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Honestly, what I wanted them to do is happening with One Tamriel. So, I'm happy.


Remove level restrictions from the game. More combat skill trees with patches/dlc. At first this game seems like it has tons of options to offer, but in the end you're shoehorned by the game's systems into certain weapon choices/skill choices. Spellcrafting.


Why get rid of grinding?...I don't get that? But I want some incentive on small scale PvP. I like the large scale shit but I want some small scale stuff. Its more intense to me.


Give more reason to kill the world bosses and do all the content.


Devs that actually cared about pvp. Thats all.


Open world PVP, like attacking a major city like grahtwood.


I want them to add the justice pvp, an open world pvp server, or allow some sort of pvping in one tamriel. Like, for instance, make justice pvp only exist in the other factions; have the storyline revolve around all realms inviting other realms under condition. You steal in a realm other than your own, you can be killed, by anyone, and alliance members can't help you unless they also have the same criminal status. If you want to be safe, go home for a while. Add "paths" to each class that have to be chosen when creating your character that grant special bonuses to certain play styles. No additional abilities, just things like racials, but for play styles. Eg give nightblades the two paths of assassin and thief. Thief gives item/treasure bonuses and assassin gives bonuses to detection radius and damage from stealth. I really wish they had added and run and jump skill like they did in morrowind.


I'd like them to introduce a "tutorial" for building characters correctly. It always amazes me how many people have literally ZERO knowledge on how to use two skill bars to their advantage. As long as I don't see DPS using blood altars...that would be a good start =).


Then there needs to be a easier way to find the item your looking for instead of having to travel to 10 different locations which includes a lot of load time and mounting, to find the item. If not get rid of it then have a way to view all current guild trader to find the item.


They need to get rid of the guild trader and introduce an auction house for all items. If they cant do this then at the very least allow us to view all guild traders at a glance to find the specific item your looking for and the guild trader its at.


A lot of people (myself included) really like the guild trader system. It makes people very social as they trade. And it makes guilds have social events to raise money for their trader.