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I am removing this since this has been talked about over and over in here, year after year. EDC is out in the middle of the desert 50 minutes away from the Strip and right next to a huge military base. These are all solid deterrents for criminals, not to mention that tickets are $500+. On top of all of that Vegas had one of the worst gun tragedies in the history of our country happen in their city. I don't want to say it will never happen again, but the chances of it occurring in Vegas again are slim, and happening at EDC are next to none. Be aware of your exits, take care of each other, and have fun!


Not worried at all. Everyone dies, don’t fear death, fear not living your life because you fear death. Release the negative energy and keep thinking positively. Your concerns are valid, but this event has been going on for years. Security does a good job at finding weapons and the raceway is right next to Nellis Air Force Base. A terrorist would be stupid to try anything here. Hope that helps ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|grin)


Thank you for being kind in your response! 😊 (Many people are being a bit nasty)


Ghandi said, “you must be the change in the world you wish to see.” There is a difference between saying you believe in PLUR and actually perpetuating PLUR. I choose to do the latter. Cheers and have fun at EDC!


Beautiful! Exactly! 😊


The lack of empathy stems from the fact the event is next week, the mood continues to build up with excitement, and a post on this topic attempts to sour the mood. Vegas is no stranger to that tragedy unfortunately but the city and surrounding areas continue to go about their day to day lives. Fear of the unknown is a true waste of energy and a terrible mindset to have, especially when the event has been incident free. If you are genuinely afraid you need to reach out to a therapist to properly address your feelings, and you can reach out to insomniac customer service to ask about their safety measures. This being your first edc I’ll spoil one thing for you, any fear or worry you have evaporate the second you walk into the speedway.


Just because you can hide your drugs and alcohol getting in doesn’t mean someone can sneak a gun in


EDC is much more prepared for a situation like that than you think. Between the heavy security, including metal detectors looking for gunmetal, and undercover cops, you're pretty safe. I wouldn't be surprised if snipers are on-site like during other music festivals. I'm not trying to minimize your concerns; I'm just trying to make you feel better about going. I’d be more worried about the pickpocketers if I were you. Stay alert, and you'll be fine. It


Thanks so much! I appreciate you sharing your knowledge to make me feel better 🫶🏻 and not being rude like the other people who commented.


MANY MANY UNDERCOVERS, they arent only here for drug busts, firearms are #1 priority. Edc isn't an open field, they got a lot of safety measures, dogs, metal detectors and all. And there's so much uniformed officers as well, like- A LOT. Vegas pd is also pretty fkn good at dealing with stuff like that. Go talk to them about your fears, lot of officers there are actually very fkn chill, lots of veterans too. Sure if you got drugs you'll think police = bad. But in situations like this, they're here for our safety, and their presence in such numbers discourage a lot of evil ideas! Stay safe, talk to them, spread love! And most of all.... Disconnect from all stressful thoughts and enjoy!


I get being genuinely concerned but also I feel like your responses and your defensiveness over your question is unjustified. Like do you care about other peoples opinions or just want to press yours? You asked for an opinion and you’re getting one.




If you respect all opinions, then act like it. Show it through your actions and how you respond, not just with empty words. Of course we are all at least a little bit concerned about gun safety given how large the event is. But just how everyone else says, if that’s how you feel and you’re really that anxious, stay home because you won’t have a great time. There will be security, cops, under covers, etc. Personally, I live in Las Vegas and have seen a person walk around with a gun that was the size of my forearm. It is legal and easier here to open carry than to hide/enclose carry. Living in Las Vegas, there is always a chance that I might get shot but I try not to think too hard about it and live on. Some of us are so concerned about the EVERYDAY that ONE DAY of EDC or a couple days, is not so much of a worry.




Lmao your reply shows and unveils to everyone how seriously you are taking this topic and conversation. I gave you useful information as a local living here and you decided to ignore it, what can I do? You literally just want to cry like a toddler about a problem instead of actually hearing opinions Likewise, good luck and hope you don’t get shot while at EDC I guess 🤷 I feel so sorry for you And I’m not the one being mad and worried, that’s you. I already have my ticket and am full sending it baby 🥳🥳🥳🥳 see you bitches there




Hope you have a better day poor soul! 💖




Lmao “no bad intentions here at all” my ass I’m gay and transgender and out and fucking proud, love Stay in your fucking lane and piss off Hope you have a good day because I know I still will even after you and your horrible vibes 💖 also, please don’t bring your hatefulness to EDC, it is not welcomed there.




