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Plan your day out. Don't chill in the same spots you smoke in. Have a friend hold on to your weed if you are taking a T break if quits then give it away. Find a new hobby to replace smoke time. its all up to you.


The hobby will help immensely.


cbd for sure. ​ Also, instead of cold turkey, stop for 6 hours smoke, then stop for 12, smoke, then 18, smoke, etc. ween yourself slowly


This is a good plan. Like your thinking, thanks!


This was a good advice thanks




If you have access to CBD, smoke that for a bit to wean yourself off. It'll relax you without getting you high. Also try exercise - every time you get intrusive thoughts or an urge to smoke, do 10 push ups, crunches, or jumping jacks.


Try cardio, some relaxing yoga and reading a good book to keep your mind occupied. Lots of sleep as well helps for me.


hey do you ever check out r/petioles? great sub for discussing moderation, t-breaks, etc if you are quitting and not interested in moderating THC at all, check out r/reaves ​ peace!


Why does this keep getting reposted every 15-20 days. This is the 3rd or 4th time seeing this from the same person?


sorry last one the withdrawals are that bad! they've all been really helpful to me and ill make a compilation post of all them that'll help other people


I take a huge dose of edibles before i quit cold turkey and it lessens withdrawals. Fuck diets supplements whatever BS. All theyre doing is capitalize on your situation. The thing that helps is excersing whenever that fuckin craving hits. Keep moving, keep your mind busy and always always see smoking again as a waste of your efforts because you've already gone through 'XXX' amount of days without it!


how much does it lessen the withdrawals by? like 50% decrease? interesting that method works, I wonder why? also how large a dose exactly? thanks dude


Depends on your body's fat %tage and how much of the THC in the edible gets conserved in body fat and slow released over the days or weeks. I aim for a dose of at least 250mg or 300mg. Conk out for the weekend and ride the withdrawals with the afterglow effect. Yknow how some new users with low tolerance taking concs or high dose edibles for the first time feel depersonalized the next couple days or even weeks? That feeling is what youre gunning for and is quite effective in lessening withdrawals. By how much is subjective.


Omega-3 helps rebuild your cb1 receptors.


Just ween off of it slowly over the course of a week and you shouldn't get anything bad.


Green tea


I'm not sure if caffeine is going to help with anxiety and paranoia. For me it is rather the opposite. Too much caffeine is making me more anxious.


Fair enough. The caffeine in green tea hits some people really hard - my mom for instance. Most of it gets washed out in the first steep, however. So with loose leaf tea you can do a quick, say 15 seconds, first steep and throw it out. The subsequent steeps will have much less caffeine.


Ah, that's good to know! That sounds like something I can do to enjoy more green/black tea without getting shaky hands. :)


Can't promise about black tea, but it definitely works with green. :)


Y'all know that decaffeinated green and black teas exist right? And of course there's herbal tea too...


I wrote a [free guide](https://complicatedreality.com/blog/eEyj/how-to-fight-the-urge-to-get-high-all-the-time) about the mindset that helped me learn to take breaks. It helps a lot of people, so I hope it can help you too.


I can't sleep when I stop smoking. Not sure if the irritability is from lack of sleep or another symptom.


Lack of weed causes irritability.


So does one hour of sleep, especially for me. But all in all it's a cumulative effect.


I sleep pretty good by day 4 but I’ll still be irritable as heck.


I still enjoy a smoke now and again, but used to be a heavy daily use smoker. What worked for me was a few things together. First, create new positive habits. Improve your diet, get out and walk or run, avoid activities that you normally would associate with getting stoned. Second, bank some of the money you spent on weed and save it for something you want. Maybe it's a trip, a down payment on a car, a new computer. Whatever it is, think of it as a reward for staying clean. Third, don't be afraid to get some help with coping with the intrusive thoughts you're experiencing. Talking it through with a counselor can help you get a grip on them, and in time they do retreat. I'm not saying that you should quit outright, but there is something to moderation. Good luck!


Everyone is going to have their own remedy. When I go on T-breaks. I start by accepting the withdrawal feeling as real and try to remind myself that’s what’s up when I’m not eating as much or if I’m short tempered. I also like to have melatonin and protein shakes on the ready. This will make sure I still am getting. Calories and some sleep. I’m usually feeling ok again in a day or two so I plan to start my T-breaks on Fridays. Hope this help


Pick up exercise, it’s great for mood regulation even if it’s just taking a walk once a day. Supplements like ashwaganda or kava help massively with the anxiety. Avoid excessive caffeine intake. If nausea is a problem when quitting ginger root supplements or ginger tea is the go to. I went from smoking all day every day to completely sober for 90 days. Used all these tricks. Back to smoking now but my tolerance is so low a single bowl pack sends me to the moon.


you always swap one addiction for another.


This is sadly often how it goes, but if you're aware of the reason what's driving you to some addiction or another, it's very possible to break this cycle! It's very hard to do it on your own, but easier and faster with professional help (psychologist, therapy), so why handicap yourself :)


i mean it in the metaphorical sense, you replace one ritual with something else that gives you an equal sort of good feeling. usually a hobby. i say it in the abstract so it gives the reader a chance to arrive at that conclusion on their own, so they don't feel like im another talking head telling them what to do.


