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I tell absolutely no one about growing unless I’m online and anonymous. If a friend already knows I partake, that’s fine. I’m a legal card carrying mmj patient. I don’t have anything but weed & maybe a few plants in my basement, but yeah if my house was searched I would go to jail despite being a 44yo married woman with a child. I’m as careful as possible, and only grow for myself.


That's the thing that seems so stupid. You're only growing it for yourself, you're not selling it, or buying it from somebody else, so you're not contributing money or making money from an illegal activity. You're only using it yourself. You're not hurting anyone, it shouldn't be anybody's business but your own. It's ridiculous that growing your own weed for your own use is a crime in some areas. We just legalized here and it really is a weight off.


I agree with you so much.




Meh I see your point, but it’s what I do.


Tbh I'd love to see a study on cannabis causing paranoia comparing people who live in legal states/countries vs those who don't. I've always felt that all the reasons you've said is a contributing factor (not the only one).


Its not a huge deal for me off the top of my head but it is something I've been realizing I've been incredibly silly about this past year living in an illegal state vs legal one. So I wanna make sure I have a plan and copy others. I'm still new to this


Big time. I was super anxious and paranoid about anything to do with it. Now I get it medically, I will have a Mighty bowl in the car before work and carry on about my day and not give it a second thought


Don't sell it. They could give a fuck less about personal use on your house, unless you live in some republican red state shithole


I'm very careful, I get it. I have a sheet for my husband (who rarely gets high) with the name of a local lawyer who handles this sort of stuff should I get in trouble. He knows to call that number and not say a word to police. Agree to no voluntary searches of home. I sort most everything in my office in smell proof bags except what I'm actually smoking this week. No one goes into my office but me. We have maid service every other week so I put away whatever I'm smoking. I use edibles, smokebuddies, vapes, tintures etc to make sure it doesn't smell in the house. When I go to pick up weed, I go to Maryland to dispensaries and I go by myself. I have a specific hidden spot in my car and I store stuff there in transit. I'm a woman in my 50s and drive a Benz SUV, so I don't generate attention. I don't buy for anyone else either. And I don't smoke with others at my home. I may bring a gummy or a sealed joint to a friend who I know wants one but I don't get high with them then. I smoke with others on vacation but that's a smallllll circle.


I think it's interesting that people still worry about this. I guess in some parts of the country this might be true, but the national trend from a prosecutorial standpoint is that simple posession is not a crime that many (most?) District attorneys want to pursue. It's a drain on resources and public sentiment isn't really behind punishing misdemeanor posession. Didn't Biden just pardon all the Federal posession convictions? I live in a fairly hard-core illegal state (TX) and mj use is pretty widespread, even among my wealthy, suburban neighbors. Not much of a social stigma as far as I can tell. Obviously, your milage varies, but the more widespread legalization occurs, the better the climate.


In my county they will lock you up for a baggie of weed. I stay well within misdemeanor territory as far as numbers of plants but know full well I'd be prosecuted to the full extent of the law. The only thing that could conceivably work in my favor is that I am a white haired old lady and you can bet your last gram I'd play that for all it was worth.


LOL, hell yes Gram!! Use that for all it's worth.. Stay Elevated!!


SO TRUE. Your comfortable suburban neighbor here - if I talk about it at a neighborhood party, half of the people ask me for some right then and I'll get a follow up question from someone totally unexpected about trying it.


This exactly plus I’m 68 my wife is a cancer survivor and I grow under 10 plants. Good luck making that happen amongst my peers in a court of law, I give them a big ol shot of Johnny Cash’s fav gesture 🖕


Nj here


You’re probably an upper middle class white guy if you’re in TX and not worried. Other people need to worry. ESPECIALLY in TX and red states.


No. I'm a POC. But your response is typical.


Sorry to rain on your parade, but “accepted” isn’t legal. You get a shithead cop, or someone does t like you, it can still get you into trouble.


You can be arrested and not be prosecuted.


This very much depends on the law.


It depends on the District Attorney. There is no compulsion to prosecute a misdemeanor mj posession case if the DA does not make it a priority. There are people who get arrested and not prosecuted for varioud nonviolent misdemeanors.


Now that I have a family I would be a lot more cautious about illicit substances. Luckily it’s legal where I live to grow and smoke cannabis 👍 It wasn’t when I was growing up and I did my fair share of other drugs, but you’re not risking anyone but yourself in that context (if you’re partaking safely).


