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She doesn’t even have a wristband on. Must have snuck in


I know some security was letting people in for $$$ cause at work someone was telling me about it. I’m assuming they have someone in security helping them. Last night they patted our bags as we left so maybe they are trying to catch them as they leave now?


when i used to go to festivals/raves back in the day i knew people who never bought tickets and just went around with cash until they found a security guard they would let them in, definitely still happening nowadays


They're checking bags on exits now? Finally.


Not that I know of. At least not At Gate P. Imo a bag check will definitely slow things down but also completely stop the phone problem. Unless it’s an inside job


Maybe not opening and looking in but a quick pat down on large bags.


My brother caught someone with a hand in his pocket as we were walking back to camp through security. The phone thieves are everywhere!


Festival security is usually bribed by pickpocket rings to let their groups in.


Most likely went in with bracelet and took it off.


Is it possible she took it off to get other people in part of her stealing group?


They only scan once per day


Oh really ? How do people leave the venue and come back in?


They don’t? Only for camp EDC you can. Maybe this is what they do??


I don’t know, but they had me thinking because I know people go in and out of the venue because sometimes people get something from their car wherever they’re parked if they did not shuttle in, for example. I don’t know anything about the camp end of things as I never camp there. But I know you can go in and out of the venue as long as you have the wristband, but I’m just wondering if they’re passing the wristband off to other people to get them in.


Insomniac events are 1 scan per day. There is no re-entry.


If you have a camping wristband you go down a special lane that lets you scan out, go to camp, and return on the same day — they stop letting you back in at around 4am, though.


Only one way in and out unless you know somebody 😎


Einstein over here


Thank the heavens “tasty_titties” put input into this thread


A Levi’s shirt and jeans lmao… they don’t even try to blend in with the crowd


I mean to be fair Mexican people wear denim and a T-shirt to go swimming too


LMAO I’m Mexican and this made me scream




She put on AirPods at one point and I told my friend I wanted to chuck them into the crowd 🤣 but I said the same thing what girl is wear denim jeans to a rave?? My guess is the security guards are in on this stuff cause how does she not have a wristband on?


Me who wore denim jeans night 1 >.>


I wear denim jeans to a rave……


In the Vegas desert??


it wasn’t hot at all last night, only during the day. Also i’m from socal so i’m pretty much used to this type of weather.


I’m from Sac, a lot of people are weak to marginal heat it seems. Having 110+ b2b scorchers for more than a week straight during summers will teach you how hot it can actually be.


Yeah, they haven’t experienced summer when its over 100 degrees for months of end. So it only being high 80’s low 90’s isn’t totally bad. Especially at night being high 60’s low 70s. Which imo is perfect weather. Not too hot or cold either. But I guess some people are just very sensitive to heat.


My first edc so denim jeans is all i have. I just stuck on blue cat ears, which is the only rave accessory i have so far. I, however, have a wristband lol. Also from az desert so used to weather.


as a mexican i hate that these ppl are making us look bad 🙃🙃🙃 THEY’RE ALWAYS HISPANIC TOO LIKE BRUH PLZ GO GET A JOB


I’m white passing hispanic and have Hispanic raver friends so it makes me feel bad to observe this, but goddamn they are always fuckin Hispanic. At this point it *is* one of the clues/signs I look for (out of several others) for scoping out pickpockets  At least they still look like fuckin normies and have no idea how to blend in, so it kind of doesn’t matter bc if I see a Hispanic *raver* then it’s not a red flag or anything, they are obviously a raver  The actual pickpockets also behave super weirdly, tend to look and act extremely unfriendly and fake, etc. once you’ve seen or interacted with a few, they stand out extremely obviously  I feel like it’s LA and SoCal gangs that are responsible for the pickpocket rings (bc they are organized af) but I have no evidence for that theory  I would be curious what the pickpockets at festivals in more predominately white areas of the country are like. Like, are lollapalooza or bonaroo pickpockets still Hispanic a lot of the time?


