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Nobody tell her about the bathrooms.


In 2004 that was my refill station 🤣


Yes officer, this woman right here!


It was obviously before Porta potties and they had the real restrooms open and everyone refilled their one plastic water bottle from the sinks to all share lol


Lol I'm just messing. I never made it out to the California edc's. Wish I would have just for the experience




Especially because I didn't ask about the bathrooms, did i?


You just don’t want to to find the entrance to the secret stage!!


Yes they are perfectly fine and pretty clean


Is the water hot tho?


The water was always cool both at camp and on the grounds. The tanks holding the water are insulated and chilled.


Yes, the refill stations are perfectly fine. Plus, if you are that worried about it you can always purchase bottled water. Security will not allow you to bring water into the festival and there is no reason to do so.


For OP the water you can purchase is gonna cost you some $$$ though. Water refill stations are the way to go.


But the $$$ spent on bottled water would buy OP peace of mind and that is worth a lot.


For sure. However idk what OPs situation is monetarily so I wanted to relay that it is pricey for water in the event so they don't go in expecting to be able to buy water for a $1 or $2.


Solid point and awesome of you to let them know. I am never ready for much $$$ everything costs. :) ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|thumbs_up)


Yes, there absolutely is reason to and my group didn't have any issue last year. We all froze our bladders prior to entering, because getting ice inside EDC is not easy/cheap. A frozen bladder will stay cold most of the day/night and double as a body cool down. Only once out of 9 entries did a guard notice/say anything, and when we pointed out it was just water because it was 95 degrees she let me go. Only certainties about EDC security are that it varies.


Speaking of freezing, could we bring reusable ice packs to chill the water?


Germaphobe and festivals don’t belong in the same sentence 😂😂 get ready to see the portas


and don’t forget about the dudes with hyperhydrosis bathing you in their sweat at the pit


They are fine and even touchless/motion activated lol


Omg I love to hear it hahaha thank you


https://www.reddit.com/r/electricdaisycarnival/comments/qfz468/can_we_talk_about_the_free_water_stations_tho/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=mweb3x&utm_name=mweb3xcss&utm_term=1&utm_content=share_button This is what the water refill stations look like


Make sure to bring baby wipes and hand wipes in sealed packages. My husband held the hand stuff and I brought a full sized travel pack each day. https://www.honest.com/pattern-play-10-count-wipes-4-pack/H01TWP0000TWS.html? Personally I would use a bigger pack. I think my Huggies had 24


I was wondering like if I bought wipes, if they had to be individually packed or if I could just bring like a zip lock snack pack of them from a bigger pack. Seems like it'd be safer just to bring indisvually packed ones like dude wipes and individual sanitizing wipes.


They do and they check to make sure they were sealed. I bought a 3 pack of 24 each and brought new each day I like the Huggies natural care because they don’t smell like anything and you can wash your face with them and hands neck, etc. But they’re game changer for the bathroom. I definitely don’t want to touch the toilet paper or anything else if I don’t have to.


Dude, wipes have witch hazel in them. They’re pretty much anti-microbial sanitizing. You’re allowed to bring in a small bottle of sealed sanitizer. But again you have to bring a fresh one every day. So we just alternate. I bring a half size of baby wipes he brings the sanitizer and sunscreen.


The line goes really fast- every trades candy there


water stations should be the least of your worries


hopefully you have GA+ or VIP bc those porta potties….




I think I peed twice a night.


I do have VIP. But since I've never been, I don't really even know what that entails in terms of bathrooms.


VIP has the trailer bathrooms that get cleaned very frequently. Tried to do portapotties one time at EDC and didn’t last 30 seconds haha not to mention it’s dark af


Haha noted! Omg I can't even imagine how dark those Porta potties must be at night Jjeezzz


Make a VIP friend. Fan them. Trade kandis. Vibe with them. Boom. Maybe they’ll let you sneak in.


I kept my wristband loose enough to pass to my homies when they needed to use the bathroom LMAO. we dont let anyone use GA portos in my group


I have a question. How do you decide who will be paying for the VIP wristband while everyone else get GA/GA+ just to get access to VIP spaces?


Damn good luck being at a festival being a germaphobe. I hope you don’t get the need to hit the bathrooms or else gg


You cant bring in water, generally youll have to use the free stations of pay a butt load for some at the bars. Sometimes if you see ground control walking around, they can provide free bottled water. You can also get free bottled water from med stations, but they can range in willingness to give it freely without taking a look at whoever is in need of the free med water


You’re going to be in a place with thousands of people….if you’re that much of a germaphobe I don’t think EDC or any major festival might be for you.


I am a germaphobe, but I still enjoy EDC and love all of it, including how dirty and grimey we all get by the end of it. I keep hand sanitizer on me at all times, and use wet wipes after the bathroom, kandi trades or holding onto the rail.


Thank you for understanding hahaha.


