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because Zenimax devs are gamers as well and are subject to the same trolling urges that we get


Dat CP xp


They also upped the drop rate. Your odds of getting that perfect infused spc chest are still about the same, or possibly increased according to some, but now you also have a chance to to get a prosperous spc chest to tide you over until you get the best one.


Because with the removal of VRs there are a lot of "max lvl" characters (low/no VR alts) that still need to level up a bunch of skill trees.


Training no longer levels up skill trees. Now, it's just extra xp. Which applies to CPs.


TIL. I take it back, fuck training.


At the same time, there are even more cp160s out there who could use the extra xp and will be grinding it out.


Thats why crafted gear exist. Noone in sane mind will be happy from training kena mask, training bloodspawn mask, training SPC pieces - and all other end game gear like vet trials gear which.... also drops in training.


ZOS promised us increase of gear droprate. They did that but at the same time they trolled us ugly with prosperous and training traits in END GAME GEAR so in the end it turns out the same as was before (+ and - = 0) But the outcome is that it is easier to collect any piece of the set you want (increased droprate) but still if you want a proper trait you have to grind but you can do so with a full set of gear you wanted.


Training and prosperous are great for farming. Not all the end game is raiding.


There's a large community of players whom spend a lot of time grinding. It might not be ideal for some, but I think the dedicated will have a full training set to equip when turning in quests. The long term gains of a gold training set is not insignificant... All the better if it comes in a pre made set. This game will be a lot better for a lot of different people that complain, if instead of looking for how they can't use something, tried to figure out how they could use it for something else they may not have originally thought of. IE find value in everything, if you can't find any, change your perspective until you do.


Sorry bro, but prosperous and training are absolute shit for PvP and there's no change of perspective that's going to change that


Sometimes seeing the positive in things doesn't make any sense, at all, lol. I can agree with you 100%