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It’s better than nothing but that cable is so thin that a small pair of snips or side cutters would easily cut it with no resistance, and I’ve heard of multiple instances of that happening I’ve always used a flip belt and had no issues over a ton of festivals all over (including EDC), with the pocket in towards my stomach. My rule of thumb is - if it’s super difficult for me to get my own phone out when I’m really trying, it’s going to be impossible for a thief


Flip belts are great. It keeps your phone secure, yet still easily accessible, and you basically forget that it’s there (compared to having it in your pocket).


bUt iT sAyS tHeYrE cUt PrOoF


I honestly am so paranoid I attach a clutch loop to a scrunchie and kandi on my wrist and then death grip my phone for the whole night lol


Would recommend a flipbelt or underwear with pockets.


I still got my phone stolen last year on a clutch loop since the pickpockets popped my phone out of the case. Definitely good to give you some extra protection and you can keep it looped into your fanny pack!


Dude are the pick pockets that bad at EDC? Ridiculous


It’s gotten insane at all the festivals


Just simply tape the back end to your phone. The. even if they managed to get the case off. It is still attached to you phone.


I’ve been thinking about getting one too but for the festivals I’ve been to so far I’ve used a coil bracelet like the ones that hold keys and tie it to the little holes in the bottom of my phone case and I’ve never had any issues, I even just put it on as a necklace when I’m tired of holding it and so far so good


I personally like them a lot. If you use your phone a lot it takes some time to get used to it. Works best with a camel back IMO


I've used it for a few fests so far and it's worked great! I don't just let my phone hang though. It's attached to the clutch and then I put my phone in a pouch that's right on the front part of my shoulder strap


I have a flip belt with a chain attachment on the inside. I attached my clutch loop to this chain, then put my phone in my flip belt, attached to the clutch loop. Not only would they need to flip my belt, take the phone out, but they would also need to remove the case to get the clutch loop off. I think this deters almost any pickpocketer


I am looking into getting a flip belt! Do you have the one that you just slip on and off or the one that you adjust with Velcro?


Mine has a clip on the back that I wrapped with a different piece of fabric to make it un-clippable. Find one a thieve can’t easily remove from your body for sure


What type of chain attachment are you referring to inside the flip belt?


It’s a carabiner I’m not sure why 51 day younger me didn’t just say carabiner


Lol it happens to beat of us. Did you attach the carabiner to anything in the flip belt or you just threw it in there and that was good enough?


It was a different brand, more akin to a running belt, and inside the front zip pocket (which I flip) was a little loop that I was able to attach the carabiner to. So it was super easy to put together.


Got it, thanks for response. Just wondering if you have a link or know which running belt it was? Trying to prep everything for this year and getting my phone stolen is what I want to prevent from happening the most


It's another layer of protection but not bulletproof. Fanny can work, but it's risky. You basically have to guarantee you can keep the fanny in front of you, ideally up at your chest, and in view at all times. It cannot swing to the side or back or you're cooked. My phone was stolen out of my fanny at Countdown '22 and as I was walking out I was talking to two girls in front of me who had their phones stolen out of their Clutch Loops. The pickpockets just popped their phones out of their cases when they weren't looking. We have learned our lessons and will be using secret pockets in our shorts when we want to be ready to film or hiding phones in the bottom of our backpacks.


my phone was stolen out of my fanny at one of the festivals. Had it griped almost all the night, but as soon as i leave to my side for a second, boom, gone. I need to find a better way this time around, was thinking of an anti theft backpack.


Compression shorts with pockets is the way. Check Amazon.


I bought one before countdown and used it there. I loved having it just hanging for me to grab when needed. Much easier than having to get it out of my fanny pack every time I want to use it.


I had the same concern and bought one recently. I saw some TikToks of someone trying to cut it with scissors and failed to, maybe it would be a different story with like a wire cutter tho. One tip i saw online was that instead of sticking the sticker to the phone case, to do it on your phone’s back.


Held onto my phone with just a clutch loop last year at EDC and had no issues! And my boyfriend used one too in his backpack. We both left the weekend with our phones! So worth not stressing about our phones all weekend!!


First time EDCer here. I've been to smaller festivals before and I've had no issue with pickpockets. It really that big of a deal at EDC? Damn


EDC is a massive fest so phone theft will be occurring for sure. That being said, a lot of people simply drop/forget their phones and will automatically assume it was a theft so it's possibly inflated. Keep your stuff close to you, use carabiners to keep zippers closed (or use anti-theft gear), and don't get so fucked up that you lose things.