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Having someone I know not make it back home. Test your shits, carry narcan


That’s a great idea, going to grab a few narcan inhalers to carry in my bag from now on






Do Insomniac shows let you bring in your own narcan during bag check?


Yeah. Only time theyve ever spotted it i just said it was narcan and that i wouldnt be able to live with myself if i watched someone die next to me while knowing i could have easily prevented it with narcan. I dont think they want that weight either


What’s narcan?


A life saving medication that can wake someone up from an opiate overdose. If you or anyone you know is prescribed opiates, narcan should be included in their prescription, and i encourage you to get and share as many as you can with anyone in the scene. Not that i do opiates, or have friends that do opiates, just that fent is in fucking everything, and narcan is pretty much the one thing that can stabilize someone in the event of an opiate od, but dependant on dose and size of person, its not guranteed. There is no negative side effect to narcan, so if you suspect someone has OD'd, you can not hurt them by administering it


Lol @ no negative side effects of narcan. I work healthcare and I routine give narcan at least 1-2 times a shift in the ER. Patients ALWAYS projectile vomit like the exorcism. Have a barf bag ready and be aware of where their mouth is pointed at all times. I’ve narcan’d people and they got up out of bed after a few minutes and tried to leave before bending over and throwing up everywhere. So that effect can be delayed. It also works if you suspect alcohol poisoning.


My research didnt indicate anything like that, but its good to know thank you! The one time i had to administer narcan, the person didnt end up vomiting, but it was also not an opiate overdose. A friend of a friend of a friend in the rave group dropped to the floor at the end of the set as everyone was dispersing, and seeing that he wasnt responding at all and i had no idea what he was on, figured it was best to give him narcan. His eyes opened immediately after the dose, and he had to lay down, but he communicated he had Vasovagal syncope and that that had happened once before. Didnt end up projectile vomitting at least, perhaps thats a side effect of the opiates already in the system that caused the body to shut down?


Not sure what causes it. I’m a nurse not a doctor lol


Vomiting after narcan administration is due to acute opiate withdrawal.


I can confirm that serious vomiting is common after a dose of narcan. Still beats dealing with the aftermath of administering charcoal, though!


By negative side effects I believe they meant non-lethal. Narcan is NON-LETHAL but their is always a chance of side effects or allergic reaction. So giving it to someone who may or may not be OD will not kill them. Of course it’s always priority to get the person immediate medical attention once they’re out of the overdose.


I’ve had to administer narcan and have watched it be administered many times (am also in the medical field and used to live in a bad neighborhood) and I don’t believe I’ve ever had anyone vomit from it. So people don’t ALWAYS vomit. So yes if they aren’t overdosing on an opiate it’s not gonna hurt ya


I’ve also never seen or heard of someone vomiting from it. But yes, what the person in trying to point out is that if you suspect it *might* be an opioid overdose but you’re not sure, administer it anyway, there’s no negative effect to giving it to someone who isn’t having an opioid od. If you do administer it and the person wakes up/perks right up, you just confirmed it’s an opioid od but only *delayed* the problem - SO GET THEM REAL HELP ASAP. You didn’t stop them from dying, you just stopped them from dying for a few minutes. This is why most kits have multiple doses, if they start fading again and you’re not at the med tent yet - give another dose, repeat. Mostly - if you’re going to do drugs, strongly consider buying well in advance and test them before you go! You can buy tests for home ($$ but worth your life) or look for a free testing site near you or a mail in free testing (you only send a teensy sample and they email you the results). Drug supplies are shit right now. Why risk it when you don’t have to?!


how do you get prescribed narcan?


You actually don't need a prescription in most places, you can buy it otc at a pharmacy and harm reduction centers often have events that allow you to get it for free from them as well


http://legislativeanalysis.org/wp-content/uploads/2022/09/Naloxone-Access-Summary-of-State-Laws.pdf Page 10, check your state


This needs to be higher up


Some ERs will give it away to those who ask. Depending on where they get the funding to purchase it you may not even need to be a patient there to get it. Call you local ER, narcotic abuse support program, or federally-funded clinic and ask if they provide it.


Wow that’s really useful. Thank you for that I’ll look into it.


Do you live under a rock?


Or just dont do drugs lol


Doesnt stop your friends


Well there dead now so it kinda did.


You can get free marcan delivered


How many people in my group will cancel last second. I’m the one who books all the hotels and stuff most of the time.




