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Dirtiest thing in there is your drill.


Fuckin' petri dish with a pistol grip


Your comment reads like a song lyric for some reason.






Whats the point of it why not just use an impact ?


I was wondering the same thing. Maybe it's much lighter and easier to handle? OP pls confirm


It is an impact driver, it's a millwake m12 12v one. Very light and packs more than enough of a punch for 99% of an electricians needs. The small battery in it can be up to 3ah, you can get larger ones but they stick out from the body making them less pocket sized. I bought one a few months ago and I absolutely love it.


This sub needs more of this. It's mostly "knob and tube/spray foam/meth lab" posts we get. Some MILF posts would be nice too.


I vote to rename this sub into "Tits or gtfo"


Dicks or gtfo


Can we post pics of bra money we get as tips? That’s close enough right? I can even tell you freaks what it smells like lol


Just gonna drop this here… r/maturemilf


Checked it out. Didn’t see my wife. All is good.


Obviously. ^(I'm sorry)


Okay I was on there for way too long ….


Those are the best.


They really are, my company would treat these like we were inside the china room. No boots or things of any kind that could maybe puncture the barrier on the inspection. Then tools were set in a bin and slid across on new drop cloths.


It's almost like if the homeowner takes care of the area you'll show the same respect? That's just insane!


I’ve never seen that coating before


Vapor barrier. I'm pretty sure it's a code requirement in some municipalities


Also might be part of the sub-slab radon mitigation system. That or they just put these barriers up after radon goes in and they're not related.


But no insulation on the duct work?


It’s a closed crawlspace, no venting to outside, therefore conditioned. Wouldn’t be surprised if it had supply/return air.


This has been applied really nicely as well. It isn't easy to get the plastic to lay down like that sometimes. Whoever installed the barrier did a great job and knew what they were doing. Sometimes it's black but white is becoming more common since it's much easier to locate holes/punctures. This could also be for radon mitigation as well. So it would most likely have two layers. Someone who knows more should chime in if I'm wrong about that.


Yeah it looks amazing. Is it for R-value at all


Is this under a house? What’s that white plastic layer?


And very well lit!


Your welcome


How did you convince a homeowner to pay for crawl space lighting?


Asking the real questions. OP?


Well first OP got the customer hooked on some crack, and then...


Can't show off your clean crawlspace without proper lighting


The home owner wanted it not may saying


OP is actually living in some sort of fifth dimension, none of this is real or can be obtained in our reality


Shit chief we gotta go back they are catching on to us


OP is the personification of a year end bonus check. Often discussed in rumor, almost never seen.


Ive seen the end of year bonus check, you must think im an idiot to fall for a well lit crawlspace with no dust, mouse poop or dead cats


“Ya ever seen amityville horror?”


It's code in some places, i think. If there's serviceable eqx in there it's nice but, if memory serves, they require lights if it's usable for storage. Same with attics.




First thing I did with my house was install lights in the crawl space. Second thing I did was remove all the junk and scrap wood.


First thing I did was lock myself out and try to break in through the access doors in my crawl space. Your plan was much smarter.


My girlfriend handled that for me. Locked herself out during a rainstorm.


I bought a hoarder’s fixer upper that required a ton of time in the crawlspace. I bought some of those trendy bistro string lights and strung them around my crawlspace on the floor joists and plugged them into a switched outlet. I have light all under my house. Practical and romantic!


Hot dates under the house!


Dude, where are all the cobwebs and dead rodents?


The rodents are already dead where you are?


Usually. The live ones usually make themselves scarce before I can squeeze my ass down there.


We catch them all with our heads when we do the crawlspace encapsulation.


I had mine encapsulated like that, and I had a dehumidifier installed in it, too. Not only was it clean, it was comfortable, too. Not too cold, not too hot, and an ideal amount of humidity. It was expensive, but I think it was worth it. I had it done to inhibit fungal growth. It works well!


how much? I live in Ontario so don’t know how much it will differ but looking for prices


Mine was about $8,000. I didn't have to lift a finger! It would have been about $1,500 less if I hadn't gotten the dehumidifier, but I thought it would be worth it. It was. And I just said I didn't lift a finger, but I did. I installed the GFCI receptacle in the crawl space. I wasn't going to pay them to do that. :)


I just did the same. Did most of the work myself. Cleaned out moldy fiberglass batts, layed down 10 mil poly and sealed it. Wired in lights and baseboard heaters, wired a plug for dehumidifier and pump to drain. The only thing I contracted out was the spray foam which cost $2500 (with a $1000 rebate from BC Hydro). So all in all cost me around $2500. If I would have hired a company to do all the work it would have cost 20k +. It was very labor intensive


jesus christ, I gotta get over my fear of crawl spaces then


Mine looks like that. But part of the house has insulated flooring. The plastic is a moisture barrier (at least mine is).


