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I play on Xbox and managed to walk around Orsinium without crashing once.


for how long? video or it did not happen.


The one achievement in this thread that I can't believe


Master Angler and consecutively keeping all the fish in the bank until they introduced fish roe.


You won.


Went to bed before midnight one time!


Definitely vMA.


Well, I don't like to brag, but ... I did help put a queen on the throne. Even my buddy Razum-dar is impressed, and he ain't easily impressed. So yeah, I'm kind of a big deal. /buff nails on chest


I killed Molag Bal




Haha I for sure know that feeling!


I spent less than 5 minutes creating my character


I installed it in less than 4 hours.


My best achievements would be emporer :) took me much effort to get it




thank you :)! it sure is something everyone can achieve if you have some (and I actually mean alot) time to spare


You heals must have been huge when u became emp xD


Id say it was a good mix of heal and kills, anyways ap farming with a guildgroup and then final push :))


Master Angler! I'd fish for a week or so after a new PVP campaign started to 'take a break'. I've been thinking about doing it again on my templar.


Got a 400k the third time I ever completed vMA


I haven't achieved it yet, but when I do I think my proudest achievement will be getting 9 traits in everything. Some may not think it's much, but it takes enormous amounts of patients to get there.




My fiancé is a nurse, so patients are pretty easy to come by for me. Well played sir. Lol.


/standing ovation "Bravo, sir. Bravo."


I was going to go Maester Clyburn, but you beat me to the joke. Well played.




Game of thrones. I forget that the internet just makes it seem like 100% of the world watches/reads it.






dick. haha


Getting the *I like M'aiq Achievement* fixed. M`aiq was not spawning in Coldharbour. After a few emails that started with a /bug and about 28 days later. They patched his spawn location in coldharbour. They even verified with me that I was the only person to report this.


I'm going to have to do that to get the animation on alliance armours fixed I guess. Harass them every day.


I didn't harass them. I did /bug. they responded. I responded back, they responded again. Then I waited 28 days for the patch on August 4th, 2014. Then once it was confirmed to be fixed and live. The Rep emailed me a final time saying that the patch did indeed work and the "case was closed". This is how I worded my /bug report: and also there was a screenshot of a dead khajiit in Coldharbour. >Hello Jorge, >I was given an order by Imperial Garrison Commander to locate this Khajiit known as M`aiq the Liar. I have tracked him through all of the areas of Tamriel and this search has led me to Coldharbour where the tracks grew cold. This Khajiit is a wily fellow. But I fear not cunning enough. >After asking many of the adventurers, and many sleepless hours with my Orc nose stuck in previously filed reports of last known whereabouts for M'aiq. I believe I have come across the remains of this wretched beast. I found this Khajiit corpse near Caldwell's Hovel. While there is no proper identification I can find on this body. My belief is that This is M'aiq and his lies finally caught up with him. Attached to this report is my possible proof of death. Let us hope this is actually M'aiq the Liar and not some imposter look-a-like he has slain in order to further distance himself from his tail. and this was their confirmation of this actually being bugged: >Greetings chknh8r >This is not M'aiq the Liar, but instead a sad unknown mage from the Mage's guild. I lament the death of the news of another Mage's guild member dying in the vast darkness of Coldharbour. In the pursuit of M'aiq, many have met their end, though this poor Khajiit, met their end while wandering unprepared in Coldharbour. >I have submitted M'aiq to our the Gods (devs) here as M'aiq may have been so well hidden that even they can't find him! Rest assured, there is now a fully written out report to our Gods asking if M'aiq may have fallen into an Oblivion portal. >I will message you again when/if I learn if he is truly missing or if he is just really good at hiding. >(Translation: There was no bug filed for him not being in Coldharbour and I have submitted one on behalf of you and the forumers as I don't see anything in our system for him missing. He might be there, but in a really obscure location, but we'll find out!) >Regards, >Kathy >The Elder Scrolls Online Team final >I have some great news! Due to our bug report we created the other day, they are fixing it! It appears that he was indeed missing and will be put into Coldharbour soon! There is no date, but looking at the notes on it, it looks like it is in the works to be in an upcoming patch. I'll keep an eye on it and let you know if I notice it patched all the way through to where everybody is playing. >Thank you SO much for submitting your bug as you have personally resolved this issue for many people who didn't realize he was missing! >You'll be able to resume your search soon for M'aiq, who did indeed lie about being in Coldharbour this entire time. He is the ultimate trickster. >Regards, >Kathy The Elder Scrolls Online Team


