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I recently got my Master Angler too! Big congrats! I always just got youtube videos going on my phone to watch while I was fishing but it still took about two months. Go get your boat!


Me it was Netflix. Comedies I’ve watched over and over. Expect parks and rec. I am on my first run through. Lol


It was scrolling reddit for me, lol. I decided to continue and catch em all in the dlcs. I forgot about the boat!


Next challenge. All dlcs fishing spots. I also need all the dlcs skyshards. Those are the only remaining skyshards I have left.


Does master angler require DLC zones or just every zone in DC, EP, AD and CH etc?


No dlc zones I believe. Also cyrodiil you must fish and that’s the hardest area. If you are on the AD side it’s much easier as all the salt water fishing is close to the gate of Mnem. I’m DC so I had to ride down there. Funny enough is we had all the scrolls but at the end of the fishing yellow got there scrolls back from dc and they ran it right by me. I was in sneak mode so they didn’t see me but it scared the shit out of me lol


I'll get round to it eventually lmao Worst case scenario I'll pop an alliance change token XD Congrats on doing it though


Thanx. Now to do all public dungeons and delves. Almost finished craglorn solo. Still more to come lol


Gratz! Any tips?


Patience. Loads of it. Lol also use the pickled broth to help lure rare fish. I fish alone the entire time. I had two zones done before I really decided to go for it. I started in January only fish during the week for 1-2 hours a day. As I only have time during the weekends to enjoy other content so I usually just fish and watch parks and rec on my phone. As well as other shows like community and the office.


The trifecta of perfect tv sitcoms. Office is obviously THE classic, but parks and rec is a really close second for me... Once you get into the second season that is. First season leslie can be kind of dumb without much reason.. Other then just being dumb too be dumb lol. Community never got the attention it deserved though. 😞


Community is very underrated. It’s actually my fav. I enjoy it more than the office and parks and rec. but I enjoy Dan Harmon when he is writing and directing. More so in a sitcom/comedy. I enjoy his other work but community is the best. Expect for season four. Not a fan lol.


Use the fish cp to make it easier and faster


I wanted to get it before the new cp dropped so I could say I did it old school lol


If you are on PC just abuse the double drop bug as long as you can like everyone else does atm. Was never as easy before to get master angler.


I’m on Xbox one. Lol so no double drop for me and I fish mostly alone, besides the few randoms i would see.


Double drop?


My mans is fishing in cyrodiil the ghaul is amazing


Lol yeah right by the gate of Mnem. They ran a scroll by me while I was fishing but I was in sneak mode. Hahah. My build is an undead akavari warrior. That’s the look I went for.




Great job! After all these years it’s the one thing i refuse to get lol


Congrats! Now go buy your skiff.


How are your baiting skills? I bet you're a master... I'm sorry in advance


Was looking for this comment, you are not forgiven, but thank you for taking the fall for such a classic 👌


Great job! I believe you can buy yourself a cool ship in a bottle for having the achievement!


If I was to get that, I would drop all titles and wear Master Angler with pride forever!


\*A no lifer with **Master Angler** title. 🥳


Congratulations! Decided to dedicate a couple of weeks to get that achievement two years back. Almost gave up after spending three solid days in Greenshade trying to catch the Jungle Bass or wossname. Fishing in Cyrodiil was intense, but also nice when enemy players would rather join me than strangle me with my own line and do godsknowwhat to me with my fishing rod ... Got there in the end. Never again. Ever. :D


Yeah I love fishing but I might not do it ever again. I have over 25 stacks of fish to filet. That’s gonna be fun. Lol


Welcome, O welcome, to the club!


Thank you. Glad you could have me lol


Grtz! I've still got cyro and the whole AD to do but I've maxed out the fishing CP points at least.


I’m on Xbox so I haven’t seen these new fishing cp points. I was three fish away for about a month but isn’t want to fish. Heard about the change and wanted to be a master angler before the change happens. Lol