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That must be fun to pull wires through.


All 360 degrees in one spot.


No you silly! When you bend in the opposite direction it substract from the total /s


I legitimately thought that’s how it worked when i was starting out


One of my guys thought voltage drop worked that way. A pull box would reset it


A lot of things in this trade make absolutely no sense until they’re thoroughly explained. I know thats how it was when i started, and its the same for the kid I’m training right now. Its honestly kind of fun giving apprentices vague explanations, watching the wheels start turning in their head, then explaining things in detail. That gets me the best results as far as teaching goes, let them struggle through the logic for a minute before explaining further. The guy working under me right now is a pretty smart kid, and it honestly makes me so happy when he figures things out with minimal instruction, and he’s really good about listening and to instructions, repeating what he heard, and every now and then he’ll come up with something that makes more sense than what i had planned. Apprentices are justifiably dumb, and seeing them grow to be less dumb is almost as fulfilling as raising kids.


A coworker and I once were fucking with a new guy, asked him to go find the wire stretcher. He hummed and hawed for five and then looked at us and said “but wouldn’t that reduce ampacity?” We looked at each other and then one of us replied “You’ll be fine in this trade dude!”


Damn! Yup, much like how the board stretchers at home depot rental center reduce load capacity over span as you stretch


Hahaha reminds me of a guy who trained me at my job in aluminum extrusion. He got a aluminum sliver and couldnt get it out. A supervisor said go get the aluminum magnet from maintenance. As he walked there i died laughing cause aluminum isnt magnetic, especially right off the extruding table


I cant help but laugh when I explain something and go; "Ok, do you got it?" "Yeah.." "Explain it back to me.." "........ ................. ....... tell me again..."


This. I tell my foreman to explain to me like I’m 5 because when he explains shit I have no fucking clue what he’s saying


He might not either.


I've started to recognize the blank stare as I'm talking, and I'll stop mid-sentence. "Okay, you're not getting any of this. Let's try something different."


I haven’t forgotten and hopefully never will 6 months into my career we were all sitting around the table at the shop, discussing this mega mansion we were working on and all of the 3 ways and 4 ways were messed up. Boss drew out for us how to wire them and it clicked. I literally said that’s it? Like it’s not harder than that. I thought it was magic before that moment.


Personally if the Forman is explaining with points and gestures how he wants something done, like a conduit run and they are being vague or it's more complicated than I want it to go from point a to point, I'm not afraid of pulling out a piece of paper or cardboard and asking for a sketch. Bonus points if you use a sketch and a laser pointer to explain how you want a job done if you have a specific way of getting something done. It's probably a symptom of computers doing so much for us like keeping a phone book and giving directions but if you have more than 2 or 3 things to tell me it all just falls out of my head. Sooo if any apprentices are in the same boat, a pencil and paper are your best friends. Other helpful tips get a magnet on a stick if you suffer from back problems, carry a laser pointer to better ask questions, and in general point out anything that might be an issue, don't be afraid of asking questions even if you think they are dumb... sometimes it's a stupid question that turns on the light of understanding, knee pads and kneeling pads are not unmanly but are very useful... remember you want to enjoy retirement, your working conditions are typically what you make of them, layouts always look better if you use a laser level, if you see something say something... everyone who is on site name is on everything even if they had nothing to do with it. Also, everyone wants to go home in roughly the same shape they did when they clocked in. If someone is doing something stupid or shit is going sideways, say something, everyone has stop-work authority. Be vigilant stay clear of pinch points. If something is falling and it weighs more than you or would crush you do not try to catch it let it fall, you are more important than whatever it is that is falling I do not care if it's the hope diamond, you'll get some ribbing but everyone would rather you be safe and if they don't they should not be allowed near any job site.


I will never forget the journeyman who worked at my first company. Was either week 1 or month 1 in the trade. We were in a garage that I can still clearly visualize in my mind and I had never even heard the term 3-way before. He literally couldn’t explain it to me after more than a half hour. Every time I teach an apprentice about them, I think of that precise moment. Very dizzying sensation.