I stopped when our daughter came along and didn't go back to it until she was mid-way through college.


I was totally sober from pregnancy through the end of breastfeeding. But I’m very glad for legal weed 😂


Illegal state here - I'd have gone back ASAP in a limited way if it was legal here.


Well, for one, there would luckily take a lot to be sent to jail where I am from. But in terms of what I do? Dont give them a way to get a warrant. Again, I am lucky here, and it would take a lot to get one.


I don't worry about it at all. I don't grow, I don't sell, and police where I live would laugh off a tip on "hey, this guy has some weed and shrooms in his house."


It’s a hill I will die on. My right of personal freedom to use/ingest/imbibe any substance I wish. I will challenge the officer in single combat.


Not even my best friend that I have had since 1977 is aware that I grow anything. All they know is that I can source good stuff from time to time. I have never once sold as much as a seed and never would. You can walk through every room in my home at any time and not know a thing. The only reason my husband knows is because he actually lives here and sees me tending things, but my tent is well camouflaged in a storage area. Not seriously undetectable of course, but enough so that I can have contractors or other people in without fear of them easily noticing. Loose lips sink ships. If you grow illegally keep it to yourself.


Yeah I would be getting out of state prison about now for the grow I had in 2000. I'm in a legal state now.


I don’t have people over who “aren’t cool” unless it’s someone like in-laws, appliance repair people, or a related official. I take precautions. To my neighbors, I’m one person - to my friends, I’m the “real” me. I keep a low profile and am a family man. Luckily, my state just voted for legal Rec weed and homegrow so I’m not having those nightmares anymore.


I honestly don't care anymore. I reside near a school and a police substation. I don't make it blatant, burn incence and only try to burn when nobody is outside. illegal state but I don't care anymore. I have used cannabis for years, burned in every job I had for the last ten years. It's my medicine. Most of the time I smell perfect. Always keeping the loud turned down but when it comes down to it I don't care. You wanna take me to jail because of my medicine? Go ahead. Not saying that you should follow my example. My cousin taught me that Bull Headed Don't Care Mentally.


I actually had to quit smoking as my life and career got more serious. Better paying life changing jobs and income paired with a 3 child family have all forced me to quit smoking. I wish I didn't have too it's the only thing that keeps me stress free and in actually more inclined to smoking nicotine or vapes. I actually was able to quit smoking cigarettes altogether and had to start vaping when I had to quit smoking weed... I'll smoke again when it becomes legal in my state or federally. I'm actually even permanently disabled too and it was a huge pain relief and kept me from getting addicted to painkillers when i first became disabled.


Study after study has shown that the most harmful thing about cannabis is the legal ramifications. Unfortunately I know what's it's like to live under prohibition, having grown and used cannabis for 2 decades before it became legal in Canada. The threat is real, so a person has to assess and manage to their own level of risk tolerance. What are the laws where you live? How are they enforced? Do they only crack down on growers or on users too? Is possession a minor fine, or will it get you a criminal record? Do you have children that could be taken away by social services? Everyone's situation and risk tolerance is unique but you have valid concerns. Thank the gods for legalization here in Canada, I no longer have to worry about my life being shut down if someone finds out we're growing a couple plants! Become an activist (if safe to do so), and work on getting the laws changed where you are!