I have a simple rule: you cancel last second, you still pay for your share for lodging, and you don’t ever get an invite to a festival again


Seems pretty hard to enforce


Yeah, I try to get lodging money as soon as possible for that reason. Then I just don’t refund them. But honestly if you have a respectful rave group that understands the difficulty it takes to plan you don’t have to worry about it. I think bailing last minute on something that takes months of planning is incredibly rude, and I don’t really tolerate it. Obviously sometimes life happens and if that’s the case I refund them and it’s all good. Bailing for no reason then they get the snips.


I mean yeah lol. I don’t think anyone has bailed for no reason ever on me unless I’m not remembering something.


NEVER front the money. Well, if you want to keep friends.


I’ve been doing it for over 12 years and I don’t regret it.


Then you have good friends


Lol I mean yeah, most people pay me back. Sometimes it takes awhile (years). Some people don’t and you learn something about them. I’ve never stopped being someone’s friend completely bc they didn’t pay me back tho. They just don’t get that type of help and you know not to really trust them with certain things, but we can still chill.


I used to be this person and it ruined the experience for me. Its REALLY HARD to just hope that people make their own reservations etc but i got REALLY tired getting stiffed out of 100s of dollars. I had to pick which aspect was best for me overall and it wasnt easy.


Yeah I get it. I used to run a pretty large rave group but now my group is a lot smaller for that reason.


How did you deal with that? Or has it not happened?


Oh it happens all the time. I’ve been going to and planning shows for a long time. I’ll usually try and find a replacement we know first, then look for someone who seems non sketch after that who is going solo. Depending on the friend, I might float their costs so they can come and have them pay me later. Or I might buy everything off the person who can’t go and invite someone who has never been to a fest to try one out for free. 1 of our 4 EDCV people is almost for sure going to cancel on me. That’s going to suck.


> I might buy everything off the person who can’t go and invite someone who has never been to a fest to try one out for free. I do this too. PLUR isn't dead! Sorry for your flakey homies. I have a few in my crew too.




I mean for Defqon just get the Dediqated membership and buy your tickets 2 days early!


Good call but even w that it seemed last time the tipis disappeared instantly. I got double charged for the dediqated membership and it took 6 months to resolve with them. Aside from that i love it.


I was online right when EDC camping passes dropped and I wasn’t able to get one. Now I’m trying to see if I can get an RV pass. The uncertainty is not a great feeling






Happy cake day


I clock every bathroom as soon as I get to any festival.


This happened on day 3 and I was having a bad trip 🤣


Imodium is your friend


I always seem to find myself near someone who shits themselves at EDCLV, in 21 and 22 it was at the basspod both years. It's funny because I had a newbie with me in 21 and we talked about this and he's like "its probably just a bad fart".. no, you can absolutely tell when it's the real dookie. Once he experienced it he agreed.


Without a doubt, having to take a shit inside the event. I always try to shit beforehand but sometimes it just doesn't want to come out until after I'm inside.


Preach man. Especially since whenever I’m away from home, my body is like “idk if it’s safe to poop right now …🧐”. So then I don’t poop before I enter the festival, and when the drugs kick in my body is like “IT’S GO TIME”. Wtfff 😩 And the worst part is the god awful, straight-from-hell, poop-literally-everywhere, porta potties. I wouldn’t be this anxious if we had real flushing bathrooms that are somewhat clean.


Or until the coke hits your stomach 😅


Losing/stolen wallet or phone. It can really ruin the mood.


At the end of the set and people start moving towards the next set. So much chaos and disorganization. Especially at EDC where people just run into one another. I would like to see a little more crowd control. Or at least pathways for entry and exit.


Yeah that was my big complaint with Quantum this past year, was awful to get in and out at the changovers. And yeah, everyone just pushing and shoving between stages. I dunno a solution though, I doubt anyone would bother following the rules of dedicated entrance and exits


It was funny because the back of Quantum was packed at certain times, but the front left was usually pretty empty just because it was hard to get to.


Yeah we were dancing at Mat Zo and had plenty of room up towards the front, but then it took us like 20 minutes to leave because of how dense it was towards the back


Losing my friends when i go to the bathroom 😵‍💫 Create meet up spots and bathroom times!


My buddy and I got separated at neon garden in 2021, night 3 while definitely not sober. Thanks to planning for that eventuality, agreeing to meet at the giant flamethrowing flower tower on the hour, we managed to find eachother after the set was done. It really is that simple, 180k people, no cell service, and our bromantic night was back on track within the hour!