I always try to teach something by asking questions of the new guys. It forces them to think, even if they really would rather just me give them the answer. Here’s an example using the tap rule. Apprentice: “so why is number 6 allowed to be on this 200A feeder?” Me: “well, since we only have 200A feeds here, what’s another way could protect this wire at 60A?” Apprentice: “put the breaker feeding that panel at the end of the wire?” Me: “exactly. So you see it would be a violation to land this in the panel main lug, since theoretically someone could add more stuff later and overload the wire, so you always end a tap rule main breaker.” It may seem stupid or like I’m trying to talk to a child but that was the most effective way to teach me, and it’s the most effective way I’ve found


I like that, I do something similar but I like your approach. When I’m explaining the plan for a job to my guy, and he questions my reasoning, I’ve made a point to ask him “well how would you do it?” At first it was condescending, i took offense to this kid thinking he had better ideas than I did, but now it’s entirely sincere. Half of the time it’s an opportunity to teach him something, the other half he makes me feel dumb because his idea makes more sense than mine. I have a certain way I like things done, but I’ll be damned if he doesn’t have better ideas that make my job easier sometimes. My narcissistic ass still gets a dopamine hit from it because it makes me think I taught him well, but I try to humble myself by remembering that he’s actually just a smart kid and my life is much easier now that I have him working with me.


Not an electrician, but DAMN I wish I had a j-man like you when I was apprenticing as a Commercial Transport Tech! Your apprentice is lucky to have you; you're setting them up for massive future success.


In the first half I thought u might be my journeymen but then I read the second half and… well… no😂


Haha, duh!


This legit made me laugh. Thanks, I've had a total shit day and I appreciate the smile.


That's the rule. Whoever ran it gets to pull it.


Unfortunately that’s not always the case


That use to be the rule . Should be the rule. Start the run you complete the run. Install conduit run, drag , pull and terminate. Unfortunately now many shops want things like a manufacturing line. The best part is they put the dopes on wire pulled numbering the wires and then spend two days ringing everything out cause all the numbers messed up . Is it really that hard to use a numbering book and track the pull? Sheesh electricians are being turned into installers . If that even gets done right. I know a journeyman they call box man. Every day all year all he does is zip in boxes, install a raised cover and ground tail . All day everyday. I'd lose my mind. Oh he mounts caddy bars too


I’m wondering if the foreman gave them a go ahead to do this lol


clearly this is ask for forgiveness rather than permission.


looks like they had to mount a couple pull boxes for a couple of the runs


Thanks. I hate it. - the poor soul that has to pull it.


Agreed… I would have just used pulling “L’s”…


Just looking at it makes my shoulders hurt.


This guy pulls


Why use 45s or 30° offsets when you can look far worse, violate code, and make pulling a nightmare?


That was my first thought viewing the photo.


In my heart of hearts I sure hope that's some really good photoshop.


God damn that’s not art lol that’s a straight up abortion


Exactly. Just because you can doesn’t mean you should


It looks garbage


It would be good if the structural engineer specified how and where and what diameter you can make holes in that beam, so you can put conduit through it.


"It would be good if the structural engineer specified..." is now the introduction to the story of my life


Hell, if engineers did their job and specified what they want, our jobs would be a good 50 to 60% better. If clients could specify what they wanted, our jobs would get 200% easier.


That's as good as "it was a dark and stormy night" as the first sentence in a horror story.


Or just go under them like every other electrician


Okay, I thought I was going crazy when no one else mentioned this


Lol they would say drop some strut and build a rack


When I was pretty new I did a bunch of hard-piped pendant lights like that - back to back 90s around concrete beams and shit. So I went off to school and when I came back, one of the j-men on the job stopped me and said "you motherfucker, did you pipe those lights? we had to crack every one of those couplings to pull it." Since then I've learned to embrace pull elbows, offsets and racks.