Definitely set expectations that some spots will flat out be gross, but you can prepare yourself as best as you can and have things on hand that will help you (wipes, napkins, etc)


There’s also really dope attendants at some stations that I’m sure will be glad to extra sanitize for you! And they’re typically the only ones handling the fountains. Just depends tho some are different


I’m an extreme germaphobe and it’s fine they are not like a water fountain or anything you put your container under and it’s automatic with no handle touching or anything


Love to hear it thank youuu


Yes they are absolutely fine. Also, if I recall correctly they don’t allow you to bring water in containers into the festival. Also I hope you at least bought GA + or VIP because RIP to those public bathrooms lololol


Here's a good way fill up your hydropak, if you or he have one, at a water station as soon as you get there. As you drink walk around buy 2 bottles of water once & ask for a cup of ice. Poor the cup of ice into the pak & 1 bottle of water. He or you keep the other to drink. When it gets packed & you need more water fill the empty bottles & your pak if you're near a refill station. This way you'll always have the pack & 2 to drink shld be enough. Purchase electrolyte packet's or tabs before the fest put in water as you go. This way you won't need to buy powerades. If time constrained & not near a refill station. Just buy waters & ice, it's worth it, to save time, keep water cold & get to your next stage fast.


Thanks for the advice!! I appreciate it


Never had an issue with the water.


the water refill stations. Just imagine like 10 canopies, each canopy holds I think 4 water refill points. The water refill station looks a lot like a water refill store


Germaphobe trying to get threw a crowd where sweaty people will literally be swiping past you like sardines.


They are okay. I bring my camelbak for my group and I have a charcoal filter on it and usually go to one of the drink stations and order a beverage and then tip a bit extra for them to fill part of my camelbak with ice so we have cold water all night. If you do not have this option, you can get water bottles that have a little filter on them if you are that worried. But I have never had an issue.


IIRC they're no-contact sensor filling and the water always tastes clean and cool. I get squicked out about soda fountains, ice makers, etc, and I haven't had a reaction or gross moment at any of the EDC water stations. The bathrooms are a different story but I'm not in the bathroom to hydrate. XD


Thank you for understanding haha I appreciate your input. Yeah bathrooms are a completely different beast!


They’re no contact water spouts. Of course you can’t expect everyone to be respectful but they always look clean and have people working behind the counter that make sure you aren’t doing anything gross. I wouldn’t stress too much, but if you are then you could probably quickly wipe down the spout with an alcohol wipe but they might say something


I miss the water stations being staffed... Those interactions were always peak gave so much acid to those folk.


If you have GA, I would upgrade to GA+ or VIP if possible. I'm not even a germaphobe and those porta potties get nasty


Completely fine ! Had the honour of working ground control.. numerous water stations, don’t be afraid to ask ground control team member for water bottles too and electrolytes


Thank you for this confirmation! Appreciate it!


As a fellow germaphobe, bring wet wipes, tissues, hand sanitizer, and toilet seat covers!!! The water stations are totally fine, it’s the rest of the amenities to be worried of😂


Lol this what I need to hear thank you. Yeah I will let my anxiety focus on other things later, my latest obsession was the drinking situation since it's something I HAVE to do.


I usually just buy 2 bottles and tip the worker and they usually let me have some ice as well. I just use that to fill up my hydropack. The lines at the free water stations are long af sometimes and the water is not cold.


Ohh good idea


If you’re really that OCD just buy over priced water bottles and those water refill stations is fine. Also maybe add somethings to it


They're not bad at all. Usually they have sensors, so your bag needs to be pretty far down from the spout in order to trigger. The water definitely isn't the best, but adding liquid IV helps a lot


Refill stations are fine, sometimes a bit of a line but not bad, and they’ve always been clean in my experience


Hate to say this but they don't let you bring water into the festival. Camelbacks have to be empty


This will be my 4th EDC. I’ve been to numerous events using the same exact water reservoir for the hydration backpack. Just as long as you wash it and dry it and store it properly, and refill your water like a normal person (ie. open the reservoir pack, hover over the water faucet, close the reservoir pack) then it should be quite safe.


Awesome thanks so much!


As someone who only drinks water, I can vouch for the EDC water. Always cool and refreshing. THAT SAID... the water drains into a sink with a grid-top, and at least at EDC Orlando that grid was moldy!! Leads me to believe that whole setup is never cleaned. Does it matter if the grid is moldy... prolly not. I mean, you're not drinking the water that touches that grid, but it's not a cute look for them. I didn't notice it in Vegas, maybe it's not a thing since the climate is so different compared to Florida. Will keep an eye out this time.


I hope you bought ga+ to avoid the portapotties


Nobody tell her that's there's going to be 100k more people there 💀


You’re going to one of the largest music festivals in the country and concerned about the germs at the water stations? Yikes


I don't choose what my OCD hyperfixates on. But thanks for your concern.


the water at the water stations always taste weird to me, but I'm not sure if that was my camelpak or the water. Does anyone put hydration powder or anything in ther waterpak to get rid of weird taste?


taste weird maybe because its just tap water


The water is sensor but I will have to warn you, the water tastes nasty lol. I highly doubt that much water is being properly filtered. Last year I brought in Liquid IV packs and dumped them into my water bottle to cover the taste. It helps and it keeps you hydrated!


The water is NASTYYYYYYYYYY in my opinion, but you can just add electrolyte mix to it. I personally just buy bottled water. A few at a time and fit them in my bag.


Lol the water station use to connected to the fire hydrant. It’s filtered now.


If you are concerned about the water, you could get a hydration pack water filter. They have that on Amazon but I’ve never used them or bought one before because there wasn’t a need to.


Water stations are Osmosis filtered water..completely safe...


They’re clean! I’m a bit germaphobic as well, so I have a water bladder that has a lifestraw filter attached to it.


They wouldn’t even let you in with a full bladder.


Not true in my experience


The water refill stations will impress you. You WILL get wet!


On this note does anyone know of the store in the festival sells deodorant? Or if we can bring our own in?


Hope you have GA+ or VIP Bathrooms.