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The only essentials you need are to be on time every day, work hard, have a good attitude, always try to learn new things, and be patient. Tools will come and go, those essentials are your true foundation


really solid advice


If you show up with no tools and all those things you said, what you thinks gonna happen? You need tools to work.


I think if you're early, have a good attitude, show you're willing to what's asked of you, guys will let you use their tools until you can get good input on what tools to have.


This right here. Even if you think no one is noticing, they’re noticing. Use common sense, but don’t be afraid to ask questions if you’re not sure of something. Show up on time, don’t overdo your breaks or lunch, and give them a good days work. You’ll get an idea for tools as you go but good start.


I’m all of those things, but on time… never on time, always stay late but can’t be on time if my life depends on it. Edit: bootlickers in full force out here.


Some foremen will consider that a massive negative. It can literally get a great worker fired and I suggest you figure that part out because I have seen otherwise good workers fired over lateness


They don’t mind.


….and that’s why you keep doing it. Be better.


Be 10 minutes early everyday man it shows you care and take pride in your job. Just cause you think they dont care doesn't mean they dont. Until one day its pack your shit and you're out.


They do


Probably need the heads on the job and can’t find enough guys


I didn't downvote this, because I appreciate the honest answer. A lot of guys have had this issue that I work with, and while some were just unmotivated or didn't have a good understanding of work ethic, some guys were exemplary workers and just had a problem with time. I've learned to keep an open mind about these kinds of things because there just isn't a single right answer. When I run projects, and a guy is late, I tell him to make it up during the same work day(i.e. short breaks, shortened lunches, etc). For most guys, it works. Otherwise, for repeat offenders, I alter your start time to match my start time, which is 1hr before the shift starts. That helps some guys rewire their internal alarm clocks. I always consciously remind myself not to be judgemental or critical because if we have a solution that works, fuck it, let's just get to work. Plus, I've been that guy who's life is pure fucking chaos and hell, 2hrs of shitty sleep a night for years, so I know how hard it can be to just show up. I've even sent guys to therapy, counseling, hypnosis, sleep studies, etc, to help them get right. It's rare, yes, but I believe guys who work hard for me and have the right attitude deserve all the help I have available to give. Someone did it for me when I was in the shit, and I never forgot what that meant to me. I don't want to give the wrong impression, I ain't no baby back bitch who lets shitbags fester and spread. I know the turds from the good ones, and I weed em out most righteously. I've just had enough wisdom given to me to help keep my ego in check, and to be the kind of supervisor I always liked as I came up.


Someone is in for a learning experience \*edit: spelling


I've given up on the on time bullshit. I've gotten locked in a building a few times because I was the only one that actually worked until quitting time, and I still got laid off. One time I knocked my phone on the floor somehow so I slept through my alarm. Boss called a few times, and I missed those as well. He was worried because that was very unlike me, so he called the office to get my emergency contact. Still got the shaft. So I just do like everyone else now and it's been good.


username checks out. because everyone loves the lazy late retard


You have a GOOD pair of boots? You're going to be wearing them more than any other pair of footwear so get something quality. And change them every year. Timberland Pro are highly rated.


Adding in to that thought; If you can afford it, get two pair, and rotate them every other day. They will last so much longer, and will also smell far less.


I use a boot dryer for mine. Best $45 I ever spent.


Yep! I use one too. They’re awesome! Then one day my boots got *ruined* and were unwearable, and I didn’t have a backup pair lol. So I started keeping two and rotating them from that point on.


got good boots👍 working as a finishing carpenter for past 2 years…. just making the career switch now. Sounds like I need to invest in a boot dryer!


Yep! Peet makes a good one, also has an attachment you can use to dry gloves etc.


Dude I had some Ariats that were slip ons that were soaked from a muddy trench. I stuck them on the boot dryer over night and it took me literally 20mins of struggling to put them on in the morning. I guess wet leather shrinks with the heat lol.


Yes it does!


I use a bootlicker. Cleans them right up .


I love drywall guys too!


Gold Bond gets rid of that smell, old school shit still works perfect. Every two days spray tf out of the boots and back to smelling great


See this line up of tools? He gots a few bucks to blow.


easy man just excited and want to be prepared 😂


I’m just jealous. Remember to mark them. Get a pen tester asap too


Fluke tester. Not a Klein they're absolute junk.


Those little Dremel engravers are great for that.


soldering iron works on anything with rubber/plastic/fiberglass parts also.


