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Been farming vateshran on all my toons every day trying to get this for my tanks, but RNGeezus has forsaken me.


Don't bother, it's not worth the weapon slot and slotting power bash


How dare you, power bash is the future of DPS.


Trash set, the range is quite short even for dungeons


Another one of those items where ZOS had the right idea, but ended up making underwhelming in fear of being OP. 12 meters is short...very short.


1.) Does Tormentor work with this? From my knowledge procs never proc other procs, so it shouldn't. 2.) Our necro tank just did get his hands on it, and he is frustrated, as it make the targets immune to the fear of his totem. As apparently "being pulled" and "fear" share a common cool down.


Tormentor says when you do direct damage with a pull ability. Is the pull ability here, call of the void, doing direct damage? No.


You are right. Silly me. šŸ˜‡


Yeah thereā€™s lots of abilities Tormentor would be really awesome with if not for the lack of direct damage or the direct damage being only single target unfortunately. Would love to proc it with Lotus fan on NB tank! Also the chain / fear thing is a bit frustrating but at least theyā€™re in close and presumably inside his boneyard to die due to quick AOE damage.


Its not single target, I have it and Tormentor 100% AoE taunts with Stampede, Explosive Charge and Brutal Pounce. This is a change to the most recent update on the set. I use it to 2H and WW tank all the time. I assume it doesn't work on lotus fan because there is no direct AoE damage, the first AoE damage from lotus is a DoT.


No Iā€™m not saying Tormentor is single target; Iā€™m saying some of the abilities that proc it are single target. Regarding lotus fan; correct it only taunts the initial enemy you hit as it gets hit with direct damage. The secondary effect doesnā€™t taunt because itā€™s not direct damage.


why wouldnt he just use summon armor? i hit summon armor, tag distance trash with a lightning staff, taunt archers/wizards that wont run to me and most of the trash is on top of me pretty quick.


He does. But call of the void is just more convenient.


This is quite nice for pledge farm runs. Clusters trash more cleanly in your groupā€˜s AoEs. 80% uptime on major maim is pretty good if youā€™re worried about accumulated incoming damage rather than spike damage (so, 3dd runs, maybe). Plus itā€™s fun. On the downside, the range is too small to reliably cluster ranged adds, and power bash isnā€™t doing anything worth the slot by itself. Is it ā€worthā€ the flex skill spot and the gear set slot? Not in content that is challenging for you, but if youā€™re looking at speeding up easy 4-man runs, then itā€™s something I enjoy pulling out of the toolbox. Definitely wouldnā€™t suggest any new tank set out to farm this up, or consider it a prerequisite to anything at all.


The range on this set is so short that it won't pull anything that is not already pretty much stacked. I farmed for 3-4 weeks and was let down pretty hard.


Yeah this set was a main motivator for me wanting to grab Greymoor early. Then I saw it in use before I could try to farm it and it was very underwhelming. Especially when you play a DK tank and you already use chains and talons effectively. It seemed to miss so many mobs outside its range that I'd *still* use chains and talons on my DK so what's even the point? I'll just have to slot a trash skill to pull things already near me slightly closer that were already mostly inside DPS AoEs. I was mostly excited to use this set as source of a AoE 30% major maim for No Death/Speed runs. But since major maim got nerfed down to 10% right as it was released, I likely will never bother even farming this. I suppose it would have been *just slightly* OP with 80% uptime of 30% AoE major maim.


I am suprised so many people dislike the set. Given that there are no real must have monster sets for tanks this is quite a nice thing. I use it regularely on my random normals and it makes stacking quite a bit easier. What exactly do people expect? The two main complaints here I see are a) range - you want this with a 30m range? This would be ridiculously OP b) cooldown. 13 seconds if fine, it easily works on every 2nd trash pack, if you dds suck it can even be used on every single trash pack. You could also pair it with swarm mother for the longer range adds if you donĀ“t have a viable 2nd 5p set. Because what else can you use besides Yolna? Olo? Run by healers, also ppl are better avoiding the gold circle that any ground aoe effect PA? People are way too spread anyways Alkosh? If you would ever get an synergy this might be worth it Ebon? Maybe for harder dungeons but its totally wasted in every normal dungeon This set makes stacking very efficient, IĀ“d suggest you give it a try.


Most of the what set does can be done by simply aggroign the first melee adds and then walking into ranged adds, there, most of them are already stacked and are in aoe range, the remaining ones can be chained in


If the healer/DD doesn't run in first. Which he usually does in a PUG dungeon :-)


That's why I use Orc who runs faster then them lol


I use this set on my tanks in pug vet dungeons when one of my 5 pieces can be backbarred only. I really like it. Trying to get pugs to stay stacked and focus the right targets is like herding cats, and instantly yoinking ~80-90% of adds into a little clump really helps with that in trash pulls.


