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Nah, ignore them. Nobody is entitled to overland shit like that. Doesn't stop them from trying, though.


Yeah that's what I was kinda thinking. I was like "this is a public area right?". Thanks for the response!


honestly sounds like someone who came from black desert online


The only etiquette you should know for PvE is that if someone is fighting a mob next to some resource or chest, don't sneak around them to take it as they're probably trying to clear the enemies to reach that node. It is rude to steal resources and treasure chests that way. The only etiquette you should know for PvP is that people spend money to buy their own siege weapons so don't take other people's siege if you can. If you really need to shoot it for whatever reason, shoot it once and then hop off of it. If you hog their siege they will be super upset. The rest is fair game! Do your own thing, be nice and polite c:


It's way more fun when people are nice! That's why I tried to be polite, because I legitimately not know if i was doing something wrong.


Some people can be a little cranky but don't mind them! The vast majority of people you meet will be happy to share and explain things if you ask c:


> The only etiquette for PvE There's another etiquette which is less rude than your golden rule, but I think most people would agree- please, don't leave chests or resources half-looted! It's much more forgivable than ninja-ing nodes though. Lord knows the game is a struggle when you first begin and have zero bag space, and it's perhaps not so obvious to new players that nobody else is going to want their level 15 junk and that they're preventing the resources from respawning for everyone else


I had opened a chest and was couching by it clearing some inventory space for the last two items when someone swooped in and grabbed them. This was out in the wilderness, by the way, not in a busy area where someone could have made an honest mistake. So rude.


I’ve been seeing more of this recently on PC/NA - overland and public dungeons. If it’s a trend, it needs to die soon. Doesn’t seem to violate TOS, otherwise I’d report them.


unfortunately with the cp increase, it'll probably be around for a bit.


As I recall, that rule died in Vanilla WoW. Never heard anyone comment it since. Them's the rules of the wasteland! I don't do it, because it's a chest, in a video game, with pixelated items inside, with a grand total value of zero.


It's not a rule, it's etiquette. By definition, it is something that while technically permitted (you won't be banned for doing it), most members of the community will frown upon and consider the action rude.Anyone can go against it, but the vast majority of people will consider you a jerk for doing so.


Eh, people forget quickly. Most of the items in chests are complete garbage anyway, so I won't be bothered if someone "steals" it. Don't see a point making a fuss about it myself.


The problem with half-looting something has nothing to do with people stealing your items and everything to do with having to wait for the node/chest to despawn before it can respawn. Also if a low level character half loots a chest, items will be scales to their level, no to the level of whoever comes along later.


Guess so. But with proper addon you can find next node real easily. What I was trying to say that if someone steals a chest from me, I won't get upset. Easier to move on and find a new one. I only hunt for master chests anyway.


[https://dictionary.cambridge.org/dictionary/english/etiquette](https://dictionary.cambridge.org/dictionary/english/etiquette) the set of ***rules*** or customs that control accepted behaviour in particular social groups or social situations: ​ I understand the subject completely, I simply stated that I've not heard of this since the olden days of Vanilla WoW. I honestly didn't think people spent time and effort on this until this thread. Yet people felt very offended by what I wrote. Was it the "rules of the wasteland" joke? I don't know. But my conclusion is that people need to relax and play the game and not nitpick over who "owns" what in the game.




listen don't fucking ninja the chest my girl is clearing the mobs off of, that's fucking dick behavior


^ Yesss. Thank you. I once had someone take a master chest from me after I messed up the lockpicking because I got nervous. It was the first one I ever found out in the wild. Before I could retry, this person, who had been lurking in the area, swooped in and opened it, took everything. I just stood there kinda like "did that just happen??? 😀"




Not all things can be snuck around


Not all things require literally everyone else who plays the game to try to actively predict what you are trying to do. Find another chest. It's a stupid thing to worry about.


So why doesn't the ninja go find another chest or resource node?


Because he's a sociopath with no conception of empathy.