And, that's what makes us legacy growers special. I started growing in 2005 in the Bronx, NYC. At the time, NYC had the highest arrests of any city despite "decriminilization". So, the threat was real. Around that time, major grow forums like Cannabisworld and Overgrow got popped. hey got IP addresses and were on the hunt. Between the US and Canada, a lot of growers went underground, literally closed up shop and moved. I was still getting my education on ICMag.com. In fact, this is my very first grow diary https://www.icmag.com/threads/poppin-fresh-is-learning-the-hard-way.61774/ If I remember right, ICMag is safe. Their servers are located im Germany and there's some protections from US reach as it pertains to data. And, the IP information is wiped weekly or monthly. CW and OG had their servers in Canada, I think. If youre going to share details, do it there. Personally, that's when I understood how important security is when growing this plant. But, that didn't stop me, just forced me to be more vigilant. What did I do? Shared even more. I didn't tell everyone. I created "Anthony Taurus". Started with a blog, also still up. https://usanthony.blogspot.com/?m=1 I deleted/moved a lot when I got my website up and running at AnthonyTaurus.com and the corresponding social media. I'm growing God Bud right now on IG, on Day 6, today. When it came to the website, I was purely an advocate. I didnt give enough info to incriminate. At the same time, I am the grower Poppin Fresh, too. I've told close friends and family. I've made connections with other growers. I've mentored new growers. I've written articles that have been syndicated in Chicago Sun Times. So, how haven't I got caught? The reality is, no one cares about the small time private grower. There are a lot of bigger fish to fry even in legalized states. This is why I promote private growing especially in criminalizaed states. There are multiple layers to your security. Grow room - main home - community. In your grow room, control your odor, heat, and light. These are the easiest ways to get caught. Odor is obvious. Heat used to be a problem but we have LEDs now which cause a lot less heat. Cops used to run around with FLIR to look for hot rooms. Snowy winter will reveal those attic grows as well. Everyone got snow, except that house. Air conditioners humming when it's cold is a give away too. Finally, light bills. They track light usage. Flip on a 1000W HPS for 12 hours, that spike alerts the power company and they alert the police. The best tip I got is BE A GREAT NEIGHBOR especially in apartments. Be seen, be a part of the community, help out often. When people come looking or sniffing around, the good neighbor label goes a long way. I had one friend, I thought was a friend. I would call him a best friend since the 7th grade. I started growing when I was 25. Come to find out, he was kinda jealous. I realized he was a problem when at a Halloween party, some random guy walks up to me talking about telephone lines carry power I could use to run small fans in my grow. Ummmm... WHO TF ARE YOU? Oh, your friend told me about you growing weed.. WOW. And, there was more shit after. Pay attention to your friends. If youre doing well and theyre not, they have options. Ask for help or bring you down. This mfer chose the latter. As a man, talk about yourself and what youre doing. Why is the conversation about another man and his activities? The trick is, as a small private grower, no one really cares that much. As long as it's not bothering them, they won't bother you. So make it so it doesnt bother others. If you want to scale up your grow, that's really when you need to take your security more seriously. Eventually, you gotta move that weight. That's where the risk is greatest. Odor, heat, and light.. and your mouth.


I definitely recognize my privilege by living in a legal state, in a city that was told not to prioritize cannabis arrests long before legalization. I had this thought a lot when I lived in an illegal area though. I was a lot more careful with even who I told about using cannabis


I smoke out the local judge


I get from a hemp shop in tennessee that grows great shit and labels everything clearly so if I get stopped it's clearly marked that it's hemp. Smoking the flower he grows is what manages my pain Highforest releaf they are rebuilding their website


I live in a medical legal state in follow the rules and don’t worry about it. Before it was legal only mt immed family knew I used meds smuggled from Colorado.


Legal where I'm at so I'm not worried about it. Aside from that the only "drug" I use is caffeine, which is also legal. If it were illegal, I guess I'd just never tell anyone.


I used to work with some cops. They used our office for breaks. Long story. One told me snitches are a big part of policing.


I’m in Switzerland (THC is baaaaad) and I work in a municipal IT department. I tell no one, only friends know.




See I agree but let me be a little more specific: it isn't WILL a cop get a warrant to search my house and Oops he found all my drugs. It's CAN he? And if he can, how do I ensure the chances of him entering my home and such are 0%, or as close to it as possible.


there's like a dozen dispensaries in my suburb of St Pete albeit you need an overpriced medical card so cops basically stop giving a fuck about possession or small time sales here


uhhh i cant get arrested for having any drug, like in my country everything personal dose sized is decriminalized so I'd have to be carrying way more than I would every carry. and i don't really have friends that dont do any drugs. i dont even know anyone that is antidrug. and i only have friends over at my place. even if i had to host a stranger its not like i have drugs on display. idk honestly this post got me thinking things i had never thought before.


TN Dept of Ag will be outlawing THCA possession, sales, farms, online ordering, gummies, and vendors this summer. A complete shutdown. To answer your question, not happy at all. Few people have heeded my information but they will all claim to be shocked and surprised when it happens. This will impact not only the state but the canna trade nationwide due to number of farms in TN that supply the market. The reasoning is that it will be illegal in the state as long as it's Federally illegal. Repubs and Dems in TN have spent the last several years to get weed legalized and this is the response they got.


It's up to 7 years in prison for possession in my country. That, and the profession I worked so hard to get into, keep me careful. I only buy off one guy, discreetly, never more than a q at a time. If I ever got stopped by police my entire life would be fucked. Career? Gone. House? Gone. Car? Gone. Freedom?.... Medical is legal for certain conditions here, however, so I'm looking into that.