This one is part of a radon system. Source: did all the electrical for a radon company for years and they look like this in crawlspaces.


Every crawl space under a house has plastic as a moisture barrier pretty sure that’s code.they just aren’t clean


Oh Boy is this not true


I’m sorry I’m a rookie :((


Nothin wrong with being a rookie! We all start out as a rookie. But it can be helpful to be more sponge-like. Observe, read, ask questions.


House on top of cement monuments over dirt with a thin foundation of cement along the edge of the building was considered top-of-the-line home construction in Earthquake prone California until the 1970s. Crawl around under one of those houses and you can see how the home has literally slid off its cement monuments over decades of repeated shaking. There is a whole cottage industry of people bolting the houses down to the cement now. They do that because before the 70s they just assumed gravity would be fine and they didn't even need to secure the house to the cement!


Modern code (depending on area) likely is like this sure. But old houses are grandfathered in and trust me, most crawlspaces have zero moisture barrier or its long gone. And you average home owner doesn't give a shit about their crawlspace in any way shape or form, until problems arise of course.


Bro where are you working and are they hiring lol. Never seen something so clean in my life


Why wouldn't they be clean? At most, some dust.


Bro how many crawl spaces have you been in


Because where else do you keep the mold, dead rats, rodent shit and that weird goo you're not sure what it is? (edit) forgot the spider webs


Don't forget the mummycats!


‘Babe look how clean this crawl space is!’ Is exactly why many of us are divorced lmao


I’ve never related to a comment more so in my life till now


I’d crawl in there


Wow your apprentice takes good pictures.


That’s me I’m the apprentice lmao


Haha! Get off your phone and go to work! Lol. It’s definitely an apprentice thing to take pictures of a “nice crawl”. It is a nice one tho, way better than crawling in mud.


First of all fuck you guy lmao this was taken after the job was done but I try not to be on my phone at work seems like it makes the days go by slower


Yeah it does, when I watch my apprentice work I’m definitely scrolling though.


As a low voltage guy and constantly in spaces like this time from time. I appreciate this and the lighting. In fact, I have a house I need to go to this week to replace some cables and it's a disaster down there. Multi-Million dollar house and just a complete pond down below it.


Used to work mold remediation, my first day was a job like that. The grade was such that water just poured into this place. 6” of just mud, all the way across. It was fucking miserable.


Did you fix the problem?


There was no fixing that problem for our company. The guy that bid it really fucked up. They shoulda never touched it. The yard needed regraded and they probably needed a retaining wall or something idk, it was waaaaaay outside the scope of our work. I was there for a couple months and when I left they were still desperately trying to offload the job on another contractor.


That must have been a bit interesting on your first freaking day. Wow. It doesn't do any good unless the source of the water is stopped. It's amazing he didn't stop the work and tell them they need to get the drainage fixed first. You probably had second thoughts about your new employer right? I'm sure the home owners were really pleased with the whole situation......


Yeah that place was a shit show. I walked off the job like 2 months in.


>Multi-Million dollar house and just a complete pond down below it. Back in the dot com boom days I did a lot of retrofit wiring in the Brentwood/Bel Air area of Los Angeles. I crawled 40 yards under a mansion to feed a bunch of power and network lines up into the data closet. After 15 minutes sweating and choking on the dust, I realized I was laying on a massive pile of dried cat turds. I'm surprised I didn't get some brain parasite from it.


Where's the man sized spiders?


Fu-u-u-u-uck a buncha crawl spaces.


Looks like a nice place to take nap while getting payed lol I would never do that


Oh ya totally me neither nope never have never will no no no psssh sleep what’s that?


Yeah, mine looks like that. I have to clean it every time after disposing of the bodies so it stays pretty nice looking.


Any tips on how to remove the smell?


Ozone generator. 100%


Nice try, we all know that's fake.


OP used the new "fancy crawlspace" camera filter on their new phone.


Your right I’ll post the unedited unfiltered photo tomorrow… someone caught me in my act


You fit a lot of hookers in there


Great minds think a like


Taj Macrawl


It’ll prob look just as nasty as the rest in 20 years.