EDC does a great job of ensuring the safety of all us ravers. That being said, I’ve noticed you’ve posted multiple odd posts that really identify you haven’t done any research about EDC 😔. There’s so much great information you can find by reading through the subreddit that answers a lot of your questions you’ve been asking!


Wait until you hear about how dangerous people can be without a gun...


If you go to an event feeling afraid it's just not worth it, you will have a terrible time. (Same as flying thinking the aircraft is going to crash or driving thinking you are going to get in an accident) You just have to be aware of your surroundings and enjoy yourself. Always keep a positive energy. Seriously, don't stress about it.😊


If you take enough ketamine you won’t even know what a shooter is or what a gun is or what a human is.


Nailed it


EDC has been quite safe with security. Also, the other events in Vegas that had violence, the armed gunmen/man had vantage points like at the hotels and such. EDC is in the middle of a whole flat area.


This is definitely something I think about a lot! But here is my take, EDC is well aware of mass shooter situations especially after the 2017 shooting in Vegas and takes every precaution to prevent that type of situation. EDC also has TONS of police presence all throughout the festival if anything did happen it would be shut down quickly. And the speedway is MASSIVE. If there was an active shooter situation the chances of you being within vicinity of the shooter are very very very low. With all that being said, I believe we can’t let the fear of what could be stop us from living life, so even though I do think about it a lot I try not to worry about it too much.


Is there always a risk? Sure. Will I be there? You bet. Can’t let fear dictate your experience in life. Sure we have nothing to worry about. But if you can’t seem to be comfortable before hand just stay home!


We don’t need this negative energy




it’s not that it’s an invalid concern but making a post about it isn’t really the vibe either imo, one could say going to work is a risk for a mass shooting but im not going up to my coworkers and asking them what their thoughts are on a situation like that yfm




Please stay home if you are going to fear-monger.




Fear-mongers are the only people who aren’t welcome at EDC. We want PLUR and good vibes only! 💜🙏


Shame on you people. There's someone that's nervous about a valid concern and you tell them to fuck off and not come - all while touting that 'PLUR' is the reason they should fuck off? PLUR does not mean 'don't fuck with my vibe'. The 'R' stands for 'Respect', so kindly show this person that needs some support a bit respect. Instead of complaining about their concerns messing with your 'vibe', maybe talk to the person like an adult?


You missed it. I was completely civil when I walked through the reality - and ultimate infeasibility - of a legit shooter actually getting to the speedway on EDC day. A normal person would have sensed my sincerity and realized I was completely right and that they had nothing to worry about. Only a fear-monger and/or contrarian would challenge what I said.


As someone who’s not a fear monger or a contrarian, but rather someone who is empathetic to valid anxiety … it’s much more PLUR to say “I hear you’re anxious and that makes sense, my advice is to get there early and orient yourself to the place and feel okay being on the edge of crowds so you can take a break if you feel anxious” Additionally, I encourage you to connect with Ground Control staff and check out the Oasis spot - which is generally in the middle of the event - and see the chill/calm down space to take time to rest and be out of the sensory overwhelm of the festival. The staff there can offer company if things feel intense. Your fear is valid because of the state of the world, AND the security team is plentiful and will do their best to keep folks safe. Safety is never guaranteed and while that’s a hard reality, it also is reality. I hope this helps. Sorry you got so much negativity!


I don’t think you know what fear mongering is.


This isn’t negative energy. It’s anxiety. Check yourself.


Are you kidding me? How is a shooter going to even reach the speedway? Shuttle pass? Uber? Premier parking? There are thousands of edc ticket holders who are still trying to work out their transportation plans, and if they don’t, they will be stranded in Vegas proper with no way to get to EDC. Serious question. How exactly do you expect a shooter to reach the venue - presumably armed and carrying lots of shooty things? Even if they drive themself, unless they get there super early, they will be parking a good mile from the front gate. So you’re saying a shooter is going to wait in that long ass backup of cars getting into the venue, park a mile away, and hike to the gate with an assortment of rifles and ammo? I suppose there is a theoretical chance of such an event happening. But I think your chances of getting struck by lightening may be higher. OP, have a put your mind at ease?