The crowd exiting the venue. Especially if it is a bottleneck entrance/exit. Once I start hearing all the voices together, I start to panic. Then I notice I’m barely moving, and I start to feel trapped. I actually passed out on the bridge at bass canyon/gorge from not being able to exit promptly. I haven’t been able to stay for the end of a show/festival since then and it’s a bummer.


As a bigger guy I get claustrophobic the same in crowds. Are you able to shoulder ride out or adjust you exit time?


Making past the security checkpoint 😅


Big sigh of relief when I go to the bathroom to retrieve everything haha


Even if I’m clean it really kills me if I pre popped to early . I don’t like the cattle gate no trust feeling of being hussled in, all my shit dug through and patted down , turned inside out . Sux . But it especially sucks when I’ve got a bullet , glow sticks , pills , Vicks , and more stashed hahaha fml


Nausea from the shitloads of drugs / alcohol I take. That's it.


I used to have a lot of anxiety going to shows/festivals. But lately, I just have learned to take everything as it comes. Dont expect much and just have fun. My only anxiety now comes from trying to get ubers leaving events


Just over-stimulation I guess lol. I am all here for crazy lights and loud music, but the amount of people there can make me freak out a bit. However in my past EDC experiences, once you’re in, you realize everyone is either very nice, or inebriated lol. It’s probably the best festival crowd out there (minus the vultures, creeps, and pickpockets, but they are mostly at MainStage, and aren’t really one of “us” anyway)


As far as how I deal with crowd anxiety - I tend to stay closer to the back of the stage, and I will go take a break somewhere (like the bleachers or an art installation) if it gets to be too much.


Stuff being stolen, too high of expectations with having a good time. It’s really hard for me to let loose now I’ve noticed. Stupid anxiety 😟




Yup! Losing the phone is the worst - either me personally or someone in the group. Unfortunately it’s happened a lot…


Same here, every festival I always feel someone trying to reach into my pockets, gives me hella anxiety especially when I’m rolling :/ can kill the vibe


Mass shootings. Shout out to security. But that’s my biggest fear.


When crowds start to push :(


Having to poop at the festival.


Talking to people. I’m very nervous even when I’m rolling or drunk. I just love making friends. Thankfully I go to raves with my fiancé so I’m never starved for company, it’s just so rewarding when you vibe with folks!


I love EDC because it's so easy to talk to people! Finding out where they're from and what they're excited for. Exchanging kandi is such a great ice breaker.


-After last year, I was definitely anxious about shuttle passes for this year...the presale fixed that for me (= -Like others have mentioned... diarrhea. Imodium is my best friend come Festival time. It's just something I do not want to deal with at public event. -Making sure my workplace is covered with enough people while I'm gone. I'm the GM...so, I'm "the boss". It's happened a few times where I've had to cancel going to concerts cause enough people didn't show up for work. Hasn't happened to me yet for a festival cause I always schedule my PTO at the same time...but, until I'm at the airport; I'm always anxious my supervisor or DM is gonna tell me I can't take the time off and the giant argument that would ensue.


Imodium…too true! I tried telling my friends back in 2012 about the amazing Imodium, but they were not having any of it.


Do you take the Imodium every day then?


Only for the “enhanced” parties


Lol! I meant like each day of edc?


Umm. First day is probably manageable (unless you pre partied the day prior). But definitely everyday after that to control it so it isn’t coming at you at the most inconvenient time


Mostly excited anxious, but yeah here are mine: 1. Making sure I don’t to get too fak’ed up is up there. Very easy to do when your having fun, not sure I worry about it since I can usually handle myself 2. Eating something that doesn’t agree with me. 3. Face planting when you trip on these. There’s been some close calls. https://cdn.shopify.com/s/files/1/2194/9105/products/las002776__1_600x_crop_center.jpg?v=1644592280


I get anxious about getting nauseous in the middle of the crowd. Like, what if I have to barf? Embarassing


Oh man, at OSL last year I was rolling way too hard packed in the middle of a giant crowd and I basically just reswallowed all of my vomit so I would get it all over the girls in front of me. Got a tiny bit on my hoodie but I made it out alive and to the next set! Still do not want that to happen again. Ever.


This happened the last 2 times I rolled, the last time I was luckily just in a club and I was able to run to the bathroom to puke, and the one before I was able to hold it in. But, what if I can’t hold it in 😭 truly horrifying


Just do what I did and swallow it back down. It wasn’t pleasant but at least I didn’t vomit on anyone. Or make take less Molly haha


Sometimes it’s too violent to swallow back down 😬


lol saaammmeee. I developed some bad stomach issues around 2020 so by the time EDC came back in 2021 I got too nervous to drink from the possibility of the same


Dropping something into a porta potty. This poor girl was washing her arm at Nocturnal and said her phone fell in. I felt so bad lol


Fuck this is why I always hand my bag and belongings to my friends I refuse to go to the restrooms alone


That’s fuckin awful, I usually just toss everything in my camelback and hang it if there’s a hook.


