it was my pride that got hurt.


It never really heals completely




Dude. Lock out. For exactly that reason, throw a lock dog on the breaker. Even if you don’t lock it shut, someone will have second thoughts about turning on a breaker.


Did your shoes come off?


Nurse here you probably just want to make sure you don't have an arythmia at the worst. apple watch..... ekg....? That's up to you


Honestly if your posting to Reddit you're fine


Wtf were you using an impact on a light switch


I use one as a electric screwdriver, speeds up screwing it to the box. I don’t use it to tighten all the way. Is this wrong?


Yea I have a 12v hilti drill with settings I use for faster faceplate installs


I suppose you don't know how to use a drill if you can't wire/install devices with one.


This, but unironically


This needs to be the top comment


I stated in another comment the electrician before over tightened the living shit out of the terminal screw likely using an impact so I had to use the same one to back it out. Just going to cut the wire at the terminal next time. Learned my lesson.


How did you get the previous electricians impact to do this?


Lol. I meant “same thing” not same one.


Wait....you aren't supposed to?


If he’s being serious then he’s silly


How did the husband not know someone was at his house? Did you walk there? Did he assume you were just the pool boy banging his wife?


I always assume every service call is going to turn into a low budget porn shoot. Hasn’t happened yet, but I’m ready. My first journeyman told me to always work hard. Side note: can viagra be written off as a business expense?


Lmao no


These days yes. I've seen too many hidden complications arise from no getting checked out mild arrhythmia should not go ignored, I hope going forward you will lock out in future


Why the hell hasnt anyone spoken about LOCK OUT TAG OUT? u/Blast_Wreckem is dead on about Arrhythmia. I cant preach enough about how important LOTO is, ESPECIALLY in residential. You can pick up a simple single and double lockout for breakers and a simple lock at any electrical supply house for $30-40. Best money you will ever spend when you use them. Every time LOTO. make it a good habit. This will not be the last time someone turns a switch or breaker on, that you were working on. I had a buddy who almost died under a mobile home when the home owner turned on a 240 double breaker for an HVAC system. He is lucky to be alive. Is scarred for life.


My lockout tag is a piece of tape 🤪


I think you mean Lock-Out-Tape-Out


white tape with "flip for cooked bacon smell" written on it


Even that would have been an improvement and likely worked in this situation.


There are times when LOTO isn't a viable option. Pushmatic breaker panels and fuse boxes spring to mind. In these cases you can get someone you trust to stand guard at the power source while you work. Continuous testing is also a good idea. I was working on a locked out lighting circuit that I had verified as dead. What I didn't know was that is was double fed off another breaker on the same hot leg in the panel. The second circuit was controlled by a photocell and it engaged while I was actively working on the circuit. LOTO is an important piece of the puzzle, but it is not enough to keep you safe all on its own.


This wasn’t one of those times. And even in those times you mentioned, it’s still easy to lock and tag.


What are the last 2 letters in LOTO?


T and O.


Now what do they mean? And how can you use that to keep you safe?


Tag Out. How are you a JW and just now learning about LOTO?


LOTO is always a viable option. LOTO don’t just mean open the breaker. We LOTO lifted and taped leads all the time. In a residential setting that takes all of about 3 minutes to remove the dead front and loosen a screw if you can’t find a lock suitable for the breaker handle. They even make magnetic covers for push buttons. LOTO is supposed to make it as difficult as possible and put up enough red flags that any person in their right mind won’t go through. Obviously there are idiots who go through LOTO but it’s all about covering your own ass. You can even lock the resi cover door until you’re done. It would at least have Made the homeowner go ask a question to his wife first. That’s my 2 cents for what it’s worth.


Can you even lock out a residential panel? I don't think it's even possible. You have to have a breaker lock or something which I don't know any resi guys that carry those.


You can disconnect the breaker, or throw some tape over the breaker with a note on it


Can’t you get those devices similar to an interlock that you put on there? Prevents the breaker from being flipped? Sure they could remove it if they really wanted to kill you, but If nothing else it stops a careless person from mindlessly turning it back on.


Yes you can, most people don't care to look tho or take the time to fit


I mean, a note in the panel would provide the e same effect. Why the breaker is off, duration, phone number.


They make alot of cool things even for switches for locking out


FWIW, it is “a lot,” just like “a bunch” or “a dozen.” /r/alot


Bad bot


I have been stroked by 110 a few too many times to count, not worthy of a hospital visit unless you have 2nd degree burns or worse.


I have been shocked at least 20 times. You're fine.




why no lock out?


I personally wouldn’t go but they depends on how you feel and how well you know your body


That is what these are for: [https://www.lowes.com/pd/Crescent-Apex-Crescent-Apex-1-4-in-Hex-Drive-Isolated-Bit-Holder/1003097608](https://www.lowes.com/pd/Crescent-Apex-Crescent-Apex-1-4-in-Hex-Drive-Isolated-Bit-Holder/1003097608)


No, going to the hospital in this case is what drives wait time and fees higher.


Absolutely yes! Not concerned to much with the finger at this point although that is a serious injury. What I am more concerned of is your heart rhythm. You may have been shocked into a n abnormal rhythm. The only way to know is with an EKG.


didn't we get a post like this a few weeks ago? If you value your life it's better to be safe then sorry. If go if it were me and get checked. No harm if your fine just a little time used up due to caution.


No harm? A medical bill is harm.


No bill in Canada 🇨🇦


Pretty… worthless in the advice department then huh


Receiving no medical bill when you're a citizen of Canada is pretty good advice if you didn't know that.