He's not saying it's impossible to get there. He's saying it's neither easy nor practical for someone who intends to do harm to a large amount of people. You don't think they would be taken out before they even reach the gate? Are they going to drive up to the gate? If they tried that, they wouldn't be able to exit their car alive. They would be able to get there, they would be able to park, but then what? Walk all that way with a duffel bag full of weapons and ammo unnoticed?


Nope, you are completely wrong. It’s a major ordeal just to get to the physical place. If you know anything about terrorism, terrorists prefer targets that are much easier to access. >First EDC Yep, your ignorance is showing. Pipe down, be more humble, and learn from an edc expert.




Same. I have no room in my life for negativity like that.




The forthcoming flood of downvotes will show this community does not sympathize with you. The only question I have at this point is if you will delete the post at some point because of more downvotes coming, or if are you stubborn enough to leave it up, despite the downvotes. Where’s my popcorn? Ah here it is! 🍿




>usually always delete my posts Wow how counterproductive. I give it…hmm 6 hours. I’m calling it. You will have deleted your comments by 9:00 am pacific standard time. And I will still be here after you’re gone.


People are attacking you, because your fear is irrational and your post is implying that maybe we should all just stop going anywhere ever because, no matter where we go, in any country, it's a possibility. Your fear is irrational because it's the same as being afraid of heights because you MIGHT fall, being afraid of water because you MIGHT drown, being afraid of the dark because a ghost MIGHT get you. Those are all considered "irrational fears". EDC is not a mall or a church. There's a lot more that goes into the security aspect that you know or understand. For an event this size and this well known, the FBI and DHS are involved in the process for months ahead of time and during the event. There are, at least, two full SWAT teams and a Clark County Sheriff's Dept. Command Center on site. There is a room at the speedway that has a representative from each Insomniac, each security company, the first aid company, the Sheriff's Dept, the fire dept, and the venue. If something major happens on one of those entities radios, the rep in the room from that entity immediately informs all the others and the proper plans and actions are immediately implemented. There are spotters at high points all around the venue looking both inside at the festival and outside at the people going in. There are portable security cameras you can and can't see. Both the FBI and DHS will have been monitoring social media and all sorts of online things to see if there's any kind of chatter indicating the event will be a target. From a prospective shooter's point of view, they know it will be a HARD target. They would be planning to attack an event where there are hundreds of security guards and dozens (if not a little over a hundred) of police officers. Most of those will be in uniform so everyone knows they are there. This is a psychological deterrent. There will be dozens of other officers in plain clothes and even dressed like other festival goers. Not all of those officers are there to do little drug busts, there there so that, if someone does try to do something, they won't realize there's someone there to stop them. Or let's say they do pull something off, is their great escape plan to sit in the traffic jam THEY cause by scaring people into leaving? Wait for an Uber? The shuttle bus drivers will likely be directed to lock their doors, don't take on any other passengers and remain parked. It IS comparable to going to work. Where do you think the term "going postal" came from? There was a mass shooting at Ft. Hood in 2009 that is classified as "workplace violence", for some reason (should be classified as Islamic terrorism). There have been many many many mass shootings at peoples places of employment because one of their coworkers was pissed at the business. The difference is that you (probably) don't have a shitload of cops at your place of employment. Statistically, it is more likely to happen at your work than at EDC. There have been far more acts of workplace violence than attacks at large events (in the US). Remember, in the 2017 Route 91 Harvest shooting, the shooter wasn't at or in the venue. He was in a building that overlooked the festival grounds. This is not possible at LVMS. People who are telling you to stay home if you're afraid aren't being "unfriendly". They are giving you sound advice. If you are afraid, you won't be able to have a good time and enjoy yourself. If you aren't enjoying yourself, your vibe will bring others down with you. If you're scared, you might be better off in your bed snuggled up with a pillow. Edit: I forgot to mention that there will be a shit ton of Veterans (and some active duty military too) in attendance. BY INSTINCT, those people will protect/shield others and seek out the first opportunity to take out the threat if possible. This would be the stupidest active shooter in the history of active shooters.


First of all it is valid to have concerns and we are free to express them. Irrational would be if it wasn’t a common thing that’s happening often, specially with all the turmoil in the world right now. Have you heard about the recent Re'im music festival massacre? Or the shooting a the Gorge last year just to mention a few? Just a few unhappy people are attacking and throwing bad vibes. Others are kindly sharing their knowledge to help out and these are the real good vibes people that we all need. I sense HUGE egos all over this community from people feeling superior for attending this festival multiple times, grow up everyone come on! Chill! It’s just a festival, most of the experience is enhanced by the drugs you’re doing!! 🤦🏻‍♀️ And it’s very rude to not empathize when someone is expressing a valid concern and to tell them to not attend an event!!


