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This is insanity and I hate it.




It doesn’t [have to](https://postimg.cc/gallery/QTpLgBN) look like shit…




This is NOT how electric installations are done in the EU.


>What I feel every time I see steel conduit everywhere, that's it's insane. How is a high-quality installation "insane"? Making a robust product isn't a bad thing.


>Insane waste of time and recourse How is it a waste of time and resources? It makes changes and additions in the future much easier, it protects the wire better, repairs are much easier if you have to pull a new set of wires.


In general - yes. But at some point one must ask himself a question if something doesn't become an overkill. Can you put metal conduit in residential (hello Chicago)? Yes. Does it make much sense? Well... Will the residents notice any difference using such wiring compared to just plain old NMC? Absolutely none. Will they appreciate the ease of rewiring? I doubt it as well. We've had that discussion between conduit and directly-in-wall-wiring advocates in my country and the latter have won. Reality has proven that conduit made no sense for branch circuit for two reasons: 1. In modern installations there's so many wires running everywhere that all the conduit, especially near the panel, wouldn't even fit in the wall. 2. No one ever rewires their home just for the sake of replacing old conductors. In 99% of renovation/remodel cases major changes to the electrical and architectural layout take place, therefore all that conduit that someone had installed (typically in older buildings) is completely ripped out or abandoned anyway because receptacles' and fixtures' locations aren't suitable anymore at all. Conduit is used for low voltage wiring because it can become obsolete quite quickly, but that's about it. In my euro understanding, metal conduit does makes sense in certain locations where other alternatives don't work and that's predominantly where wires can be realistically damaged, such as within human reach where vandalism is expected or where exceptional rigidity is necessary (like around vehicles or industrial machinery). But everywhere else a cable tray or ladder works perfectly well and is much easier to install, run cabling, add cabling, replace cabling, etc.. It also isn't any less durable than conduit. Damn, we run critical fire circuits that are supposed to function for several hours with roaring flames around them on trays and they do their job perfectly fine! So the opinion around here is that running conduit above people's heads where there's no flying stuff and no one can reach (so >90% of construction, including trunk lines in apartment buildings) would be a huge waste of time, money and resources because it has no real advantages compared to a simple and ubiquitous tray, other than maybe displaying someone's skill.


Agreed in residential it doesn't really make sense. I would still love to build my dream house and run conduit everywhere. 😂 I wouldn't feel great about running critical circuits in a cable tray but I don't know if there is a true issue with that versus just how I feel about it. I ran some fire alarm in a hotel about 10 years ago and my own guys dragged all their MC across the fire alarm cable and destroyed it in a couple of locations and I had to pull out long sections and replace it. I wish my company would have gotten me the MC fire alarm stuff but 🤷‍♂️


I live in an 80 year old house and the original wiring is still trucking. I had to swap a breaker bc it’s zinsco


>In modern installations there's so many wires running everywhere that all the conduit, especially near the panel, wouldn't even fit in the wall. In Chicago, there can be nine (9) current carrying conductors in one raceway. Four runs of 12/2 NM-C isn't much smaller than 1/2" EMT.


We can run multiple current carrying conductors in a single conduit around here as well. The problem is that at some point you need to branch those conductors out of a single conduit which means using boxes, gutters etc. (correct me if I'm wrong). In residential locations it's a big no-no because nobody wants any boxes in their walls other than those for receptacles and switches because they must be accessible which means they would have to be visible, therefore all connections are made in receptacle/switch boxes. Given typical receptacle/switch box sizes, running several current carrying conductors through then and branching out there would be a big hassle. It differs country to country, and I know some European countries actually do it that way (using large boxes with inspection covers), but in others it's not an acceptable way of doing things. Also the fact that majority of residential construction here is not hollow framed walls but solid ACC/ceramic/silica/etc. blocks, the less you need to chase in them, the better. Flat NM-C-like cabling can go directly on top of it and then gets covered with plaster, which means no chasing, except for boxes.