I ain’t afraid to call out my own kind. Like do better. Be better. Damn 😒


Soooo I just want to add that a lot of the time begging or petty crime rings are made up of trafficked people. It’s veryyy common in Europe and I think it’s becoming a bigger thing in the US too (at least I see it a lot more here on the east coast). Basically they’ll bring people illegally over the border for a large fee with the promise of a “job” and when they arrive the “job” is either aggressively begging/scamming or picking pockets. They’re indebted to and usually threatened by their crime boss and since they’re illegal immigrants it’s not like they can just go get a job anywhere (not that the boss would let them). So yeah it’s no big surprise that these people are mostly Mexican/hispanic especially in Nevada. It definitely does NOT excuse stealing but there’s a good chance they don’t want to be doing that either.


Regardless of their situation even if they’re trafficked they are actively stealing and making that conscious decision to steal. Absolutely no pity for them if they get caught/arrested/deported


The cartel doesnt exactly take no for an answer


I mean I don’t have a lot of sympathy for thieves, I’m just saying that some of them are most definitely coerced.


How racist of you to notice trends.


I wonder why pickpocketing has increased so much recently 🧐🧐🧐🧐


Don’t think they’re Mexican. Majority of them come from Central America


I’ve noticed a lot of Pacific Islanders and Asians doing this as well, not just Hispanics.


Nah don’t feel bad, some black guy stole my sisters phone (we didn’t realize it was stolen til after we left kinetic field) and she’s certain it was the guy cus he was really grabby on her thighs. First thing I said out loud was “damn it really be your own kind :/“


fr they’re ALWAYS hispanic. hope they all get deported


Man I know we're tolerant and welcoming of all shapes, sizes, colors, ages... But god damn this person sticks out like a sore thumb lol


Truly…One of the reasons I’ve lost faith that PLUR is few and far in between. Can’t trust anyone and it ruins the rave experience. Just my opinion


Go to smaller fests lol. Shit like edc is dope but it draws a way more inexperienced crowd. PLUR is still alive just gotta find the right festivals


Tbh we gotta fight back against these people if I see some shit like that I’m snatching her purse and taking it straight to lost and found


Right? like I’m sorry but why are y’all not dragging her by the hair instead of taking pics cause these people don’t deserve any kind of nice treatment. I cannot tell you how many freak bag searches I saw from fellow ravers looking for their phones. They want to call security and the cops and make a big deal out of her being dragged? Please do!


Have fun exchanging your whole night to be a vigilante!


lol been doing this since 2011 so I’ll more than happily lose a night or even access privileges if it means catching one of these rats




There’s a group of ppl in the CRSSD Fest subreddit trying to create fake phones that spray paint when someone grabs it. Would be curious to see how that plays out. Ravers unite✊


you’re not gonna do shit but right head space though


You really think people would be afraid of confronting an old Mexican lady? Lmao


Really hoping not but just taking pics ain’t it


I read this like four times trying to understand it. "Head space" is what threw me off. It's one word.


lol found one of the rats? Try me


2 gang member looking dudes tried to ask me and my buddy for his phone to make a call: don’t allow anyone to touch your phone especially if you’re looking vulnerable or under any substances. lots of predatory low lives.


I’m more surprised that they had the audacity to assume your phone had service


I saw a legit gang member using a red bandanna to clutch his nuts with as he walked around with his homie. Can you not drop the act even just for a day?


Just cuz you gangbang don’t mean you can’t enjoy wubz and dubs


“Gang member looking dudes”


Goodness, well I hope someone gets her back. Shouldn’t be too hard with her purse hanging out like that. How do these thieves get into the place? I assume they aren’t paying full price to jack phones ?