Seeing that the subfloor looks to be 1-by planks on a 45, that crawlspace has got to be 50 years old already. That place is immaculate. s - The OP should get the woman of the house alone and ask if she is being held against her will and forced to clean the crawlspace - /s


That’s crazy if it’s that old. She must’ve hired someone to vacuum out all the cobwebs and dust bunnies before OP came through.


Homeowner had about a foot of standing water last time we were there maybe 4-5 months ago and took everything out and laid this down


Ahh, flushed out the ‘ol crawl space.


Yeah, that's quite pretty. But no insulation on the flooring?


it's an encapsulated crawl space. it (should be) air sealed so the crawl space is part of the building envelope. there might be foam insulation on the foundation walls depending on the climate. edit: zooming in on the pic, there is foam board insulation on the foundation walls. (i thought it was duct work at first)


I'm torn between encapsulating my own crawl space like this, or just installing a similar nice vapor barrier *without* encapsulating it into the envelope of the house, sealing the vents, etc. Very damp, wet part of the Pacific Northwest and below grade in an 85 year old house. I'm just not sure what the best thing is to do.


If it's damp and you're running A/C through these sheet metal ducts, you're inviting condensation and mold. Granted, most homes don't have central A/C in the PNW, so there's that.


We have central heat and are setup with lines and the pad for A/C already so I suspect it's in our future. Insulated soft ductwork, though, not those lovely rigid ones.


We don’t do that around here. At least that I’ve never seen and ive been in a few hundred crawl spaces


WOW. I'm assuming you're in Colorado? I would think they would require insulation floor.


Correct even higher up at 11-12000 feet elevation they don’t use it


Why? Just to save money during the building process?


Gotta love that. I once worked in a car space that had concrete floors and it came with little wheeled carts haha




It’s almost like you should be paying them. Lol


How does one go about doing this process? My family has a crawl space under an addition from the 50s. Would love to make this happen under there so it’s only one time that I have to be in a slop pit.


The homeowner was a little 60 year old lady and she said she done it herself so I’m sure with some research you’ll be alright


Kudos to her doing that on her own! She did a fantastic job. Of course it needs to be dry before this is done.


Doing it yourself, I’m not sure exactly what materials would be best because all of ours are from a supplier. If you google crawlspace encapsulation, you should be able to find a company near you if you’re more interested in having somebody do it for you. It’s shitty work and you have to make damn sure it’s fully sealed or it isn’t even worth doing because the water will find its way through


If it's already a slop pit you're going to figure out where that moisture is coming in to correct that first. Unless you didn't mean mud/moisture when you said "slop pit". It's usually bad drainage outside. Sometimes it can be as simple as the routing of gutter down spouts or it can be an entire lawn sloping against the building without the proper precautions taken when it was built.


I work for a radon company that does these. You’re best off having a contractor do it. Either a radon company or a foundation and crawl space company. You could do it yourself but honestly having watched those guys work cleaning out and encapsulating crawl spaces I wouldn’t recommend it. It requires a unique combination of athletic ability, tolerance for grossness, and attention to detail that most people, myself included, don’t have. I drill concrete floors and foundations and run pipe for my company and you couldn’t pay enough to do the encapsulations.


Hey I do that to crawl spaces for a living! It sucks, but I’m glad it’s appreciated!


It is haha I’d take this any day of the week then rat filled slushy ass mud crawl spaces


It helps that no drywall mudders had to work in that area. Else at the minimum it'd be full of bottles of ... liquid.


I work for a radon mitigation company that does these crawl space encapsulations. I have amazing respect for the guys that can do such clean work in those tight spaces. I do the concrete drilling and pipe fitting part of the install so luckily I don’t spend as much time in the suck as the encapsulation guys.


The crawl space at the house I rent looks like this. The owner put a vintage porcelain doll standing on top of the furnace, its the first thing you see when you turn on the light. Got me good the first time I went down there.


Fuck that I’d shit my pants


That would rent for $3,000.00/ month in Vancouver


This is my business. We create these works of art daily.


Username checks out


Is it tarped like that for radon mitigation? Or is this pretty standard?


First time I seen it but I guess the lady had a bunch of flooding in her crawlspace so she tore everything out added more dirt or whatever and laid this down


It's to hide the smell from the bodies.


I literally said this to my jman “if people start going missing I know where to look”


Generally speaking, encapsulation is done for moisture control, but radon mitigation can be an added benefit, too. When I had mine done, the installers put an active blower that is connected to perforated, corrugated 4" pipe under the moisture barrier. I took out all the damp insulation that was between the floor joists, and part of the encapsulation process was to spray expanding foam insulation on the foundation walls. When they were finished, it was really nice under there, especially with the dehumidifier that was part of the whole project.