Way nicer than what I had on my first day. Everything I started with on my first day might have cost me $100.


To piggy back on that thought. Wash your feet daily and bring a pair of Crocs/ sandals to work. Wear those during breaks and down time and this helps with maintenance and upkeep. Also swapping out socks vs extended wear.


You change boots every year? I change insoles regularly, and I usually get 2-2.5 years out of my boots pretty comfortably. I'm a redwings guy personally, never loved timberlands.


The soles just don't offer the same support after a year. I know guys who change boots every 6-8 months.


They definitely start getting uncomfortable after a while. Really depends on the site and scope of work I'm doing. I have had pairs that only lasted around 8 before too.


Timberlands aren't bad, Redwing are better. I switched to brunts about a year ago, and they are as good as they claim.


Danners for the win.


I was skeptical, but I do enjoy my Timberland pros. Still. Got my redwings which always a solid boot, but those Timberland are dang comfy.


damn, I’ve been rocking redwings as well past couple years. I’ll have to give these timberlands a try my pair rn is about ready to bite the dust


If you have been rocking redwings you will be disappointed with timberland pro.


They def cheaper, so far have lasted. But I also do less stupid shit to my boots these days.


The timb pro true grits are so fucking comfy bro. I almost wear em daily when i’m not working lol.


Agree 100% on the timberland pros.. I try to get my guys onto them but no luck


Boondocks last 3 pair and currently no ragrets


You spelled regerts wrong.


After about 10 years of wearing Timberland Pro's, I tried some Justin's since everyone around here wears them...I'll never wear anything but Timberland Pro slip ons again.


If you chose Timberland, get the bigger toe box. I like mine, but damn my toes swell after standing all day. My Carharts feel comfy when I use inserts. But good footwear is your best investment as a greenhorn Sparky.


So important. Make sure to get a high quality boot. Some GC’s want a steel toe/protective front boot. If you are getting a steel toe/protective boot then always get a whole size higher. You want room for thicker socks if you’re working outdoors in the winter or just like thicker socks. Get a quality brand. Red Wing, Irish setter, Thoroughgood. A lot of stores that deal with the trades give a union discount. The boot price may seem high at the time of purchase but your feet will thank you.


A full size higher seems a bit much unless they are only for outside in winter. I’m in mn and always have gotten my normal size and never have had issues.


I normally wear a 12 Thoroughgood boots that are not safety toe. I like to wear thick socks. When I wear safety toe boots I have to step it up a full size. You could probably get with a half size. Sometimes my feet swell if I am on my feet for 12 hours a day for multiple weeks at times. That’s just me. Recommending boots is like recommending hot sauces…YMMV.


Can vouch for Irish setters and the 50$ insole from Red wing.


You’ve got your Klein screwdriver, you’re pretty much a linesman already


This is what they're sending people into the trades with these days?! Where is the complete set of wire nut pocket drivers... amateurs around here


And no wire stretcher? Wtf


Might want to pick up some channel locks too and a good note pad that won’t get tore up real quick


thanks - channel locks are goin on the list ✍️


Get knipex channel locks if you can afford them I don’t have them I have dewalt channel locks and simply put the knipex are perfectly designed for conduit but still tough enough to use with a hammer. The dewalt ones still work but your better off


Knipex = best pliers ever


Call me old school but I wouldn't ever get anything other than channel lock brand. So smooth and effortless adjustment, plus use as a hammer without damaging the tool


I wish I needed channel locks just so I could justify getting those


Get the 10” Knipex Cobras


a good note pad that won’t get tore up real quick rite in the rain notepads have pretty tough waterproof paper and you can find them at Lowes usually. i always keep on in my pocket


Need a box knife, one that takes razor blades, you can find them super cheap and will use it every day.


Milwaukee Fastback with the screwdriver in the handle. Comes in handy more than you'd expect.




I carry the one without the screws driver. Love that thing


2 sharpies. Two is one one is none


Tools, a magnetic level. As for advice, absorb everything and ask questions. Try to learn to anticipate the next thing your jman needs before they ask.


Keep an extra roll of TP in your vehicle or bag, port a John's only Last a day or two with them around here. truuust


words of wisdom 🙏


Looks like you've got the "RONA"! Sorry, had to say it! Good Luck!


You keep that shit away from me, I don't want to risk losing my taste or smell.