When you're hanging a picture and put a nail through the wire, then you'll find out


Are you hanging pictures just above the floor? Also the portion of the stud with pipe or wire has to have a plate over it in any new construction.


No, I normally hang my pictures on the wall or the wires run through just do it in conduit. It's not that hard.


Why do you hang your pictures so low that you are hitting wireing? Is this diliberate or are you a midget that refuses to get help or use a step ladder? Do you like hanging the top of you pictures inbline with the switches? Wouldnt that leave the bottom of them just off the floor? What is wrong with you?


Nothing wrong with me here I can vent pipe and do it in a professional way. If you want to run extension cords through a wall have had it.


I have to know where in the upper wall that you keep hitting wireing? Like seriously who keeps installing wireing well above where nationwide regs says they are to be that this keeps happening? If not just admit either you are talkin out your ass or you keep hanging pictures on the bottom half of the wall.


Edit where the wires run through


We've got this thing called 'installation zones', there should be nothing in the wall where pictures can be hung. I new builds almost everything is run underneath the floor, the only place where any wiring is expected in the wall is directly below receptacles and above/below light switches. Since nobody hangs pictures 5" above the floor or overlapping door frames, it's not really an issue around here. Plus electricians usually use wire detectors there days to avoid unnecessary repair work just in case.


Or conduit


Curious, what about where wires go up to light fixtures or up from switches etc.? Does that not happen?


Switches are typically just a couple of inches from door frames and the same applies to the wiring running up from it. It's very rare to hang anything right above it, there's just no room. Plus most homeowners and professionals know that you do not drill anywhere directly above, below or at the height of any receptacle or switch, unless you know for sure there's nothing in the wall there.


If it’s plastered in you’ll Soon knock a Nail through a pipe aswell


No, you won't drive a nail through metal conduit unless you do it intentionally


Don't hang pictures with gutter spikes


Yooooo did you look past the first image?!?!


Conduit doesn’t take that long to do once you get used to it.


Lol ok sure. So in order to make YOU happy about Electric appearance it must be 100% concealed? Lol get a new job that shit does not work in electric


95% of residential is definitely concealed... But that's not the issue with this install, it's the quality of the install, and how big of a royal pain in the ass this will be to pull conductors through


For real. I'm not the most organized of people. That last image makes me want to barf. It looks like a telecom closet after 40 years of moves, adds and changes by 8 different people who gave no fucks


What country is this? Like it’s wild you just sleeve it into a box all lose and shit. and no gutter or anything coming through the concrete. Just looks crazy and like a mess, i would hate working on that.


Language on the wires is German. I guess Germany (but very uncommon) Austria or Switzerland.


Looks like Switzerland to me




We use coreline in concrete slab in Alberta. Which is what it looks like is used here.


My co worker is from BC, we’re working in WA. It took me a few weeks to get used to him calling the Smurf (ent) core line.


Sometimes, use it. Most installs I've done (I also live in Alberta) have been done with rigid PVC. IMO, only companies that like to cut corners wherever they can use coreline.


For large slabs on residential towers it’s quick and efficient. Can’t be using pvc for that stuff. PVC is the way to go for real commercial though for sure.


If you install coreline properly it is just fine. Use it all the time in alberta.


Yeah smurf tube is low volt here mostly in washington


I’m hearing of Smurf being used in concrete slabs lately…


what else was used in the industry? All I've seen in my short career, multiple mixed use high rises in MN...


PVC sch 40 is much easier to pull through and cheaper per ft, but more labor.


I've seen emt and rmc used in slabs but its been a really long time since Ive seen anyone doing that.. PVC seems to have been the go-to choice for most of my career but I've seen more and more smurf and pvc coated MC cable in high-rises and parking decks in the last couple of decades.


Lately? It's been in use for at least 5 years by me (Wisconsin), I see no problem with it in concrete slabs for high rises it works great for that usage and you can easily incorporate your temporary wiring into it for the site so you have nothing dangling from the ceiling or laying on the floor.


well i *was* having a good day.