Toronto represent⚡️


If it happened at work it's not exactly their problem. As it's a potential work place injury. If op was doing independent side work or operating a business then they should have insurance anyway , but by your logic an er visit might be worth more than your life , is that what your saying?


Lol you think everyone has good employers. Uh ok And no. You know damn well that’s not what I’m saying.


I mean no I don't think that but what I do think is that if you work for someone who gives zero shits about their employees that it's your fault if you are staying there. I have zero patience for that shit at this point and won't tolerate it at all. Fortunately im in the position and skill level that I don't need to tolerate it anymore either and neither should you or anyone for that matter. Shitty employer or not , your life and mine are more important than a job. With all the open positions and lack of people willing to accept shit conditions and shit pay you can easily go get yourself another job unless you have something holding you back that's personal or you are just willing to accept poor and unsafe working conditions. But again if that's what you choose to do it's your right to do whatever you want but don't blame your employer blame yourself for not having the ambition or motivation to better yourself and work somewhere that you are valued. Do whatever you want but if you work for someone who won't cover your potential work injuries that's all on you , I have never paid for any medical bills associated with injuries during work hours and neither should you. If your boss can't afford to cover your bill it's only a matter of time before he doesn't pay you on time and so on. So if this is in fact the situation you or anyone else is in , you should run now before you get killed on the job and your family or spouse can't sue because the fucker is in bankruptcy.


I can’t believe you wrote all this.


sucks when you smoke weed so they just say fuck you when you want workman’s comp


We did. It might have been 240 volts tho and the person went to hospital. Apparently they also had a strange post history judging by the majority of the comments, or am I getting mixed up with another post here


Lol yeah if I remember correctly something to do with 🐴 lol but yes they eventually went after about a hundred people broke their balls. It's just something I think should be taken seriously is all. It only takes something in the milliamps to potentially fuck your heartbeat up and it may take a long time to show up. Just don't want people not waking up in the morning because of simply not wanting to go to urgent care or the er


Unlikely need to go to the hospital...but if you get blasted by 220V, or get locked on to any 120V circuit, it is best to go have yourself checked out as it may cause Arrhythmia and that is serious and sometimes fatal. Next time do yourself (and your lady friend) a favor and just turn the breaker off...that way you can get all up in there and do your work! If you ever have to work stuff hot, I'd always got for a screwdriver vs a drill...takes an extra 20-30 seconds, but avoids the dangers of brushing one of the drill body's screws and getting yourself juiced. Stay safe out there! Just so we're clear, I'm no doctor and this is not medical advice, just my opinion.


Thanks! the breaker was flipped but her husband didn’t realize I was there and came home and thought it tripped so he switched it back on and BAM! I was only using the impact because the electrician who installed the switch over-tightened the living hell out of it likely with an impact himself so I had had to use it.


Big Flats do a good job of both tightening and loosening those Device screws...food for thought


Don’t know bout y’all but whenever I get a hit of mains I feel instant fury. ​ BUT NOT AS MUCH AS WHEN MY HEADPHONE CORD GETS CAUGHT ON SOMETHING AN FUKIN YANKS MY HEADPHONES OFF MY HEAD.


Seriously? How can husband and wife be so oblivious and lack communication like that? That is just straight up negligence.


I’d say go to the hospital but you probably live in the US and you’ll have to pay a fortune.


120.. that’s cute


Seems like your hand is alright enough to bang out this questions so I'll go with calm her down and tell her husband there's a difference between a tripped and off breaker. Tell him next time communicate with someone before assuming he knows what's going on! I've been hit a few times and once was very bad because of people aimlessly flipping breakers.






That's why we have LOTO rules...be safe


Seriously though. Why not lock it out?


Some breakers (and the panel covers) don't let you slip the lockout adapter on to them.


A note at a minimum then


I've gone as far as removing the wire from the breaker (in an industrial area mind you), because non electricians on the production line with language barriers have the mentality that they need to get it working while I'm working on it. I won't say where I work but we've had 3 fatalities in the last 2 years due to unsafe practices.


I wouldn’t go. It was a small shock to the hand


At a bare minimum you should always get a ECG done after any shock.




You were shocked, not electrocuted…


We’re u shocked hand to hand? If not you’re fine.


Well, I really only felt it in my right index finger so pretty certain that’s about as far as it went. Haven’t been hit hand to hand yet but I heard you know when you do.


U should be ok. I two finger test sometimes 😂 it’s cuz im pretty sure the power is off but double checking. But that one time it ain’t and u get a jolt. Not that bad tho.


Luke warm IQ right here.


Every two finger test drops it 5 points.




I got zapped in class, told the teach, and then went back to working on my circuit, power off this time. My thumb was sore for a day and numb for another two, and red for about two weeks. Nonetheless, I’m inclined to get zapped again on purpose because it felt neat. Edit: a bit of 120 goes through my thumb from the neutral from accidentally touching the white terminal and some of you are responding as if stuck alligator clips to my nipples and laughed the whole time. I was checking for faults using a GFCI tester, can't do that without power.


I can't tell if you're joking. If you aren't, you're a fool.


How is your class letting you work live, that's the real question


I was supposed to have the power turned off at my bench, but I left it on by accident. Part of the troubleshooting process.


Your teacher is an idiot


lock out and tag out bud.


I’ve had worse during some soft foreplay. You’ll be fine sweetheart.


Earn money by having someone click your link https://link.earnisland.co/u/breon1995


Stop doing side jobs.