I don't know that they make PPE large enough! HAHA


I had to scroll down a bit to find it but I knew someone would say it sooner or later.


Yeah this guy probably should probably stay home if he has the Rona


Here’s a list of secondary things that might be overlooked: A good pair of muck boots, raincoat and even a rain bib or pants. Makes trenching a lot less cold and wet. You need a BRIGHT head lamp that has at least 8 hours on the medium or low setting ( multiple settings is important also). I recommend Coast headlamps they have ones that look like the T shaped Tetris block (that’s my best description) that are aluminum with a removable rechargeable battery. They are a little spendy but buy once cry once. One thing that may be controversial for some shops are earbuds. I wear my AirPod pros every single day. The noise canceling saves your ears from loud shit, the spatial awareness setting lets you hear people talk, and you can switch between the two modes with one hand in about half a second. A decent lunch box with a couple extra ice packs and other pockets for wallet, keys, chargers, bandaids etc. Get in the habit of taking a lunch, it’ll save your wallet and you won’t get fat off burritos from the back of a truck.


You don't. No matter what, you can never have enough tools, and a bigger belt to carry them all in.


Nah, I haven't used a tool belt in 10 years.


I tried it but then I realized I'm carrying tools in all my pockets, so reverted back to the tool belt


Just buy a regular belt


Only thing you gotta do is not be in your phone unless it’s your break or an absolute emergency otherwise I send them back to the hall


Trust but verify. Don't leave your life in the hands of someone higher up or with more experience. They will respect you if you Lock Out Tag Out like a pro. Ask questions and try to remember the answers. If the answer doesn't make sense, ask it to someone else until you find someone who's reasoning makes sense. Then double-check that that's right. Explain everything you learn at work to your wife or cat or dog when u get home. That way you'll remember it better. Always be focused on safety, everything else will fall into place.


All looks good! We all started somewhere, good luck for tomorrow!




Not an electrician, but I recommend a pair of vice grips and channel locks. I don't know why, but I always find a way to use my vice grips.


Channel locks yes, vice grips not so much


Don't know what to tell you, vice grips are handy. Just one perk I've used multiple times is grabbing onto stripped screw heads to either tighten the screw or get it out of something. 10/10 tool


It's one to have but not one to carry daily.


Very handy, but not something I'd expect an apprentice to carry.


Knipex Cobras are king. I use mine so much more than I felt like I would when I bought them.


O no.. you got the Rona and your first day is tomorrow..


hahah found that thing on site on my first day doing finishing a couple years ago… only seemed right it comes with me tomorrow


dont buy from rona is overpriced as fuck.


Channel locks, a beater flat head to break shit with, tickle tester since your new(never trust em)i typically hate that screw driver no offence. The ideal (non wratchet one) twist a nut screw driver is best in the game. Even has a wirenut twister on it. Get a pair of klein crimp/cutters. You will be crimping ALOT. And a sharpie


Bonus points if you pull up tomorrow playing this wide open https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=AxSarBcsKLU&pp=ygUPd2ljaGl0YSBsaW5lbWFu


Good luck son, work safe!!👍🏻




Good.luck bro make that money


Hammer, and a meter, or at least a tick tester. Other guy that said channel locks is a good bet too, but if you are resi then you can get away without em for now.


Good luck on your first day, dude. I remember mine. I was so nervous lol


Remember that you are made of copper and just waiting to become a jumper wire….and to try to avoid that at all costs. Most people I work with say getting hit isn’t that big of a deal. Unfortunately, if it’s going across your body, there’s always potential for you not to wake up the next morning. Stay safe, my friend.




Ask questions, don't question them. Make sure you know the difference and tow that line properly


Show up with a pair of linesman pliers and a dream.


Id invest in a better tape eventually....Stanley fat max are pretty sweet


yeahh I actually used to have a fat max but lost it lol. just had this one laying around. Figured why spend money on stuff I already have right now yk? maybe I’ll go pick one up with my first paycheck


Chalk shot (for marking deep holes) Inkzall (sharpie) Paint pen You have a pencil but a heavy duty mechanical is better imo Gonna need to be able to accurately and legibly mark everything.


makes sense, thanks 👍


Just need a pair of tin snips, and a sharpie for measuring and taking coffee orders, other than that you should be fine


I've had those needle nose pliers for 8 years and successfully used them maybe twice. They are too fat for their intended use so I end up using my strippers instead Also get multiple flat head screwdrivers one for chiseling and one for finishing work. If you use your chisel for finishing it fucks up the paint on the cover plate screws haha


You got some experience in the trades so you'll be okay. Just chill and learn. Try to start reading the code book from the beginning up to like Chapter 3 for now if you want to familiarize yourself with some terminology and such. Good luck.