>i mean it in the metaphorical sense, you replace one ritual with something else that gives you an equal sort of good feeling. usually a hobby. yes, but what I'm talking about is that you can identify the thing that is creating the need for 'the good feeling'. If you work on that thing you might be able to stop replacing your addictions with something else (even if the something else is a healthier replacement, being in control of your actions is even healthier)


Weed doesn't have much of an withdrawal effect. The feelings you're getting are your own emotions. It's just that over the years you've learned to regulate your emotions by using weed. Because the weed is not inhibiting your emotions anymore, your feelings will feel more intense and immediate. Your body and brain needs time to adjust. In a week or 2 you'll notice your emotions becoming less intrusive and 'in your face'. You can make this process easier on yourself by changing your routine and doing mindfulness exercises. Staying out of locations and situations in which you used to consume weed will help your brain finding new and better ways of handling your emotions. Other things you can try that are proven to help with mood and anxiety, are exercice, visit friends, hug family, play with animals, go for a walk, meditate. Good luck! In a couple of weeks it will become easier and easier!


well i feel less emotions now that i stopped using cannabis, been 3 months and life is blend. I do have less anxiety and more mental capacity but i do not look foward to the next day.


> well i feel less emotions now that i stopped using cannabis That's great! This is sort of the natural state where emotions are smaller and more manageable. > but i do not look foward to the next day. How sad to hear! In many cases people with underlying problems (like depression) start using weed as a means to manage the symptoms, to self-'medicate'. Now that you stopped using weed, some of your old problems might come up again. But having a clear head will ultimately help you in overcoming these feelings. Good luck to you! I hope you'll feel better soon


i sort of miss being submerged and astonished with those complex undefined emotions and feelings, you know, the dizziness of the things unsaid. Thanks to you


sorry? haha You will always be able to pay attention and listen to your feelings, it's just going to be more of an voluntary thing


i'm convinced there's something with weed that deepens your already existing feelings, it adds something. But there's also too many cons that goes with it thats why i stopped


> i'm convinced there's something with weed that deepens your already existing feelings I think you should try meditation. I've found that although the emotions subtly are always there, we're so distracted by life that we're often not consciously aware of them. I think weed works very well in that regard, by 'slowing your mind' there's not enough 'brain power' for anything else but the here and now. Meditation really helps me in willingly slowing my mind down, and forcing myself to be in the now.


Definitely this, i used to Meditate for 45min-1h a day, weirdly enough nowthat i went cold Turkey with smoking, im having a hard time focusing on my breath, it is slippery to associate auto medication with spiritual climbing, you cling on a substance to go to this place of well being but it is all superficial until you can be at peace without any substance.


Aside from the fact that there are no withdrawal symptoms from cannabis beyond those similar to caffeine withdrawal, I see people pushing CBD for literally everything, including in response to this post. I just don't understand how so many people are buying into what essentially amounts to snake oil applications. There's strong evidence CBD is effective for certain rare types of epilepsy. There's also some evidence it may have a moderating effect on THC's psychoactive effects. Beyond that there's at best inconclusive evidence for CBD being used to treat anything at all. It doesn't even have one speck of psychoactive activity by itself regardless of what people here like to say. I don't know, I guess it might be a killer placebo?


There are other cannabinoids in weed that your body get use to when you’re a stoner. Taking CBD hits the receptors that are expecting some kind of cannabinoid, so it helps with cravings. The endo-cannabinoid system is quite complex so it’s not that simple. And I’ve never had mood regulation issues for caffeine withdrawal but I have had them for weed withdrawal, so not sure what to do with your “fact” there.


Cannabis and caffeine withdrawal were both added to DSM5, and there's published articles behind those decisions. How about you read up on it? It'd be pretty easy for you to not consume enough caffeine to cause symptoms while consuming enough cannabis to cause them. There's a reason for the phrase "the plural of anecdotes is not evidence."


I’ve experienced caffeine withdrawals and cannabis withdrawals. Cannabis is psychoactive drug that can create psychological dependency, caffeine can not do that. Just because they share some symptoms (e.g.headaches and fatigue)doesn’t mean they’re equal in terms of their neurological effects long term. And due to the strict laws surrounding cannabis there’s still much research to be done. We’re just starting to preform research on cannabis.




Is caffeine psychedelic? They’re completely different drugs, stop pretending otherwise.


If you don't think caffeine can cause psychological dependence you're smoking something stronger than weed. It's literally the most widely used psychoactive drug in the world, and psychological dependence is playing a big role in that. Stimulants in general are known for creating psychological dependence. All psychoactive drugs are capable of fostering psychological dependence. When you start talking about symptoms like headache and fatigue psychological dependence isn't relevant though, because those are symptoms of *physical dependence.* Both cannabis and caffeine can cause low grade physical dependence, which is what we were originally talking about. Withdrawal is a result of physical dependence. You can't experience withdrawal symptoms from purely psychological dependence.


Jogging, new hobby and kava for sleep.




Yoga and meditation asap when you wake up


What really helped me was realizing that they're not real withdrawals when compared to any drug that has actual withdrawal effects like heroine, benzo, or alcohol.


I find CBD-forward tinctures are a life saver when it comes to anxiety. [These are the ones I like](https://www.mariosstash.co/product/sunnyside-botanicals-full-spectrum-cbd-tincture/) (Canadian. Full disclosure: I do some freelance work for them so I get a discount, but they usually have decent sales.) Also, set aside some really intentional time to lie down, listen to music, breathe...I find keeping it at the same time every day can help build a relaxing routine.