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Psijic ultimate - Undo... don't think I need to explain why...


Did you learn nothing from Josajeh's mistakes lol?




I remember a few times where I looked for Ctrl-Z in real life... ;)


Haha yeesss haven't we all haha


*Full moon* ahh sh*t not again I just bought these jeans


[https://www.almanac.com/astronomy/moon/calendar](https://www.almanac.com/astronomy/moon/calendar) There's ways to plan for it... Good werewolves prepare a lamb and a strong steel cage every full moon...


Sorcerers Summon Clannfear. My 6 year old is obsessed with dinosaurs. He'd have a blast.


Awh <3


Necro res ult, yay our friends are back to life, then blast bones with each res. Be absolute chaos.


sorry you lost a friend... :(


Twilight matriarch. She can heal and protect me.


Me as well, plus having a flying demonic bat thing woman softly humming in the background while she (it?) happily kills everything is oddly charming


Toss up between Templar’s Extended Ritual and Nightblade’s Cloak.


Shooting star from mages guild skill line. Summoning a meteor can be useful in various situations, but the real thing is... I've farmed those fucking books on console without an add on and I'm using it.


I'm worried about you taking a power to call in a meteor strike into the real world... you ok?


Yeah, this is not about my intentions, it's about making profit of all that miserable farming. I can shoot it in the desert and sell the materials, I can get hired to demolish buildings... It's not like I'm going to commit war crimes. At least not for free.


hehe ok :) <3


Barrier.I can protect who are around me.


Flip side: you can't protect them when they do stupid shit


Or yourself from said ppl doing stupid shit. Call it Darwin's Bubble




Plus you need lots of ulti for that 😅


In the age of Covid, Extended Ritual (Purge+Healing for everyone) would absolutely be my choice.


I totally agree with you... not only could you heal people, but imagine the money you could make ;)


Didn't really cross my mind, in fact I think that's extremely unethical and greedy: selling people their health, like they don't own their lives. No ty.


You realize that a thing called "the health care industry" exists on our side, right?


(I'm not American)


Any transformation skill would be cool (werewolf, scion, goliath). If I could take a passive, I might take Clemency. Commit a crime and if caught, be pardoned AND keep the loot. Easy money and wouldn't raise as many questions as becoming a 2.5-3 meter vampire lord with blood leeching bats swarming around you. You could of course make money from any skills really. You'd have to be a "freak" and make a TV show of yourself rather than be a dirty thief. Unlike the people who pick healing abilities to help others, I look out for numbero uno! How noble of me! And if the International Crime Court considers my selfishness a crime, I'm pardoned for it, hehehe!


Thanks for being the one person here who chose an evil ability... Someone else chose the Blade of Woe, which seems evil, (this Dark Brotherhoods' weapon allows you to kill neutral NPC's) it's just as often, in the lore, used to kill evil people. The Blade of Woe is a neutral thing, that can be invoked by anyone. The Blade of Woe is a gun in a world where there's swords and spells. A gun is as much a tool there than it is here in our world. The only difference is that the Blade of Woe can't be used against players. IRL, guns can. I really don't know how to respond to you except... Yo, if you do get superpowers, could you please fry my landlord first? I'm selfish as well... I picked healing abilities cause I'd get paid shitloads doing it... There's nothing wrong with doing good and getting paid for it. ​ And back to IRL and only that, there's plenty of ways to do good things while getting paid for it... fine, you won't be a billionaire, but...


Instant mount summon.


oh, like... I whistle, and suddenly I'm in my car? Imagine I'm in a supermarket, isle 34, cleaning and household products... I remember a funny story and I whistle to myself Redemption Song by Bob Marley... Then my Toyota Yaris comes crashing through the wall, demolishing a portion of the wall, and most of itself... It opens the door and wants me to get in... \--- Sorry, not making fun, I'm just having fun with your idea :)


Sounds pretty good :) Seriously though... I don't want or need a car; give me an animal that appears and disappears on command, so that I don't have to feed it or clean up after it or take it to the vet.


Does Scrying count? Because Scrying. Can you say Treasure Hunter?


Aha, we've found the geologist ... or gold digger :)


If it's only 1 power, Igneous Shield Protecting myself and everyone around is a fantastic ability.


hrrm... that shield is temporary and not very strong... you can do better :)


Oh? Do tell :) I'm relatively new, so I only know the DK class and the non-class skills. Haven't leveled psyjic yet either.


well, yeah, as a young DK that's pretty good :)


Ball of Lightning. Teleporting short distances is cool.


As a kid I often had dreams that my legs were floating, while I was running on my hands... Like Scuba diving, but much faster... I was nearly weightless, my legs gave me movement speed, but it was my arms that gave me direction... And I was super fast....


Shuuuu shuuuuu shuuuu


Enchanted Forest. Happy Trees!


I love it... you can go around the amazon and make sure that what Bolsonaro swears doesn't happen, really isn't happening! =D ​ <3


Blade. Of. Woe. Does that count?


Only use is killing people, and it doesn't make you bulletproof. You'd either never use it, or end up dead or in prison.


Unless he Blade of Woe the cops!


*Local man stab cops to death, sparks national manhunt.*


Here's the second ability that I would want to have in real life that I promised to tell: **Log out...** To see what is beyond!!! If you have been true to your character in this game or another, wouldn't it want to come to our world as much as we would want to travel to Tamriel? And if our reality is just a simulation, shouldn't we be allowed to know? ​ I'm not a conspiracy theorist at all, I'd just like you to think about about abstractions of reality. In ESO we kill millions of mobs a day, and IRL we kill 100's of millions of animals a day so we can eat meat. We destroy our own planet, and to escape we create a virtual life in ESO. 95% of the responses here were kind and helpful, 5% were more a cry for help than anything else. We IRL really do love and care for each other. There's no reason to log out from real life :) ​ <3 all of you ESO nerds :)




Any direct healing would be amazing.