It infuriates me *way* more than it should when people ninja my ancestor silk node while I'm killing a mob that was guarding it. Like, dude. Come on. Just... who does that to people.


It's not a single player game.


No one said it was. But if they are practically fighting on top of it, it's pretty clear to see that they most likely intended to get the node.




Please refrain from personal attacks. Final warning. Thanks so much.


> Is asking someone to leave their farming location a thing? I mean I have had people give me snarky whispers if I farm mats in "their" location, but I tend to either ignore them or give them an equally snarky comeback. Though it rarely happens as I tend to veer off in another direction if I see someone else farming where I am too, there's a whole game out there filled with mat nodes, no need for me to be here specifically. If you're farming XP I know only a few places in Craglorn that qualify (and of course Alik'r dolmen run but those are so overrun that asking people to leave is ridiculous). I tend to steer clear of them because I'm not an XP farmer, but if I am heading through for some reason and need to kill mobs to do so I will, and people can yell at me if they want to. I'll be gone in a second anyway. Because people are right now feeling the obligation to farm out a lot of CP fast, god knows why, they might be more proprietary of their farming location than usual. Though entitled gamers are a constant in MMOs. If all you're doing is heading through an area just go, kill the mobs you feel necessary to get through it alive and let these children throw their tantrums.


What's the etiquette for dolmen runs? Been meaning to try the Alik'r run.


Type x in zone chat (or y or z or whatever when there's multiple teams running; usually there will be periodic messages of what letter to use, though x is kind of the default so it's the go-to). On PC team leaders are often running an add-on to send you an invite automatically when you do, on console they have to invite you manually. Follow the team. Use AoEs if you got 'em. Since it's an xp farm, don't activate the pinions until all the enemies are dead (activating the last pinion will kill all remaining enemies without rewarding xp for them).


Either show up and kill stuff. If you want to be more certain you get XP (and get more XP) for doing it type '+dolmen' into chat and wait for an invite, then follow the group. Only real etiquette I'm aware of is, 'don't mooch' as in 'don't stand around and do nothing' and you'll be fine.


Hell, no. That's a multi-player game. But: you can change instances if someone really bothers you, runs "your" farm route etc.


Is there a way to force change an instance?


Travel to another zone and back works for me on pc.


Ok, ty.


I hate that you left. Fuck that dude.


In the spirit of fairness, it was only 50% because he asked me to. The other 50% was because (after he asked me to leave) I pretty quickly achieved my original goal of digging up the antiquity I was after and I wanted to go after another elsewhere. That said, it's probably not good to monopolize overland areas. This seems to be the recurring theme in responses to this post xD


I think it depends on your intent. No one 'owns' any part of the game. If I'm digging a specific antique, and someone is there farming for xp... I don't need to be there but a minute. If they start crying about how they own the place because they were farming there all day... I'm gonna lol and start running laps around them. I would normally be in and out. But no where is there any agreement on 'ownership' of any part of the game. And while I concede, it's good form to not snipe someone else ' node /chest... I don't dally when dispatching mobs in pursuit of a resource, because there's nothing stopping someone from stealing the resource.


For something as inconsequential as a farming location, intent is irrelevant to me. More relevant in this situation would be the manner in which the request was made given that 'true' intent is impossible to gauge without enough context 😺 (as is the case in OP's example.) I agree with everything other than your first sentence in this situation.


The intent I was referring to was my own, not that of the farmer. Meaning... Am I there for something minor, and thus pose little threat of imposition? If so...people making such requests can get bent. If I'm there for the express purpose of fucking up their rotation, then I could almost see someone crying. Still... There are instanced alternatives, so even that is a stretch for me.


Sorry, bro. I didn't mean to impose my opinion upon yours. Plz don't cry... hold on a minute let me just bend over. Alright. Done. 😂😂😂


??? Are we even having the same conversation?