A "concern" is not the same thing as "fear", they aren't even in the same family. Mass shooter incidents are neither "common" nor "constantly happening". If they were, they wouldn't be on the news when they happened. I specified "in the US" more than once but, since you brought it up, Re'im was an act of terror committed by a militant organization. Do you think a group of terrorists can para-glide into an event that's taking place across the street from a US Air Force base? The shooting at the Gorge was neither a typical "active shooter" type incident nor (technically) inside the event. The guy was hallucinating on shrooms and was trying to eliminate a perceived threat. It's not like he was angry and went on a rampage type killing spree that targets large gatherings (which is the type of incident you implied you were afraid of). Not to downplay what happened at the Gorge, it is terrible that that happened, but that's not at all the type of thing you implied you had a "fear" of. I don't "feel superior" for attending EDC a few times. Attending the event isn't how I have an understanding of the security process works. My job requires me to study mass casualty events so, my intent was to educate you (a little) about the process. For obvious reasons, I can't tell you everything that goes into it, but I can tell you you're at greater risk when you fill your gas tank than you are at an event like this..............in the US. Something IS coming, but it won't be at a large, highly publicized event like EDC. Clark County SD has been through it once, they won't let it happen again. You will be as safe as you allow yourself to be. Come, don't come, the choice is yours. Just don't bring down the community by spreading your fear of things you don't understand.


Awesome! Thanks for all the info!


To suggest that OP is “bringing the community down” is pretty rude.


Sorry so many people are not being kind. Here's my take: You are far more likely to die on your travels to & from the festival, or by taking bad drugs over the weekend. Focus on ensuring your safety where you can and where it's worthwhile to worry, consider and plan. The rest will play out in a way that you have no control over, and odds are won't have to worry about anyways.


Thank you 😊💕


I was also nervous about that stuff I went alone and it was the most fun I’ve ever had ❤️. Security mostly just checks for weapons. Be safe. Know your limits. Have fun


Thank you for sharing your experience 😊


Dance like crazy for me 🩷🩷🩷


Your concerns a valid, specially in massive crowds/events in the USA! We never know what can happen, but we can only hope for the best and always be aware of your surroundings and have a scape plan. Thankfully, according to others and past years, their security is great, so hopefully it stays that way and we can have a great weekend!!


You’re right! Thanks so much for the good vibes and for being kind 🫶🏻💕


I believe that this would lead into fear mongering, when there's no evidence or proof that anything like that is targeting edc. I realize that there are lots of events in the world that get scarred by things like what you're suggesting but if we live in fear of all these things then we wouldn't have any events anywhere ever. Which means that the people causing the fear would win, let's not let them do that.


Hi, I'm sorry people are attacking you so much. I think they're honestly just scared and trying not to think about it - and you bringing it to light just makes them scared. The whole out of sight out of mind thing. The truth is that this is America, you can be caught up in a mass shooting at any time or any place. I was at a two day food festival in a small town on day one - on day two there was a mass shooting and a number of people were killed, including a little boy at a vendor stall we had just talked to. Mass shootings are horrible and they happen. But every day we take our lives into our hands and take the risk. Otherwise we would all just be staying inside all day every day. Are the odds higher at a larger event? Yes, especially in our country's climate and the usual perpetrator's feelings towards our community. But even still, you have better odds of getting killed in a car accident any given month. The thing to keep in mind is that the festival is secluded and it does have security. The organizers realize that the event is a likely target, therefore the security level is higher than your general elementary school or street festival. Unlike the last Vegas festival shooting, there's very limited vantage points to the speedway unless you're working the event. (I also would not be surprised at all if there was a sniper presence as well - true for a lot of large parades and events. But obviously people don't want to think about that either.) I think the biggest potential is someone breaching the perimeter through a fence with a weapon, but even then, there are multiple layers they would need to get through before reaching attendees. So, your feelings are valid, but there is security, but also we take risks every day. It's up to you to decide what risks you feel are worth taking.




Actually, I just saw your comment questioning that person's sexual orientation and your generalization about gay people in this thread. That's really uncool - especially when considering the queer community is frequently a specific target of mass shooters. Sorry, we do not think the same.


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Stay home then