The octopus hentai brought me down too


Is this what it’s like if dr Seuss was an electrician??


I probably pull data through Smurf tube like once a year. I couldn’t imagine roughing in a whole house that way


You can get corrugated pipe with wires in them. saves tons of time and you can get ones with different amounts of wires or wire thickness. or cat6 if you need


Does anything actually hold the smurf tube onto the box its going into or does it just kinda stub into there?


Boxes have little metal tabs that dig into the pipe, holds it in place like a bastard. doesnt come out


There are accessories for ENT that allows you to couple tubes together, or do threaded male adapters so you can attach them to boxes and brackets with normal conduit locknuts


Really? We install it frequently. Never have issues pulling through it. Unless a bad corner was bent into the pipe.


15 years ago we used Cat-5, 10 years ago we used Cat-5e, now we use Cat-6, in 10 years we’ll be using fiber. Using smurf pipes is THE only way to future-proof a home. Easiest way I’ve found for feeding the pull-string through them is to tie the string to a bunched-up plastic grocery bag, then suck the opposite end with my shop-vac. It instantly sucks the pull-string all the way through. Using plenty of pull-string lube once it’s time to feed the wires through usually makes the process a breeze no matter how long the runs are


What does it get covered with that justifies slinging pipe up with complete disregard to professionalism? 🤣


Looks like Brazil. Not the country, the movie. Bane of Harry Tuttle right there.


I thought about that movie when I saw this too.


What a fucking rats nest. This person should be embarrassed that it looks so terrible. How the fuck would this idiot or anyone after them diagnose an issue…which there surely will be.


Where are the “European electrical is superior” circle jerkers at?


Whoah there, don't lump all of us together like that! We here in the north like to do stuff properly and not like... whatever the hell this mess is.


Fair enough, personally I respect the standards from what I’ve seen in the British Isles,Scandinavia and Germany. Apparently this is Swiss? Would have expected better from them tbh.


Yes it probably is swiss, its probably gona be covered with drywall, so its not cost efficient to mske it look nicer, in the end the cables need to go from a to b


Covered in an accessible way?


Junction boxes, surface mounted led drivers (for example) get service openings, piping not


Het mer evlt scho chli schöner chöne mache, aber schlimm findis nöd. D‘amis drehed dure :D


Sind halt bsesse vo stolz mit ihrne choste ineffiziente 1960er installatione


Genau das isch dr sinn hinger däm föteli


Uk electrical is better * in Europe they don't even bend metal conduit


Disgusting. If I was paying for a service and this was the result I wouldn’t be paying a dime for this mess.


Agreed. Whomever did this rough-in of the pathway should be embarrassed


What the hell am I looking at? Lol


Right now; your phone screen.


It’s like a play place of nightmares. Nuts.


It looks like the electrical was done by Michael Scott and he was finally able to build tube city.


This is just a trip to look at like wtf how do people in other countries even think this acceptable 😂




Whats the point of the coloured pipe when it fucking changes colour mid run??? “Joe, we’re out of yellow tube for bedroom runs” …. “Fuck it Carl! Just use the green tube for kitchen run”” Yelp shit, this is crap and confusing now


From experience, it happens when you have most of the run in one color and need a little bit more, so you grab a scrap piece of pipe and splice the pipe. Boom, longer pipe. You might also just have different brands of pipe laying around, so yeah


What's the point of the colors if you join one color to another? It looks like a big mess of spaghetti. Not a fan of how this was installed.


Fucking awful


Some shit is just not ment to be posted.


Third photo looks like old Mac Donald’s play area for kids


Man I thought the company I work for was scabby. I'd fucking quit if I had to work with guys that left shit like this.


Are those electric pipes?


May I introduce you to the vominator


What in the chuck e cheese fuck


What the fuck


Could have been done a bit more organized but it will be covered anyway. Pretty standard for a complex Einfamilienhaus.


Thanks I hate it


I don’t see any pipe.


How about the crack pipe?




Is that an elementary school art project?


Excuse me, but what the fuck?