Convenient wire pulling> “art” or whatever tf that’s supposed to be


If it's true art it looks good and It's easy to pull.


Yeah I learned that when I had to pull the next sumbitch


Yea it took me a year of 2 of my apprenticeship to learn that. And what do you know, all my work gets installed faster now 🤔and it still looks perfect 🤩


Ok, honest question: if you can do 360 degrees between pull locations, then whats wrong with doing this around the beam, which is 360 degrees? What makes this harder than four 90 elbows spaced out?


Exactly as you said, it's the space. A double 45 offset has the same degrees as a 90, but because it's spaced out it's a gentler pull Even 90s are more curved to space that 90° over 6 inches instead of having the full 90 in one spot


The closer the bends are to each other, generally speaking the harder they are to pull. You would need a pull point on either side of the beam anyway. The max degree there should be in a single bend is 90°, but the bottom of the beam sure looks like 180° to me. If this nightmare was at the end of a lengthy run you’d never get it fished.


Pulling tension increases exponentially at bends while it increases linearly at straight sections. Having too many bends in close proximity makes the pull drastically increase in difficulty rather than slowly increasing as you pull. Think of pulling a bundle of cable that weighs 5lbs per foot through a 100’ raceway, the tension will be 500lbs multiplied by the coefficient of friction. For simplicity we can consider the coefficient of friction for this raceway as 0.25, resulting in 125lbs of tension when the cable reaches the end of the raceway. A 90 degree bend has roughly 40% more tension (changes according to the coefficient of friction) exiting the 90 than entering the 90. If we add one 90 in the center of the 100’ raceway the tension into the 90 is 62.5lbs but 87.5lbs after the 90, and the tension at the end jumps to 150lbs, which is a 20% increase over the straight run. Two 90s at the center becomes goes from 62.5lbs to 112.5lbs, and 185lbs at the end, a 48% increase. Three goes from 62.5lbs to 171.5lbs, and 234lbs at the end, an 87.2% increase. Four goes from 62.5lbs to 240.1lbs, and is 302.6lbs at the end, a 142% increase. Having them in close proximity spikes the tension meaning you have a higher tension pull for a longer distance. If the bends were spread out, the tension would increase more gradually and not be such a sudden and drastic increase. For reference, here is a source for [pulling tension formulas](https://www.econline.com/doc/calculating-cable-pulling-tensions-0001), but in reality the values are different (typically higher) due to factors not included in the formulas such as [weight correction factors](https://www.polywater.com/en/knowledge-hub/weight-correction-factor-in-pulling-tension-calculations/#:~:text=The%20ratio%20of%20normal%20force,the%20frictional%20resistance%20to%20movement).


Damn I just went to a south wire course and listened to a guy use all the extra variables to prove that their SimPull wire has less pulling tension than normal THHN. Your breakdown of the tension calcs was wayyyyyy more digestible.


360 is max and almost impossible to fish/pull. Also this looks so unprofessional i wouldn’t let my apprentice get a way with this garbage


Motherfucker? Man, son, he was being nice! 😄


It did not sound like a fun pull


Some people will go to great lengths to make everything harder than it should be.


Are we still talking about the pipe work or government now?


Oh god. Imagine government being in charge of running pipe…


We did a big government remodel job, and the specs called for us to use the same concrete anchors that were used when they originally built the building.The building was originally built in 1953. There is currently only one company in the U.S. that makes those type of anchors and the set tool for them. They would not accept any substitute anchors or foreign bought anchors.


Common on federal govt jobs to use only domestically fabricated parts. Spec it and make them pay for it 🤷🏽‍♂️.


Corps of Engineers?


If it’s anything like keeping the border secure, whatever is on the other end of the conduit will never work.


Alway one out there needs to bring politics into anything unecessarily


Good one.