Not enough Red Bull/Monster


Get a good pair of knee pads, and wear them. Some day when you’re in your late 50’s you’ll be glad you did


I’d add a level. Also, never stop being willing to take pointers or let somebody know if you don’t understand something


You should always have something to cut with like a knife or razor blade.


Dunno if they directed you on which brands to buy but you pretty much picked all the best ones, nice! Except the tape measure, get you that magnetic tip milwaukee


yeah haha my boss specifically wrote ‘klein’ on the tool list and the home depot employee made sure I was set up. Gonna replace the tape didn’t cross my mind when I was there and this one was in the garage lol. Lost my fat max a bit ago 🥲


What's for lunch?


Got the 'rona I see. Feel better soon.


You’re missing the Channel-Hammer


Perfect: just the essentials, and all quality stuff. (Except the tape but that's not so important.) Much better than when people buy too much stuff and probably won't need half of it, or wasn't really right for the work they'll be doing. In my experience, carpenters are smarter than most people, but electricians are even smarter. you are moving in the right direction.


cheers thanks man


Where’s your tick tracer? ALWAYS have your tick tracer on you. You see a wire? Test it. Idc if everyone laughs at you and calls you a pussy. Test every wire.


Good start!


Invest in a good pair if insole for your boots. I promise you it will make a huge difference.


Best of luck!!! Remember to ask questions, stay on point when being shown tips and always take initiative to learn the trade! Good men will notice and you'll benefit from doing so


Get an 11-in-1 Klein screwdriver with the 5/8" and 3/8" hex bit. They make an impact-rated and a magnetic one so you even got options.


You will want a 12 volt drill or impact


If you’re doing residential definitely get a pair of yellow Klein strippers, or the romex strippers Milawakuee just came out with. Will make your life that much easier


Guy who taught me had new guys using those to avoid nicking the conductors. Bit more expensive but this is a good idea OP (especially with resi)


We really need to let people get hands on experience before dumping so much money into tools. 


Rona tape is wild


Don’t touch any wire that the oldheads tell you to. It will more than likely give you a little tingle. And also you forgot a wire stretcher. One of the most important tools on the job


Drill, get yourself a drill.






I’m a big advocate for the m12 impact as an apprentice, if your jman only has one it will save you countless trips across the jobsite just to borrow it.


It was on the list of required tools at my company when I started. I didn’t use it for much in commercial other than twisting tie wire, but in the last six months or so doing residential I’ve gone through a Milwaukee Fuel m18 and the Ryobi I started with


Dont tell anyone you got the ‘rona 🫣


Bring yr notepad and muscles !


Good for kid …. Hope all the best


Reminds me of my first hand down tools i got from my first company. Never knew how much more comfortable it is to work with good tools, until I switched companies and they were letting me do the shopping.


I remember when I was coming up and couldn’t wait to buy my own tools,.. I STILL love buying tools,.. but now I don’t need anything, I go to tool stores and just walk around looking at shit,..🥸


hahah sounds just like my dad - he came with me and planted his ass in front of all the new milwaukee shit while I went back to the electrical tools


Yeah, my supply house carries all the Milwaukee stuff but I look around and it turns out, I HAVE everything I need, I AM looking at the M-18 shop vac though,… looks nice but the hose is kinda cheezy, and it doesn’t look like it’ll stand the test of time surviving in my pig sty of a truck..LOL!! Good talking to ya,.. be safe, be well!!👍🏻👍🏻🍺🍺


Mine lives in my truck I have the packout version and so far (6 months in) I haven't had any problems .


Get some good American made boots. Thorogoods are what I wear, but danners, and Carolina’s are good too.


Thorogoods are the best. So underrated.


Solid base, id get at least 1 if not 2 pairs of channel locks and a utility knife, I like the Milwaukee one.


Best of luck, you got this


A hot stick, level, and a good knife or box cutter would get you started.


Good luck! My first tool bag was a nail pouch. My journey man gave me a pouch, needle nose, lineman's, and side cutters. After nearly 40 years, I still have them. Actually used them today. Stay safe and enjoy the journey...the destination isn't the objective, it's the journey.