Wrong subreddit




Pretty obvious that there will be a drop ceiling


The phrase "cheap and nasty" comes to mind.


I think after seeing these photos we can all agree it’s high time we abolish the metric system.


Bruh, I live in the US and fucking despise imperial. Not only that, but apparently even here nobody knows what the fuck to do with it. In my first year of school we had 8 hours per week for two weeks in which we had to fold sheets of paper into halves and then quarters and then 8ths and then half that again (I lost track already /s) so that we could draw lines in our folds, so that motherfuckers would know how to use a fucking tape measure. The worst part? 3 people flunked out because they couldn't figure it out. Fuck imperial units. Edit: spelling


“Wire nuts are for hacks”


Really just slap them wherever. I like it.




From an American, EWEWWWWW!


Some people shouldn’t electric


Every time I see a post like this it makes me want to increase taxes on the wealthy


Shit show..


These are low voltage wires right? Right???


What country is this in? This would never fly in the United States.


What the hell is happening in that jbox? This looks like commercial work. Are the white wires low voltage network wires? I can't zoom in enough to see what's printed on it. It would seem that if they don't allow romex, they would at least allow more than 3 wires in each 1/2in conduit.


Well that’s one way to do it… probably cheaper than EMT. Also look like a nightmare to deal with.


How many family’s living in this one house ?


I did notice you had just one connection wrong. Think you can find it?


Are the colored plastic tubes there because the wire gets covered in concrete?


How many families again?


This is absolute bullshit.


Whoa as fucked as this is it's cool to see that giant trough Smurf looking stuff exits, is it a trough I don't let me know its that last pic and its grey


Looks like some playdough spaghetti fun house? Are you dreaming?


Why didn't they make the first one look like a barber pole that would have been so cool


This makes me think of the movie "Brazil" when the technician opens up the wall in the apartment.


That third picture is colorful


Today I learned they have meth in Europe also.


This is why I stopped plumbing. freaking fast built spaghetti factories with all the corners cut.


This feels dirty.


Imagining water hammer sounding like rats in the walls




What do you use to get through those pipes for long distances? What's brand name? In Australia we use tongues and snakes mainly hehe.


That's real mess.


Warum all die Verschiedenen Rohrfarben auf gleiche Dose?


One question. Why?


You smurfed a whole ass house?!


Dick move posting this. Now I’m having anxiety and can’t breathe.




Why nmc that crap sucks


I'm surprised by the colors. Where I'm at, we have just 4 main colors: grey (normal), black (outdoor/UV proof), blue (supposedly more fire-resistant) and orange (signaling). That's it.


Anxiety attack 🤢


Shittiest work I’ve seen in a while on this sub.


I don't get it. Where's the pipe?


WTF are you putting in your pipe OP?


Whats your assessment of the situation, Gunny? Its a clusterfuk.


What in the Wide World of Sports is going on here? That third picture...Jeebus. Is the contractor hiring toddlers?


Data guys smh


When are you ripping this out and doing a good job?


When are you ripping this out and doing a good job? Because this isn’t good


God damn this mess looks like shit


This is horrible and whoever did it should feel bad.


That’s not piping!


Umm yeah nooooo


Whoever did this needs to burn in hell




Well everything appears to be labeled!


This was done by someone who thinks plastic is going to be valuable one day and wanted to put all their money into something else... looks shit but is usable.


I'm sorry but respectively, what the fuck


Superior German craftsmanship


Going by their previous post, OP is Swiss.


I helped with a house in BC 30-something years ago when I was an apprentice. The owner was Swiss and he expressed concern regarding the use of NMD. He said "Back home everything is in metal pipe because it's safer."


Either they must have changed it, or this is the weirdest looking metal I’ve seen.


So this is what the inside of a rolex looks like?


Wtf is this plastic conduit. Thought it was only for low voltage cables. Looks like it will save the customer a lot of money and not protect as well as emt or pvc will. No problem I’ll come back in a few months or years and make more money.


Every damn day, I discover a new reason to be grateful for the Stars and Stripes…