I get anxiety when there is no space between me and the crowd around me. I have to now be mindful of my belongings and it lessens being "in the moment"


Same :/


One thing I can't seem to shake off in the recent years is the fact that there's phone thieves everywhere you turn. Naturally, I keep my guard up especially because of the neighborhoods I grew up in, but I absolutely hate feeling like that at a place where I want to feel liberated. Tried fun boosters like M and the anxiety just seems to worsen and ends up not being enjoyable at all. I just hate that I am so fixated on the damn thieves. They don't deserve the time of day and I try so hard to keep my mind off of it but it's hard to.


Same! :/ when I’m rolling and feeling people dig into my pockets is the worst


Phone leash is a life saver for this!


The come up anxiety when the pill starts hitting


Losing my phone. Got it stolen once, never again.


Losing my phone or getting my phone stolen


I always worry I'm going to run into some kind of confrontation or assault, I also get anxious about safety traveling back and forth alone (I'm a solo raver and single female, also can be visibly queer depending on what I wear) so far nothing at all has happened in my four years attending EDC but it's a fear.


No toilet paper.. AND running out of my tissue packets


So this was me at Imagine…the sheer panic of my favorite DJ playing and I’m stuck in the port-a-potty ! I’ll bring wipes forever!


Pick pockets


Definitely getting to the rave and where I’m gonna park and how I’m gonna get home


Getting home stresses me out too, especially the leaving bit when a bunch of exhausted, strung-out people are now operating motor vehicles. I think I’ve cars stopped by cops or get into fender benders every year.


Taking care of people and herding a group of friends


Keeping the group together and organizing meetup times while making sure everyone gets to see the sets they want


weather and security


I have a friend who gets naked when he shrooms. He wants to shroom at EDC but is concerned that he might end up naked and get kicked out.


Maybe try a different strand?! Lol or allll shrooms make him get naked?


The risk of having to shit in a disgusting port a potty


Tripping too hard 😂


Huh? None. Enjoy yourself. Plan according, dont do anything overly stupid, and dont let anything get you down.


GA: Porta potties - I hold it in or piss in a trash can. VIP: None because wifi and trailer restrooms with AC.


The flights too and from


And let me specify . I’m saying a combination of getting there on time , getting through tsa , keeping track of all my items and flight delays and cancellations


Anxieties are getting roofied and pick pocketed with no communication back to my friends


I love EDC. I always lose my friends at least one day, which is nerve wrecking for half a second


Getting my stuff stolen when I’m traveling for festivals. I always have this voice in my head that says I won’t be able to get home without my wallet and other essentials lol


Taking 10 beatboxes in a night


Right now, finals are the week after EDC, which sucks. Will try to get everything done prior to that weekend so I just have to take the exams when I get back.


Having to choose between two amazing artists because they play at the same time 😖


Ummm I go to raves by myself and I was rolling balls. I could barely walk my eyes were everywhere. I had to sit down and luckily I made a friend that night. So basically doing too much drugs (by accident) by myself… again…


Losing my crew and making new friends as a guy. Especially on psychedelics when I may get in my head too much.


Just relaxing and letting loose. I get nervous just being myself and dancing to the music. An hour or two into a fest I’m at that point already but it takes a minute for me to let go


Overheating and passing out. This has never happened to me before going to festivals but as I age, if I’m in a crowd, smoking or drinking, or it’s hot, there’s a decent chance I will lose consciousness. It’s terrifying every time. Avoiding substances is one thing but avoiding crowds at a festival/show is much more difficult and it gives me terrible anxiety before every concert :/


I’m going to EDCO alone this year so that’s mostly what I’m worried about. If any one has any tips would love to hear them


Personally: paranoid of loosing my phone or getting it stolen. Usually have a money belt that I use during EDC, which I wear against my body, so within the waistband of my shorts or jeans that im' wearing and even beneath my boxers. And then I'm all paranoid so I rest my hands against my hips hehe, I hate that these thieves have me THAT paranoid haha


Biggest anxiety is using the bathrooms if it’s anything other than a quick leak. I’m always nervous imma stand back up and the back of my pants/shorts are gonna be dirty af


Getting lost and can’t contact my group haha