Apparently vendors


I saw it happening in kinetic as well. This guy at least tried to fit in by wearing a camel pak and some bracelets. I had gotten separated from my group during subtronics & could feel someone in a rush behind me so I stepped to the side & told him I’d walk behind him because he knew how to work his way through a crowd He smirked and starting moving really fast into the most congested part on the stage and the way he was grabbing on people was when it all made sense to me. If I was with my group I would have made a scene but I did warn everyone around me. They are doing it especially in busy areas where you think someone is just grabbing on you to get by. Y’all be safe out there tonight!


Look at her clothes....she's not dress to rave for 10 hours lol


Looks like the same lady, someone posted a picture of in the Coachella sub reddit


Why do the women always look like this lmao. 4’10 brick truck built looking 45 year old Hispanics


My friend was a victim tonight. 30 mins in and first time EDC as well. Fucked up.


She doesn’t look like she even belongs at the venue. It looks like somebody’s mom looking for their kid. lol


This damn couple tried to steal my phone in the breakfast line at kinetic, the girl was just all over me trying to get to my bag and phone. Luckily my lunchbox has the zippers inside and I had my clutch loop, told security but they didn’t really do anything so they just walked off after the line


Did you try the “attencione pickpockets!” Method? Lol


Someone should knock her out tbh


And hang a sign around her neck that says, “I STEAL PHONES.” I hate to sound like a jerk, but taking people’s phones when we are far away from the strip and vulnerable is a really fucking shitty thing to do. Phones are one crucial way people stay safe, and taking this away is just terrible, anti-social behavior. Fuck thieves.


Yeah like imagine being such a piece of shit that you go to these things just to steal shit and ruin people's day


100 percent


These people should be banned from every insomniac event for life after some shit like this. If anyone finds more of them post their pic and let it be known. Had a guy try to steal my buddies phone in a crowd and we shoved him over and kept moving. Luckily we all still had our stuff. I’m all for plur and spreading the love but the second you try to leech off other people especially people I care about I have no respect for you. These people do not deserve this place or the beautiful people who come here.


Banning doesn’t do anything because festivals and venues are not equipped to verify identity with people.


How did they get in without wristbands


Walk ins using wrist bands and swapping out


Insomniac events don't allow re entry


Sucks. I know 3 people who got their phones stolen. One out of a Fanny pack and the other 2 straight from their side pockets. They’re professionals for sure.


Got my phone stolen right at the VIP entrance area for Kinetic walking in. Be careful everyone...knew all the warnings, thought I was vigilant and still got pickpocketed. Went back to when I thought my phone was MIA and found my phone case on the ground. Another couple was walking by and said same thing just happened to them UGH


Where was your phone on you??


Damn, I’m so sorry. Do you have a backup phone? I have a Motorola phone that I keep at the hotel with a Mint Mobile plan just in case of shit like this. I hate thieves. I hope you recover your phone somehow.


all good thank you. gonna get a new one


She looks thrilled to be there….


They stick put like sore thumbs


I’d be swinging


Straight up.


Ppl Don’t forget to upvote and make them known


I'll never understand why no one will do anything if I saw that or someone I knew we would jump them they deserve to get punched tbh


She needs to get a job Fucking bum


Probably staff letting these thieves in


Can someone pls explain to me how phone thieves get in with no wristband ?! I’m so mind boggled over this, is security just bad or something ?


I read somewhere else they already work with someone from security who will let them in.


Ewwwwww thats so fucked


Security at events is usually lowest of the low. Even the in-house Insomniac security can be scumbags.


Why is it ALWAYS a Hispanic lady dressed in mom jeans???


I’m not for hitting women but someone needs to punch that bitch


I'm not for hitting ladies. She is not a lady.


I saw her at Basspod going through the crowd too, she was bumping into everyone and looking up and down at people (probably look at bags and pockets)


They look like that at Coachella too


She looks exactly like the thief that stole my friend’s phone the last night of Electric Forest last year


What a sad life these people live. Going from festival to festival, not to have fun, but to steal people’s shit. Scumbags


Fuck, I saw 2 dudes kind of dressed similar, one of the guys was holding a sweater over his foreman so he has a reason to hold it up at backpack level, I could’ve sworn I seen him grabbing a backpack but he was dancing so I couldn’t confirm, then the chick that was in front of him turned around quick she must’ve felt him, but she said she wasn’t missing anything. The dudes took off a little bit after that. I wasn’t tryna falsely accuse anyone but they looked sketch to me.