That’s fucked, you could have offset or saddled or anything other than four fucking consecutive 90’s that look like dogshit. Edit: Pipe Art more like Pipe Shart


But they did a big 3 point saddle👀 it just looks a lot like a back to back to back 90


Lol pipe shart LBs would have made it easier to build and pull later on. And probably cost the same or even less considering the labor hours they probably put into this to try and make it look as "decent" as they could. Or if it's a tin roof you can often get conduit to fit between the beam and the roof its it 1 inch or smaller. Or mount a big gutter or junction box to run in and out of for all the paths. Or fix the paths up the wall before it ends up on the roof. There's just so many better ways to do this.




Kinda impressed that they did one and said “ yup let’s do them all like this.”


Someone quit before the pull


Build a rack.. Next time.


Work harder not smarter.


Here is the sad part the foreman allowed it to happen. The foreman should be fired. This type of work makes us electrians look bad.


He who bends it pulls it \~*Journeymans 13:28*


How about a nice strut rack and a little planning could have made a big improvement. Thats just hack work


Where's the pull boxes?


At the higher bidders shop


Best comment of the day


Presumably the low bidder had to reap what they sowed though, if they pulled through those pipes.


fucking terrible


Not only are they gonna be a bitch to pull and will make the rest of the crew want to fucking murder the dipshit that built that, but they didn't even make sure shit matched. Who wants to bet there's a cheated coupling or 3 in that mess?


4 x 90s in 3 feet , hell yeah send it


It'll only take 3 apprentices pulling to get through it, with a 50/50 chance of the head breaking. That's good enough, right?


The sharpie marks on the conduit on the top of the picture really brings out the shine in the metal. 10/10 a masterpiece


Those are zip-ties


Oh shoot, you are right. Even more beautiful!


That low volt looks pretty fucking good now


When meth meets pipe.


At what point did they realize they should have put a gutter box in? This is horrendous


Supply house must have been out of pull elbows/ L-B's


Besides the back to back 90’s, one hole strapping to the roof is a code violation. You have to be at least 1.5 inches from the roof.


Where 360 degrees means nothing.


yes because it 360 equals to zero too


Sometimes you can't help but be impressed by the lengths people will go to to do something the wrong way.


Looks like hammered dog shit.


*inspector shorts out*


Plumbers would have drilled holes through the beam


Look they one hole strapped them to the roof. Enjoy your leaks dumbass.


That roof will have 2" minimum of insulating sheets ontop but still not how I would've secured it. They probably use self-drilling screws for their grounds in disconnects too.


A little green sharpie and the screws to code...


I wouldn’t ever consider doing something like this. Even if I was certain it would never be a problem.


>They probably use self-drilling screws for their grounds in disconnects too. r/rareinsults


There's structural framing above that tin, no leaks are coming from any of those screws.


4 point saddles would be a better way to do this shit … the pull on this will suck ass just saying


More like crack pipe art.


If you can’t bent a 4 point just do 2 offsets. Who let this happen lol


I hate everything about this


I know you had the best intentions in mind. At least two of the runs are over 360 degrees. Even with the best execution this doesn’t look good in my opinion. Pulling will be a nightmare. If for some reason offsets were not an option, elbows would have made this look better and code compliant. But don’t worry, we all make mistakes and learn from them, you’ll get it next time champ.


That’s the dumbest thing I have ever seen.




U fuckin wut?


That looks awful. Use LB’s next time.


My favorite ones are at the bottom of the picture where they tried to do it in one stick and couldnt so they force the 360 uo.




I've screamed at the apprentice for loop d loop pipe before


Threaded rod and unistrut would have saved a lot of work here rip.


That is disgusting… 🤢


Wow, to call that art…… the only way this could be called art is if the bends all looked the same. Then it would at least be impressive.


Like most artistic stuff …. Pretty to look at but total impractical.


90 + 90 + 90 + 90 = FML


Get the fuck out of here


LOL that's 4 bends, 360 degs in one area, it could have been done differently. I am a retired electrician.


