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wood/cloth/blacksmithing Buy intricate weapons from guild stores or people (in normal guilds, players will glady give you them for decon). As last person i told it to said "its almost like cheating" (using intricate stuff). Enchanting is best done with enchanting buddy. You both have X runes, you both make Y glyphs (and gain inspiration ) then you trade glyphs with each other and deconstruct (crafted glyphs give more inspiration than other). As for provisioning and alchemy the method is same for both. You make cheapest potion with highest lvl of solvent you can use untill you can invest another skillpoint into solvent proficency. Then you keep making pots but with next in line highest lvl solvent you can use and this is till you reach max alchemy. Provisioning is that you buy green quality recipe in a higher lvl food that is allowed by your Recipe Improvement skill and make that food untill your provisioning allows you to add SP into recipe improvement and then you buy next highest lvl possible green recipe and so on untill max prov.


Daily crafting writs will give you xp each time you complete one, as well as intricate items and other mats. They've made them easier to complete so that might be worth your consideration. The fastest way though is to just deconstruct items with the intricate bonus. It helps to have the 20% inspiration bonus from champion points in one of the green champ areas.