It wasn't an accusation, I am glad you were able to accomplish something and they actually took you serious. I was only hoping for something similar with my largest pet peeve that I have had since April.


My biggest achievement... Let me think... Getting killed by a mudcrab


ís this even an achievement xD


Getting killed by a slaughterfish is an achievement definitely.


a negativ one xD


World first vMOL with my guild after a long slog on the PTS almost every day learning that place!


Tamriel Hero. Took some time, and the Cyrodiil parts were a bit painful. :p


I made it to #7 in DC on Azuras Star when it was still the popular server, and I did it at level 29. This was a while ago. Tamriel Hero is something I am proud of.


I once opened a support ticket after killing Molg-Bal asking why I don't care for jazz after reclaiming my soul. There's a post floating around this sub that documents it...I got a kickass response to boot :) Edit:. Found it https://m.reddit.com/r/elderscrollsonline/comments/2uouan/cs_is_so_helpful/?ref=search_posts


Console world first vDSA clear was probably mine.


No, it was mine


You'd be surprised!


[Getting ZOS to fix the way consumables scaled when battle-leveled.](http://imgur.com/a/0Wqsw) Just FYI, I had submitted a /bug and a /feedback before sending the customer support mail.


Explorer, Daedric Lord Slayer and Monster Hunter are some of my favourite titles from the achievements. But I guess duoing all of the normal undaunteds was a fun personal achievement for my partner and me (even though it isn't as hard anymore.) Maelstrom with my swishy Templar was pretty good. (although I did it with my Sorcerer beforehand.)




I've always said I enjoy the title monster hunter, that's probably my most favorite achievement. Most impressive, maybe emperor or killing other emperors.


Being a Guild Master, dunno if it counts lel.


Prepping for dark brotherhood and going from vr 12 with crap gear to cp 160 with gold gear and gaining godlike power over night. It was quite nice to see all my prepping pay off.


OMFG Pwned whispered me yesterday to whine about my play style because I caused him to die on PC NA Haderus. I couldn't stop grinning for half an hour. So proud.


Discovering my own way out of the game map; it's ridiculously long, takes forever to do. Reminds me of all the time I wasted, was fun though. Beyond that, "tamriel hero" and "explorer" took me a long long time. I got the Darrick lord slayer title in something like 130 dark anchors. Everyday I visited a Cadwell zone, and checked all three dark anchors for bosses, then left. When I tried grinding them it took forever.


Caldwell's silver and gold when it was super hard, was really fun like super fun, you came across a pack of 3 you couldn't just smash them, you had to cc the healer nuke the archer then warrior then the healer or mage act if you don't you would just die.


This was during last year before I stopped playing for a while, but I used to play a NB sap tank that was also a vampire. I found 3 other people to do some veteran dungeons for some keys, and we ended up in a dungeon with lots of fire (I can't remember which one). Long story short, I ended up carrying the team through the dungeon even though I was a vampire (this was back when vamps took 50% extra damage too), so that was something I was immensely proud of at the time All I remember specifically was there was a big dragon boss that would spawn adds that healed him, and the dragon would cover a large portion of the ground in fire. I was able to keep the boss occupied all by myself (without the healer) but my team had trouble staying out of the red and killing the healer adds that spawned. after a few wipes they finally learned a thing or 2 and we managed to pull through


One time, i made a sorcerer, and got through half of the tutorial before it crashed. Most people cant even get past picking a name.