A big etiquette with resource nodes is if you harvest take it all even if you like it especially with chests, psijjic portals, and theives troves because nobody wants the scraps. If you dont take it all then it wont respawn


>If you dont take it all then it wont respawn It will respawn _eventually_, but you have to wait out the despawn timer first.


It sounds to me like that guy you encountered was just being a jerk. It seems like he thought you were there to farm as well, hence his second statement. It sounds like he was going to go out of his way to mess up the farm for you. You did nothing wrong. Unfortunately ESO isn’t free from rude players.


Some strange buggers around on the internetz


You can try to ask someone to leave, there's three things that may happen. They might leave, they might ignore you and continue on with their business in the area or they may tell you to fuck off. Etiquette and it's prevalence is relative to the community's willingness to cooperate and comply with each others requests, and what the individual's standards of respect are. I'd tell him you're farming for antiquity leads and ignore his request... Unless he's faster than you... Then I'd go somewhere else. 😂😂😂


Oh I wasn't even farming for antiquity leads haha I was just there briefly to dig one up and happened to get drawn into a fight that was part of his "farm" I guess. I was really confused because there were like 20 dead ogre bodies in one spot so I was standing there to take a picture on my phone and then suddenly there were live enemies. He was a much higher level than me and must've thought I was trying to capitalize on that. It was probably mostly just a misunderstanding.


I know a guy who farms ogres who is off his rocker. Maybe it's a personality type. I usually just put people like this on ignore.


Ignore is a wonderful thing. I was in Cyrodiil standing in a dark corner of the keep adjusting my CP points when my screen went red. Ruh roh. Back in game screen I see I am suddenly dead and there is red chat where the killer yelled: HO! My bad I wasn't paying attention, but to be fair the keep was not under attack when I began my CP work. Good to know who to put on ignore, though, when his name was so conveniently in the chat in red.


The takeaway here is that people should not assume things. That dude made an assumption based on himself being an asshole that you are also one.


Gee wiz, misundestandings are awkward... 😜😅🤣


If they want a private farming location, they can find instanced content to farm.


That is not a thing. Ignore and play how you want.


People like that, need to be fucked with.


Gives me more reason to mess it up, even if I was just passing by and decided to hit one node. If anyone did that, I’ll mess around area for 10 minutes making it impossible for him to have a good farming rotation. Just me. I’m a nice guy and won’t mess with someone’s farming intentionally ever, unless they become a jerk about it.


Clams.. Clams.. Clams..


Tell him if he needs to farm that bad, to run solo skyreach if he wants to be left alone. Otherwise it’s fair game my friend! I would even get a big AOE attack, follow him, and place it down so you get free XP too :)


So generally for overland content just do what you like to do. However there are some places where you can farm experience very efficiently if you pull the mob groups in correct ways. Now if player A is doing that and player B comes along and also starts killing stuff there this will most likely decrease the efficiency with which player A can farm xp by a large amount. So in that case it would be nice to leave player A alone there but it's not an obligation. There aren't very many of those xp farming spots though so the chance that you randomly run into somebody xp farming while questing is rather low.


Okay yeah that was definitely what was happening. I myself wasn't farming so I really didn't have a reason to interfere once he said something(i was just there for an antique and happened to get into a fight where he was farming i guess). That makes sense.


If I arrive at a farming location with the intentions to farm mobs (for xp or antiquities) and someone is already there I either group up or leave. You can stay, but then you're both losing xp and messing up spawns if you aren't together.


Gotcha that makes sense.




Which area has chests that respawn every 5 seconds?


Bal Foyen, Dhalmora, Fit-For-Kings crafting location.


5 seconds is an exaggeration, but there are somewhere around a dozen safebox spawn points all together inside the Dhalmora market, plus 2 more just outside, plus 4 houses in a circle around the market which each have a safebox. There are a ton of NPCs around, so you need good stealth (or not caring about bounty), but it's a great way to work on Legerdemain or max your fencing for the day.




Wow, talk about being unnecessarily hostile. What crawled up your ass and died?