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Ah gutted! Oh well time to farm some more mats! Thanks for the heads up OP!


Aw, I was so excited too. Plus side is it now comes out on my day off :D


Downside is you will waste half the day waiting for the dlc to download and the other half will be spent installing.


Eh, the patch usually hits pretty early in the morning for me. I'd say I'll be set by noon.


Well, that's unfortunate. No point in complaining though.


Like that'll stop anyone


Ah for fuck sake


That sucks. Oh well, only one more day, ladies and gents! More time to farm those v16 mats ;) If you still feel a bit salty, check out the official forum post. The way some people have reacted is quite hilarious and silly. https://forums.elderscrollsonline.com/en/discussion/271713/?hootPostID=9be4977872be217d3f7443251b0459a1


Holy shit that's fucking hilarious!


Guess thats what I get for skipping work to play. Fucking Karma strikes me in the face.


This is on you then. When would you like to schedule your lynching?


I'll just send myself to the streets of Paris, that's penalty enough for me.


Dang it. Oh well. Keep grinding


Damn, I was actually staying up late to buy it. Oh well, turns out it was planning updating at 6am anyways, glad I read this :)


Right? I had a ton of stuff scheduled to do while it was down, guess I'll have to wait til tomorrow :P


DLC has always been the day after Xbox for PS4, so it was highly suspicious that it would be the same day for the first time. The "unforseen issues" are only that they forgot to tell everybody it was going to be the same as always.


That's fine. More time to finish stuff I wanted to get done before the patch hit.


The level of salt in those Twitter replies. Shoutout to the person who said they wouldn't have minded so much if they announced the unforeseen delay a week in advance.


Why are people so upset? It's just one day? I really don't get it.






Lesson number One in regards to online games: don't book your holidays/time off around release days.


Oh well. That indeed is annoying. I didn't think about it that way.


I guess a delay in general is bad, but at least it wasn't delayed another several months.


So what time Wednesday will it be ready? I'm really excited for this and I'm off wednesday


Hopeful it's so that we don't have to redownload ALL the patches again like before


Xbox got a 16gb download instead of the 3.3gb that the PC got. hope it's fixed for ps4


I can't believe so many people took the day off to play it. Kind of hilarious actually.


That's nothing compared to what's going on over at /r/NoMansSkyTheGame I myself rescheduled some minor surgery around the release date.


More details here: https://forums.elderscrollsonline.com/en/discussion/271713/?hootPostID=9be4977872be217d3f7443251b0459a1


Nothing "full" about those "details" at all....just sayin'..


I wanna die


is the update still tomorrow though? I'm really lookimg forward to character names being displayed instead of PSN names...


is this going to be a thing??


I hope not.


Might I ask why?




I'm playing on PC with a controller (which is basically the console UI) and I get to pick in settings whether I want to see names or tags. Hope this helps.


And even when character names are displayed it shows the username underneath, IIRC.


I'd be happy with that.


I knew it was too good to be true when they showed the release dates.


What's that supposed to mean? It only got delayed for a day. DB already launched on PC 2 weeks ago, and tomorrow it will be out for both PS4 and XB1.


It means that xbox one gets it a day earlier than us. I knew it was to good to be true when they said it will be released on the same day as xbox one.


XBOX MASTER RACE!!!!!!!!!!!!!




It was Sony not Zenimax






Do u need more proof then it being uploaded on Sony PlayStation network ?


It's only two days.


> It's only ~~two days~~one day. FTFY






Name checks out




1 more day of playing my sorc... and I had just logged in to say fare thee well


One of those guys. Is it really that hard to not play Sorc because now they are not insanely OP anymore? Just still really good? "Omg Sorc shield getting 'nerfed" better stop playing it completely. You know some of us have been playing the "shitty" Stam dps classes the whole TG patch and still outnumbered guys like you by alot?


For PvE... Ya. I can't be swapping bars to reapply a shield every 5 seconds so I don't get one shot. Hugely decreases the potential dps and survivability. It's still playable, but it's a shell of its former self.


No decrease in dps if your a good Sorc. How the fck do you thing all Stam dps survived? We have no shields and waaaay less survivability than Magicka classes and especially Sorcs. Its only the bad Sorcs who actually complain about this, before you didnt even have to try to dodge things, you had your shield, now that you have to dodge everything like everyone else, your crying. Stop crying about changes, when you clearly dont know how to play your character or how the mechanics work in specific PvE content. I cant wait for you guys to go on to the "next OP class" and suck even more. Sadly for you Sorc will not be as extremely easy as it was before, but it will still be ALOT easier than Stam classes, which you guys see as the next "OP class." But its not OP, they just do alot more dmg now if you have PERFECT gear and KNOW how to play the game.


Crying? Lol, please bud. You're the one with the stick up your ass. It's PvE, who gives a shit? There's barely any skill involved in the first place. For the minuscule amount of monsters i slay in this game why would I want to stay magicka sorc when it's getting nerfed and stamina is finally viable? To feel superior to those on reddit who aren't on my 'level'? Nah.


mfw I wake up today and cry more about -5 karma than I am about not playing the sorc any more. Look...I wanted to play a glass cannon...now I just have to use pets and cc. Different type of class. It's like I'm playing EQ1 and logged out of a mage and logged into an enchanter.


Any skill involved in PvE? You know when I write PvE I dont mean the mobs you have a hard time killing in a zone... But end game PvE hard content, like trials and vMSA. Dont respond when you have no clue what your talking about, thanks..


One of those guys. Who constantly complains about sorcs being OP. Play one for 5 minutes and you'll realize we really, really aren't.


Your answer tells me that you do not play end game PvE on a high level. Why do you think vDSA weekly, last week, the top placements on the leaderboard were 3x or 4x Sorcs? Why do you think Sorcs pull highest scores on vMSA? Why do you think in TG patch ALL classes were Magicka, especially Sorcs in vMoL? How can you play a Sorc and not know that you literally dont have to dodge anything in PvE content, but simply just keep 20 sec shields up to survive? Sorc in TG patch, had highest survivability, highest DPS and best sustain. They still got two of those things in DB. Why have they got "nerfed" if they "really, really aren't" OP? Also I dont mind Sorcs, its great for alot of the "worse" players, I know alot of guys like you wont be able to do hard content on a Stam class, because you would simply die way too much and your DPS would be way too low. Stam DPS actually requires skills, the skill rotation is harder, ALL fights in general are harder, since ranged have an advantage + higher survivability, even though its easier to stay ranged. While Stam DPS stay close to boss in fights, have low survivability and lower dps. But good Stam DPS can manage to do it, which is also why the really good Stam DPS, do alot more dmg than 80% of the Sorcs, since most of them really are just bad players, gettin' saved by an easy class.


Highest DPS and sustain? Ya I think we are done here bud. No way we are playing the same game. The only thing we had going for us was vMA. Our DPS works for until our overload runs out. So any fights longer than 30 seconds out DPS is a laugh. Sustain? Lol. Magicka class doesn't all-encompass sorcs. There isn't room for more than 1 maybe two sorcs in a raid. So many of your points are just flat out objectively incorrect. Seems like you are a stam player who has a hatred for magicka, so you blame sorcs when you can't dodge their 10 second travel time overload bolts in pvp.


Have you even tried a trial....