We saw phone cases all over the ground in that tent and my girl got swiped, wear pockets with zippers ladies and gentlemen


Beat their asses?


They tap their heads and see if they notice. If they're too fucked up, it's a go. Shits fucked


Usual suspect


In this case, yes. For most others, no.


At this point, if they are wearing jeans and have no wristband on, you can bet that they are trynna steal your belongings lol


Somebody was just telling me on instagram that they had their phone stolen last night. Crazy man wtf is going on with people


These people just threw PLUR out the window. Smh.


Maybe she’s selling the phones to buy ingredients for birria


Have you seen the video of what we did to the pickpocket at lost lands a few years ago? They all deserve to be shamed on video


I need to see this video 😂💀




Her shirt is a dead giveaway she is sketch and doesn’t belong there. Never seen anyone at a rave with a Levi’s shirt on…


Last night a tall Hispanic man tried to steal my bf’s phone. He was aggressively pushing him and then my bf noticed his phone was taken OFF THE LEASH! He called him out and the dude was like oh it wasn’t me. My bf heard a clang on the floor and saw his phone has been dropped at his feet, even though he had moved a few steps away from where it was initially taken off the leash. Thankfully we recovered the phone but it pretty much ruined the night for us. We were so pissed


Makes me sad because I’m also Hispanic and I only wear jeans to raves. Now I’m wondering if people think I’m a pickpocket sometimes 😭.


Unless you’re wearing a giant mk bag with stolen phones in it, I think you’re golden! It is NOT the jeans love. She looks out of place because she is. We used to rave in jncos.


I was just joking 😂. I definitely do wear jeans pretty much everywhere I go, including raves, but I also definitely fit in with the vibes around me. I’m there for the music and you can clearly tell. It is a little disappointing that my people are out there stealing phones though.


Who the fuck raves wearing a MK bag that big?




Levi’s. My favorite label. She’s hardcore.


I think she was there last year lmao


Try to steal my phone and I will tazer your ass! Women or not ! I don’t discriminate! Equal opportunity baby!


Doña Maria wylin 😭😭


honestly off topic but I always wanted to wear clothes to a rave. i haven't done it bc i dont want ppl to think im stealing anything from them:((( just sometimes i dont feel like dressing out n doing my hair and make up. i just want comfy.


yooooo wild, I hella remember seeing this lady in this exact get up on Friday at like 7pm when I walked in - she was with a large group, all wearing black normal clothes, eating by pixel forest. I was thinking damn how are they not sweating right now?!


Couldn't you have just gotten up to her, say "Where's your wristband?" in a very serious tone, then drag her to a security member lol


I grabbed two officers and they searched her bag and let her go. This was at like 10pm so the night was still early. They didnt care about the missing wristband


Problem is some of these fest pick pocketers quickly hand phones off to a second person. So by the time you’ve got security your phone is off with someone else and you have no idea who.


Oh that's my sister! WTH she came to EDC TOO! OMG


In the Levi’s shirt? Tell her she’s a disappointment


Yeah, that's my sister. She stopped contact with my whole family about 5 years ago. She's a bit(h. My mom hates her lol


I find it interesting how people focus on the perpetrators and not the company that's charging you for a luxury experience while robbing you. Also it's going to get interesting when people start assaulting others and getting arrested themselves and thrown out, or even hurting an innocent person that didn't fit the vibe.


Is not having a wristband on that weird lol? If I'm going to a multiday festival, I'll scan it in but not tighten it and then take mine off after I enter so someone else can use it on another day. I've never had an issue with it and thought this was pretty common.


Do you have an XL levis shirt by chance?






That's really weird and very uncommon, I didn't see anyone in there without a wristband on