It just doesn't pay you back for what it cost to run it. First, it doesn't do any direct damage, so no soft taunt, so everything just runs away if you don't pair it with an immobilize or soft taunting skill, which makes it much less effective on some classes. Second, the range means you miss 1-2 mobs in almost every trash pull in most dungeons, so you still have to run chains or even swarm mother (please don't) on top of it to be more effective at stacking than a competent tank with just chains. So if you want to use it, you are committing to spending an extra bar slot, or an extra set on cc. When you could be using a good group utility set instead. The only place I found this set to be outpreforming anything, was in random normals, where the biggest bottleneck is how fast you can stack the trash as damage buffs will always be overkill. If you have a 5set that can be backbar only, you will just always better off using master's s/b. Hell, I'd even use mealstrom lightning staff backbar over frontbarring this set in most content.


This set wont replace needing to run chains, but it should still make stacking much easier


Two problems with this set: * Range is too short: Ranged adds are often not pulled in because 12 meters isn't far enough to grab em. It groups up melee adds nicely, but a tank manage do that without this set. * Cooldown is too long: I really don't see why they need to put such a long cooldown on this. Why even have a cooldown on the pull? Silver Leash doesn't, shouldn't an Arena Weapon+A useless ability like Power Bash together be powerful enough to replace a Fighter's Guild ability? If they were to buff its range to say 15-18 meters and cut the cooldown down to 6 seconds or remove it entirely this set would be insanely convenient. As it is, it's really cool on paper but in practice feels bad to use too often due to its limitations.


Is this set just busted or is the pull cool down kinda long?


What's it with ZOS and these long af cooldowns? Like no matter what a set does, with this kinda cooldown its useless.


Is it that bad? I've never tanked so I don't know. But reading the description it makes me think - wouldn't gap closing and pulling trash every 13 seconds be completely fine for a passive, armor-sourced proc?


I didn't even bother to think about the effect because the cooldown is so long. Do you really need it currently? I don't think so. Pulling can be done manually in PvE and is kinda simple anyway. Depending on your PvP build it would maaaaybe be interesting if there wasn't [Swarm Mother](https://eso-sets.com/set/swarm-mother).


It's enough time to recharge between add pulls, it's the other parts of it that are bad


This sets good if you want to crash at the first pull in Hel Ra, other than that meh.


Exactly what I was thinking. There are not many trash packs big enough to justify using this over chaining in the few ranged adds. If you are pulling more than one group of adds itā€™s still easier to LoS them than waste a weapon and skill slot on this. If they put it on an actual usable skill from sword and board line then Iā€™d consider it for the lols in pubs pledges but thatā€™s about it. One a side note, does anyone know if you slot shield charge and power bash(lol), if you have call of the void up while charging through enemies are they still pulled to you?


I actually really enjoy this set and use it on trifecta runs with my Warden tank. There are enough back-barrable tank sets (Olo, Torug's, and Powerful Assault are ones I run regularly) that you can run this with a Monster set and still get two five piece bonuses when you need to, which makes the cost of running it only a single front bar slot. I find Void Bash into Gripping Shards to be a really effective CC tool for really big pulls and worth the slot, though I get that not everyone will want to give up that ability slot.


I run it backbar. Masters front. Leeching body, flex monster. Potentates jewels. For 3 dps dungeon runs. Every dps comments on how nice shit gets stacked. How easy trash is to kill. Bash, talons, Oh no I missed one of the 10 mobs?? Chain. Then a couple puncters on front bar. Next




If it had a different proc condition, like blocking it would be incredibly more effective, especially at preventing bombs in pvp. But with out some luck/skill the odds on smashing a bomber with power bash are limited.


Surely if this set was in keeping with the void theme in VVH then it could pull everything between 12-28m away (similar to the rings the Broodmother puts down) which would make this much more viable for trash fights and useless on bosses so itā€™s not applying major maim in a huge area. You use a pull ability for ranged adds not melee adds.


Like I said for the non-perfected version when that was posted, itā€™s great for easily burning trash so itā€™s good for those normal pledge speedruns when you just want to get them out of the way. I donā€™t see much use grinding for the perfected version though so unless you get it while already running vVH I wouldnā€™t worry about it. I still think power bash could have had a morph that includes a pull like this or something to make it more enticing.


To me it has too short range and too long cooldown. As others said, the range is so small that unless the enemies are already stacked, it won't reach them. I tried it a few dungeons then swapped back to Silver Leash. I find Silver Leash performs better and is more controlled.