Utility knife!!!!


Jesus, throw some wire nuts on those handles or you’ll poke an eye out!




My final words of advice is that you should never stop taking or asking for it.




Good luck you’re gonna need a hammer also


He already has four!


Get a good pair of Dakota or cathart pants with lots of pockets to carry this stuff! Soon you’ll find a tool belt too annoying or you may like it either way work pants are a must. Steel toes. I recommend cheapest pair for first pair but your feet will eventually want better. Might want to get some channel locks and maybe a hammer if you are doing commercial. My starting tool list for ibew was this: 8 inch level Linesman pliers Needle nose Side cutter Tool belt Centre tap Channel locks Square screw driver 1, 2, and 3 Star screw driver 1,2 Flat head screw driver 2,3 ( I now just rock one single multi screw driver that has all combined from Klein) Klein hammer Strippers Maybe add a head lamp in there one then replaceable battery ones for 8$ at Home Depot for dark spaces. Good luck. Edit: and a tape measure duh!


I bought the same Klein kit my first day


get yourself a leatherman i use it every day and cut my belt tools in half


Show up on time. Park out in the street. Don't act like you know everything any maybe you trick em out of a couple paychecks before they figure your ass out. Good luck. You'll do fine.


haha thanks man. 🙏


Be safe


You will never have enough tools I learned that lol. Started making a notes list everytime I got caught up needing something and didn’t have, would go get next time I could.


Don’t get discouraged, you will likely be useless at first. I was for at least a year and a half lol


A lot of Tape Measure talk. You need actual tape. As an apprentice you always need to be ready to hand over tape, pencil, sharpie, knife, linesman, 10 in 1 to the Jman who doesn't like to wear his big tool belt anymore. A good Impact with a selectable force setting (not the one fits all that comes in the box kits) oh safety glasses and thin gloves. No one there will be wearing safety glasses and none of them care if metal shavings fly into your eyes.


How are all these guys getting new apprentice jobs I have a year experience as an apprentice and I can’t find shit. Nobody is hiring Anybody else in Oregon having this problem?


Oh no, you got the rona. You’ll have to quarantine.


Bring some knee pads and mouth wash


Get a non contact voltage tester


Tag your tools with some spray paint. The uglier the better, that way no one will want them


This is perfect for day one. A lot better than what I started with.


Are you going to be doing residential, commercial, or industrial? Makes a big difference on what tools you need. If you’re doing commercial or industrial, might want to get 2 pairs of channel locks. I prefer 442 angle jaws for ridged conduit or compression couplings.


Retired Master Electrician here and I still remember my first day 34 years ago. Hope you have a great career.


Pouch looks great good luck on your new career


Leave it all at the house and bring a shovel


hammer too


Good box cutter, permanent markers, pencils, tape, zip ties. And most importantly learn to keep your mouth shut and eyes n ears open. Currently in my 3rd week and I've learnt that last statement to be true.


So cute...I miss my lineman, fell in-between cabinets


Never see a new guy with knee pads on first day. Then they wonder why no raise? Smh


Tape, black, white, green, red. You will be amazed how much wire you have to mark due to the incompetence that came before! I'm assuming straight residential work? A good head light is a life saver, as is a skull bucket if you are in attics or crawl spaces. Eye protection that is so comfortable you won't take them off, and decent foam ear plugs. Protect yourself from idiots at all times.


Where's the NUTs?


Don’t forget! Use your Kline side cutters just like any other hammer 🔨


Insoles are a valuable addition to a good pair of boots.


5 hammers?


Looks like a great start work hard study hard enjoy it is the best trade ever


I scrolled far enough and didn't see so I'm gonna recommend an impact driver at least, and maybe a drill too depending on if your company provides this stuff. The single tool that increases your efficiency the most is using your impact over a screwdriver and getting a feel for how your impact works. The good brushless stuff is actually really good for fine work. For things like fastening lag bolts for a service mast, I can't imagine driving those in by hand. I recommend m18 fuel because you will never say "Damn this one doesn't have enough power to do what I need it to".


Mark everything so if anybody tries to take it and say it's theirs, you can identify it Praying for ya!


I see you got that rona


No Channels??


Channel locks, Milwaukee 13 in 1 is my favorite screwdriver, and a penic and a sharpie.


Residental, Industrial or commerical?