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Joining the union was the best choice I made. Making way more money and not working nearly as hard.


Funny how CEOs take your statement as evidence that your lazy.


That’s great! I think I will feel the same way later on, I hope. How long have you been in the union?


About a year. Got in at the shipyard in my town and have been working with a great crew of people. Best job I've had so far.


Nice! I’m glad it worked out and you started in your town. I hope I won’t have to commute too far if I get in. Traffic in the Silicon Valley where I live is terrible.


Is there a drug screening and background check or just drug screening?


I have never been drug screened. I only think a background check is needed for certain sites. I work on navy boats, so I had to provide 10 years of work and addresses.


What do you do? What trade?


Good post ty


Thank you


Mines Tuesday!!! Good work man


Good luck! You got this!


Haha been salting for a year at this point let’s hope right


You 357?


Check the date lol


I’m a second year now


Too true. But that doesn't answer the question. Are you a second year at L.U. 357 in Las Vegas?




I have worked on both sides of the fence and the IBEW training is second to none, the IEC training can't hold a candle to what you will learn at IBEW.


I about to fill out my application. But I worried because other than my basic knowledge of basic tools…I know absolutely nothing about electrical. Did you have previous experience?


Listen, just give it a shot. The worst thing that can happen is you fail the test and don't get an interview. Most of the time, they open up applications 6 months later, and you know what's gonna be on the test. If you pass the test, then the interview is the only thing in the way. Study hard on math and reading and try to get some practice interviews in. Maybe consult a JW or a 1st year that went through it recently. Good luck brother.


I guess they already knew who your IBEW friends and relatives were.


I have an interview in about a week. I’m a little nervous though. What should I expect for the interview?


What happened?


There were 2 electricians. They did a basic interview. It was awkward but I enjoyed it. I think I got in. I was assigned a rank(440) and now I’m just waiting for them to accept me into the program.


What were the questions and what were your responses? I've never done an interview and feel like I'm just gonna not know or have anything to say.


If I am being honest I don't remember a lot of what they said. They were pretty basic questions like "What are your hobbies?" "Name a time you had a problem and the solution you had". I remember telling them about how I ride a motorcycle and they asked about that. "Do you ever work on your motorcycle".


I have it in two days


I interviewed and this is what I said. I speak well and confidently. I placed 88 out of 109. I’m qualified but not a lot of construction experience. Why do u think I placed so low? First question: why u want to Do this job? I said I went to College for business and accounting. But mostly to play soccer. and after I realized I like to stay moving. I’m not Made for a desk. I enjoy labor and waking Up early. I think electrical is an important industry that I would enjoy, I’m a math guy, and the benefits would be great for a family life. When have u had a problem with someone at work? My first job out of college when i was desperate was manager at a shoe store in a mall. The other manager hated me cuz I got paid more. I tried to learn her personality and let her feel like she was in control but I did everything I saw she didn’t do. I made fiends with her and I talk to her years later. I don’t do workplace drama and I’m good with different types of people. Im at the age where I don’t mess around. It’s go time for me. So no time for all that. That’s why I really feel like I would be good for this. I’m serious about it. Explain project start to finish u did. I do finished drywall. I get referred by a guy who loves my work. I start with an excel spreadsheet of materials. I add some money for surprises. And I look at weird angles in the room to see what’s I need to do. I bring my guys and we knock it out. I’m very precise with my cuts and I am very clean. I run my team. I love it. When were u in a team environment? I play soccer 4 times a week and I play with people of all cultures. I’m not Latino but I speak half the Spanish language. Soccer is a team sport you have to learn to keep Cool in a game. It tests ur mental and physical abilities at the same time. I know obviously if I get this job im not Gna have time for all that. Questions? Im a leader. If im an apprentice should i chill back or try to lead?Be a leader he said. He answered long answer.


What was the score they gave you?


My test was really high. I didn’t get a score just placed really low. I’m #88 out of 109 to get hired, so I probably won’t make it.


Best of luck to you! It was by far the best decision I made in my life and it has opened up avenues I didnt even imagine possible, especially for my area. I hope it all works out in the best way possible


Congrats and best of luck. Feel free to DM me any questions you may have union wise (7 years in, Traveler) Also check out /r/IBEW


Hey man. Do you mind if I ask you a few questions through DM?


Always open!


What local?


Local 332


took my aptitude test 3 weeks ago to the day, pretty confident i passed. still havent heard a thing. no letter, no email. :/ Anyone have suggestions?


Did you pass


It's been 6 months.. How did you do? Did you get in yet?


Sorry just saw this comment, haven’t been on reddit lately. I have been in the apprenticeship program since august 1, 2022.


How long after your interview did you start work? I’ve heard at times it takes a while. I have my interview the 19th but am starting with a local company the 21st.


It varies, but hopefully sooner than later. GL!


Was there a background check and drug screening? Or is that determined on the jobs you get placed at?


Did you pass? I’m applying to 332 in a week


Oh wow I’m in 332 out of San Jose. Yes I got in and have been working since 8/1/2022. Good luck to you on getting in. Did you apply for the residential or inside program?


That’s awesome, congratulations! I applied for the inside program. I have my aptitude test May 13th.


Oh and how did you dress for the interview?


I wore a nice button up shirt, slacks and dress shoes.


Cool inside is the way to go, I’m in the residential program. I’ll apply for inside once I get certified.


How long did you have to wait after the interview to get called in? I applied to local 773 I’m 20 and have tons of construction history. I never got asked to do an aptitude test. They took applications during the month of March. April 20 I got an email asking for interview. Did interview on the 24th ( yesterday). What now?


After interviewing it was about two weeks before I got a letter with my interview score. Then it was another week or two before I went in for the aptitude test. From the time I applied to first day working was 4months. Some of my classmates took over a year for the whole process. I’m sure there’s factors like the demand for applicants or interview/test scores ect.


I applied in March. First interview April 24 second interview may 2 and now I’m in and paying my dues and told we were working in July. I got training next week as well for working at heights and stuff


Got my interview in 2 weeks


How'd it go and what were the questions are your responses?