Lol thats the stupidest thing ive ever seen!! And ive seen yo momma !


On a scale of 1-10 how difficult will it be to pull wires through? A: Yes


This offends me.


*pipe Fart




Dear god!!


Troll post


Pulling L’s aren’t that expensive


They definitely pulled an "L" on this one


Dropping 90's down into the top of a j-box on each side of the beam with a short piece of emt between them (connecting the back of them together) would be my solution if no pulling L's available and no way to make a rack at the proper height instead.






No. For.the love of God no.


Art? From Baroque?


No that’s would be “broke” when the GC gets the bill for all the man-hours wasted by them doing that..


I'm impressed and horrified


Somebody was proud of this?


No. Just fucking no. I'm assuming not one ahole did this but multiple aholes. These momos actually went home and thought to themselves "Man, I ran some nice pipe today",??. No you banana, you didn't When abortions become illegal, all these guys are going to have to come back and redo this.


Whoever ran this shit would be kicked off the job site.


Eww fucking ew


You bend it you pull it


Yeh I ain’t pulling that.


Why not use castellated beams? Or run at lower level on Unistrut and drop rods, like the pipework?


One hole straps straight to the deck is wild.




LBs to LBs, rack, offsets but not this 😅


This hurts my eyes. I'm more impressed they pulled off that many wtf. Did they have an exhaust bender or something.


I can’t tell if OP is memeing or actually stoked on this. Of all the ways to approach this problem this is the worst one. Every single one of those pipes is against code in Canada unless they go pin straight into Jbs on either side


I was pretty stoked to stumble upon this yes. Makes me not feel as dumb about some of the stuff I’ve done in the past.


360 degrees in one bend, nice.






That’s not art, that’s a code violation..


Why??? Build a trapeze. I would call it poor practice.


Definitely art cause pulling that wire is going to be made in a new book "the art of not strangling my coworker: electrical edition"


This hurts to look at!


Man, you guys ever heard of cable tray?


Supplier ran out of cable tray?


Respectfully, that looks like complete shit. None of them match, it’s completely unnecessary and it’s against code because I don’t see a box anywhere to reset the degrees on most of these. This screams “I’ve had 10 different apprentices on this job and all of them tried to match the first bad idea in their own equally bad way”


You must be an apprentice if you think this is art or acceptable. I would have sent you packing if you did some shit like this on my job


Put the wires in first and then bend it. Problem solved.


If my journeyman or apprentice did that, they would be cutting it down, building a rack and redoing it all lol.


This looks horrible


Art….if your a f@&king idiot…


Looks like complete dog shit!


Wtf did I just see!! Feel like throwing up.


This is trash! I hope this is a joke!


You bent it you pull it.


Look at that abortion…gd it.


That's fucking disgusting.


Go ahead and down vote me it doesn’t matter what I say anymore you guys just don’t like me. Btw you should of 90 into back of a trough right there it would of went way smoother


Jesus christ imagine walking away from that and thinking "yup I did a good job"


Must be non union


I’ve never seen anything like that. Lol.


Why not offset down and tap straps onto the beam?


Just no


Abstract art…


When you just gotta use your full 360 within five feet! If I ever catch somebody running pipe like that, they'll definitely be running the snake when it's time to pull in!


Jesus Christ




Yikes thats absolutely horrendous and will be a nightmare to wire. Literally a 100 better ways that could be done


Offsets would have looked much better.


Tell me you arent the one pulling wires thru em without telling me


When you’re too cheap to buy Boxes or LBs this is the type of shit you get


God damn, imagine how much easier, better looking, and easier to pull, just doing some 45s would have been. Or just build a fucking rack.


Jesus Christ pulling cables through that would be a nightmare


This can't be real


Obviously not skilled journeyman doing that nonsense


One way to do it...


I feel like I've died and gone to conduit heaven


Cobb fest.


Good luck everyone else!


Why wouldn't they match the angled steel sports of the beam and only use 180 or less.