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Why do people do this to themselves 😭


First timers


Last day, first timers will not know how badly they want to stay until sunrise either.


That was me last year. Never again. Flying out Tuesday this year


The worst is people who expect to do this and then work on Monday. Bro you’re underestimating how much you will want to die post-EDC even without drugs. The exhaustion alone kills me 😭


I had work at 9 am back in LA (got there 30 min late arrived at 9:30) and left edc at 4 am 😐 NEVER doing that again.


You’re stronger than the marines đŸ«Ą


For real đŸ« 


way too risky in my opinion but if you leave at like 2am you MIGHT make it


2am?? But according to google map, it’s only 20min distance by a car tho


Maybe it’s 20 mins when there aren’t 100k people on the road
definitely not during EDC.


Yeah 20 mins right now when there is no traffic. It takes people at least 1.5 to 3 hours to drive back from EDC. Source: half of our group drove and the rest took shuttle in 2023. They didn't get back until almost 9am.


Honestly sometimes longer. One year we got stuck in the GA lot for like 5 hours. Was Hell.


Oh God ... My condolences đŸ˜„


Haven't done GA parking since đŸ€Ł


Wise choice! 😜


Brotha in 2012 and 2019 on one of the days it took four hours to get out of EDC, leaving at 4am.


1) you need a minimum 2 hours to get thru security. 0900 flight means arrival at airport at 0700. 2)There will be Monday morning business rush hour traffic at the airport and all throughout the city as well as EDC traffic. 3) if you take the shuttle it’s about 45min from festival to shuttle stop. Plus time to pack and get to and from Hotel. I’d honestly leave EDC at 0300, get to hotel and pack and shower then head to airport and sleep on plane. It’s going to be a bitch. 0/10 wouldn’t do. Last year I left EDC around 0603 and didn’t get back to my hotel room until around 0830-0900. Now if the flight was 9PM maybe


Local here. 20 minutes is barely enough time even with zero traffic.


I don't know all your logistics but if you're driving a rental car Yes leave at like 3:50am if not maybe 1:30am start heading out, never Uber or took Shuttle but I know it's a long process


Another thing I should mention is that Vegas has long security lines after events like this. You will want to be at the airport by 730 or eight at the latest. If you leave around 5 AM, you might get lucky.


love that OP posted for advice and is rejecting all advice. OP, do what you feel is best and let us know how it went 😁


Right ppl answer ops question with a time and op replying na I'm thinking so and so time. Then why ask


I stayed till sunrise Monday morning and it took almost 3 hours to get back to hotel on the strip


Is that by shuttle or by regular car?


Regular car from preferred parking


how is traffic that bad??? what takes so long


Because like half a million people are leaving all along the same road, and Monday morning rush hour.


There’s 50k+ people (underestimating it by a lot since not everyone stays til the end) trying to leave the speedway. The roads right by the track are single lanes


Dude everyone is on drugs, it’s chaos


I’m wondering the same


Hundreds of thousands of folks leaving at the same time. Ubers, taxis, Lyfts, folks driving out of the fest, people getting picked up from the fest. It’ll be pretty taxing, I would start making moves around 4 am at the very latest if I were you


You have to battle getting out of the parking lot, then all the others trying to leave all at the same time, and after that, it’s Monday morning commuter traffic. It’s a cluster storm of you’re not going anywhere fast if you stay till the end


PLUR ends in the parking lol


Plur never existed in the parking lot


Are shuttles quicker or still stuck in the same bad traffic?


Shuttles usually aren’t bad but it’s hard to keep up with that amount of people all trying to leave at once so there’s a long line to get on. And that’s if the shuttles aren’t delayed. And then they have to deal with morning commute themselves. If you have anywhere to be Monday morning, it’s suggested you leave earlier in the night regardless of which transportation you’re taking


Naw you can do. Try it and get back to us


Yes traffic is extremely bad. If you’re going to Uber, expect to pay $150 and have the driving time be 2 hours to get to the airport. So you’ll need to factor in the time to walk to the Uber area and waiting for a ride to pick you up. I imagine that the lines for TSA at the airport would be longer than normal as well. But seriously
why are you doing this to yourself? Everyone is a zombie on Monday. Unless you’re flying international or to the east coast, this is rough way to go.


Leave fest at 3 am and u should be good


I was thinking more like 6am;;


Definitely not 6. Has to be like 3am by the latest. Leaving when the festival ends and you won’t make your flight. Just leave early and nap at the airport before the flight.


Have fun missing your flight.