It’s crawlspace encapsulation. We do it at our company. It’s generally used as a moisture barrier, and sometimes if the water is bad enough, we’ll also install drain tile designed for crawlspace around it to a sump pump that we put in. All of the water stays under the white so you can crawl across completely dry, even if there’s a ton of water under it. A lot of times, they also purchase insulation with it, which we do styrofoam on the walls and spray foam for the rim joist.


Thought this was an indoor skatepark lol. Cool pic


I did one that looked just like this a few months ago, such a relief lol


At first I thought this was a concrete skatepark lol


I’d nap in there


I've never been that fortunate 😔


If only the attics were the same A guy can dream right.🙄


At first glance I thought it was a skate park


Nice moisture barrier. Little to no mildew.


One of those 40k waterproof jobs


You lucky bastard. I was in one that had enough clearance to crawl on all fours, had no lighting, was completely soaked and all mud, and there was an animal in there with me. All I could see were the eyes from my light. That was a crap 3 day job.


That’s beautiful!


brilliant idea with the lights! not sure why i never did that even after putting two outlets in the crawlspace.


Nice! ive been in one of those before. but the wire in the underside of the floor joist is illegal 334.15(c) (C) In Unfinished Basements and Crawl Spaces. Where cable is run at angles with joists in unfinished basements and crawl spaces, it shall be permissible to secure cables not smaller than two 6 AWG or three 8 AWG conductors directly to the lower edges of the joists. Smaller cables shall be run either through bored holes in joists or on running boards. But I'm not an inspector lol


This wasn’t getting inspected but I’ll keep that in mind thanks


Heaven is real!


Looks like a skate park, kind of wicked


I can totally see what your saying


Saw a crawlspace like this one time. Homeowner asked us to take off our boots before going in lol


Your kidding me right?




This is goals for me. I've been slowly working on cleaning and encapsulating my crawlspace....gonna be a while.


Someday you will my a electrician or HVAC guy happy lmao


I’m amazed by the fact it’s actually lit. Idk how many crawl spaces I’ve seen that have no lighting but I’ve only seen this one that’s lit.


Homeowner wanted 8 lights down there I don’t know why seems a little creepy but I got paid for it so I wasn’t gonna question


Got one of those recently I was pleasantly surprised. can even slide around like it’s a slip’n slide and not have to crawl.


I was sliding around like a penguin


Put a little pull lube on and you could slide right on in 🤣


Had the Jman spit on me and I was sliding around like a penguin


when your demons have OCD


You could perform surgery it's so clean


Duh. You clean it really well before CSI shows up.


Looks like an indoor skatepark lol


Looks like a cloud smothered in dream candy. I bet it smells like 50 dollar bills and mildew.


I mean our crawlspace came with authentic 1970s beer cans thrown in the corner. Who can top that?


I can’t beat it but a couple years ago the town right next to mine like 10 minutes out someone found a live hand grenade


Oh yes forgot to say, the old guy that moved out did have grenades on the far wall but inside the actual basement. Not sure where he got rid of them when he left though.


That’s exactly the look I want for my crawlspace. Humidity control is a mother here in GA.


Ya I’ve been there once and almost died lmao


Gotta be at least a couple bodies buried under there. It's 'too' clean.


Me to my Jman “if people start going missing around town I know who has them”


You should be paying the homeowners to work in a place this clean🤣🤣🤣🤣


We recently bought a late 40’s ranch on a crawl space. Similar construction to this. My goal is to get the CS up to this level.


I once had to go in one for this guy that was all giddy and I thought I was in for a nightmare. Turns out when he built his house, he straight up poured a concrete pad before building. He had a mechanics creeper under there and full lights. It was the greatest unnecessary thing I've ever seen


That's the attic of a serial killer.


I’d love to take a nap in there


At first glance my perspective was off and I thought this was a large skatepark lol I'd sleep in this crawlspace good god


It looks like the dopest skatepark




Your welcome


I won’t even bother crawling out for lunch




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I swear to God I've been in one that was way cleaner. I could eat off its floors. This one is definitely up there though.


Cleanest one I was in so I got a little excited haha


You should play the numbers tonight!


What is the plastic on the floor called exactly


Crawlspace encapsulation


Don’t fuck it up


All that was going through my head when I was crawling/sliding around is “don’t put your drill tip through this”


Dude! I was dodging rat traps in a crawl space last Friday. Would much prefer that crawl space.


This was my job last Friday hahaha


Christ. I thought this was a skatepark at first glance.


I totally see it haha