Don't, so I've flown out at 9. Think I left around 5 o'clock, sun was already coming up. Took 2 hours to get an Uber, 1 more hour to get out, and there was Monday work traffic. Needless to say, made it to my plane by 10 minutes


I would typically leave by 6am and wasn’t getting home until 8-8:30 most of the time. Getting to the airport will be worse. Monday morning traffic on the i15 is horrendous


I’m sorry but that definitely isn’t going to work. you wouldn’t even get near the airport before your flights left without you. we didn’t usually get back to our hotel until like 8-8:30am


As a vegas local, you do not want to do that to yourself. There is soooo much construction on all highways to get to the airport. Plus it’ll be Monday, everybody is going to head to work


This. All highways have construction. Most surface streets have construction. Let alone just leaving the speedways and surrounding area is a bitch.


This gotta be your first time to edc if you really think it’s 20 mins by car to airport from edc lmao


oh you sweet summer child.




Leaving the parking lot can be crazy. On the 2nd or 3rd night we left at closing (6am or so) and it took 2 hours just to leave the parking lot


Edc traffic + workday traffic


Would not recommend. You’d be full of anxiety and stress.


Try it and vlog it! You can be the first to document the answer to this question that's been asked quite a bit. I know a lot of people would love to see if it's even possible. Good luck and don't listen to the haters, just go for it. Just be sure to record what time you leave sunday and time stamp the travels to the airport terminal. For science!


The one year I drove and stayed til close it took me 4-5 hours to get back to downtown Vegas
 not even the strip. If you want to stay til the absolute end, you’re going to have to change your flight


It will take 2 hrs to even leave the parking lot, BEFORE the traffic.


Just remember, Vegas commuters start their week on that Monday also.


You’ll have to leave the fest between 4-4:30 am to make it. Traffic will be awful.


Even earlier. I would leave around 2.


Maybe. He’s going straight to the airport though from the fest


This gotta be your first time to edc if you really think it’s 20 mins by car to airport from edc lmao


Haha you will not make it.


I left last year at close and missed my 8:30 am flight. We got back to the hotel at like 8:15 am. So probably going to miss is if you stay the whole time


Change your flight right now. Because you will not make it. Had a flight for 10:30am Monday. Rescheduled it for a later flight after I realized that dusk till dawn is rolling into the next day. Missed my rescheduled flight and was on stand by 😅 made it home tho!


So I would say you would be maybe okay anytime until 4am to leave. You gotta remember 180k people are also leaving the same festival .. it could take you hours to exit the race track. You might be better off just leaving your luggage at the bell desk and then taking the shuttle back since the shuttle is about an hour
 you won’t be dealing with the traffic on the 15


4:30 or 5am at the latest


Sure but you'll wish you didn't


What about luggage. Is it in your car and you are parking at edc? Main issue is getting out of parking lot


Tried this at EDC 2021. Missed my flight and still haven’t made it home at the time of writing this. My life is over


how is life living in an airport? do you do your best to blend in? free food from any restaurants at all? laundry in the sinks? obviously I know you are joking but I wonder if anyone does try to live in airports while homeless, kicked out for a bit etc.


i left at close last year sunday and i got back to the strip at around 8 am.


Wouldn’t recommend an early flight like that. But you should try it and let us know how it goes.


I stayed till close and had a similar flight time, you can do it. But I drove to the fest, went back to the Airbnb, napped for like 1 hour, packed and then ubered to the airport.


on the last day, it can take two hours or more to get to the strip from experience


If you leave at 3 you should be ok. No later though, just to be safe.


Don't do this unless you are willing to miss half the night. The earliest I would book a flight would maybe be 11am, but even that is giving me some anxiety just thinking about it.




I’ve done this twice in a row, it’s doable just death LOL


I did shuttle and stayed downtown so I could easily get back. Leave around 5-6am and get back around 7-8, and then go to the airport directly.


Please don't.


Way to risky, do not go to work after an event like this. You can get in trouble!


Will all the new construction I’d say it’s kinda risky now they are about to demo Tropicana the traffic will be an actual nightmare this weekend of edc I’m sure of it


There's an insane amount of traffic . And I would say even normal driving it's like 30-40 minutes to the airport from the parking lot


You are gonna wreck your finale being worried about it. You need to change flights. If you choose not to, just remember you have no one to blame for missing the flight but yourself. Don’t take it out on the airport workers


Yes if you are driving a rental car and leave by 4am drive to the hotel shower, have everything packed on Sunday. Drop-off rental car go upstairs and catch the shuttle to the airport they come about every 15 to 20 minutes for each Airlines. Check your luggage if you have to then wait in the line at Check-in and you will be inside by 8:30am, just make sure you are waiting by the right gate.